Two far-right groups known as Right Sector and Svoboda advocate an ultra-nationalist Ukraine. Following last year's Euro-maiden, a pro-EU and pro-NATO government was established in Kiev. What troubles me here is why aren't Right Sector and Svoboda advocating a Single-Party State ruled by fascist parties? Also, why hasn't Right Sector and Svoboda denounced liberal democracy and NATO? Why are these groups fighting for a puppet government of a Zionist Empire company known as the European Union?
Are Right-Sector and Svoboda just stunt parties intended to deceive and trap White Nationalists or do they truly want a free and independent Ukraine? Countries not part of the European Union have more sovereignty than countries under EU rule. Ukraine is among the best battlegrounds for White nationalism. The conflict with the less politically correct Russia however is creating diplomatic problems.
Both Russia and Ukraine's far-right in some way have conflicts with the European Union either politically or ideologically. The problem here is the Jewish Empire's secret influence over Europe as well as their golden opportunity to expand their evil empire with Ukraine. The above cartoon is a battle of Union vs. non-Union Workers while the Billionaires hold imperial power over the middle class. That is exactly what democracy is, divide and conquer. There is only one dominant elite that gives the illusion of competition and opposition.
Democracy, Mass rule, and Politics; a perfect divide and conquer strategy. The rich and powerful not only get more rich and powerful but also more greedy as they expect impunity for their crimes against the White middle class. Democracy does not bring unity, peace, and the rule of law, it gives politicians, robber baron bankers, and foreign subversives excuses to commit their crimes of stealth.

Tyahnybok was even investigated one decade ago for the zio-imperialist invented crime of "inciting ethnic hatred" but fortunately he was never prosecuted. Tyahnybok was however destroyed morally by the malicious Jewish Owned media's slander but Tyahnybok was vindicated and even more motivated to fight for national sovereignty.
Why am I showing support for the Ukrainian side over Russia? I consider both the Ukrainian and Russian people to be victims of Jewish Bolshevism yet Putin reveres Svoiet history too positively and has failed to work in making Russians the dominant ethnic group while excluding untrustworthy foreigners from participating in changing Russian society. Ukraine's far-right is angry that Russia hasn't owned up to it's horrible past(Holodomor) and has refused to denounce KGB war crimes.
Putin however is at war with the cultural marxist forces of the supposed "west" while Ukraine's far-right is fighting the Stalinist revering Russia. But what Right Sector and Svoboda want is an independent Ukraine, free of foreign influence. The White Aryan Christian people of Ukraine will be the master people under Ukraine's far-right world(should such be a reality) .
Who is my favorite character in the Ukraine-Russia conflict? I have to give hats off to Oleh Tyahnybok. Unfortunately, Poroshenko will betray Ukraine's far-right eventually when it becomes pragmatic for him to do so by potentially passing more laws calling for stricter measures against "inciting ethnic hatred" which is nothing more than a suppression of expressing nationalism and concern for the White Christian race.
However, many Ukrainians don't share the far-right views Tyahnybok and Yarosh share. The Right Sector however is paramilitary and a Svoboda-Right Sector merger can be constructed to form an alliance in overthrowing the Jewish Democratic System of Ukraine and install a Fascist but Organic Democratic Ukrainian State,
A union with Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Kalinigrad should be established to counter anti-white imperialism. The official ideology of this Balto-Slavic Union should be White Nationalism, Anti-Communism, Anti-Marxism, Pro-Independence, Pro-Gun, and Anti-Zionist. Jews should be viewed as a hostile foreign elite as well as depriving hostile foreigners from obtaining access to strategic positions of influence over Ukrainian society. Only White Christians should have positions of influence over Balto-Slavic society.

I know this goes against previous beliefs I held on Ukraine but the Ukrainian Revolution brought unity through strength, disregarding political wings in favor of demanding accountability, justice, and resistance to Russian Imperialism. The best hope for a Whiter future is the victory of Ukraine's Far-Right and to unite Belarus, Baltic States, Kalinigrad, and Ukraine into a superstate with White Brotherhood as it's national ideology.
Petro Poroshenko's pro-EU Pro-Zionist West sect is in control in Ukraine but real power is vested with Marxist Jewry. Dmytro Yarosh and Oleh Tyahnybok are part of the Far-Right Nationalist sect. Unlike Poroshenko, Yarosh and Tyahnybok oppose Judeo-Marxist-Stalinist imperialism.
While many european and American countries have accepted Cultural marxism, Political Correctness, and unknowingly accepted Jewish Imperialism, Ukraine's Far-Right appears to be fighting back and wants a free and independent Ukraine, without any control by the Judeo-Communist Imperialists.
Olel Tuahnybok is a role model for any civil minded peoples fighting for freedom and independence against marxist imperialism. Quotes here prove it:
Tyahnybok considers not just Russian loyalists and Germans to be foreigners but also Jews. Tyahnybok has also advocated re-arming Ukraine with nuclear weapons, despite such action being a violation of so called "international law". International Law is used to deny the sovereignty of nations international Jewish imperialists disapprove of. One such victim was South Africa's Afrikaner Nationalist Apartheid regime. Would the inferior African Civilization have triumphed over the superior Western Civilization if colonial powers viewed the inferior mud race civilizations as biological and political enemies?Tyahnybok was even investigated one decade ago for the zio-imperialist invented crime of "inciting ethnic hatred" but fortunately he was never prosecuted. Tyahnybok was however destroyed morally by the malicious Jewish Owned media's slander but Tyahnybok was vindicated and even more motivated to fight for national sovereignty.
Why am I showing support for the Ukrainian side over Russia? I consider both the Ukrainian and Russian people to be victims of Jewish Bolshevism yet Putin reveres Svoiet history too positively and has failed to work in making Russians the dominant ethnic group while excluding untrustworthy foreigners from participating in changing Russian society. Ukraine's far-right is angry that Russia hasn't owned up to it's horrible past(Holodomor) and has refused to denounce KGB war crimes.
Putin however is at war with the cultural marxist forces of the supposed "west" while Ukraine's far-right is fighting the Stalinist revering Russia. But what Right Sector and Svoboda want is an independent Ukraine, free of foreign influence. The White Aryan Christian people of Ukraine will be the master people under Ukraine's far-right world(should such be a reality) .
Who is my favorite character in the Ukraine-Russia conflict? I have to give hats off to Oleh Tyahnybok. Unfortunately, Poroshenko will betray Ukraine's far-right eventually when it becomes pragmatic for him to do so by potentially passing more laws calling for stricter measures against "inciting ethnic hatred" which is nothing more than a suppression of expressing nationalism and concern for the White Christian race.
However, many Ukrainians don't share the far-right views Tyahnybok and Yarosh share. The Right Sector however is paramilitary and a Svoboda-Right Sector merger can be constructed to form an alliance in overthrowing the Jewish Democratic System of Ukraine and install a Fascist but Organic Democratic Ukrainian State,
Ukraine's best political hope is a nationalist single-party authoritarian dictatorship under the Ukrainian State with a dictator. The reason "inciting ethnic hatred" and "hate crime" legislation is used is not to prosecute acts but to eliminate political opposition. The Ukrainian State should not be just Ukrainian nationalist but also White nationalist, sharing a bond of brotherhood with fellow White Slavs and creating a force dedicated to defeating international Jewish imperialism and White Genocide.
A union with Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Kalinigrad should be established to counter anti-white imperialism. The official ideology of this Balto-Slavic Union should be White Nationalism, Anti-Communism, Anti-Marxism, Pro-Independence, Pro-Gun, and Anti-Zionist. Jews should be viewed as a hostile foreign elite as well as depriving hostile foreigners from obtaining access to strategic positions of influence over Ukrainian society. Only White Christians should have positions of influence over Balto-Slavic society.
I know this goes against previous beliefs I held on Ukraine but the Ukrainian Revolution brought unity through strength, disregarding political wings in favor of demanding accountability, justice, and resistance to Russian Imperialism. The best hope for a Whiter future is the victory of Ukraine's Far-Right and to unite Belarus, Baltic States, Kalinigrad, and Ukraine into a superstate with White Brotherhood as it's national ideology.
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