As well known, Obama is eager to support the Al-Qaeda rebels in Syria against the Assad Government. John McCain falsely claims these rebels are heroes and moderates when in fact these rebels resemble the Bolsheviks of 1917 if they terrorized Christians.
However, the real issue is whether involvement in Syria is a US matter. For one, Free Syrian Army rebels are Al-Qaeda. Second, the Islamist rebels are launching a genocidal campaign against the Christians. Finally, the plans for Syria after overthrowing Assad include the establishment of a totalitarian Islamic State much like Iran and Taliban Afghanistan.
this Axis of evil includes Obama's USA, Erdogan's Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Muslim brotherhood, and more. Don't forget most of these rebels hold anti-Western sentiment. Supporting them would be like Jews supporting Nazi Germany. Not to condone crimes committed by either side but the fact of the matter is Assad did not use chemical weapons while Al-Qaedan rebels did.
So many questions to be asked here as to why beautiful women such as the now McCain stooge Elizabeth O'Bagy is blessing the Al-Qaeda rebels. Don't people know that Islam was born from the sword of force? Many of the hate preaching Mullahs and Imans have lied to the Muslim World to retain power. Many Muslim Countries were once part of Roman Civilization. The Levant(Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Iraq, Jordan, Cyprus, and Sinai Egypt) and North Africa(Egypt & Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, and Western Sahara) and Caucasus region used to be Western Civilized. It was thanks to Islamic conquerers that they became Islamic.
If only people knew the dark history of Islam as a death cult beyond it's kneeling head towards floor prayers to the Moon God Allah and Arab culture. Before Islam, much of the Levant and North Africa was like Europe with Western Roman Civilization(France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Morocco, Tunisia, Britain, Austria-Hungary, Southern Germany) being Roman Catholic(exception of Britain after 16th century which became Angelican-Protestant) and Eastern Roman Civilization(Balkan States, Greece, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Iraq, Cyprus, Jordan, Caucasus, and Egypt-Sudan) being Eastern Orthodox. Angelicanism, Protestantism, Roman Catholicism, and Eastern Orthodoxy are Christian denominations. Parts of Northern Saudi Arabia used to be part of Roman Civilization.
To understand how Islam became the deadly virus it has been, you must understand it's origins. I'm not preaching hate but nothing but the cold hard truth and the truth is Islam was created by one intolerant and sinful being on the Arabian Peninsula. Mohammed's early life was filled with hardships as he became an orphan as a young child and after being with his grandfather, he stayed with his hard-working uncle and cruel aunt after Mohammed's grandfather died. Mohammed's hardships as a child contributed to his mysogeny and lust for money, power, and sex.
Jesus Christ was the only being born without sin, having been born of a virgin(St. Mary) and performing many miracles such as turning water into wine, walking on water, and healing a blind man. Mohammed never did any of the wonderful things Jesus accomplished. Mohammed lived his life as a robber, murder, thief, and sexual deviant while Jesus lived without sin. God is very clear that he has a son while Mohammed lived like any sinner. Mohammed even admitted he was a sinner. Islam was created by Mohammed in 610 when he claimed the angel Gabriel came to him in a cave(which was used to stash Mohammed's loot). When the Jewish and Christian tribes of Mecca and Medina refused to accept Mohammed's message, he waged war against the Meccans and Medinans with forced conversions to Islam. Mohammed even married and had sexual relations with a 6-9 year old girl named Aisha when he was between the ages of 45-52. Aisha was the daughter of Mohammed's disciple Abu Bakr(who became the first Caliph of Islam after Mohammed's death in 632).
Jesus never led armies but had one mission which is to preach a new beginning of love and forgiveness. As Jesus died on the cross in Judea, Palestine he forgave the thief on the cross simply because that thief acknowleged only Jesus could forgive sin. God chose to conceive a son of his own instead of calling on any prophet for the ultimate mission of forgiveness because any other prophet would be sinners. Jesus Christ warned of false prophets and Mohammed was one of them.
What is with many Muslims who accept Mohammed as a perfect example even though he was a mere sinner who died in 632 without Christ. This would make Mohammed the Anti-Christ of his time. An Anti-Christ who would help gradually destroy traces of a tolerant civilization where Christians and Jews lived without sectarian conflicts. Martin Luther, the father of Germanic seperatism(Lutheranism) would call Mohammed "First born son of Satan." Luther was right. Mohammed was full of demonic sin, violating nearly ever commandment laid down by God, including idolatry(Moon God Allah), Murder(against non-believers), Theft(against non-believers), Adulery and Sexual Demons(Polygamy and Child Bride Aisha), and even lying to non-believers to promote Islam as a religion of peace when in fact history and actions of Islamic Fundamentalists tell otherwise. Well after Mohammed's death, his legacy of forced conversions and sectarian hatred and violence against non-believers expanded well beyond the Arabian Peninsula into the Zorostarian Persia, Eastern Orthodox Levant and Balkan Peninsula, and even as far as the Iberian Peninsula.
The Islamic Caliphates were counter-attacked by the Crusades of the 11th-13th century and Spanish Inquisition of the 16th century. What the Crusaders did was attempt to restore Western Civilization to it's former Roman glory which was somewhat successful but somewhat a failure. The Spanish Inquisition however was more successful but harsh as it was more of giving birth to Spanish nationalism under Queen Isabella of Catille and King Ferdinand. Though the Inquisition went too far such as forced conversions, it did establish Roman Catholicism as the national religion of many Roman European countries. What history should have been was having the Levant, North Africa, Balkan Peninsula, Caucasus, Arabia, and Persia being liberated from Islamic rule. However, Arabia and persia were not considered part of Roman Civilization. The Crusades and Spanish Inquisition serve as prime examples of history where Islam met strong resistance. Had Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand not pursuded the nationalist Inquisition, Spain and many other Roman Western Countries wouldn't be Western Civilized.
Western Civilizations in the Old World other than Roman include the Germanic, Celtic, Anglo, Nordic, and Slavic Civilizations. Germanic Civilizations include Germany, Austria, Netherlands, South Africa, Great Britain, Sweden, Iceland, Norway, Finland, Flanders, and Poland.
What should be done about Syria? Better yet, what if the Middle East was westernized and the ignorant savages were kept under the control of Western powers and the Muslim Brotherhood destroyed? If it weren't for Islam, Egypt would be a Coptic Orthodox state like the Papal States but have a Pharoah as head of state monarch, Coptic Pope as Head of the upper house of bishops, and a Prime Minister of the lower house which would follow the line of parliamentary democracy plus having some Anglo roots. Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco would be Roman Catholic republics with Libya being mostly Italian, Tunisia and Algeria being mostly French, and Morocco being a blend of Spanish and French roots. Lebanon and Syria have their own versions of Christianity being the Meronite and Melkonite Catholic sects but also share Greek Orthodox roots. Turkey is supposed to be a secular and nationalist republic but before the fall of Constantinople in 1453, turkey was mostly Greek Orthodox so Turkey should have their own Orthodox church dubbed Turkish Orthodox.
If it weren't for Islam, most of the Arab and Levant world would have the same standards of living as Western Europe and North America. Reality is the only Muslim country in the World to be a 1st world country is Turkey, due to rejecting jihad and sharia and endorsing modernization and Western ideals.
I know this blog post isn't talking directly much about Syria but the fact of the matter is Islam is most certainly NOT a religion of peace but I don't say that about all Muslims. I'm saying here is that Islam is a cult that centers around one sinner, Mohammed. Most people are Muslims because they fear violent retaliation if they reject and/or leave Islam, plus many Muslim's ancestors from the 7th century were forced to convert to Islam or face dire consequences at the hand of a bloody sword. Also keep in mind I don't harbor resentment against Muslims who oppose the totalitarian tyranny of Sharia law and jihad. I do however show resentment towards the cult of death known as Islam and it's many hypocrisies, lies, and arrogance that are supported by history dating back from as far as Mohammed's childhood and rise as so called "prophet".
What also makes Islam a Pagan religion is one, part of Islam includes worship of the moon god Allah, which has been worshiped since ancient civilization, two, it offers very little to no forgiveness for humanity with goals for World domination and subjugation of all other faiths and cultures, and three, was the brainchild of one sinner's imagination and bias, Mohammed.
What I think Islam is, is a merger of the Pagan Moon God worship(Allah) of Arabian culture and the cult of Mohammed. Most Islamic values are centered around Mohammed's life, making it mostly a cult similar to Jim Jones' Peoples Temple and Warren Jeffs' FLDS. All men are/were sinners and many Imans and Mullahs know Mohammed was a sinner and while they acknowledge Mohammed did the sins he did, they blindly follow his "perfect" example so as to not offend Mohammed's image. The people who wrote the Holy Bible scriptures over the thousands of years were sinners(except Jesus Christ). Jesus never asked for money or pity since his mission on Earth was to bring forgiveness to sinners.
Islam is mostly Arabian culture as you can tell the difference between Arabian and Roman cultures. Islamists celebrate the 1453 Fall of Constantinople and prey for a Caliph of Islam to destroy the West just as their ancestors did centuries before. If North Africa and the Levant are supposed to be Arab states, what about Portugal, Spain, Greece, Southern Italy, Cyprus, Armenia, and the Balkan states for example? I could imagine had Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand not have heroically re-Westernized Spain what Spain would be like. People speaking Arabic instead of Portuguese, Spanish, Greek, Italian, and other Balkan languages. Turkey has it's own language and culture separate from that of Arabia.
Let's face it, the Syrian rebels just like other Islamists do harm to other religions and cultures to not only dominate them but remove traces of Christian culture for example to further cement Arab-Islamic rule. You see terrorist groups such as Al-Qaeda, Hezbollah, and Hamas call for the extermination of the Jews so the Islamists could further cement their rule outside of Arabia and rule the World.
Conclusion on what Islam is. It's mostly an Arabian belief concocted by Mohammed to state that Arabs are the supreme rulers of the World and so called "Allah" has commanded the Muslims-Arabians conquer the World for Allah. That's the same mentality Adolf Hitler brought when he came to power and eventually invaded and conquered much of Europe. The Nazis and Islamists share the same goals of World Domination and Antisemitism. The Crusades on the other hand related more to the Western Allies of World War II rather than invaders since they were reclaiming Arab conquered lands. The Arab Muslims wanted to conquer the known World while the Crusaders wanted to reclaim their Christian Holy Lands in Europe, North Africa, and the Levant.
Reality is that the Arab World should only consist of the Arabian Peninsula based on both the political and geographical definitions while that West of it consists of Roman Civilization and East of it consists of Persia.
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- Myfreedom
- United States
- I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.
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