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I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Saturday, June 7, 2014

Why the Turner Diaries is the most Important Literature Patriots Will Ever Read Part I

Excuse me for pointing out a "racist" book as it is more than just about White Supremacy. This book is more about armed militant resistance to a tyrannical federal government with an anti-government organization known only as the "Organization" fighting against the government known as the "System".

What makes this book so compelling that I am blogging about it? This book tells a heroing tale of a band of brave and heroic patriots who fight to liberate America from the Tyrannical Federal Government ruled by Zionist Jewish Interests. Not only must the Organization fight an ever more increasingly tyrannical government that has become as tyrannical as the one ruled by Big Brother in George Orwell's book 1984, but the Turner Diaries also takes place when nearly all Americans are unwilling to fight back against tyrannical government, just as the Patriots of 1776 did.

But what tyranny does America face in this book? The Cohen Act would be passed by Congress, outlawing firearm ownership and authorizing massive police crackdown on firearm ownership while confiscating firearms people owned. Earl Turner and his organization would resist such confiscation and hide weapons in secret bunkers. BTW, police in this book are totalitarian Stalinist thugs who would imprison White Americans for possessing firearms. Hundreds of thousands of Americans would be arrested and detained for refusing to surrender their firearms despite jails being overcrowded beyond belief so the Stalinist thugs imprison detained gun owners in harsh Soviet Gulag style camps until new jails can be built.

As the Organization grows larger and more sophisticated, it begins to engage in militant guerrilla action against the System. The first example of the Organizations attack on government facilities included the bombing of the J. Edgar Hoover FBI Headquarters which was blown to hell with a massive truck bomb. As a result of the bombing of the FBI Building, the Organization was closer to liberating America from Zionist anti-White tyranny. With FBI headquarters blown to rubbish hell, the System was in a system of septic shock that would take weeks to recover from.

How did the FBI building fare in The Turner Diaries after being bombed? Smoke was rising, rescue crews were pulling out bodies of victims. Now first thing people think about when a terrorist made bomb hits a building is whoever did this is a monster and needs to die. However, these are just casualties and in war most casualties have been civilian casualties. The Organization did not intend to harm innocent people but could not be held liable for whatever unintentionally happens to people whether they be enemy belligerents or innocent civilians. Plus, the bombing received heavy news coverage. 700+ people would be killed. This appeared to be a smashing victory for patriots as the Matrix Americans have been living in has finally been penetrated with a massive explosion.

The Organization would kill thousands of innocent people not because they're cruel and evil monsters who love to cause carnage and hell for the hell of it but because they understand the realities of war and that freedom in most circumstances is only going to be gained by engaging in massive and bloody warfare where thousands or even millions die. But what other choice does humanity have? If the Organization had to punish members for killing innocent victims whether intentional or not for every incident, they would lose their War on Tyranny.

In extreme situations of war, you have to send a very powerful message that scars and badly affects millions of lives. If you're at war, don't you want to do whatever it takes, even if such a result is deadly for a handful of the population? What truly matters is achieving a plan for victory that will produce a greater outcome for the greater and more humane public. The corruption of humanity by the Jewish-liberal-democratic-egalitarian plague which  afflicts the world is more clearly manifested in society's soft-mindedness, our unwillingness to recognize the harder realities of life, than in anything else.

The Turner Diaries rightfully illustrates that the bombing of a government building is justifiable regardless of the number of innocent victims killed. This is because the organizations working in that building are enemy belligerents and their elimination is the only solution to victory. Creating a psychological effect that will last for weeks or even years is important because it sends a message that God has judged and will continue judging and people will realize they are at war and will have to fight for their freedom instead of living in a fantasy world. Violence and Terrorism are unfortunately the most effective ways of bring people out of their fantasy world and into reality.

The good part about this is the outcome with the righteous forces being victorious and rebuilding society after the war. Also, after the bombing of FBI headquarters, soldiers for the Organization raided a government armory but had to engage in a shootout with the guards defending the stash. The raid was successful and the truck the Organization used was filled with many guns and explosives.

As time flew by, the Organization has also pulled off over 200 separate terrorist incidents across the country. This is what I would call "producing results!" What makes Islamist militants more successful than Combat 18 is that the former has committed countless acts of terror while Combat 18 has yet to get anywhere close to causing massive 9/11 style pain and suffering. The Organization however just doesn't execute militant attacks lightly. They have careful planning strategies that were sure to result in victory if done according to plan.

the Organization attacked media outlets working for the System such as the Washington Post. With the bombing of Washington Post, people were unable to be poisoned by the vile propaganda perpetrated by the tyrannical government. The bombing of the Washington Post wouldn't stop some vile evil monster from writing a nasty editorial slandering the Organization. This sick F*** would say that anyone belonging to the Organization should be hunted down like bane dogs while black thugs who kill, rob, and rape are given victim status as victims of police brutality.

Clearly, the ones pressing tolerance are intolerant of certain viewpoints. Back to the Organization. The Organization doesn't attack simply for the sake of it but it instead carefully plans out the attack and ensures it has a devastating effect on the enemy. The Organization would anticipate the military might and security of the System and the Organization is finding more ways to undermine security.

There was a traitor in the Turner Diaries who refused to eliminate a rabbi and apostate priest who promoted the Marxist egalitarianism known as racial integration. Powell was asked to carry out the elimination order but refused and was even back-talking by claiming that violence and terrorism has neither benefited America's founding race nor advanced individual liberty. My theory is Powell could have been a government mole.

I'm going to split this blog post into two or three posts with this being Part I.

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