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I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Monday, April 21, 2014

Right of Revolution and why 2014-15 must be that year.

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy

The recent siege of government buildings by Pro-Russian separatists in East Ukraine should serve to inspire others to revolt with arms against their occupied governments. The Ukrainian government is occupied by Zio-Jews who have turned against Ukraine and the so called Maiden Revolution was funded by the internationalist Jews to eliminate opposing governments. Most European governments not only restrict firearm access but also serve Jewry rather than White Europeans. I can name Iceland, Norway, Czech Republic, Russia, and Switzerland as countries most likely to have support for separatism.

What pro-Russian Ukrainians in Donetsk are doing is not asking nicely but taking up arms and seizing government buildings while causing as little harm as possible to innocent people. It's the Ukrainian government that is the provocateur and while I would like to learn more of how these brave and heroic freedom fighters in Donetsk were able to obtain military equipment such as firearms, ammunition, armor, and more but I applaud them for doing what most people have never thought of doing. Demanding independence and the seizure of government buildings and pro-Russian Ukrainians being armed to the teeth is what gives people independence. Referendums are just publicity stunts that come from compromise and take longer than armed revolt.

It was recently voted upon in Venice to secede from Italy but the Italian Judeo-democratic regime is using military force to suppress North Italian separatists. What will really get the World's attention is if separatists in North Italy steal guns from government armories and seize government buildings and in the most extreme cases hold anti-freedom government agents hostage. Another way to obtain the instruments of resistance is to request foreign governments give resistance armies firearms and ammunition. Russia has already reclaimed Crimea and might support the Donetsk People's Republic as Russians have been able to freely from Russia traffic arms to freedom fighters in Donetsk though the Jew dominated Ukrainian regime is relentless in their pursuits to dominate and oppress Russian people.

What I admire about people fighting for the Donetsk People's Republic is that they're soldiers and act like ones too, taking crap from nobody! They won't bow before the Zionist elites who seek to dominate the World through a New World Order. That's what yields results as just days ago people in Donetsk were being oppressed by the unopposed zionist occupied government of Ukraine and now people in Donetsk have hope and faith to look forward to as government buildings have been seized and the opposition is armed and dangerous, striking terror into the pathetic Ukrainian parasites.

What hasn't yielded results is asking nicely and using democratic means. Democracy is a farce which only serves those who want to evade responsibility for their actions by exploiting the system. The democratic system is exploited in nearly every democracy as voting machines are rigged, anti-establishment candidates are shunned and denied ballot access, and it becomes so expensive to run a campaign that candidates are put at the mercy of the very wealthy Jews such as Sheldon Adelson and George Soros. Democratic reform also won't come by asking nicely as parasitic voters such as mud-raced voters, Jews, and parasites will vote in favor of the foreign parasitic occupiers. Indoctrination has also polluted minds so democracy is also a weapon used against us.

How did most countries gain independence? How did the United States, Greece, Mexico, and Ireland gain independence? Did you think they asked nicely? Had they've asked nicely they would have either gained independence later or have never gained independence at all. If you condemn the Donetsk freedom fighters you also condemn the Irish freedom fighters of 1916-22. But the will to fight alone is insufficient as you must have high end weaponry such as missiles and tanks as well as anti-aircraft and anti-tank weaponry.

I also want to point out a story called the Turner Diaries which has been controversial for being so called "Incitement of Hatred" when in fact it is more like a blueprint for overthrowing oppressive governments and liberating people from tyranny. I don't support the more radical elements of Turner Diaries such as the extermination of non-Aryans but I do support evicting foreign occupiers(such as Jews) from government and installing a temporary military dictatorship until free and fair elections can be properly held. I also want to protect the environment as well since nuclear warfare is a threat to natural beauty. I'm not suggesting anyone violently overthrow the government since it's harder than it sounds.

Anyway, the only way people are to liberate themselves is not by putting themselves at the mercy of those who have vested interest in enslaving God's people through publicity stunt oriented democracy but through armed resistance like that occurring in Donetsk. I applaud the brave and courageous freedom fighters who have refused to surrender seized government buildings and have refused to turn in their weapons to the accursed Jews that control the Ukrainian government and it's likely that the Donetsk freedom fighters will choose martyrdom over surrender.

If numerous independence movements did the same things these freedom fighters were doing, they would have had freedom by now. The key to winning independence is not democratic elections but to send the message that the occupying government isn't welcome in this area and that's exactly what Donetsk freedom fighters are doing. Anti-Communist Hungarians in 1956 did the same thing and though they failed it provided tremendous impact to the issue of consent of the governed. the success of elections depends on who counts the votes and what the laws will allow to result in. Plus, money has been a major issue as most wealth is in the hands of greedy and selfish Jewish robber barons.

As the Donetsk People's Republic is sending the message that the Ukrainian government is not welcome, nationalist movements need to follow the same footstep as these freedom fighters and in some cases expel non-Whites from government and politics.

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