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I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Thursday, May 8, 2014


The Zionists will do anything to divide and conquer White people, including putting Whites at war against each other. Ukraine is not really one nation but split between Ukrainians and Russians. Eastern Ukraine is occupied by Jewish dominated Ukrainian Zionists. The Eastern Ukrainian crisis has proven that you do need to have armed soldiers to have independence as oppressors will never voluntarily give up their power over the oppressed.

The Jew dominated West is calling for the brave, valiant, and heroic freedom fighters in Donetsk to disarm and surrender. The Zionists are cowardly liars who know that subjugating brave, heroic Aryans is their path to victory. The Donbass People's Militia is on it's way to victory and with Russia's support Donetsk will eventually take control of East Ukraine. Vladimir Putin is the Zionist's worst nightmare right now and if more nationalist regimes overthrow Zionist Controlled Governments and even obtain weapons of mass destruction, then the Zionist Cowards will get weaker and weaker until they are all hiding behind trees and stones!

I have great ideas on how independence movements can be done effectively and swiftly, following the Donetsk model and the Turner Diaries. First, seizing a military base with massive amounts of weapons(including weapons of mass destruction) is a good start as more soldiers can be recruited and armed to spread like wildfire to other parts and seize more armories and government buildings until resistance is effective. Donetsk was able to be as effective as a small country in a matter of days, especially with the help of Russia.

If the same thing were to start in America, I would choose Texas and form the provisional Republic of Texas, which would last until the Confederate States of America can be recreated. As soon as the Republic of Texas is created, then liberating other former Confederate States(Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri, Kentucky, Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, and Alabama) won't be a problem at all. Of course, I would want Texas to have some important allies, such as Latin American countries such as Colombia and Russia. I would also want to get gun dealers to be allies of the resistance and promise to protect them from U.S. aggression. Federal and State(Federal Loyalist) agencies would be seized and their soldiers would become Prisoners of War and used to negotiate prisoner exchanges.

How could the resistance possibly get allies? The desired allies would need to feel threatened by the enemy we desire to eliminate. Russia has become the sworn enemy of the New World Order agenda of the Zionist Occupied Governments. I expect that Russia will support separatist movements for Texas, California, Louisiana, Dixie, Cascadia, Alaska, Boer Republics, Cape Land, New England, Mid-Atlantic Republic, New England, Borealia, Canada, Newfoundland, and a united Italian and Greek Empire based on Italian and Greek irridentism.

Keep in mind I'm not calling for just anyone to seize government buildings as organized militias will have to fight the fight. What I've learned about the Donetsk situation is that the People's Governor of the Donetsk Republic Pavel Gubarev was held in Ukrainian custody for two months(March 6-May 7) and released in exchange for 3 Ukrainian prisoners under Donetsk custody. What if the Order back in the 1980's held government agents hostage? Would they yield more results? You bet! If it wasn't for the valiance and bravery of the protesters demanding Gubarev's release, then Gubarev would have ended up like David Lane. The Ukrainian government better feel what it's like to be a victim of extreme terrorism! I hope every single regime like it faces revolutionary justice! I think hostage taking is justifiable if it is used to negotiate prisoner exchanges.

May I remind you that I am not calling for violent insurrection as doing so could jeopardize any hope for effective recourse. Other allies should include Russia, Costa Rica, Uruguay, Japan, Brazil, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Iran, China, Mongolia, Colombia, etc.

Another state I would focus on is Alaska and getting the Alaskan Independence Party to seize government buildings and military forts and form an alliance with Russia. I would also want the Alaskan Independence Party to unite with the Cascadian Independence Movement, League of the South, Republic of Texas, Republic of California.

I'm not going to talk about what each White nation should do on this blog but my point is that Freedom Fighters in Donetsk have set an example of what nationalist movements should do. All that comes out of elections is waiting and more waiting while the anti-Whites multiply like cockroaches and threaten the existence of the White race.

If more of what's happening in Donetsk happened in other places around the World, more and more people would be braver and more heroic by grabbing guns from Zionist Law Enforcers and forming a massive resistance to Zionist tyranny. I hope Zionist regimes in Greece, Italy, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Scandinavia, United Kingdom, Spain, France, and many other countries fall like the Ukrainians in Donetsk. Russia may be far from perfect but the White resistance started with Russia helping the brave and heroic Russian Ukrainians.

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