As this world seems more concerned with accepting more Mud People who will damage the superior European ways of life, Argentina has become a safe haven for Europeans seeking a better economic future. Brazil and Australia have stricter immigration policies unlike last century.
Ukraine is also a White friendly nation that overthrew the pro-Russian Semi-Asiatic regime in Kiev. Should the fight for Ukraine be about more than just Ukraine or about a fight for the revival of White population risings? While the Kirchner regime in Buenos Aries has lacked the concern to fight for fellow oppressed White Europeans, Argentina does have great potential, given that disgruntled White nationalists could simply move to Argentina temporarily and protest the government's non pro-White actions, demanding greater pro-white policies.

Possible partition could include a Pro-Russian Eastern Ukraine, a Nationalist Ukraine in the Far-East ruled under a one part Svoboda-Right Sector coalition, and the current Ukrainian regime. The real question is should the yet to be established White Nationalist regime of West Ukraine try to incite White nationalists in Baltic States to cause their governments to resign and their Judeo-Democratic systems will collapse. Nationalist leaders will emerge like Napoleon and begin a process of National Reconstruction, expelling the Jewish Colonial era non-White immigrants and reserving the Heartland of the master race for White people.
What does Right Sector in Ukraine stand for?
The Great Ukrainian Reconquista: What is the Right Sector fighting for?
We, the warriors and commanders of the Right Sector are actively fighting the regime, remembering the heroism of King Svyatoslav the Courageous of Kyiv, King Danylo of Galicia, of Bohdan Khmelnytsky and the warriors of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army; implementing the right of a people to rise against injustice; and aware of our responsibilities before the dead and injured heroes of the Maidan.
For the right of every Ukrainian to human dignity...
For a fair criminal trial of Berkut and other dogs of the occupational system...
Against the humiliation and impoverishment of the Ukrainian people...
Against the war of the government with its own people...
For responsible voters and politicians...
For the election of judges...
Against corrupt and marginal democracy...
Against degeneracy and totalitarian liberalism...
For traditional folk morality and family values...
For Ukrainian families having many children...
For a spiritually and physically healthy youth...
Against a culture of consumerism and eroticism...
Against any form of "integration" on terms dictated from outside of Ukraine...
For unity and worldwide greatness of the Ukrainian nation...
For a great Ukrainian and European Reconquista... Everything is only beginning! From our Maidan, the rebirth of Kyivan-Rus/Ukraine commences, the rebirth of Europe commences.
Glory to Ukraine!
Glory to our heroes!
We, the warriors and commanders of the Right Sector are actively fighting the regime, remembering the heroism of King Svyatoslav the Courageous of Kyiv, King Danylo of Galicia, of Bohdan Khmelnytsky and the warriors of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army; implementing the right of a people to rise against injustice; and aware of our responsibilities before the dead and injured heroes of the Maidan.
For the right of every Ukrainian to human dignity...
For a fair criminal trial of Berkut and other dogs of the occupational system...
Against the humiliation and impoverishment of the Ukrainian people...
Against the war of the government with its own people...
For responsible voters and politicians...
For the election of judges...
Against corrupt and marginal democracy...
Against degeneracy and totalitarian liberalism...
For traditional folk morality and family values...
For Ukrainian families having many children...
For a spiritually and physically healthy youth...
Against a culture of consumerism and eroticism...
Against any form of "integration" on terms dictated from outside of Ukraine...
For unity and worldwide greatness of the Ukrainian nation...
For a great Ukrainian and European Reconquista... Everything is only beginning! From our Maidan, the rebirth of Kyivan-Rus/Ukraine commences, the rebirth of Europe commences.
Glory to Ukraine!
Glory to our heroes!
My kind of organization, fighting for the Glory of the European Master Race. Right Sector must increase it's base and spread it's wings not just to Europe but also South Africa, Australia, and America. Right Sector revolution will tear down the cancers of liberalism and Marxism that are destroying our once dominant White race.

Will we see Oleh Tyahnybok and Dmytro Yarosh emerge as the Napoleon Bonaparte of the White Race?
Ukrainian Nationalists are dismantling Soviet Idols and fighting to purge Ukraine and eventually Europe of this Marxist Cancer.
I really like Right Sector's paramilitary style! Parties with paramilitary groups get taken more seriously. Glad to see some Nordic like beauties in Ukraine fighting for freedom.

The labels of "Democracy" and "Dictatorship" mean nothing of substance. In fact, Assad's dictatorship is much more preferable than Obama's democracy. Above chart makes the point. Assad is more a legitimate ruler than Obama will ever be. It's not just majority of votes either but how much support leaders have. Plus, Syria doesn't have a Zionist controlled press as the Syrian people are the strongest nationality I have ever seen.

Could we finally see total liberation from Zionist control over Ukraine?

It appears over the past year Right Sector has grown into an anti-communist terror machine, avenging the humiliating defeat of the Aryan Race. Ukrainians shall liberate Germany by 2019 just as Germany liberated Ukraine in 1941.
Question is, will Ukraine make Aryans the master elite of Ukraine and Europe through Revolutionary Nationalism or will it be defeated by the Zio-Imperial European Union and NATO?

The labels of "Democracy" and "Dictatorship" mean nothing of substance. In fact, Assad's dictatorship is much more preferable than Obama's democracy. Above chart makes the point. Assad is more a legitimate ruler than Obama will ever be. It's not just majority of votes either but how much support leaders have. Plus, Syria doesn't have a Zionist controlled press as the Syrian people are the strongest nationality I have ever seen.
Could we finally see total liberation from Zionist control over Ukraine?
It appears over the past year Right Sector has grown into an anti-communist terror machine, avenging the humiliating defeat of the Aryan Race. Ukrainians shall liberate Germany by 2019 just as Germany liberated Ukraine in 1941.
Question is, will Ukraine make Aryans the master elite of Ukraine and Europe through Revolutionary Nationalism or will it be defeated by the Zio-Imperial European Union and NATO?
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