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I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Great Men who made Poor Judgements

It was on Palm Sunday, April 13, 2014 that White Nationalist hero Frazier Glenn Miller Jr. went to a Jewish Center in Overland Park, Kansas and killed 3 people. These people were not the Jewish parasites that Miller falsely believed them to be but at least two of them were devout Christians who loved their southern country and would never deliberately betray them.

This brings me back to the 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing which was responsible for killing far more innocent people than government scum. Timothy McVeigh was a great man and patriot who truly kept his oath to the U.S. Constitution but made a terrible decision to blow up a government building full of innocent people instead of organizing a military movement to execute a military coup against the Jewish controlled DC regime and make America a constitutional republic once again, undoing the damage the traitors to America have done for over 130 years.

Another bad judgement call was when White Supremacist Benjamin N. Smith went on a random shooting spree targeting minorities in which two of the victims killed were an Asian and one an African-American. I commend Benjamin Smith as a man of honor and character for fighting for what he believes in, even if he had to die as a martyr. Smith believed like I do that it is inconceivable for people to live in a World where Blacks have power over Whites and Jews rule everybody and that it's a sickness that must be eradicated. Smith also stated that if the word about the genocide against Whites could not be given out peacefully than terroristic measures would be necessary. Unfortunately, Smith made a poor choice in randomly targeting minorities instead of targeting the real parasites at the ADL and SPLC as well as organizations that promote cultural marxism and demographic displacement against White people. I believe that while mixing of races should be discouraged, the African-American community should be allowed to exist but as a separate, segregated community. I don't have anything against Asians but I don't feel that Asians residing in the Americas other than the Pacific Northwest as Asians have been proven to be as close to Whites as being highly intelligent and productive. Korea needs people like Won-Joon Yoon(killed in 1999) to bring and expand Methodist Christianity to Korea and Japan. The reason Japan has low crime and high prosperity is because it is nationalist and homogeneous and people around the World enjoy Japanese made electronic which have been made for local markets.

Another case is Buford O. Furrows Jr. who in 1999 open fired on a Jewish community center in Los Angeles, California  injuring 5 people and killing a Negro mail-carrier. California like other territory illicitly seized through terror by U.S. imperialism via Mexican cession of 1848 truly belongs to Mexico. When Americans think of Mexico they think of the mud-races due to the horrific mistake of mixing races and failing to preserve white Spanish heritage via segregation like the American South. The American Southwest is truly part of Mexico and while Mexico has it's problems, I believe a Falange regime like Francoist Spain can help make Mexico a more European style First World countries while Amerindians and dark skinned people should have a nation dedicated to them, carved out from the Meso parts of Mexico. As for Furrows Jr. he made a retarded decision to shoot people who were no threat to White Christian civilization even though Jewish culture is incompatible with Mexican culture. I in no way support the senseless killing of people who do not pose an immediate threat to Southwestern society. I do however believe that Mexico being successor of New Spain should have a South Africa style Apartheid system to make Mexico more White yet be Hispanic at the same time.

What makes the Jewish shooting center 2014 case troubling is Frazier Glenn Miller Jr. was suffering from alcoholism and family troubles. I admire this man as a crusader for the White people and a man who is unafraid of political correctness and would fight to keep his homeland white. What drove Miller to commit murder against white christians? Where's the shame? Satan is very pleased with this horrific crime.

I want to talk in my next blog about some very brave, honorable, and noble men who truly targeted the parasites and should be revered as liberators of the White Christian people.

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