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I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Thursday, June 19, 2014

My Views on Race, Fascism, Nationalism, and Politics.

Keep in mind that I am writing this post to clarify my support for many different cultures that have brought cultural, social, and economic significance to their respective nations. I want to explain to you what I really think about race, fascism, national socialism, nationalism, politics, and such.

I have to admit I have Asperger syndrome but it is mild even though It affects my ability to communicate. Even though Nazi Germany euthanized the disabled(which I admit pushes the envelope too far), Hans Asperger successfully convinced society that Autistic people can still contribute to society. People with Down Syndrome have been contributors of society and have been employed in menial and even higher level jobs.

On this issue of Racism, what is Racism? What does it mean to be a racist? Racism can have different meanings to different people. For example, my kind of racism is realizing the achievements each race has made in civilization and realizing that it is the White race that has made the most achievements while the black race has made the least achievements. Thanks to White people, blacks in America have lived higher standards of living than their caveman like ancestors. Did Frederick Douglas, George Washington Carver, and Thurgood Marshall become the successful men they were without the guidance of the White race? wasn't it the White race that not only educated and developed the black race but also advocated the abolition of their enslavement in the Jewish dominated slave trade?

Just look at the above graph and you'll see that the slave trade was dominated by Jews. I'm not saying this to be hateful to Jews but it's fact that Jews are not really white but are mostly Khazars of Turkic-Mongolian blood. Abolitionists such as Harriet Beecher Stowe, William Henry Garrison, & Henry Thoreau were White European descendants from New England.

There's a difference between America and Europe. Unlike America, Blacks have never had a historical significance in nearly all of Europe. While there is black French comedian Dieudonne who has acted like a Frenchman more than Jews, having mass immigration of non-Whites into European countries is not in Europe's best interests. Being demographically displaced is genocide. Just look at the UN Genocide Convention.
..any of the following acts committed with intent to destroyin whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
— Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Article 2
Leaders telling people to allow mass uncontrolled immigration into European countries is considered genocide and those responsible for trying to demographically displace the founding race of the nations affected are in violation of the convention as whites are being made a minority in the lands their ancestors created.
What would my views on segregation be? As a matter of fact, segregation is good for all races because it reduces conflict and allows countries to maintain order and prevent violent conflict. With the cultural marxist policy of integration, Whites and Asians are forced to go to school with Blacks, Mestizos, and Amerindians.  Given the nature of black people, forcing them into an environment with alien races has made Blacks more violent, more prone to committing crimes and has victimized Whites as much as Blacks. While Whites and Asians have been victims of lower educational standards and violent attacks by Blacks, Mestizos, and Amerindians; Blacks and Mestizos have been victims of corruption by Jewish Media oligarchs who promote drugs, thug culture, violence, and abuse of women through the Hip-Hop industry. I want to be perfectly clear that there are some White rappers such as Eminem but the Hip-Hop industry is mostly African-American. Hip-Hop artists such as Biggie Smalls and Tupac Shakar have been put in prison for violent and/or drug related crimes and both of them were victims of gang style drive by shootings. The killer of Tupac Shakar has not been brought to justice after nearly 18 years because instead of identifying the killer's name, Tupac's last words to the White police officer helping him was "F*ck you!". That's nice, a White person helping even a low life dirtbag such as Tupac and the thanks Tupac gives to the officer who could have brought Tupac's killers to justice was a rude remark!

While there are some non-Whites who have appreciated the help given to them by Whites, others have still remained hostile despite the generosity given to them. For example, the Pan-African terrorist organization African National Congress has members who have open called for blacks to murder Whites and have used barbaric methods such as necklacing, which was endorsed by Marxist terrorist Nelson Mandela's ex wife Winnie Mandela.

If you want to know my views on non-Whites, I say not all non-whites are depraved savages as there are numerous blacks who are potential allies to our nationalist crusade. As for matters on blogging about Jewish people, history has shown that they've been made second class citizens for their behavior and their refusal to assimilate with the kind and wonderful White Christian governments who allow them to assimilate with society.

The fact of the matter is that I don't hate any race personally but I feel that it is important for Western civilization to protect what it has built and It can't do that if they give absolute power to non-Whites and allow massive immigration from non-White countries. The idea that we should just disregard racial realism for egalitarianism is a dangerous cultural Marxist dogma as it leads to dangerous multiculturalism, sectarian violence, and loss of liberty. The reason for South Africa denying nearly all non-White Afrikaners the right to vote and have absolute equality with Whites was not because they were bigots but because the White South Africans wanted to protect the society they've built and not have South Africa become a third world hellhole like other black ruled countries. Sure there have been blacks who have showed most of White intelligence but the situation in South Africa for the past 20 years has been a complete handover of power to the terrorist African National Congress.

South Africa only proves point that democracy is the worst form of government as it fails to safeguard national culture and puts elected officials at risk for doing things merely to be elected or re-elected. The ANC has been the absolute majority in South Africa's parliament since 1994 and it's no surprise that South Africa is now a dangerous place to be. I wouldn't condone the abuses against any race as it would be cruel to do so but South Africa was built by Afrikaner/Boers mostly and while there have been a few blacks who have contributed to South Africa's development, I highly doubt that less than 93% of non-Whites are actually fit to govern anyone let alone influence who governs.

My conclusion on the issue of race is that there are many different countries that have different immigration policies and while some have been built exclusively for blacks(Liberia, Nigeria, Kenya, etc.) countries that have been built by White people should stay White and whites should not be made a minority by non-White immigration. Race is not just some social construct as history alone proves this to be a myth. The reason Haiti became worse off than before 1804 and outside the U.S. occupation(1916-1934) is because Haiti's independence was gained through terror and genocide against Whites. I call Haiti's dire situation of poverty as "the Curse of Haiti" for the genocidal actions of the negro rebels back in 1804.

If you want to know who the most racist people have been, it would have to be the Jews as while I don't view all Jews as racist, Jewish history, culture, and norms are centered around the purity of the Jewish race and the refusal to accept other races as deserving of humane treatment. Israeli-Jewish Rabbi Ovadia Yosef(1920-2013) has made an inflammatory racist comment back in 2010 stating  "The sole purpose of non-Jews is to serve Jews". This kind of comment implies that slavery is acceptable when Jews own slaves. Do you hear Catholic Priests, Protestant Ministers, or Orthodox Bishops make inflammatory comments defending slavery? Yosef's comments prove my point that Jewish civilization has not only been more racist but has also defended the practice of slavery more than any other civilization in history.

  • "Fascism means first of all defending your nation against the dangers that threaten it. It means the destruction of these dangers and the opening of a free way to life and glory for your nation." --Corneliu Codreanu
Fascism and Nazism have been given bad names by a media dominated by a civilization that vows to destroy Western civilization. The truth is that Fascism is a nationalist economic system where the interests of the people of a nation are put before anything else. The economic system America has is crony capitalism where corporations are free to do what thy wilt instead of serving the common good of a nation's economy. If Australia was a fascist country, it wouldn't be losing it's Auto manufacturing plants as Australia has been historically a proud, nationalist country.

Fascism also stands against alien culture and ideologies. Pro-EU politicians are the most likely supporters of Austerity and Bailouts. The most extreme of Pro-EU politicians have called Eurosceptics "terrorists". Sweden recently passed a law making it a crime to complain about immigration. Will democracy save Sweden from White's becoming a minority? Has democracy saved Europe?

While Nazi Germany made plenty of mistakes that I disapprove of, Nazi Germany did encourage a high birthrate among the ethnic German people. In contrast, so called "Free Democratic Capitalist" societies don't care if their main ethnic group's birthrate is lower than number of immigrants invading. Even if Adolf Hitler needed to be stopped, should German have been forced to accept an alien political system known as Democracy and Capitalism? Such as system ruined Germany from 1919-1933 and again while the Nazis did some bad things I do applaud them for their socio-economic system for creating a sense of national pride in the German people and making Germany stronger.

There's nothing wrong with ethnic nationalism in countries where it is appropriate. While America has been more racially neutral than most other countries, Nordic countries have historically remained White and have not opened their borders as required by the Soviet style EU. Western civilization hasn't had a fascist country since the early 1990's. Portugal fell to pro-democracy terrorists in 1974, King Juan Carlos I betrayed Spain in 1977 with the revival of much of what the Spanish Republic was, the Military Juntas of Greece and Brazil fell in 1974 and 1985 respectively, South Africa fell to the terrorist pan-African ANC as a result of forced universal suffrage in 1994, and Augusto Pinochet was toppled in 1990.

Have people ever thought that most of America's wealth is in the hands of Jewish oligarchs who support Israel(despite it's crimes against humanity)? Has anyone dared to question the usury practiced by the Jewish dominated banking system?

Bottom line on Fascism and National Socialism is that both systems have been smeared to mean anti-freedom while capitalism, democracy, and communism have been even more responsible for the loss of individual freedom. China is an example of cronyism that combines corporate capitalism with communism and forces Chinese workers into wage slavery. Developing countries have people living on less than $2 a day. Would fascist and national socialist countries allow big business to usurp the national economy and allow jobs to be lost to slave driving big business?

In fact, from the way I see it, fascist countries have the highest sense of national pride than democratic and communist countries. Hell, even communist countries had more national pride than "democracies". What works for the United Kingdom doesn't work for Greece and I am talking about culture and politics. While the United Kingdom has a proud tradition of parliamentary democracy, Greece has been more restrictive in sense of democracy. Athens did create the first democracy but it was construed so that decision making was for those who understood civics and had an appreciation for the culture of Greece and only Golden Dawn has that appreciation.

Nationalism, Democracy, and Politics collide. Universal Suffrage is a democratic value in which every Tom, Dick, and Harry Barry should have the right to vote regardless of their intelligence and character. Democracies have been considered the worst form of government for good reasons as I quote America's founding fathers Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and John Adams.

Democracies in pure forms are doomed to fail. The Weimar Republic ended with Adolf Hitler's rise to power and the situation could have been worse as Communists were a militant and strong force in German politics. Fortunately, the German people wanted a leader who stood for their interests and not a minority who was less than 2% of the population. While Hitler was not infallible, I still would regard him as a great leader for his numerous accomplishments in science, culture, economics, and nationalism. Germany under Hitler would experience superpower status as had German Reich survived after World War II, Germany would be seen as the leader in science and technology for accomplishments in film and TV industry, weaponry, and would have even had astronauts of their own land on the Moon and even reach Mars.

This is not to say I condone any terrible actions taken by Nazi Germany but I reject the idea that we should hate Nazis and Germans for a few terrible crimes committed. If the Western Allies cared about human rights and justice, they would have never collaborated with the murderous and genocidal Soviet Union let alone condone the crimes committed by the Red Army.
Was Stalin ever tried for crimes against humanity when millions of Ukrainians were being deliberately starved by having their crops stolen by Red Army thugs? Who was the Ukrainian's voice? Did Adolf Hitler ever engage in the same barbaric crimes or at least the same degree of barbarity that Stalinist Soviet Union engaged in? Did the Allied Powers ever condemn Stalin for having the Red Army brutally invade and annex Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia, let alone invade Finland?
Would Winston Churchill have supported the Allied Powers if he was outraged by the crimes committed by the Stalinist regime in Moscow? In fact, I don't even think of the Soviet Union as being ruled by Russians. I think of it as being ruled by Atheist Jews! While I don't hold all Jews to account for the horrific crimes of the 20th century, Jewry overall has been responsible for the most evil political system to ever exist in history and that is Communism(Marxism-Leninism-Maoism) considering that Hitler never deliberately starved his own people in a manner done by the Stalinist regime in Moscow.
When Germany invaded Ukraine in the early 1940's, Hitler would be seen as a liberator to the Ukrainian people  given what they've been put through by Josef Stalin.
Compare the crimes of Nazi Germany to the Soviet Union. Though Nazi Germany has committed some crimes, many of these crimes have been over-exaggerated while the Soviet crimes have been beyond ignored and even watered down. While the Nazi's cared very much about sanitation and removing deadly disease carrying lice, the Soviets would allow Gulag inmates to die from starvation, overwork, and disease.
How could America overlook the crimes committed by Josef Stalin? Does anyone know of the American workers who migrated to the USSR only to be imprisoned in harsh gulags? While the Nazi "Extermination" camps existed only during World War II, the Soviet Gulag system has existed even before Hitler's rise to power.

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