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I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Russian Intervention in Crimea? It's Been Much Worse for others!

The Zionist Elites in the US and EU are disgruntled over Putin's influence over the organically Russian region of Crimea, currently occupied by Ukraine. The Zionists are upset cause Vladimir Putin is righting the wrong that was done to Crimea by the USSR when it transferred it over to the Ukrainian SSR. Now the US-EU ZOG want's to strike Russia with sanctions, even though such actions would have negative impact on the economies of the West.

Russian troops marching into Crimea is nothing compared to the numerous atrocities committed by other historical and current regimes.

The Muslim Conquests swallowed beyond the Arabian peninsula into the Roman World where the Levant, Anatolia, Balkans, North Africa, and even Hispania and Sicily became occupied by Arab forces from the 7th century until the 19th century. Should the Levant & North Africa be considered Arab? I have nothing against Arabs but this invasion would be considered illegal and sinful under both international and natural law. Some damage was undone with notable events such as Reconquest of Hispania of the 15th century by Catholic monarchies. Plus, the Fall of Constantinople of 1453 would be considered under international law as an illegal assault on national sovereignty, making Turkish presence outside of 13th century borders of Seljuk Sultanates of Rum illegal. This means that some of so called "Turkish territory" such as Constantinople and Smyrna are truly part of Greece under natural law. I will say however that Egypt and the Levant are both truly and naturally of Greek and Arab societies. There was a Roman Province called Arabia Petraea which is today part of the Levant, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia. There was a Roman Emperor from Arabia Petraea called Philip the Arab who ruled Rome from 244 to 249 AD.

As for indigenous persons of the Americas, Oceania, Africa, and Greater India you may find the last paragraph hypocritical but the Levant, Europe, and North Africa have already been settled by the Roman Times while the New World plus Africa were unsettled frontiers until the late 19th century to early 20th century. Some colonies that were once part of their true organic empires were stolen by other empires. examples include the British expulsion of French Acadians, British annexation of the Afrikaner Kaapland, Spanish occupation of Louisiana and French handover of Louisiana to the United States, annexation of a free and independent Texas, the annexation of Oregon Country by the USA from the British, the Union victory over the Confederate States of America, Union army slaughter of Native Americans, Alaska annexation by US from Russia, the overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii and subsequent annexation by the US, the Spanish-American Wars, occupation of Hispaniola from 1916 to 1924, and so much more! In fact the United States of America has been the worst offender in the Western World

Germany following it's defeat from World War I was unfairly punished with reparations and loss of colonies as well as it's forfeiture of contiguous land despite the fact that there was no legitimate reason for World War I to occur as Zionist NWO bankers financed both sides of the war. The French and British eventually obtained the German colonies by force. with Adolf Hitler's rise to power and defeat of World War II, Germany was punished even further with innocent Germans being displaced and harmed by Allied misconduct, especially from the Red Soviet Army. The Soviet Union annexed East Prussia and Russianized it while Poland's borders were shifted further West. Plus, the German Confederation system worked better than Otto von Bismarck's unified one-nation Germany. Germany is actually several different nations with some being Lutheran and others being Roman Catholic. Prussia was the most powerful of the German nations and was Lutheran along with Oldenburg, Mecklenberg, Hanover, and Hesse while Baden, Wurttemburg, and Bavaria being Roman Catholic.

Italy is another example as the Italian nations were forced through violence to join a unitary state with the House of Savoy(King of Sardinia) as the only monarchy in Italy. The Papal States of Latium were forced into this illegal state against their will and stripped of territory with only a small manor sized territory delegated back to the Vatican in 1929. Italy was rightfully the sovereign of Libya, Somalia(not counting British and French Somalilands), and the once Turkish occupied Albania but sinfully invaded the Christian Ethiopian Empire both in 1895-96 and 1936-41. There are several Italian states that were illegally forced to dissolve such as the Most Serene Republic of Venice which had a proud and independent culture until 1797 when Napoleon forced Venice into annexation with a Napoleonic satellite state. Others include Naples, Sicily, Modena, Tuscany, Milan, and of course Sardinia. Tyrol also relates more to Austria than other Italian states and Austria is a federal republic. San Marino was spared from forced annexation by the Judeo-Masonic Italian conquerors.

While the British Empire is considered the greatest empire in history for having improvements in quality of life and high standards of living occur within the empire, it should not be free of any criticism. The British Empire should be credited with bringing the Pagan Third World into the Christian First World but it has some events in history that compromise it's overall proud history. Examples of British tyranny include expulsion of French Arcadia, military regime installed in Massachusetts, subjugation of Dutch descending Boers, occupation of German colonies, occupation of Cyprus, and even the betrayal of the First World government in Rhodesia in favor of a Jewish Second World influenced Pagan Third World Zimbabwe led by "Negro Stalinist" Robert Mugabe. The British have also participated alongside the United States in the invasion and rape of Iraq.

Israel is truly the most evil of any state in existence to date as it is a satanic Jewish state. Israel under Jewish rule paints a portrait of how Jewish Freemasons are able to survive being held accountable and avoid falling down to rightful(or illicit) owners. In fact, Hitler and Mussolini were Freemasons who betrayed and hijacked Nazism and Fascism in attempt to not only smear the reputation of true nationalists but also raise morale for Talmudic and Kabbalist Masonic Zionist Jews in creating a Jewish state in Palestine, the land Jesus Christ lived in nearly his whole life. I understand that there are Islamic Extremists but they corrupt the true buried version of Islam. Islam is truly another sect of Christianity much like Orthodoxy, Catholicism, and Protestantism. Mohammed originally started out being tolerant and Christ-like but it turns out Mohammed was a sinner and his words cannot overrule Jesus Christ. I feel that ancient Zionists sabotaged the Islamic Movement of the early 7th century to make it as evil and barbaric as Talmudic Judaism. The Ahmadiyya Movement founded in the 19th century is closer to true organic Islam as a religion of peace in following the divine Jesus Christ than the Zionist contaminated cults of Al-Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, and other Muslim Brotherhood groups. Jewish terrorist organizations have existed as well such as Lehi, which was first supported by Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy during World War II but then supported by the Soviet Union. The Jewish Soviet State of Israel not only committed atrocities against Palestinians and non-Jews but also committed the unspeakable act of deicide, just like the Jewish elders that deceived Pontius Pilate into crucifying Jesus Christ during the Passover of 33 A.D. The Jewish Regime in Israel cannot survive without U.S. foreign aid. Besides, most Jews of the illegal State of Israel originate from the ancient Kingdom of Khazaria(which is today Southern Russia(Europe)) which existed as the first Jewish State. Only a few indigenous Jews such as Mizrahi Jews should truly be morally considered of Palestinian nationality. True Judaism does not have a nationality but is more Nomadic-like and Jews have historically have lived in different lands. Force Israel to abide by the 1947 U.N. Partition Plan and keep an eye on it!

The United States of America under the 1787 Constitution was pushed by the Masonic Federalists who wanted the federal government to have vast powers at the expense of the states and people. Though the US Constitution clearly limits the federal government, activist judges and tyrannical law enforcement have changed the meaning of the document's clear words, going as far as to have 4,000 federal criminal laws, the military preventing states from seceding, hundreds of military bases worldwide, infringement of civil liberties, executive tyranny, special interests(including Zionist Illuminati bankers) pushed legislation, and subjugating states with activist judges and police force. Numerous states(even right-wing christian ones) have been forced to recognize homosexual marriages even though the courts can't force policy on governments.

I realize Russian military presence in Crimea is scary to people but Crimea should have never been part of Ukraine in the first place. In fact, Crimea looks and feels a lot like Greece and Turkey. Crimea has been part of Roman, Byzantine, Khazar, and Russian culture. Something tells me Crimea is naturally diverse as the Levant.

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