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I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Monday, November 24, 2014

The Mad Dogs known as ISIS and the Rise of Barbarity

ISIS is waging a war of brutality against the great cultures of the Middle East. The Middle East was historically a place for peace and tranquility. ISIS is engaging in the same civilization destroying madness that Nazi Germany, Soviet Union, Khmer Rouge, Communist China, and many aggressive powers throughout history such as the Ottoman Empire destroying Remnants of Roman society.

Before World War I existed the late, great German and Austro-Hungarian Empires. The Hohenzollern and Hapsburg dynasties ruled these great powers. Would German Nationalism spill into such extremes as it did had the German Empire never fell?

A more mild form of what could be considered Social Nationalism is Volksgemeinschaft which means people's community. This ideology favored curbing elitism in favor of uniting people among class lines to achieve a greater national purpose. While the Nazis adopted this policy, the Nazi regime became too ambitious, seeking to take things too far such as annexing Poland and the Netherlands, two countries that have not only been historically a safe haven for Jewish paradise, but would also have been safe havens for Jews fleeing Nazism. When the Nazis occupied Poland, virtually nobody cooperated with Nazi authorities on rounding up Jews.

I feel that while Germany was right to respond to Poland's defiant behavior concerning territory unjustly taken from Germany, annexing Poland(therefore depriving Warsaw of it's right to self determination) was a huge mistake that Germany paid dearly for. The Jewish Question was a major issue in Interwar Germany that could have been more humanely solved by leaving Congress Poland(plus Galicia) and the Netherlands for example out of the Nazi's purification plans. When the Jews were expelled from Spain in 1492, many found safe haven in the Netherlands. Historically, the Holy Roman Empire(Germany) and Italian States accepted Jews but they had less rights than the Christian population and for a good reason, though Jews were still able to practice their religion in peace without interfering with the affairs of their host country.

The reason Neo-Nazism has attracted some people for instance is because they fear Whites will eventually lose power within their own homelands to descendants for immigrants from the developing world. Immigration is never restricted to race but rather has to do with economics and national identity.

Torture is against the Western Christian way. Human Rights since the end of the Cold War have become a way of life for the Western World but importing more third world immigrants without proper checks and balances to ensure they are treated like aliens but with dignity and respect, respecting the host as the one in control.

To test if your country is ruled by those who deserve to rule over it, the above quote from Voltaire should be a good bet. Many Western "democracies" are abridging free speech in the name of "tolerance". What tolerance really means is advancing Talmudic cultural marxist agenda, mainly having Jewish interests in society be put first instead of German interests for Germany. The problem with Jews in government is the tribalist nature of the Jewish nation. While some Jews will assimilate and accept that White Christians have the right to rule over their countries without infiltration and laws against criticizing alien peoples, Jewish supremacy has bankrupted Europe both morally and economically.

I have nothing against Israel wanting to preserve itself as a Jewish Democratic State but why do the Jewish tribalists want to deny White people their rights to have nations run by their own race? Some societies such as Brazil can cope with being multi-racial but Europe has never hosted a nation of immigrants. The Talmudic reptilian racists infiltrated and took advantage of governments with Western Democracy and open that conquered country's borders. Will White people have control of their governments if non-Whites become enough of the population to subjugate the interests of the founding race?

We don't need to gas anyone based on their ethnic background but I refuse to believe that it's wrong to consider Aryans as the rightful exclusive rulers of Germany. I want to say that ignoring nature has serious consequences. Will liberal democratic societies such as Netherlands, United Kingdom, and Australia survive if Whites become a minority? Is South Africa better off with Black majority rule?

What I'm saying here is that I have much concern that importing non-Western cultures into Western countries and making Whites a minority by not securing their needs first will lead to barbarianism. You can't understand human rights without understanding race and nature. Since the West has been the leader in human rights, then Whites should effectively be in control of European governments and also help their White brothers and sisters. Non-White led governments have proven themselves to have worse human rights records as overcrowding and brutality have become norms in societies such as post-colonial Africa and India due to those societies lacking a proper superior hierarchy.

We can only have a more civilized and human rights oriented society if we abandon cosmopolitanism and adopt a nature based system of merit, rather than a guilt based system that gives people of alien races preferential treatment.


Friday, November 21, 2014

Let Me Be Clear

To anyone thinking my postings are akin to inciting uncalled for racism, there's a difference between preserving and expanding Western Civilization, the greatest civilization on Earth and inciting hatred as you must love and preserve your people even more than you hate your enemies. Without love of your kind, you cannot achieve a better future for them and certainly not victory over your enemies.

Establishing morale at home and abroad is very important as failing to achieve desirable morale results in lack of effort and falling vulnerable. Being too extreme will repel potential allies.

Just because you moderate your views to a more cooler level doesn't mean you can't effectively fight for your cause. Though former South African general Constand Viljoen believes in Afrikaner separatism, he still had the power to bloodlessly take control of South Africa's dying White minority government and secure South Africa's provinces(Cape, Natal, Transvaal, Orange) as part of an Afrikaner Republican State ruled by the White Afrikaner elite while preparing the Bantus for their own independent nations. Why did the United States reject the idea of separate development, the most peaceful solution to phase out apartheid while securing a future for White Afrikaners? South Africa would be better off under separate development for all races as Whites and Blacks can operate under their own systems suited based on their civilizations.

For those of you who blast David Duke over his past affiliation with the Ku Klux Klan, he truly does not support the radical fringe elements of White Supremacy. He instead exposes how Zionism has not just enslaved America but enslaved many other countries around the World and not just in Europe and Australia but also Asia has felt the damaging effects of having a foreign ideology rule over their respective society. Best thing about David Duke is he doesn't lower the bar the same way the Israel firsters or anti-white cultural Marxists do as Duke displays a level of grandfatherly maturity and compassion unlike the wide eyed, big mouthed race-baiters at the Anti-Decency League(oh, I'm sorry, I mean Anti-Defamation League) and Stupid Poverty Law Center(ou oh! I forgot to say Southern Poverty Law Center) who will ignore tragedies that involve Jewish tribalist crimes against White Christians(Armenian Genocide and Holodomor).

The most important part about being a White nationalist/separatist is yearning for peace and making peace with your neighbors. Every nationality, race, and people have a human right to self-determination and to rule over lands they have earned in making a civilization, culture, and history.
Julius Malema 2011-09-14 cropped.jpg
A frightening example of Black supremacy and hatred includes left-wing Azanian politican Julius Malema, who was convicted of hate speech offenses in 2009 for chanting a hate filled song "Kill the Boer". Do White nationalists have mottos, songs, or anthems about wanting to kill Jews, Blacks, or Asians? While White nationalists are more concerned about preserving their own kind, Maoist scum like Julius Malema are busy trying to be masters of African brutality. If Malema ever became President, he would make South Africa another Cambodia or Rwanda.

BTW, the Afrikaners earned the right to govern most of South Africa, including their holy cities(Johannesburg, Pretoria, Durban, Pietermartizburg, Bloemfontein, Cape Town, Windhoek) just like the settlers of the Americas and Australia who built great civilizations and made it possible to expand the first world and western civilization as a whole, something other civilizations couldn't accomplish. Land should not be allocated based solely on population but on how much each nationality has contributed to the care and foundation of the inhabited land.

Sad injustice in this world includes the irony of South Africa losing it's right to be an Afrikaner state despite decades and centuries of care and contribution to the industrialization and creation of society in Southern Africa while Israel get's to continue existing as a Jewish state despite being founded on terrorism and violent ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from lands that were agreed to be left for Arab inhabitation by the 1947 U.N. Partition Plan. The 1947 U.N. Partition Plan carefully considered the needs and environmental suitability of both Arabs and Jews. Jerusalem was to be made an internationally guarded free city in order to resolve any conflicts Christians, Jews, and Muslims may have.

There's nothing hateful or racist about having pride in heritage but there is something hateful and racist about depriving one group of lands and properties they've rightfully earned as well as their heritage. If White pride is racist and hatefilled, then so is all other racial prides, given that the Chauvinism of Israel has led to the hatefilled murders of countless Palestinians while Hutu power led to the slaughter of over one million Tutsi and moderate Hutu people in just three months(April-July, 1994) and keep in mind that Hutus are black people.

You can't preserve and enhance the welfare of your own kind if it is spent hating those different from it more than it is spent loving and preserving your own kind. Let's give the White Aryan race a noble cause by striving to preserve, expand, and enhance the well being of our glorious White heritage as White Unity, the same unity the Jewish people have, only White people will continue improving a civilization that needs to be pulled up from decline.

What should be desired from the White Pride movement is for Whites to have control of their won government, based on humane nationalist policies that ensure the founding and creative race and/or ethnicity has a government that put's their interests first, and not the interests of foreigners such as American politicians relying on special interests.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

88 Precepts-Credit Given to the Late, Great, and Persecuted David Lane

I just think these 88 principles hold true as the need to post these truths is to give a better understanding to the issue of White survival and expansion.

1. Any religion or teaching which denies the Natural Laws of the Universe is false.

2. Whatever People’s perception of God, or Gods, or the motive Force of the Universe might be, they can hardly deny that Nature’s Law are the work of, and therefore the intent of, that Force.

3. God and religion are distinct, separate and often conflicting concepts. Nature evidences the divine plan, for the natural world is the work of the force or the intelligence men call God. Religion is the creation of mortals, therefore predestined to fallibility. Religion may preserve or destroy a People, depending on the structure given by its progenitors, the motives of its agents and the vagaries of historical circumstances.

4. The truest form of prayer is communion with Nature. It is not vocal. Go to a lonely spot, if possible a mountaintop, on a clear, star-lit night, ponder the majesty and order of the infinite macrocosm. Then consider the intricacies of the equally infinite microcosm. Understand that you are on the one hand inconsequential beyond comprehension in the size of things, and on the other hand, you are potentially valuable beyond comprehension as a link in destiny’s chain. There you begin to understand how pride and self can co-exist with respect and reverence. There we find harmony with Nature and with harmony comes strength, peace and certainty.

5. Secular power systems protect and promote religions, which teach of an after-life. Thus, people are taught to abandon defenses against the predators of this life.

6. History, both secular and religious, is a fable conceived in self-serving deceit and promulgated by those who perceive benefits.

7. Religion in its most beneficial form is the symbology of a People and their culture. A multiracial religion destroys the senses of uniqueness, exclusivity and value necessary to the survival of a race.

8. What men call the “super natural” is actually the “natural” not yet understood or revealed.

9. A proliferation of laws with the resultant loss of freedom is a sign of, and directly proportional to, spiritual sickness in a Nation.

10. If a Nation is devoid of spiritual health and moral character, then government and unprincipled men will fill the vacancy. Therefore, freedom prospers in moral values and tyranny thrives in moral decay.

11. Truth requires little explanation. Therefore, beware of verbose doctrines. The great principles are revealed in brevity.

12. Truth does not fear investigation.

13. Unfounded belief is pitfall. A People who do not check the validity and effect of their beliefs with reason will suffer or perish.

14. In accord with Nature’s Laws, nothing is more right than the preservation of one’s own race.

15. No greater motivating force exists than the certain conviction that one is right.

16. Discernment is a sign of a healthy People. In a sick or dying nation, civilization, culture or race, substance is abandoned in favor of appearance.

17. Discernment includes the ability to recognize the difference between belief and demonstrable reality.

18. There exists no such thing as rights or privileges under the Laws of Nature. The deer being stalked by a hungry lion has no right to life. However, he may purchase life by obedience to nature- ordained instincts for vigilance and flight. Similarly, men have no rights to life, liberty or happiness. These circumstances may be purchased by oneself, by one’s family, by one’s tribe or by one’s ancestors, but they are nonetheless purchases and are not rights. Furthermore, the value of these purchases can only be maintained through vigilance and obedience to Natural Law.

19. A people who are not convinced of their uniqueness and value will perish.

20. The White race has suffered invasions and brutality from Africa and Asia for thousands of years. For example, Attila and the Asiatic Huns who invaded Europe in the 5th century, raping, plundering and killing from the Alps to the Baltic and the Caspian Seas. This scenario was repeated by the Mongols of Genghis Khan 800 years later. (Note here that the American Indians are not “Native Americans,” but are racially Mongolians.) In the 8th century, hundreds of years before Negroes were brought to America, the North African Moors of mixed racial background invaded and conquered Portugal, Spain and part of France. So, the attempted guilt-trip placed on the White race by civilization’s executioners is invalid under both historical circumstance and the Natural Law which denies inter-specie compassion. The fact is, all races have benefited immeasurably from the creative genius of the Aryan People.

21. People who allow others not of their race to live among them will perish, because the inevitable result of a racial integration is racial inter-breeding which destroys the characteristics and existence of a race. Forced integration is deliberate and malicious genocide, particularly for a People like the White race, who are now a small minority in the world.

22. In the final analysis, a race or specie is not judged superior or inferior by its accomplishments, but by its will and ability to survive.

23. Political, economic, and religious systems may be destroyed and resurrected by men, but the death of a race is eternal.

24. No race of People can indefinitely continue their existence without territorial imperatives in which to propagate, protect, and promote their own kind.

25. A People without a culture exclusively their own will perish.

26. Nature has put a certain antipathy between races and species to preserve the individuality and existence of each. Violation of the territorial imperative necessary to preserve that antipathy leads to either conflict or mongrelization.

27. It is not constructive to hate those of other races, or even those of mixed races. But a separation must be maintained for the survival of one’s own race. One must, however, hate with a pure and perfect hatred those of one’s own race who commit treason against one’s own kind and against the nations of one’s own kind. One must hate with perfect hatred all those People or practices which destroy one’s People, one’s culture, or the racial exclusiveness of one’s territorial imperative.

28. The concept of a multi-racial society violates every Natural Law for specie preservation.

29. The concept of “equality” is declared a lie by every evidence of Nature. It is a search for the lowest common denominator, and its pursuit will destroy every superior race, nation, or culture. In order for a plow horse to run as fast as a race horse you would first have to cripple the race horse; conversely, in order for a race horse to pull as much as a plow horse, you would first have to cripple the plow horse. In either case, the pursuit of equality is the destruction of excellence.

30. The instincts for racial and specie preservation are ordained by Nature.

31. Instincts are Nature’s perfect mechanism for the survival of each race and specie. The human weakness of rationalizing situations for self-gratification must not be permitted to interfere with these instincts.

32. Miscegenation, that is race-mixing, is and has always been, the greatest threat to the survival of the Aryan race.

33. Inter-specie compassion is contrary to the Laws of Nature and is, therefore, suicidal. If a wolf were to intercede to save a lamb from a lion, he would be killed. Today, we see the White man taxed so heavily that he cannot afford children. The taxes raised are then used to support the breeding of tens of millions of non-whites, many of whom then demand the last White females for breeding partners. As you can see, man is subject to all the Laws of Nature. This has nothing to do with morality, hatred, good or evil. Nature does not recognize the concepts of good and evil in inter-specie relationships. If the lion eats the lamb, it is good for the lion and evil for the lamb. If the lamb escapes and the lion starves, it is good for the lamb and evil for the lion. So, we see the same incident is labeled both good and evil. This cannot be, for there are no contradictions within Nature’s Laws.

34. The instinct for sexual union is part of Nature’s perfect mechanism for specie preservation. It begins early in life and often continues until late in life. It must not be repressed; its purpose, reproduction, must not be thwarted either. Understand that for thousands of years our females bore children at an early age. Now, in an attempt to conform to and compete in an alien culture, they deny their Nature-ordained instincts and duties. Teach responsibility, but, also, have understanding. The life of a race springs from the wombs of its women. He who would judge must first understand the difference between what is good and what is right.

35. Homosexuality is a crime against Nature. All Nature declares the purpose of the instinct for sexual union is reproduction and thus, preservations of the specie. The overpowering male sex drive must be channeled toward possession of females, as well as elements such as territory and power, which are necessary to keep them.

36. Sexual pornography degrades the Nature of all who are involved. A beautiful nude woman is art; a camera between her knees to explore her private parts is pornography.

37. That race whose males will not fight to death to keep and mate with their females will perish. Any White man with healthy instincts feels disgust and revulsion when he sees a woman of his race with a man of another race. Those, who today control the media and affairs of the Western World, teach that this is wrong and shameful. They label it “racism.” As any “ism,” for instance the word “nationalism,” means to promote one’s own nation; “racism” merely means to promote and protect the life of one’s own race. It is, perhaps, the proudest word in existence. Any man who disobey these instincts is anti-Nature.

38. In a sick and dying nation, culture, race or civilization, political dissent and traditional values will be labeled and persecuted as heinous crimes by inquisitors clothing themselves in jingoistic patriotism.

39. A People who are ignorant of their past will defile the present and destroy the future.

40. A race must honor above all earthly things, those who have given their lives or freedom for the preservation of the folk.

41. The folk, namely the members of the race, are the Nation. Racial loyalties must always supersede geographical and national boundaries. If this is taught and understood, it will end fratricidal wars. Wars must not be fought for the benefit of another race.

42. The Nations’ leaders are not rulers, they are servants and guardians. They are not to serve for personal gain. Choose only a guardian who has no interest in the accumulation of material things.

43. Choose and judge your leaders, also called guardians, thus: Those who seek always to limit the power of government are of good heart and conscience. Those who seek to expand the power of government are base tyrants.

44. No government can give anything to anybody without first taking it from another. Government is, by its very nature, legalized taking. A limited amount of government is a necessary burden for national defense and internal order. Anything more is counterproductive to freedom and liberty.

45. The Organic founding Law, namely the Constitution of a Nation, must not be amendable by any method other than unanimous consent of all parties thereto and with all parties present. Otherwise, the doors are opened for the advent of that most dangerous and deadly form of government, democracy.

46. In a democracy those who control the media, and thus the minds of the electorate, have power undreamed by kings or dictators.

47. The simplest way to describe a democracy is this: Three people form a government, each having one vote. Then two of them vote to steal the wealth of the third.

48. The latter stages of a democracy are filled with foreign wars, because the bankrupt system attempts to preserve itself by plundering other nations.

49. In a democracy that which is legal is seldom moral, and that which is moral is often illegal.

50. A democracy is always followed by a strongman... some call him dictator. It is the only way to restore order out of the chaos caused by a democracy. Pick your strongman wisely! He must be a guardian in his heart. He must be one who has shown that his only purpose in life is the preservation of the folk. His ultimate aim must be to restore the rule of Law based on the perfect Laws of Nature. Do not choose him by his words. Choose one who has sacrificed all in the face of tyranny; choose one who has endured and persevered. This is the only reliable evidence of his worthiness and motives.

51. A power system will do anything, no matter how corrupt or brutal, to preserve itself.

52. Tyrannies cannot be ended without the use of force.

53. Those who commit treason disguise their deeds in proclamations of patriotism.

54. Propaganda is major component in all power systems, both secular and religious; false propaganda is a major component of unprincipled power systems. All power systems endeavor to convince their subjects that the system is good, just, beneficent and noble, as well as worthy of perpetuation and defense. The more jingoistic propaganda issued, the more suspicious one should be of its truth.

55. Political power, in the final analysis, is created and maintained by force.

56. A power system, secular or religious, which employs extensive calls to patriotism or requires verbosity and rhetoric for its preservation, is masking tyranny.

57. Propaganda is a legitimate and necessary weapon in any struggle. The elements of successful propaganda are: simplicity, emotion, repetition, and brevity. Also, since men believe what they want to believe, and since they want to believe that which they perceive as beneficial to themselves, then successful propaganda must appeal to the perceived selfinterest of those to whom it is disseminated.

58. Tyrannies teach what to think; free men learn how to think.

59. Beware of men who increase their wealth by the use of words. Particularly beware of the lawyers or priests who deny Natural Law.

60. The patriot, being led to the inquisition’s dungeons or the executioner’s axe, will be condemned the loudest by his former friends and allies; for thus they seek to escape the same fate.

61. The sweet goddess of Peace lives only under the protective arm of the ready God of War.

62. The organic founding Law of a Nation must state with unmistakable and irrevocable specificity the identity of the homogeneous racial, cultural group for whose welfare it was formed, and that the continued existence of the Nation is singularly for all time for the welfare of that specific group only.

63. That race or culture which lets others influence or control any of the following will perish:
• Organs of information;
• Educational institutions;
• Religious institutions;
• Political offices;
• Creation of their money;
• Judicial institutions;
• Cultural institutions;
• Economic life.

64. Just Laws require little explanation. Their meaning is irrevocable in simplicity and specificity.

65. Men’s emotions are stirred far more effectively by the spoken word than by the written word. This is why a ruling tyranny will react more violently to gatherings of dissenters than to books or pamphlets.

66. The organic founding Law of the Nation, or any law, is exactly as pertinent as the will and power to enforce it.

67. An unarmed or non-militant People will be enslaved.

68. Some say the pen is more powerful than the sword. Perhaps so. Yet, the pen without the sword has no authority.

69. Tyrannies are usually built step by step and disguised by noble rhetoric.

70. The difference between a terrorist and a patriot is control of the press.

71. The judgments of the guardians, the leaders, must be true to Natural Law and tempered by reason.

72. Materialism is base and destructive. The guardians of a Nation must constantly warn against and combat a materialistic spirit in the Nation. Acquisition of wealth and property, as need for the well-being of one’s family and obtained by honorable means is right and proper. Exploitation, particularly through usury, is destructive to a nation.

73. Materialism leads men to seek artificial status through wealth or property. True social status comes from service to Family, Race and Nation.

74. Materialism ultimately leads to conspicuous, unnecessary consumption, which in turn leads to the rape of Nature and destruction of the environment. It is unnatural. The true guardians of the Nation must be wholly untainted by materialism.

75. The function of a merchant or salesman is to provide a method of exchange. A merchant who promotes unnecessary consumption and materialism must not be tolerated.

76. The only lawful functions of money are as a medium of exchange and especially usury are unlawful. Usury (interest) at any percentage is a high crime which cannot be tolerated.

77. A nation with an aristocracy of money, lawyers or merchants will become a tyranny.

78. The simplest way to describe a usury-based central banking system is this: The bankers demand the property of the Nation as collateral for their loans. At interest, more money is owed them that they created with the loans. So, eventually, the bankers foreclose on the Nation.

79. Usury (interest), inflation, and oppressive taxation are the theft by deception and destroy the moral fabric of the Nation.

80. Wealth gained without sacrifices or honest labor will usually be misused.

81. Nothing in Nature is static; either the life force grows and expands or it decays and dies.

82. Respect must be earned; it cannot be demanded or assumed.

83. Avoid a vexatious man, for his venom will poison your own nature.

84. Self discipline is a mark of higher man.

85. One measure of a man is cheerfulness in adversity.

86. A fool judges others by their words. A wise man judges others by their actions and accomplishments.

87. In our relationships or interactions, as in all of Nature’s Laws, to each action there is a reaction. That which we plant will be harvested, if not by ourselves, then by another.

88. These are sure signs of a sick or dying Nation. If you see any of them, your guardians are committing treason.
• Mixing and destruction of the founding race;
• Destruction of the family units;
• Oppressive taxation;
• Corruption of the Law;
• Terror and suppression against those who warn of the Nation’s error;
• Immorality: drugs, drunkenness, etc.;
• Infanticide (now called abortion);
• Destruction of the currency (inflation or usury);
• Aliens in the land, alien culture;
• Materialism;
• Foreign wars;
• Guardians (leaders) who pursue wealth or glory;
• Homosexuality;
• Religion not based on Natural Law.

Hard to believe an "evil racist" skinhead leaning White racial loyalist like David Lane would write these amazing principles. If Western Civilization(free from Zionist control) followed these principles, there would be a smaller Third World and a larger more prosperous First World, outnumbering the Third World(but only barely).

The Cosmopolitanism pushed by "human rights" organizations fails to address natural principles and utterly follows a left-wing Marxist agenda. Not even the African countries that the left campaigned for their independence believe in the bullshit propagated by left-wing Judeo-Marxist organizations such as Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and United Nations.