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I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Creativity Movement: The NAACP of the White Race

The Creativity Movement is an organization fighting for the Survival, Expansion, and Advancement of the greatest race humanity has ever known. The White Aryan Race!

For all you anti-Whites pretending to be Anti-racists I am here to say that there just so happens to be an organization fighting for the preservation and expansion of the White race, refusing to be overpowered by the lesser races.

If you feel it's racist to point out that non-Whites are of an inferior dialect, it is just the natural order and it has been proven that no other race has been able to bring more culture, prosperity, and security than the White Aryan race. Though a handful of Asian ethnicities(such as Japs, Turks, and Singaporeans) have been able to attain First World status, it has been the White Aryan Christian man that has made the greatest contributions to civilization.

Keep in mind that creativity advocates the use of legal and non-violent tactics.

the Anti-Whites want to bully White Aryans to hate themselves and even ruin their self-esteem while enabling the inferior races to rise about the natural order and conspire against the White Aryan race. Of course, this is not some powerful god like being that we're dealing with. This is just some bully behind a curtain who needs to be defeated with common sense and courage.

Though it lies in protest, sometimes protests are unfeasible with police breaking up protests(no matter how peaceful), lack of soldiers, and even lack of effective physical strength. Point here will be that solutions NEED to be effective and result in victory for the White race. If it does, then the solution is a must to complete. If not, then there shall be no point in ever doing such actions. sometimes non-violent resistance works when time is not a crucial issue such as Gandhi's quest for an independent India but when dealing with hordes of barbarian biological enemies, it's time to acknowledge that "The Barbarians are at the gate!" and that armed and militant resistance is a mandatory action.

 Did politicians really believe criminals would be unarmed? Law abiding citizens are just trapped in prison of the mind. Law enfrocement enforcing gun control measures will use intimidation such as SWAT teams and indiscriminate murder. To them, this is war and the ones serving to enforce gun control measures should not be thought of as human beings but as enemy combatants.

It should be remembered that not only did April 19, 1775 Battle of Lexington and Concord start the American Revolution and a long road to liberation from tyranny but also a day to treasure and cherish the right to keep and bear arms, something foreign to most foreign countries. Hell, you couldn't just go to Switzerland and buy enough guns to arm a militia legally. Armed revolutions with unarmed civilians have had to rely on raiding of police armories for guns. SWAT armories have gold mines of armor and ammunition guarded under lock and key.

How could heavily guarded armories be raided and cracked? Someone has to have access to the armory locks. I recall under Obama, department of Homeland Security obtained enough hollow point bullets to kill every American 5 times over! That's a gold mine! Imagine how many anti-whites, anti-fascists, and anti-racists we could eliminate with that much gold. We could build empires and overthrow anti-white governments. These weapons could come in handy for the ethnic cleansing of non-white invaders.

What's really got my eye is Weapons of Mass Destruction. Chemical Nerve Agents and Biological Viruses act as pesticides against the biological enemies of belligerents. Atomic bombs seek to eradicate enemy targets overnight. The only times in history an Atomic Bomb has been used to cause massive harm was on August 6 & 9, 1945 with bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki(both despicable war crimes).

AMERICAN NATIONAL SOCIALISTS: ARMED AND READY TO ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hubsan-x4-pro-h109s
Guerrilla warfare could possibly be the only way to destroy the Anti-White system and create a White future for humanity, even if it means the elimination of other inferior races that threaten the existence of White people. What White people need to understand is that we are at war with inferior irresponsible breeding mud races who threaten the existence of White races via immigration, anti-White hate speech laws, affirmative action, integration, and the Jewish lobby(ADL). Before forced integration and universal suffrage, Whites had less of a reason to fight Blacks and other non-Whites as Whites were treated as the rulers of the lands they inhabited while Blacks, Mongoloids, and other non-Whites were segregated but still recognized as legally equal. Literacy tests were based on ability, proving how superior the White race is when it comes to academics.

Every White nationalist should be flying quadcopters, quadcopters are the future of guerilla war, learn to upgrade, enhance and develop them. When the war comes use them to observe enemy positions, use them to deliver bombs. A heat-seeking quad armed with a light landmine could take down a helicopter or destroy the regime’s own drones, it could be armed with a shooting weapon, it could initiate the primary explosion for an enemy weapons dump. Thanks to advancements in technology(due to White civilization) White guerrillas can easily eliminate enemies and deal with tyrannical politicians and law enforcement. Sending petitions will do nothing and some regimes have arrested people for merely complaining about grievances. 

A fully armed White Patriot is the anti-White and anti-fascist's worst nightmare! That's why gun control has been a mostly Talmudic, Leftist, Anti-White movement. Anti-whites will use so many tactics to defeat the Aryan race. What Creativity has is fighting spirit and hopefully the will to kill, die, and fight like a brave heroic Aryan soldier regardless of consequences. With the Barbarians at the gate, we need soldiers and generals, not lawyers and ambassadors. The only way the inferior races should ever dominate White people is after a bloody World War style race war!

We need an Alexander the Great. while Negros have warrior souls of lions, they have the overall intelligence of sheep. But we Aryans have both the spirit and intelligence of a Lion! There is no enemy we shall spare. No enemy we shall submit to. For the Aryan man has the intelligence to outsmart the unintelligent mongrel hordes and easily exterminate these verminous cancer cells. While Europeans had rifles, Indians had spears and arrows, leading to the latter's fall.

Another thing Creativity rejects in "Equality". Where did Universal Suffrage originate from? The French Revolution of 1789-99 had the motto "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity". However, this redefined Equality to a very new and extreme level. This meant that all humans were considered fully equal without regards for nature. Examples would include universal suffrage for the least deserving denizens of society such as low IQ peoples. Problem with the universal globalist concept of equality is that inferior people with negative value threaten the livelihood of higher worth and more intelligent human beings if both are considered of equal worth.
Despite being attracted to Creativity, I must make clear that I remain Christian and the goal should be peace for the White race. Creativity sounds like that organization, willing to do anything for their White humanity. Peacemakers are blessed as said in Matthews 5:9 and if Whites are to ever have security, they must be willing to make peace with those who are also willing to make peace as well. Despite whites being a minority in most Latin American countries, they are one of the best off Whites in the World as Amerindians and even Negroes have made peace with the Whites. Latin America and East Asia are the new frontiers for saving the White race from the enemies of humanity, the Zionist Jewish Supremacist Bankers and Media kingpins.

True peace can only come with a guarantee of preservation and safeguards. In nearly every land Jews have been expelled from, their hosts have welcomed them with open arms. Sadly, once the Jews began subverting their host country including usurious practices and infiltration of government and academic institutions, the only option the host countries could have was to either expel these nomadic parasites, force them to assimilate, or restrict them to certain areas of the land.

You can't make peace with an enemy that seeks your destruction and suffering. The White Pride movement will not be about wanting the other races to be annihilated but will be about guaranteeing a secure future for Westernized peoples. Since White people created Western civilization, their interests should be considered first but people of other races that pose no danger to White Western civilization should be protected and could even be potential allies.

If you think acting in the interests of White people over other races is "racist" consider the fact that societies built by White Aryans have reduced or even eliminated the 3rd world problems. Aryans being just under 1/10 of population is unacceptable and a Social Nationalist regime in the West with superpower abilities is the anti-White's worst nightmare.

If there is a lack of faith in rebuilding the White race, take the Siege of Jerusalem for example. From June 7-July 15, 1099 Old French Catholics liberated the City of Jerusalem from Muslim hands and ruled over the city for several decades. The Crusaders didn't fear what the international community thought of them nor did they worry about being tried for "war crimes" under a ZOG established international court(very ineffective at REAL justice). The only thing Crusaders feared was the Lord Jesus Christ, and that is what gave them victory. The Jewish tribalists sided with the Caliphate but the Crusaders sided with nobility and destiny, for the greater good of Western civilization.

The White Race will not be restored to it's former glory with begging the international community for help as the international community has displayed time and time again that it will not act on human rights abuses unless it is in their own interests. Why should people follow the laws of people who will not protect them and give them aid? What right do international globalist bodies in Brussels, New York, and Hague have to use force against powers that simply oppose the globalist agenda. The international community will always chose winners and losers. The Rwanda Genocide was allowed to happen because the international community lacked motivation to stop such as genocide. Why should White people act to give aid to their biological enemies who will in return threaten their existence and given the White race cancer. Would you want to help a parasite who will give you cancer as a token of gratitude?

Why should White people pay taxes and give aid to a regime that works against them. The point of the violent American Revolution was to send a message that NO foreign power had the right to tax and dictate them. Foreign powers were responsible for Serbia, Iraq, South Africa, Rhodesia, Germany, and Japan's fall. Though Japan has a better society than Europe, it lacks the strength to give aid to and strengthen the White race. Though Europeans and Japs have different facial features, our standards of living, IQ, and parts of culture have similarities. What if Japan were to once again become a superpower and revive the East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere?

Throwing rocks has been found to be ineffective for the Palestinians. Oppressors will never just voluntarily surrender their dominion over you as most independence wars have been fought with violence.

the international community's strength depends upon it's member's cooperation and if there is a strong enough force able to oppose the enemies of Aryans, than the chances of victory are great. By realizing that nature is the highest force, victory can be achieved and all we need to fear is the White Aryan Goddess herself.

It took a mere 3% for the American Revolution to gain victory. Not only that but victory was also accomplished by endurance. Make the enemy's cause a lost one by forcing it to go through extreme tribulation and turmoil, forcing it into surrender.

For those who have given up on greatness, just learn about the Crusades and Reconquista.

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