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I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Saturday, April 19, 2014

Passover/Easter Message

With Passover and Easter here, I must discuss a very important distinction between the Jews of the Old Testament and the Jews of today. I've been hearing of the situation in Ukraine and I believe that the Russian peoples of Ukraine are about to be liberated by the Russian forces from the Zionist Occupied government. In February 2014, a democratically elected government was overthrown and replaced by Jewish oligarchs who not only oppress Russians but also Ukrainians as well. The purpose of the new Ukrainian government is to serve the global Talmudic Jewish elites and bring about a New World Order where White Christians are a minority and Jews rule the world. Ukraine however is plunging into lawlessness with fist fights in parliament to clashes in the street and while Russia appears to be winning God's War, there is still a long fight to be had.

But first, let me tell you about Passover and Easter. Passover is the Jewish celebration of death passing over them when the Egyptians suffered the 10 plagues in an effort to free the Israelites. Easter celebrates Jesus Christ's love of humanity and his death on the cross for humanity's sins. While Passover was once a victory for God's people has now become a celebration of the death of Jewish enemies. What Jews refuse to acknowledge is that White Gentiles are God's people and have been since 70 AD. It was White Europeans that improved the quality of life in not only Europe but all other continents as well. If not for the White European races, Negros and other mud-raced people would be living between the lines of wild animals and feral people. If you see the un-contacted tribes that still exist in this World, they are clearly unfit to be considered "fully human" by white European standards. This doesn't mean non-Whites should be treated badly as cruelty to animals is a sick and despicable depravity that humanity must fight.
As you can see, Nazi Germany wasn't such as bad place as many people were made to believe after all. Cruelty to animals was not tolerated in Nazi Germany while many Western Jewmocracies are condoning ritualistic slaughter. Plus, slavery was actually tolerated and practiced by Jews. The Talmud teaches that Gentiles are not human and can be mistreated or even barbarically killed by Jews with impunity.

The fact of the matter is that White Europeans have been proven superior to Mud-Raced Peoples and Jews through history and science since without White Europeans, Negroes would still act along the lines closer to primates than White people. I do acknowledge great achievements done by some blacks who have come to terms with their status and became civilized like Whites such as Frederick Douglas, who went on to become a New England abolitionist.

Today, a war is going on not between countries or even ideologies but between races fighting for self-preservation. People in Eastern Ukraine are fighting for their right not to be ruled by foreigners and have taken upon themselves to seize government buildings and arm themselves to the teeth. Believe it or not but many countries are occupied by the same foreign elite that Ukraine is being ruled by such as most of Europe and some White established countries have been taken over by savages such as Rhodesia and South Africa.

April 25 will mark the 40th anniversary that a brave and heroic force of god was overthrown by a Judeo-Masonic forced called "democracy". I don't support every country being one party fascist stats but Portugal, Spain, Italy, and Greece aren't really the kind of countries that should accept Anglo-Nordic style democracy and even the latter's democracy is inferior to Switzerland's democracy which is direct and free of corruption. Now with third world immigrants, democracy for these countries, even Anglo-Nordic ones will deny true control over government for White people. South Africa's mobocracy has made White people second class citizens despite being god's chosen people.

The point I'm trying to make here is that democracy has nothing to do with freedom but more with majoritarian tyranny and Jewish controlled and funded politics; the right to alter or abolish government most of the time can only be fought by taking up arms(much like Lexington and Concord) against tyrannical government. What has happened in Donetsk, East Ukraine should happen everywhere in Europe, emulating the 1848 revolutions.

To my fellow White Brothers, it's time for a White Spring that takes back governments from Zionist Occupational Governments just like the Arab Spring yielded political change in the Middle East. Every country has a right to be ruled by the race and/or culture it was founded on whether it offends people or not. People have a right to use armed militant action when the enemy declares war on them. Germany was threatened 6.5 years before World War II by the Jewry who were upset that Hitler was going to make Germany for Germans only and as tensions ran high and Jewry was caving into paralyzing Germany, the latter had no choice but to invade Poland, to reclaim the land that was lost by Germany to the Jewish dominated Poland.

Now I say to White Europeans, will you ask nicely which yields no results or will you take up guns like Russian Ukrainians and fight for your homeland and self-preservation? Most independence movements have been won with superior firepower and seizing government buildings is considered a victory for the people as the government now has heavy competition to it's monopoly on force. but it will not be easy as great militant leaders will need to lead the people to seize weaponry from government armories and claim their governments for themselves.

And about the eleventh hour, he went out, and found others standing idle, and saith onto them, Why stand ye here all the day idle?

Are you White people going to allow yourself to be a minority or will you fight for the land your ancestor race created? Don't surrender to the Cultural Marxist ideology of equality, tolerance, and racial justice. This war for humanity won't be won without pride in the White race and the will to fight, even when a majority will not. All we need is to spark a revolution that will put the Jewish oligarchs and their non-White armies on edge just like the brave White Russians in Donetsk did just recently.

Just for the record, I'm not calling for violence against non-Whites as the White revolution is not going to be won by killing non-Whites but by overthrowing the criminal governments they occupy and humanely expelling them to more suitable lands such as non-assimilated Jews to Israel.

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