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I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Sunday, July 20, 2014

Human rights vs. Political Authority; Ability vs. Democracy

One of the symptoms of a dying empire is to use foreign mercenaries to guard the border. The end of an era is fast approaching.
What border do you think these officers are guarding? Mexico? No dice! It happens to be USA border! Yes, foreigners guarding the border for Barry Soetoro(AKA President Obama). They aren't even guarding the border but allowing illegals to cross. Now there's a major difference between Whites, Mestizos, Negroes, Jews, Asians, and Amerindians having equal human rights but Whites having more preferential treatment in terms of government and politics than other races.

What's the reasoning here? Reasoning here is something to do with nationalism and culture. If muslims became a majority in Europe, what would stop them from imposing Islamic culture in Europe? White minority rule in South Africa helped preserve Afrikaner culture. Allowing blacks to vote in South Africa paved the way for destroying the White culture established in South Africa. Same happened with Rhodesia. When I refer to Blacks, I don't mean Blacks as in the coloureds of America, I mean Blacks as in the tribal and more primative dark skinned negroes. In South Africa, not all dark skinned Negroes are the same as Bantus. There are also coloureds which have African ancestry but are more westernized and have adapted more to White European descending society.
It's hard to believe that Afrikaans speakers could also be non-White but take the case of Griqua people. Griqua people are a coloured ethnicity that adopted much of Boer culture but have remained segregated from Whites. Adam Kok III was a 19th century example of an individual of this ethnicity. Though coloured are more friendly to White Europeans, integration between Whites and Coloureds may not be in South African society's best interests. Blacks on the other hand are fundamentally different from coloureds. Blacks possess less intelligence overall than coloureds and are unlikely to accept westernization. The Apartheid government of South Africa designated a Bantustan system based off the Native American policy taken by the United States of America and Aboriginal policy of Australia. Unlike the reservations of America and Australia, Bantustans had more autonomy and enjoyed status as independent nations.

was Apartheid so horrible that it required granting voting rights to the alien races(Blacks)? Couldn't these Blacks have just moved to neighboring countires that were intended to be Black Bantu homelands? The United Nations even committed mass murder and destruction against the newly independent black country of Katanga during the early 1960's. The Congo became independent on June 30, 1960 but went into a violent warzone frenzy within days. Katanga was considered part of the Congo. In 1965, the Congo was renamed to Zaire but became the Congo again in 1997.
I don't need to explain the differences between Western and African countries as you can clearly see that African countries have average IQ's of 60-80, have more violent and tensions, more poverty, overpopulation, higher rates of illiteracy, and more animosity towards other races.
Compare Norway vs. the Central African Republic. Norway's Human Development Index is 0.955 while CAR's Human Development Index is a mere 0.352. That's like Norway passing the final exam at 95.5%, an A but CAR failing the exam with a disappointing 35.2%, an F-! Another issue is leadership. Nearly all European powers before the 19th century had monarchies. Republics would be formed between both World Wars, many of them communist dictatorships such as in Eastern Europe(minus Greece and Turkey).
I cannot say that White people have been the only ones to have made contributions to mankind nor develop other less privileged and less developed races as the Japanese deserve credit for being the most developed non-White country in the world. I would also include Singapore. In fact, America once competed with Japan for the best automaker in the World but as America's auto industry is failing, Japan definitely has the best auto industry in the World. Japan can also relate to white nationalists as both Japan and Nazi Germany were ultra-nationalist and anti-communist during World War II.

This blog post illustrates that it's ability that foremost counts as Whites and Sino-Japanese Asians have possessed more overall intelligence to improve human development than Negros and Aborigines. I almost forgot about India. Though India looks like a third world country with overpopulation and poverty, Indians have lots of potential and have shown great intelligence when it comes to human development.
India even has it's own major movie industry. Bollywood, rhymes with Hollywood. Despite Indians having a darker or more oriental skin color, there are rumors of them descending from Aryan tribes.

But how come China and India have low PPP Per Capitas? Though violence is less of a problem than in Africa, China and India suffer from wage slavery, poverty, and overpopulation. Seriously? Do less than 5% of population control over 90% of both China and India's wealth? It's easier for corporations to get away with wage slavery in China than in Canada.

How will America do when it has Mestizos become the majority? America is already made a laughing stock when compared to Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Canada, Norway, Japan, and Korea. All of these countries have higher hopes for economy prosperity than the United States of Amerikuh! America has more than half it's population of frickin welfare! In fact, if a literacy test was required to vote and it highlighted ability and character, I predict over 70% of Americans would be ineligible to vote.

democracy today relies on universal suffrage, which treats voting as an inalienable right like the right to life rather than a civic responsibility and privilege. Would anyone in 1800 have ever imagined that illiterate welfare parasites could be allowed to vote in ANY election? How about 1900? or 1950? With universal suffrage, Democracy really puts society at the mercy of a parasitic majority. The Civil Rights Movement has been made a laughing stock as welfare Negros from ghettos in crap cities like Detroit can vote in elections as long as they're of age and have no major criminal record.

There used to be more stringent qualifications for voting before the 1960's. Though it has been unconstitutional for elections to deny voting privileges to people based on their race, literacy tests were passed in not only the Southern states but out West and even in the Midwest to keep those who would abuse voting for their own selfish desires. In fact, it's not even the will of the majority that truly casts an informed decision but the mass media has worked to undermine the political system for their affiliate's self interest.
Isn't it a coincidence who owns more than 90% of America and Europe's media? Jewish supporters of Israel of course! While not all Jews are supportive of the bullshit that Jews have put America through, it just so happens that Israel has been portrayed positively and as a victim by the mainstream media. The Jews actually invented and controlled Hollywood. There was once a major movie industry called Walt Disney Pictures, which was run by Walt Disney himself until he died. Disney has been controlled by Jewish oligarchs since the 1970's, producing bullshit inconceivable to the mind of Walt Disney.

Why do the Jewish oligarchs in their mainstream medias ignore non-establishment candidates and push for so called "immigration reform", a code-word for legalization of illegal immigration? Funding comes primarily from Jewish sources. It's difficult to find a non-Jew running a media outlet.

Anyway, back to voting. How could voting be the only way of change if the majority is a tyrannical alien race voting in elections? Why aren't felons and Children allowed to vote? Society has considered felons and children without the character and literacy to take the democratic process in a respectable manner.
Speaking of that, I've also noticed how the Jewish run media says Hamas is firing rockets into Israel but these Israelis here are watching the Israeli bombing of Gaza. NO one in their right mind would view this as entertaining if rockets were being fired at them. Palestinians don't find this entertaining at all.

Talk about human rights and bashing Adolf Hitler when you can clearly see that Israel is committing genocide against Palestinians for no reason other than that they oppose Jewish doctrines and are in fact "Goyim". Goyim is a Jewish term for non-Jews. I don't mean Goyim as someone who doesn't practice Judaism, I mean Goyim as in someone outside the Jewish race.

If Israel was really defending itself, why would it go all this way to ethnically cleanse Arabs from Arab designated homelands?
The UN Plan in 1947 would have made Jerusalem, Nazareth, Bethlehem, Acre, and Gaza part of the Arab State of Palestine but all of these major cities but Bethlehem and Gaza fell into Zionist hands. The UN designated Palestinian territories were the lands Jesus Christ lived his whole life on. In fact, the Jews of today aren't even part of the Semitic races. Arab Muslims and Arab Christians have lived in harmony for centuries under Ottoman rule but the Zionists turned Muslims and Christians against each other. The Zionists despised non-Jews and committed massacres and ethnic cleansing terrorist missions that made Arabs the minority in Palestine. Jews make up 76% of Palestine's population(which is Israel and occupied territories).
Cambodia 1975. Egalatarian Communist system forces all higher classes of the Social Hierarchy into the "lowest" rung of the Hierarchy. The result - DEATH.
I just want to jump to the final point. The final point I wish to make is that Human rights don't mean allowing a feral majority to have equal political power as high IQ Whites. In fact, the most severe case of egalitarianism occurred in 1975-79 Cambodia where the Khmer Rouge tried to create an absolute egalitarian utopia but it resulted in 1/3 of Cambodia's population being eliminated. Intellectuals were targets of Khmer Rouge terror.

Communism opposed the natural order of hierarchy in favor of materialistic egalitarianism. History has proven the natural order theory right as Negros will inherently resort to warrior style reasoning, contrary to the peaceful reason based decision making of White Aryans which is why integration is dangerous for any races involved, even if Negros do manage to adopt some Westernization.

This is not to say I oppose treating non-Whites as human beings but I do believe that not all human beings are created equal and neither does every human being have equal worth. For example, Whites have the most worth due to their universal scarcity and high intelligence, reason, and high ability while Negros(Tribal Africans) are universally abundant yet have little worth due to not only their abundance but due to their very low intelligence and inability to compete in the global market, making them worse off independent than under European colonial rule.

I favor natural solutions instead of compromising the system God created for humanity by integrating races and pretending that all races behave the same. The reason for racial segregation is to keep a balance of harmony between different races and reduce racial conflict. Integration actually creates conflict as Blacks harbor animosity towards Whites and therefore we have not only Whites and Asians being victimized not only by alien races but have lower standards to accommodate the Negro and non-European Mestizo races.

I say this not to be a racist but to oppose cultural Marxism and defend the heritage and race that made White civilization the best humanity has ever known.

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