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I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Sunday, August 17, 2014

History: Bashing Zionism and Jewish Extremist Racism.

Let me be clear that this does not target any race, not even Jews. This targets the racist, Talmudic, tribalists that display anti-American, anti-Western hate towards the host countries they inhabit. This post is targeted at those who believe Israel should come first and not America, Europe, or Canada come first.

Anti-Racists will have bash White People fests where they make non-Whites want to hate Whites and even make Whites hate themselves, much like bullying. In fact, what culture has a history of racial hatred and contempt for those not of their race?

Though this is the flag of Israel, the Talmudic Jewish tribalists have had a history and culture of hatred towards whom they call "Goyim". Goyim is a Talmudic-Cabbalist term for Gentiles.

If you think I'm just some vile Nazi Anti-Semite, Quote the Jewish Babylonian Talmud on what it has to say about Gentiles.
 “When it comes to a Gentile in peace times, one may harm him indirectly, for instance, by removing a ladder after he had fallen into a crevice.” (Shulkan Arukh, Yoreh De ‘ah, 158).

If you don't believe words, you'll believe actions. Israel has committed numerous genocidal campaigns against the Arabs of Palestine. Israel is a JEWISH state, meaning that any Jew who can prove Jewish ancestry can become a citizen of Israel. Israeli citizenship is based on race, not religion as Atheist Jews have the same rights as Orthodox Jews. In fact, some Atheists and orthodox Jews follow much of the same Talmudic crap when it comes to worshiping their race and despising other races. I would like to commend any Jew that has assimilated into their host society and this post does not target ordinary everyday Jewish customs such as Hanukkah and Passover, the Jewish equivalent to Christmas and Easter.

Any religion can be reformed as in deed movements in Judaism and Islam have reform movements. Christianity has met reform movements such as the Protestant reformation.

Jewish supremacy speaks for itself. How often do you hear a White group refer to the best of non-whites still being worthy of extermination? What's with the hatred against Whites? Whites have been the creators of civilizations from Ancient Greece to Modern America. Blacks have been mostly employed in menial agricultural labor during the late 19th century as their best skills have included physical labor, given that the typical African-American was like an Ox. Whites and Asians have been best in the merchant and intellectual fields such as civic duties, medical care, business, and management. Whites and Asians have mostly been more expert at management than Negros and Amerindians.
For any Jew who has the courage and integrity to stand up against the tribal-cabbalist mindset of the Zio Jewish extremists and their minions, I must commend them for their efforts. Mordechai Vanunu, an Israeli blew the lid on Israel's weapons of mass destruction, revealing to the press that Israel did indeed have WMD. Vanunu was hunted down by Mossad(Motto: By Way of Deception) in 1986 and imprisoned for 18 years. He has been re-imprisoned for violating conditional release numerous times, and has even been treated more harshly due to his conversion to Christianity.

Hell, white privilege means nothing when the Israeli Firsters and Jewish Supremacists control 90% of everything! How could these people possibly cry victim when they are so fracking wealthy and have the World under their thumb? With the Israeli bombing of Gaza and the murder of Arab civilians, how could Israel possibly be considered the victim claiming to be defending itself?

With the Israeli bombing of Gaza and thousands of Gentiles in Gaza murdered by sophisticated Israeli weaponry, Israel will typically claim to be defending itself.

Hell, the most outrageous point any racist zionist jew has ever made was by the Times of Israel's own Yochanan Gordon, who wrote an article titled I shit you not "When Genocide is Permissible". While Jewish supremacists and Zionists have barrages of media dedicated to telling the Hollywood story of the Holohoax, this douchebag definitely exposes that there are plenty of these Zionists who are just lying, manipulative, racist, evil cunts who will use anyone who is useful to them while disposing of anyone who has no use for them. Times of Israel removed the post after caving into pressure.

will the Anti-Whites be inspired by this "Israeli" or American Jew racist's post?(which has now been removed of course, as of August 1, 2014). Before you want to shame Afrikaners for wanting to preserve South Africa as an Afrikaner Republican state, Israel wants to be recognized as a Jewish Democratic State. Difference between South Africa and Israel is the former never had any organized ethnic cleansing or genocidal campaigns against non-Boers while Israel has ethnically cleansed Palestinians from the land of Palestine that much of Palestine now has a Jewish majority. South Africa with it's entire land NEVER had an absolute White majority. South Africa did establish Black Homelands for non-Afrikaners. The reason I say non-Afrikaners is because not all Boers are Whites. Coloureds can also be Afrikaners as well. Afrikaner/Boer means farmer in Dutch or Afrikaans.
Tentative design
Final point to be made is the Jewish Supremacist role in third world immigration. Demographic displacement. I also use the White Genocide argument against universal suffrage as there are some groups who should not be permitted to vote, such as immigrants. If you based democracy on the Athenian model, people of alien origin would not be allow to vote, ever regardless of assimilation. Only natural born Athenians could vote.

South Africa is no longer an Afrikaner state because of universal suffrage. Problem with universal suffrage is an alien majority could use their civic strength in their votes to conquer the host nation. this happened in South Africa in 1994, depriving Afrikaners of self-determination due to being out voted. Israel complains about Palestinians being able to out populate Jews but pro-immigration Jewish supremacists and Zionists will keep Israel ultra-nationalist while White countries will have massive immigration.

Just goes to show how the Jewish supremacist infiltrates government and begins a stealth conquest. Conquests don't need to be done through military might. They could simply be done through majoritarian voting and demographic displacement.
Baruch Goldstein.jpgIsrael Hebron Cave of the Patriarchs.jpgFlickr - Israel Defense Forces - Life of Lt. Gen. Yitzhak Rabin, 7th IDF Chief of Staff in photos (11).jpg
Before I close this post, I must point out a day that will live in infamy not only for the Palestinians slain by a deranged madman but also for any decent Jew who opposes such racist, vile attacks on humanity. On February 25, 1994 Israeli Medical Doctor Baruch Goldstein, a follower of Jewish Extremist groups such as Kach and Jewish Defense League slaughtered around 40 Muslim Worshipers at the Cave of Patriarch's mosque. This day also happened to be Purim, a Jewish holiday celebrating not just Jewish victory from genocide against the Jews but also victory and slaughter of over 75,000 Persians as well as death of Haman and his sons.

Jews and Zionists have been divided over this issue and then Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin denounced Goldstein as a "Degenerate Murderer" and called this vile, vicious act "a shame on zionism and an embarrassment on Judaism." Rabin's statement does ring true as any violent incident based on some form of extremist thought does make people think about a certain ideology a certain way. As with all ideologies, there are people having different opinions on certain issues and Judaism appears to be no exception.

There were even some people who considered Goldstein a martyr and hero. In my opinion, there shoudl have never been settlers on the West Bank and I don't feel that such a tragedy like that of Cave of Patriarchs would have occured had it not have been for Israel's expansionist actions starting with the breach of the 1947 U.N Partition Plan during the Israeli War for Independence. Israel has still failed to address the root issues leading to the militant ideologies that attracted Baruch Goldstein and other Jewish Supremacists as despite efforts by the Israeli Government to stop the flow of hatred towards Arabs the Israeli Defense Forces still commit atrocities against Arabs to this day.

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