Establishing morale at home and abroad is very important as failing to achieve desirable morale results in lack of effort and falling vulnerable. Being too extreme will repel potential allies.
Just because you moderate your views to a more cooler level doesn't mean you can't effectively fight for your cause. Though former South African general Constand Viljoen believes in Afrikaner separatism, he still had the power to bloodlessly take control of South Africa's dying White minority government and secure South Africa's provinces(Cape, Natal, Transvaal, Orange) as part of an Afrikaner Republican State ruled by the White Afrikaner elite while preparing the Bantus for their own independent nations. Why did the United States reject the idea of separate development, the most peaceful solution to phase out apartheid while securing a future for White Afrikaners? South Africa would be better off under separate development for all races as Whites and Blacks can operate under their own systems suited based on their civilizations.
For those of you who blast David Duke over his past affiliation with the Ku Klux Klan, he truly does not support the radical fringe elements of White Supremacy. He instead exposes how Zionism has not just enslaved America but enslaved many other countries around the World and not just in Europe and Australia but also Asia has felt the damaging effects of having a foreign ideology rule over their respective society. Best thing about David Duke is he doesn't lower the bar the same way the Israel firsters or anti-white cultural Marxists do as Duke displays a level of grandfatherly maturity and compassion unlike the wide eyed, big mouthed race-baiters at the Anti-Decency League(oh, I'm sorry, I mean Anti-Defamation League) and Stupid Poverty Law Center(ou oh! I forgot to say Southern Poverty Law Center) who will ignore tragedies that involve Jewish tribalist crimes against White Christians(Armenian Genocide and Holodomor).
The most important part about being a White nationalist/separatist is yearning for peace and making peace with your neighbors. Every nationality, race, and people have a human right to self-determination and to rule over lands they have earned in making a civilization, culture, and history.
A frightening example of Black supremacy and hatred includes left-wing Azanian politican Julius Malema, who was convicted of hate speech offenses in 2009 for chanting a hate filled song "Kill the Boer". Do White nationalists have mottos, songs, or anthems about wanting to kill Jews, Blacks, or Asians? While White nationalists are more concerned about preserving their own kind, Maoist scum like Julius Malema are busy trying to be masters of African brutality. If Malema ever became President, he would make South Africa another Cambodia or Rwanda.
BTW, the Afrikaners earned the right to govern most of South Africa, including their holy cities(Johannesburg, Pretoria, Durban, Pietermartizburg, Bloemfontein, Cape Town, Windhoek) just like the settlers of the Americas and Australia who built great civilizations and made it possible to expand the first world and western civilization as a whole, something other civilizations couldn't accomplish. Land should not be allocated based solely on population but on how much each nationality has contributed to the care and foundation of the inhabited land.
Sad injustice in this world includes the irony of South Africa losing it's right to be an Afrikaner state despite decades and centuries of care and contribution to the industrialization and creation of society in Southern Africa while Israel get's to continue existing as a Jewish state despite being founded on terrorism and violent ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from lands that were agreed to be left for Arab inhabitation by the 1947 U.N. Partition Plan. The 1947 U.N. Partition Plan carefully considered the needs and environmental suitability of both Arabs and Jews. Jerusalem was to be made an internationally guarded free city in order to resolve any conflicts Christians, Jews, and Muslims may have.
There's nothing hateful or racist about having pride in heritage but there is something hateful and racist about depriving one group of lands and properties they've rightfully earned as well as their heritage. If White pride is racist and hatefilled, then so is all other racial prides, given that the Chauvinism of Israel has led to the hatefilled murders of countless Palestinians while Hutu power led to the slaughter of over one million Tutsi and moderate Hutu people in just three months(April-July, 1994) and keep in mind that Hutus are black people.
You can't preserve and enhance the welfare of your own kind if it is spent hating those different from it more than it is spent loving and preserving your own kind. Let's give the White Aryan race a noble cause by striving to preserve, expand, and enhance the well being of our glorious White heritage as White Unity, the same unity the Jewish people have, only White people will continue improving a civilization that needs to be pulled up from decline.
What should be desired from the White Pride movement is for Whites to have control of their won government, based on humane nationalist policies that ensure the founding and creative race and/or ethnicity has a government that put's their interests first, and not the interests of foreigners such as American politicians relying on special interests.
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