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I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

How I Grew Up and Learned About Where Foreign Occupations Really Come From

I've been doing some reading of blogs from TotalFascism and Daily Stormer and I know what many people will assume, that it like Nazism and Communism are associate with tyranny but the fact of the matter is that Communism is one of the real tyrannies. Every country has the right to preserve their cultural heritage and safeguard it from foreign threats.

I would probably say I can't believe I grew up believing that Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, and other fascist-nationalist leaders were evil for being anti-Semitic but now I can't really view them as anything but admirable heroes. I mean compare them to Vladimir Lenin, Josef Stalin, and Mao Zedong and you will see that Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, Francoist Spain, and Estado Novo(Portugal) were much more pleasant places to work, live and visit than the USSR. I want to quote 1930's leader of the Romanian Iron Guard

  • "Fascism means first of all defending your nation against the dangers that threaten it. It means the destruction of these dangers and the opening of a free way to life and glory for your nation." --Corneliu Codreanu
I have also heard about David Duke who is an amazing person and Southern Gentleman. Duke speaks like an adult and doesn't speak like a deranged maniac unlike Alex Jones and other depressed manics in the so called "Truth Movement". Oh god I can't believe I used to believe the crap that Alex Jones was telling his followers. I never really read much into David Icke but his ridiculous claim of "Lizard people" ruling the World sounds like an H.G. Wells Science Fiction story rather than fact.

But what do Alex Jones, David Icke, Henry Makow, Mark Dice, and even David J. Stewart refuse to truly address that Andrew Anglin, David Duke, and the late Dr. William Pierce address? JEWRY! Yes, forgive me as I am condemning the Jewish race as the most foreign and parasitic race to exist. In countries that Jews have called "home" most of them have refused to assimilate. I would congratulate any race that has assimilated into their home societies and has accepted the dominance of their host's culture. I want to clearly say that I have nothing against the Jews personally as I believe Jews like all races have the right to their own nation-state. I do oppose however multiculturalism and globalism which cause suffering and degeneracy in society.

I like many people were led to believe that Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy were totalitarian hell holes similar to the Soviet union under Stalin. This was never really the case as Hitler actually freed the German people from foreign domination in every aspect of German society such as media, economics, and foreign policy. As for the invasions of neighboring countries, Poland, UK, France, and Scandinavia had it coming as Poland's refusal to return land stolen from Germany after WWI was the real reason for the German invasion of Poland. The Soviet Union invaded Finland around the same time yet the United Kingdom refused to condemn the USSR on that evil.

As for Nazi Germany invading neighboring countries, many of the countries Nazi Germany invaded were not only occupied by foreign Jewish interests but also posed a threat to not only Nationalist governments but also to the cultural heritage of Europe, which is supposed to be ruled by the White Gentiles. As for the issue of gun control, the 1938 Nazi Gun Laws actually scaled back gun control restrictions while banning non-Germans and communists from owning firearms. Jews were already considered foreigners in Nazi Germany. As for the German annexation of Austria and Sudetenland, those were voluntary. The issue of Czechoslovakia's national defense could have been solved by gradually pulling Czechoslovak troops out of Sudetenland and re-establishing defenses on Czech speaking land.

Where else have I seen beside Finland that the Soviet Union has violated people's right of self-determination? In 1940, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia ceased to be sovereign nations and were forcibly annexed for the next half-century by the USSR due to the force of the Red Army. Nazi Germany was actually a liberator to the Baltic peoples since the USSR was the true violator of self-determination.

The issue of the Holocaust comes up to make the Nazis look evil but the fact of the matter is that the Red Cross found no evidence of Nazi wrongdoing when it came to prisoner welfare. People have been fined or jailed for trying to convey the truth due to hurting the feelings of such foreigners. You could be living in a communist country and not even know it! The Soviet Union was ruled by Atheist Jews who enslaved masses of Christians and ethnic Slavs. Israel manipulates the U.S. Government into fighting it's wars.

The State of Israel was created to give the Jewish people their own nation. The best plan for such as state in Palestine would be the 1947 UN Partition plan in which Palestinians would get Arab suitable lands and the Jews get Jewish suitable lands. Tel Aviv is the most well known Jewish city in the World and should be adopted as Israel's capital. The UN Partition plan represented and still represents the best plan for creating a Jewish state while being mindful of Palestinians as Holy Gentile Cities of Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Nazareth, Acre, and Gaza were considered off limits to the Jews as Jews have forfeited being the main population of these lands since the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ in 33 A.D. by the Jews. I realize the Jewish people haven't had a homeland of their own but they just want to take it all the way to Greater Israel(between Nile and Euphrates Rivers) and violate the sovereignty and god-given right of self-determination for other persons affected. The 1948 War de facto decided what Israel's borders are. The mid 1990's Oslo Accords should have condemned Israel for it's war crimes and established it's borders according to the 1947 U.N. Partition Plan.

In fact, I've learned that the White Race is truly the most superior race there is as it was whites who made most of the innovations in the World. If it wasn't for white European colonization, mud-raced indigenous people would still be running around half-naked and living like wild animals with no souls. In fact it was White Christian missionaries who spread the world of Jesus Christ to the wild peoples of Africa, Asia, Americas, and Oceania. While some indigenous societies have been more productive than others, it is the White European Christian race that history proves to be the most superior! Cultural Marxists will tell you race is a lie and that there is no difference in the value of a White Aryan Gentile and an ape like Negro from the heart of Africa. If this were true then why is it that White dominated societies are more prosperous than mud-race dominated societies? What if Latin American societies refrained from mixing of races? If that became a reality Mexico would be like a White first world nation.

Do I condone the mistreatment of non-Whites? Of course not since doing so would be worse than cruelty to animals. 

The greatness of a society and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. ~Mahatma Gandhi.

Do I consider non-Whites animals? No. I do however believe that the White Gentile race must come first and for nations to retain the right to keep their dominant races. Liberia for example was founded for the purpose of giving freed African-Americans their own homeland, similar to that of Israel as a Jewish homeland. European countries were meant to be governed by their respective White races with the United Kingdom belonging to the Nordic race and Russia belonging to the Slavic race.

It's disgusting that the mud-races, Jews, and parasites want the White race to be made to feel guilty of their proud heritage. The reason the Jews and Arabs were expelled from Spain in 1492 was not because the Catholics personally hated Jews and Arabs but because the Spanish wanted to preserve their cultural heritage and people from 2nd and 3rd World parasitism. God Bless Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand for their devotion to the Spanish people and the mercy shown towards racial Jews and Arabs to assimilate into Spanish society or get the hell out! That's what nationalists need to follow.

To all my white brothers and sisters who are being oppressed by the mud-races, Jews, and parasites it's time to rise up and be proud of being White and demand that your white country remain white or return to white rule! The most oppressed white peoples in the World reside in South Africa and Rhodesia! It's time for the White man to reclaim their homeland and fight for their oppressed white christian brothers in countries that were founded by and meant to be ruled by White people!

Does this mean I hate Blacks, Asians, and mixed race people? No. In fact, I believe that in countries that were intended to be ruled by them they do have the god given right to self-determination. As for countries that were intended to be more tolerant of non-Whites but not as permissive enough to allow them to rule over whites I agree with the notion of Separate but Equal.

I will talk about more on the issue of racial separatism in future blogs. 

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