ISIS is waging a war of brutality against the great cultures of the Middle East. The Middle East was historically a place for peace and tranquility. ISIS is engaging in the same civilization destroying madness that Nazi Germany, Soviet Union, Khmer Rouge, Communist China, and many aggressive powers throughout history such as the Ottoman Empire destroying Remnants of Roman society.
Before World War I existed the late, great German and Austro-Hungarian Empires. The Hohenzollern and Hapsburg dynasties ruled these great powers. Would German Nationalism spill into such extremes as it did had the German Empire never fell?
A more mild form of what could be considered Social Nationalism is Volksgemeinschaft which means people's community. This ideology favored curbing elitism in favor of uniting people among class lines to achieve a greater national purpose. While the Nazis adopted this policy, the Nazi regime became too ambitious, seeking to take things too far such as annexing Poland and the Netherlands, two countries that have not only been historically a safe haven for Jewish paradise, but would also have been safe havens for Jews fleeing Nazism. When the Nazis occupied Poland, virtually nobody cooperated with Nazi authorities on rounding up Jews.
I feel that while Germany was right to respond to Poland's defiant behavior concerning territory unjustly taken from Germany, annexing Poland(therefore depriving Warsaw of it's right to self determination) was a huge mistake that Germany paid dearly for. The Jewish Question was a major issue in Interwar Germany that could have been more humanely solved by leaving Congress Poland(plus Galicia) and the Netherlands for example out of the Nazi's purification plans. When the Jews were expelled from Spain in 1492, many found safe haven in the Netherlands. Historically, the Holy Roman Empire(Germany) and Italian States accepted Jews but they had less rights than the Christian population and for a good reason, though Jews were still able to practice their religion in peace without interfering with the affairs of their host country.
The reason Neo-Nazism has attracted some people for instance is because they fear Whites will eventually lose power within their own homelands to descendants for immigrants from the developing world. Immigration is never restricted to race but rather has to do with economics and national identity.
Torture is against the Western Christian way. Human Rights since the end of the Cold War have become a way of life for the Western World but importing more third world immigrants without proper checks and balances to ensure they are treated like aliens but with dignity and respect, respecting the host as the one in control.
To test if your country is ruled by those who deserve to rule over it, the above quote from Voltaire should be a good bet. Many Western "democracies" are abridging free speech in the name of "tolerance". What tolerance really means is advancing Talmudic cultural marxist agenda, mainly having Jewish interests in society be put first instead of German interests for Germany. The problem with Jews in government is the tribalist nature of the Jewish nation. While some Jews will assimilate and accept that White Christians have the right to rule over their countries without infiltration and laws against criticizing alien peoples, Jewish supremacy has bankrupted Europe both morally and economically.
I have nothing against Israel wanting to preserve itself as a Jewish Democratic State but why do the Jewish tribalists want to deny White people their rights to have nations run by their own race? Some societies such as Brazil can cope with being multi-racial but Europe has never hosted a nation of immigrants. The Talmudic reptilian racists infiltrated and took advantage of governments with Western Democracy and open that conquered country's borders. Will White people have control of their governments if non-Whites become enough of the population to subjugate the interests of the founding race?
We don't need to gas anyone based on their ethnic background but I refuse to believe that it's wrong to consider Aryans as the rightful exclusive rulers of Germany. I want to say that ignoring nature has serious consequences. Will liberal democratic societies such as Netherlands, United Kingdom, and Australia survive if Whites become a minority? Is South Africa better off with Black majority rule?
What I'm saying here is that I have much concern that importing non-Western cultures into Western countries and making Whites a minority by not securing their needs first will lead to barbarianism. You can't understand human rights without understanding race and nature. Since the West has been the leader in human rights, then Whites should effectively be in control of European governments and also help their White brothers and sisters. Non-White led governments have proven themselves to have worse human rights records as overcrowding and brutality have become norms in societies such as post-colonial Africa and India due to those societies lacking a proper superior hierarchy.
We can only have a more civilized and human rights oriented society if we abandon cosmopolitanism and adopt a nature based system of merit, rather than a guilt based system that gives people of alien races preferential treatment.
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