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I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Wednesday, May 7, 2014

How the Spanish Civil War can teach Nationalists to achieve victory

File:Bundesarchiv Bild 183-E20569-21, Spanien, Ausbildung durch "Legion Condor".jpg
The above photo is the Condor Legion

I want to quote Thomas Jefferson on what he said of revolution.
“twenty years without such a rebellion. … [T]he tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”

The above quote has history agreeing with it that Freedom has rarely been gained by asking nicely through democratic elections. I write this post to say that every country has the right to preserve their culture and heritage, even if they are the most evil society in the World. The establishment of a Jewish state is a Win-Win for both Jews and Europeans as both can freely preserve their culture without fear of conflict.

As for the Nazis, I am merely praising their achievements such as repairing the German economy and reserving Germany for Germans. The Nazis even supported the Idea of a Jewish State because the Jews could simply migrate there and not bother Europe. The thing is that Jewish values are not European because nearly all Jewish values have to do with supremacy of the Jewish people and celebration of victories over Jewish enemies. Just to mention that the Nazis did make some bad judgments and should have restored the German Empire and Kaiser. Annexing Austria and Sudetenland was voluntary as well as reclaiming territory lost from the Treaty of Versailles.

If only the United States never entered World War I! the British were about to lose the war against Germany but the Jewish Lobby and Banksters had to provoke the United States to make the situation worse.

While Christian Europe celebrates Easter, St. Patrick's Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas(which celebrates love, peace, and goodwill towards others), Jewish holidays such as Purim, Passover, and Hanukkah celebrate victories over Jewish enemies. Israel supporting Zionist Jews take advantage of their control over media, finance, and politics, wielding total control over people's lives.

1930's Spain was a dark time with degeneracy, anti-Catholicism on the rise, and a lack of national pride in the White Spanish race. But some very heroic and godly men stood up and fought to the death to reclaim Spain from Zionist tyranny.
JoseAntonioFEJONS.jpgYoke and Arrows.svg
The founder of Falange, Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera would have the blueprint for a stronger Spain and an ideology that would be the basis for Hispanic Nationalism. Primo de Rivera became a Martyr on November 20, 1936 when he was executed by Cultural Marxist Republican forces. This was during the Spanish Civil War and done by a government who is considered by EU standards "democratic".

The Spanish Republic was in reality a cultural Marxist Zionist controlled state run by figures hostile to the Roman Catholic Church. Spanish Republican forces persecuted and murdered Catholic nuns. The same media that condones the mass murder of Anti-Communist Catholics in Spain will call Francisco Franco a tyrant.

Hell, the Soviet Union supported a liberal democratic country. Why would a communist country support a democracy? Could it be that the Spanish Republic was using democracy as an illusion to deceive the masses. Politics in the Spanish republic were dominated by left-wing interests. By 1936, a brave and heroic General Francisco Franco decided to save Spain from the Judeo-Marxist threat it posed to Spain.
File:Map of the Spanish Civil War in September 1936.png
Just months into the war, Nationalist forces seized approx 40% of Spain by September 1936. The pink territory is Nationalist held while Purple-Bluish territory is held by Republicans. What made the Nationalists victorious was the brave and valiant fighting strategy put forth by the heroic and Godly nationalists assisted by Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and Estado Novo(Portugal)

Above three images include the progress made by the Spanish Nationalists against the evil Republicans over the period of three years. The Republican government surrendered to Nationalist forces by April 1, 1939 with Francisco Franco becoming Caudillo(Head of State) of Spain.

When I think of Francisco Franco, I think of him as the King David of Spain. King David defeated the Philistines by throwing a rock at Goliath and cutting off the latter's head. King David became a hero of Israel as he bravely defended the land of Israel from becoming occupied by Philistine invaders. The Spanish Nationalists were like the Israelites of their land while the Spanish Republicans were the evil Philistines of Spain.

How could nationalist movements such as Golden Dawn(Greece), Jobbik(Hungary), Forza Nuovo(Italy), Lega Nord(North Italy), National Front-British National Party(United Kingdom), Afrikaner Weerstansbewegging(South Africa), Mexican Nationalist Front(Mexico), Swedes Party(Sweden), True Finns(Finland), Front National(France), National Democrats(Germany), Brazilian Republican Front(Brazil), Katter's Australia-Family First Parties(Australia), Liberal Democrats(Russia) and other nationalist movements as well as separatist movements such as League of the South(Confederate States of America), Cascadia Now(Cascadian Bioregion), Alaskan Independence Party(Alaska), Free Papua Movement(West Papua) learn from the bravery and heroism of the Spanish Nationalists?

Franco was one of the greatest military generals history has ever known as he was a lion who liberated Spain from Zionist tyranny. Though his reign lasted no more than 36-39 years, his legacy and impact on fighting for your country through militant means had a lasting impact on what freedom fighters should do.
File:Battle of Lexington, 1775.png
I also want to point out that one of the reasons the Patriotic Americans won the American Revolutionary War was their fighting spirit and their superior weapons. when Paul Revere warned the towns of Lexington and Concord of a British gun grab the townsfolk became soldiers and shot the British troops like bane dogs! April 19, 1775 is not as honored today as it should be since this was the day that people protected their right to keep and bear arms.

George Washington was a great military leader whose greatest strength was endurance. The British surrendered in 1783 due to the pain and suffering inflicted on them by Patriotic forces. The same victory did not happen for freedom during the US Civil War, unfortunately.

One of the reasons the Spanish Nationalists were successful is the support of Nationalist regimes such as Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and Estado Novo.

I will NOT take nicely to comments condemning violent paramilitary action against the government as the only way to solve the problem of the Zionist occupied government is to engage in guerrilla warfare against enemies of humanity. This doesn't imply that I would commit acts of violence as I am condemning the terrible actions of both the U.S. and Israeli governments.

Although I haven't read the Turner Diaries, I've read descriptions of the protagonist Earl Turner launching all out total war against the Jewish controlled U.S. Government by seizing a U.S. military base with weapons of mass destruction with Turner and the Organization destroying major U.S. cities such as Baltimore, Detroit, and New York City. The finale came when Turner flew an airplane with an atomic bomb and dropped it on the Pentagon to finish the ZOG off! However, I don't want it to come to that as I don't support everything Earl Turner did in the Turner Diaries. I want major cities to still be habitable and I would want cities to be able to thrive in prosperity and where people can live in peace.

There was an organization called The Order formed in 1983 that sought to become a competitive force to the Federal Government. It's influential leader Robert Jay Matthews was murdered by cowardly snake FBI agents(who deserved to die) on December 8, 1984 and despite thwarting the evil FBI with a Gas Mask(rendering smoke grenades ineffective) Matthew's Achilles Heel was the uncovered explosives set off by star-burst explosives fired by the cowardly FBI thugs. Matthews was burned to death in a house fire set off by explosives. Other Order followers would be arrested and jailed in Zionist Gulags.

black and white photograph of a white male in his mid 30s, with thinning black hair, thick eyebrows, wearing very large, thick glasses with square frames
The closest the Order got to being avenged was the Oklahoma city Bombing on April 19, 1995 and though it turned out to be a fiasco due to more innocents killed than government scum(not to mention failing to compromise the strength of the federal government) Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols were wonderful human beings for being the Zionist Federal Government's worst nightmares. I'm hung on whether McVeigh thought that targeting the Alfred Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City would lead the Patriot Movement on the road to victory. If it had been up to me, I would have never rushed to bombing a building as I would want to work from the ground up similar to what the Order did and accumulate enough weapons and armor to counter the strength of the ever militaristic and ever murderous Federal regime. I can't support what Timothy McVeigh did because he should have mapped out the plan for victory. You can't win wars without planning victory. I would also want to make safeguarding innocent civilians a top priority.

Unlike Matthews, Kokesh, and McVeigh; I myself shall anticipate the murderous actions of the evil empire known as the U.S. Government(influenced by Israel) and not take any chances in trusting these evil Zionist thugs.

What would be the best strategy to win a war against tyranny? The best option these days is to follow in the footsteps of the Donetsk Freedom Fighters. The Donbass People's Militia is the best resistance movement we have in this world and with God's help Russia is leading the White Resistance. I think Golden Dawn members should seize government buildings in Greece and work their way from Ground Zero instead of wasting their time with Jewish dominated-funded and fraudulent elections.

Then Prime Minister of Israel Ariel Sharon admitted in 2001 that the Jews DO control America. America's politicians are funded by the Jewish Lobby(who supports Israel at America's expense) and the chances of a patriotic American being elected into Congress are slim to none because the Anti-American Jews have near Totalitarian control over Western society. The Federal Reserve is ruled by anti-American Jews. I'm not targeting all Jews as there are some courageous Jews who have spoken the truth and have called out their own race on the issues. Even so called "Tea Party" stars such as Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, etc have sold out to Israel and open borders.

The best option for White Separatists is to collaborate with Russia and other nationalist governments and form an alliance to counter the Zionist forces. UNITED WE STAND!

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