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I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Friday, December 12, 2014

Keeping What Civilization has Earned

1. Ciseki
2. Transeki
3. Lesotho
4. Kwazulu
5. Swaziland
6. Lebowa
7. Gazankulu
8. Venda
9. South Ndebele
10. Botswana

This map is an alternate history map I found outlining what could have been a separate homeland for Black Bantus that could have become the Azania League while creating a less polarizing federal South Africa where Afrikaner interests are first to be considered while local communities that deal with everyday life such as work, education, and social life can have more power over those issues. Is having racially segregated communities such a bad thing it needs to be denounced as a "crime against humanity"? After all, should Whites eventually become minorities in their own homeland their ancestor nation earned in building? Should Whites be forced to live in fear of higher crime rates from non-whites due to integration of communities originally intended to be reserved for a specific race?

While the Bantustans were slovenly drawn and should have been expanded to give Blacks true independence, I disagree with the notion of making it seem as if Bantustans are like concentration camps. Freedom of Movement is a fundamental human right and if someone has to fear being attacked by vicious predators, then that right comes under attack. Should so called "asylum Seekers" who are truly a disgrace to genuine asylum seekers be considered fully equal so that they can eventually attack beautiful Westernized peoples? It's not just Whites who come under attack but also non-Whites who embrace Western civilization and pose no threat to the national identity of the country's soil they walk on.

I understand that racial segregation can have some social and economic consequences but is segregation so bad that people need to essential be at risk for having their communities be demographically altered by alien races? Integration not only threatens White people but also Blacks, Asians, Jews, etc. since they risk demographic injustice.

Has the Rainbow Nation solution been a perfect Final Solution to the Apartheid problem? Evidence shows that as the most diverse of races, Bantus find themselves at war with each other. The Bantustans were intended to correct these tribal issues by granting Bantus their right to self determination similar to decolonization of Africa that occurred mostly in 1960.

The international community is failing White people but only a few countries have potential to give White Civilization a fighting chance.
А.Р.Лукашэнка (выразка).jpgBashar al-Assad (cropped).jpg
I actually consider these men the Four musketeers. Alexander Lukashenko, Serzh Sargsyan, Vladimir Putin, and Bashir Al-Assad could be as of right now most likely to express solidarity as Heads of State with victims of White and Western Genocide. Lukashenko has been declared Europe's final dictator. Though he has held on to many Soviet institutions, may I remind you that he will not be one to allow massive third world immigration. Belarus also has potential for arms dealing and his regime could supply right-wing resistance movements with as much advanced weaponry as possible.

In a race against time, compromise is the only option. When strength gets higher, the enemies of Western Civilization will start fleeing and retreating. Finances are a problem as states who have a vested interest in giving aid to White cause. Lukashenko, Sargsyan, Putin, and Assad are all targets of the Judeo-Marxist Democratic establishment headquartered in Washington D.C. and Brussels, capitals of the evil empires of the United States and European Union respectively. The enemy of my enemy is my friend in this case as I hate the U.S. government and the European Union for being responsible and complicit in White Genocide. While not all who oppose the U.S. govt. and E.U. have solidarity with White Power, my favorite form of government is a fascist leaning dictatorship that fights for Western Civilization and the White race, defying the international establishment and standing up to it. Lukashenko is taking on the EU.

Putin's Russia is also having heated relations with the U.S. and E.U. and Obama has even gone further as to impose sanctions on Russia. I'd like to see World War III as a war between Globalists and Sovereignty with Russia and Belarus leading the anti-globalist crusade.

The United Nations is not as harmless as you may think. The UN's institutions strike terror into those who dare defy it's agenda. Thank God UN does not have the institutions to be a superpower empire of evil. However, evil people(mainly international Jewry) believe they have the power to override the sovereignty of any real nation without consent of the governed. When Apartheid was declared a quote "crime against humanity" in 1976, this was a declaration of war against the Afrikaner people as Apartheid was not only part of Afrikaner national identity but was an alternative to genocide of Bantu peoples.
File:Afrikaner Vryheidsvlag.svg
Why do I focus on South Africa first? The Afrikaner people are among the most endangered White people as the tyrannical ANC has refused to consider them sometimes as part of political society. Afrikaner cultural needs are met with financial and social compromise as they are forced to fend for themselves without enough firearms. South Africa created a better society under apartheid, becoming a developed country. Why does South Africa even under Black rule seem more developed than other Black countries? White people still have enough influence over society! The 1992 South African referendum allowing for multiracial elections was a fraud as intimidation, foreign influence, and abuse of power was used. If only some brave Afrikaner Nationalists overthrew the government and began a campaign of expelling Black inhabitants of Afrikaner lands.

There is a small town called Orania home to virtually Afrikaner people only and could be the ticket to reclaiming Afrikaner sovereignty. Integration has proven to be a cancer and forced integration is a violation of sovereignty and self-determination! Given the events in Donetsk and much of East Ukraine, it is possible to self-proclaim a state. The Irish War for Independence was pretty much a grassroots uprising against British rule and starting with Orania is a great start.
File:GeraldoGeraldesSemPavor.jpgFile:Painting of Santiago Matamoros.jpg
Why stop with Orania? These Bantu-supremacist cockroaches have stolen Afrikaner land and must feel the vicious and brutal wrath of god! The above map outline's Bantu lands in the peace deal between Afrikaner nationalists and the ANC government demanding the return of lands previously having White majorities(such as Pretoria, Johannesburg, Bloemfontein, Cape Town, Port Elizabeth, Windhoek, Durban, and other Western built cities) or face extreme bloody wrath! If massacres of millions of the enemies of White people must occur with brutal heated passion, it will be the anti-Whites fault as well as the fault of the international community for denying White people justice!

Separate Development and separate nations on appropriate lands are the only peaceful solution. Things must get worse before reaching victory and conflict is a great way to gain attention and bring about a peace process. Some compromises can be met such as demilitarization and condominium status of certain lands, even sharing of natural resources under international treaty supervision but the White man's civilization must not except the deprivation of justice for his brethren. When one White Western nation is threatened, all White Western nations are threatened.

How would the re-conquest be fought? What artillery is needed? Since Orania will have to start small, appropriating funds by engaging in deals with organized crime syndicates or even heists in covert operation, even engaging in activities organized crime syndicates engage in to raise money. Much of the supplies needed can come from humanitarian organizations and items captures from pillages of enemy holds. Targeting armories, military bases, and airports is a very important step in this White Liberation Movement.

White racial loyalists, no matter who they are should be a part of this crusade and able bodies males should fight in combat. White loyalist organizations should give charity to the White crusader cause including donations, firearms(if possible), healthcare, armored vehicles, and information. This cause will also be successful by soliciting wealthy White Gentiles to donate wealth for our cause, particularly celebrities of Afrikaner descent.

BTW, it's not just White people who share Afrikaner heritage but Coloreds as well. When I think of Coloreds in South Africa, such as Basters and Griqua, I think of African-Americans(the more Westernized Blacks). Griqua people once had their own state, with cities such as Kokstad and Kimberly.

What must be done about this Bantu occupation of historically Afrikaner White Communities? The Bantus must be expelled from Western built cities such as Johannesburg and should such Bantus refuse, they should be forced to leave by any means and at all costs. A message should be sent Mafia style to the ANC hogs that have stolen White built institutions and have destroyed South Africa that such an occupation will not be tolerated and brutal plus swift action will be taken against them, including giving them the same respect you'd give your enemies. ANC would not have power had it not have been for the criminal traitors(F.W. Klerk) who failed to safeguard Afrikaner power and instead allow Mandela and ANC to gain power.

A network of wealthy individuals who care about the plight of White people should fund the paramilitary resistance to ANC tyranny.

It is clear that co-existing under the same land and government has made blacks a cancer to White Afrikaners. You don't co-exist with a cancer. Apartheid only treated the symptoms of the Bantu cancer and did not do enough to expel this cancer from Boer society. Black majority rule is like living with mad rabid dogs and cancer.

The final solution to the Bantu problem is the partition of South Africa with the lands enclosed in thick black lines, establishing a federal state, naming it Azania. The rest of the land will be reserved for Whites and Colored, establishing itself as an Afrikaner Republican State, with the State President having no authority to compromise Boer power. Protecting national sovereignty is more important than abiding by "international law" which is in reality made by foreigners who have no concern or understanding of the particular country's issues. The international community had no idea why Apartheid was really adapted. International justice, if it means anything, refers to a state of affairs where the world’s ethnic groups, races and religions are given the independence to develop according to their own historical tradition, not the ideological slogans of the current hegemon. For those who supported the transfer of power from the rightful holders of power(Afrikaners) to the Bantu majority, a lack of understanding and any kind of meddling(such as economic sanctions) has eroded the meaning of justice, opting instead for a multicultural path to a one world government and abolition of nations.

When borders and nations are established, it is Apartheid. With nations, each country decides who can and cannot become a citizen. The real issue is who has true independence and who doesn't. The 1994 election in South Africa was a humiliating defeat for Western civilization as the once conservative and proudly sovereign Afrikaner nation was conquered by the inferior monkey races. Non-violence and democratic elections have no effect because the ANC have passed affirmative action, reducing Afrikaner influence over South African society. There is a good reason Hitler's regime prohibited Jews from having influence over German society as Jews are inherently less trustworthy than Aryans of protecting German interests(even though certain Jews however have proven themselves trustworthy enough to be part of German society).

If only Apartheid excluded Jews(who mostly came under British commonwealth rule) from being part of South African society and instead expelled these foreigners as a corrupt influence on society. Since nature demands people protect their own kind, international laws concerning population expulsions should be ignored as nature's law is the highest law of the land. Apartheid is simply a natural response to the concerns of foreign infiltration.

Afrikaners and Bantus have never been integrated under a multiracial democracy and are not meant to be naturally integrated, unlike Tutsis and Hutus of Rwanda for example. I commend Gregory Stanton of Genocide Watch for documenting South Africa as on it's way to Genocide but I feel his idea of a transcendent human race theory, rejecting the human diversity of races is an unnatural position, leading to a one world government tyranny. Plus, I myself can tolerate some criticism of Apartheid but not the most extreme such as opposing any form of segregation as apartheid is again a natural response to prevent clash of civilization.

Any ethnic conflict problem to a nation must be dealt with humanely as possible. The most humane possible solution to the Bantu problem while reviving and preserving Afrikaner identity is population transfers, with transportation and compensation being offered for those who comply with evacuation orders. those who fail to comply should be forcibly removed from lands they are not a nationality of(for example Bantus will be expelled from non-Bantu lands while non-Bantus will be expelled from Bantustans). I do however favor an option where under certain circumstances Bantus can live like foreign residents in the non-Bantu ruled South Africa while facing the same consequences of deportation if they pose a danger to Afrikaner society.
On the other hand, the Inkatha Freedom Party is a Zulu led conservative opposition party that is a potential ally to the Afrikaner cause as the proposed larger bantustan will include making KwaZulu larger than it's historical land. A pact can be made between Afrikaner and Zulu nationalists to form an alliance and partition KwaZulu-Natal between the Afrikaner and Zulu states.
Are we as White people and other westernized minorities going to fight to defend our race and civilization or shall we be stuck voting over and over without any hope or change. Future blog posts will give out peaceful and effective solutions and plans on how to smash the anti-White system. History is on White man's side. all that's missing is the will to fight but technology has made spreading the will less challenging. Boers have already been made social outsiders in many parts of South Africa, their homeland and we all known the cause of this problem. Simply expelling Blacks to bantustans would create a better society in South Africa as the United Boer Republics it has the natural right to be.

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