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I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

Blog Archive

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

How Ridiculous can these Media Conglomerates get?

Oh boy, when will the F-in press stop looking at the tiny anti hill and look up at the giant mountains. Hell, Native American Shamans could be more aware of what's going on compared to the likes of CNN(Clinton News Network).
How far will the Clinton News Network try to smear Trump? Don't they understand the Mainstream Media has failed to destroy Trump during the GOP primaries? Not only did Trump survive the media barrage against him and became the GOP nominee, he also achieved the highest number of popular votes in any GOP primary in history(14 Million).
Despite their negative attacks on Donald Trump, he has used their coverage of him to his campaign's advantage. The Big Media Conglomerates were attacking him and saying he wouldn't win ever since he announced his run for U.S. Presidency. No matter how much they make Hillary look like she will win, Trump's rallies have double digit times more attendees than Hillary Clinton.
Hillary the Naked Truth
Let's face it, Hillary has been known in the political spectrum for decades not just as First Lady but also as U.S. Senator and Secretary of State. People know what happened when she was secretary of state and people now know about her corruption in being beholden to special interest/Wall Street donors whether it be the Clinton Foundation, Benghazi, DNC Scandal, or the 30,000+ emails that were deleted.

Does anyone seriously expect her to have the same enthusiasm and chance of winning the presidency as Barack Obama in 2008?

Take a look at the below projected votes that either Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are projected to receive based on Primary turnout model.

  • Candidate – – – – – – –   Primary Votes – – –  GE Projected Lift – –  General Election Votes
  • Clinton ………………..  30,625,871   x  75%    = 22,969,403               53,595,274
  • Trump …………………  31,169,714    x  100%  = 31,169,714                 62,339.428
Another interesting fact is that for the first time in U.S. Presidential history that the Republican Party primaries received more votes than the Democrats. The GOP primaries carried 31.1 million vs. Dem primaries carrying 30.6 million. If you took California out of the equation(5.2 million for Democrats, 2.2 million for Republicans), you would have 28.9 million votes for Republicans and 25.4 million votes for Democrats.

In every primary battleground state with the exception of Pennsylvania, the Republicans received more primary votes than democrats so if the general election was to be based on primary results, Trump would win the general election if he also wins all states Mitt Romney won in 2012.

  • Virginia:  1,025,452 voted republican.  785,041 voted democrat.
  • Pennsylvania:  1,594,475 voted republican. 1,681, 427 voted democrat.
  • Ohio: 1,988,960 voted republican. 1,241,478 voted democrat.
  • Florida:  2,361,805 voted republican.  1,709,183 voted democrat.
  • Michigan:  1,323,589 voted republican.  1,205,552 voted democrat.
Media Bias Stains
I'm confident that if Trump stays on task and talks extensively about Hillary's record as well as issues everyday White blue-collar working Americans are concerned about, he will win Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida, and Michigan. Only one person made the GOP primary votes exceed that of the Democrats, and that's Donald Trump. Though if Trump loses Pennsylvania but wins either one of the following states: Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire; he will win enough electoral votes to be President of the United States.

As this election goes forward and the debates happen as well as the increased attention given to this election after Labor Day, Donald Trump will rise in popularity as the American people see Hillary as very untrustworthy.
trump clinton pa 2
Seriously, Trump should win Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Florida without question as Hillary is viewed as untrustworthy in all three of these states. Trump has far more rallies and attendance than Hillary does.

Monday, August 15, 2016

How Trump can appeal to an even Greater amount of Independents/3rd Parties


As you know, most of America's elections rely on winner-take-all methods, disadvantaging independents and third party candidates due to the "spoiler" effect. In the United States, independents and third parties outside more local elections win just less than 1% due to hopelessness in the eyes of voters for anyone other than a Democrat or Republican to win major elections.

In fact, the method of single winner-take-all districts for congressional, state legislature, and even local wards is designed to benefit incumbents as many incumbents face no opposition at all.

FairVote is an organization dedicated to comprehensive election reform that ensure fair representation for nearly all the American electorate. Free & Equal is another organization advocating election reform the allows voters a broader base of electoral choice.

For independents voting third party, doing so in this election WILL spoil your vote since only Trump or Clinton will be elected president. However, a vote for Trump could mean serious electoral reform could be passed, empowering voters disenfranchised by an electoral process disproportionately favoring democrats and republicans.

Preferred Talking Points:

  • Push for super districts with more than one winner so virtually all constituents have at least one representative relating to them and their concerns; encouraging greater turnout, increasing independent/third party chances for electoral victory, and reduction of gerrymandering(choosing voters)
  • Reform the electoral college to reflect fair voting by requiring electoral votes be based by congressional super-districts.
  • Eliminate Special Interest and PAC money in elections
  • Every duly qualified candidate must have opportunity to reach the public on a fair and equal basis so voters can vote based on issues and positions rather than million dollar psychological warfare style attack ads
  • All qualified candidates must have franking privileges to send their program and campaign to voters of their constituency as well as direct the FCC to require major broadcast media to offer portions of their broadcast time for qualified candidates to reach their message across to voters so they choose their leaders based on issues and principles rather than biased media psychological style attack.
  • Ensure ballot access laws are not construed to benefit establishment parties such as to keep Democrats and Republicans in power indefinitely.
  • Require election debates at any level to include all eligible candidates who have a feasible chance of winning the election.
  • Enforce Anti-Trust Laws against the Commission on Presidential Debates for example as to ensure fair competition and an end to political monopolies like the GOP and Democrat parties.
  • Prohibit electoral systems that cause voting for third parties to have a spoiler effect against any major GOP or Democrat candidate of similar ideology. For example, Top Two voting systems that make it possible for two Democrats to be the only candidates on general election ballot would be illegal.
  • Also ensure a national process to combat voter and electoral fraud/theft, such as electronic voting machines being easily rigged and partisan politicians have full access and custody of voting machines.
Moderates are the plurality of American voters who are generally left without a clear choice as to who supports their positions. Donald Trump however speaks about a wide variety of issues Moderates care about such as trade deals and how they affect job growth, wages and how third world immigration affects wage value.
Such electoral reforms could signal the end for the GOP and Dem establishments for good and lead to the rise of new political parties geared towards the plurality of American voters such as the Modern Whig(Owl), and Reform(Eagle) parties. Should Trump win the 2016 US Presidential Election, the Modern Whig and Reform Party have the opportunity to not only change the electoral process but also win the U.S. Presidency and in most congresses both the Senate and House for more than 75 years.

Yes indeed, those who are outside blindly following the Democrat and Republican parties are vastly outnumbered by the Independent/Moderate swing voters. this gives Trump a massive advantage to beat Hillary as she is not seen as trustworthy by 70% of Americans!

The future belongs to the White Working Class Moderate Americans!

Saturday, August 13, 2016

My Response to the Pro-Hillary Media Polling Frauds!

The liberal media is attacking Trump like no other as they try to create the impression he cannot win. Many biased agenda driven polls show Clinton leading Trump by several points. One poll had Hillary leading by 15% before GOP Convention. Then just between the GOP and Dem conventions, Trump was magically leading Hillary by 10-15%.
BTW, how can Hillary be leading by so much? Just look at the popular support each candidate has and you will see that Trump has many times more support at rallies than Crooked Hillary does. After all, Hillary has been in the spotlight for decades and people know her very well and her record will speak for itself.

The only reason these biased polls(done by Mainstream Media and Left-Wing Academics) are being released is to discourage Trump supporters from having hope for a Trump victory in the 2016 Election, hoping that turnout for Trump will drop, giving Hillary a plausible victory. Polls showed Reagan and Carter tied in the 1980 election but Reagan won by a landslide with nearly 9% more votes. In fact, Reagan got more endorsements from Democrats in September-October 1980 despite having previously despised him.

However, the election is nearly 3 months away and the debates haven't even started. Plus, Wikileaks could release damning information just before the debates that ruin Hillary's image. In fact, 2/3rds of Americans view her as untrustworthy.
Official Portrait of President Reagan 1981-cropped.jpg
In the 1980 U.S. Presidential Election, Ronald Reagan did better with African-Americans and Hispanics than Gerald Ford in 1976. Ronald Reagan won 14% of the African American vote and 36% of the Hispanic vote. In fact, I'm confident Donald Trump will achieve just as much if not more than the amound of Black and Hispanic votes that Reagan achieved. Though thanks to his appeal among White Working Class voters, Trump could achieve 65-70% of the White vote, though I prefer he directly appeals to White voters, warning to them about have a bad future should Hillary become president.

Trump has outperformed polls in the Republican primary by as much as double digits. During the Dem primary in Michigan, polls showed Hillary beating Sanders by 12-20 points yet lost Michigan to Bernie. In my view, I think Hillary will lose nearly all battleground states to Donald Trump the same way she lost to Bernie Sanders in Michigan and Oregon. Bernie won Oregon by 14.1 points despite Hillary leading Bernie in all three polls. 

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Real Support VS. the Lying Media

From the looks of this poll, I can rightfully say the possibility of a Trump landslide is looking more evident as this election goes on. In fact, popular internet polls done by NBC I believe show not just Donald Trump to be beating Hillary by double digits but also shows Green Party candidate Jill Stein catching up to and even outnumbering Crooked-Hillary.

Why is it that Hillary could quite possibly suffer a massive loss at due in part to Jill Stein? Have you seen how angry Bernie Sanders supporters were when they found out the system was rigged against Bernie?

The reason people would vote for Bernie in the Democratic primaries is to stop Hillary. Even though typical Bernie supporters are left-wing to far-left and I don't share those views, even they can understand that Hillary stands for nothing more than corruption, special interests, and crony capitalism. Hillary isn't fooling most Bernie Sanders people as even they at least stand for some principles that Hillary is against such as anger towards corporations and big banks.

Hillary Clinton is the ultimate face/poster bitch for the establishment. The number of Bernie Sanders supporters support for either Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, or third party will vary depending on issues they were attracted to.

Far-Left ideological Bernie Sanders supporters are most likely to vote Third Party, with Jill Stein(Green) being their most likely choice.

Those who supported Bernie Sanders due to their anger with the establishment as well as concerns over job killing trade deals such as TPP(Trans-Pacific Partnership) and opposition to numerous foreign wars will most likely vote for Donald Trump, though a small minority will either vote third party or not vote at all.

I will say that there are some Bernie supporters whose only issue they care about is stopping Trump that they will vote for Hillary no matter what, but fortunately for Trump this group fails to exceed 20%.

In fact, the only reasons people would vote for Hillary is if they had a vested interest in or would gain something materially in a Hillary Clinton presidency. For example, government jobs would be increased under Hillary but not under Trump(who plans to increase private sector manufacturing jobs and eliminate burdensome regulations).

Honestly, I don't see too many Hillary supporters(unless they have a stake in this election) bothering to waste time voting. The enthusiasm has been most concentrated around Trump's campaign, followed by Bernie Sanders.

I'm not saying the above polls I posted will be likely the final election results but I will say this, DON'T trust the Mainstream Media polls that clearly favor Crooked Hillary. What else I'm saying is that this election could shock and surprise many Americans not just at the possibility of a Trump landslide but at the possibility Hillary could lose badly not just in terms of attaining less than 30% of popular vote but also lose states that are said to be Safe D.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

How Donald Trump Will Win Massively

Donald Trump has far more of a chance to win than Crooked Hillary does. Hillary Clinton can't do anything herself to stop Donald Trump. However, he must stay focused on the issues that will get him elected and avoid controversial comments that will be able to be used against him.

In my view, I think he misphrases things sometimes and that people have a misunderstanding of what he really means. Trump was implying the 2nd Amendment people should vote for Donald Trump to stop Hillary Clinton. How did Trump imply that violence against Clinton was just fine? That would be incredibly foolish since Clinton will be unable to defeat Trump given his campaign style in attracting a variety of voters.

Of course, I recommend a press conference where Donald Trump addresses the controversies surrounding him and acknowledge he spoke out of context in someways. About the Khan controversy, best not to mention Mr. Khan's wife not speaking as this is not a major issue.
Hillary Short Circuited
Hillary on the other hand is very prone and vulnerable to making huge mistakes that damage her character, though the MSM will always hold her to as high a standard as they can. On the issues, Crooked Hillary gets an F-! She has such bad judgement(as Crazy Bernie once said) she is making decisions and statements that REPEL voters away from her, such as electing Tim Kaine as VP, infuriating Bernie Sander supporters, saying she "Short Circuited", "We're gonna put the coal miners out of business", and also said "We're gonna raise taxes on the middle class!".
Passing the Baton
I cannot believe that after what Obama and Hillary have done in their careers that have set America in the wrong direction and since Donald Trump has talked so much about the very important issues affecting this country, Hillary wouldn't even stand a chance. She can't raise up her own image no matter how much the MSM tries.

All Trump has to do is focus on Hillary's record, America's downward spiral, and the solutions he will bring in fixing America's problems.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

An Election Like No Other: The Possibility of a New Republican Party under Trump

2016 Party Platforms
The choice in this election could not be any more self-evident. This election is no longer just Democrats vs. Republicans, liberals vs. conservatives, but Patriots vs. Globalists. The above cartoon clearly illustrates what each candidate should be labeled as.

The way I see this election I can tell you that it's the America First Party led by Donald Trump vs. the Corruption Party led by Crooked Hillary Rotten Clinton. While Trump has a greater appeal among the Working Middle Class, Hillary has the appeal of special interests and Wall Street. We have been seeing a rise in Populist Nationalism in America as Trump has overcome the GOP establishment that acted as controlled opposition to the benefit of the Democrats.

Trump has taken on a rigged system and will continue to do so. Donald Trump has received the most GOP primary votes in the party's history(14 million), having survived 16 other candidates(mostly career politicians), winning the GOP Primary by 20%. Trump won 45% of the primary vote facing more candidates than Hillary has. Hillary's only major opposition in the Democrat primary was Bernie Sanders, who refused to surrender until July of 2016.
trump eagle 10
The Republican Party has been controlled by controlled opposition losers who only benefit the Democratic machine. Thanks to Donald Trump, the Republican Party may undergo a radical reformation to be more appealing to White American voters, thereby motivating the Republicans to support European-American interests.
The way I see it, Donald Trump has become the 21st Century Teddy Roosevelt. Donald Trump has the absolute opportunity to erect a new Republican party based on the politics of Theodore Roosevelt. In fact, if Roosevelt were alive today, he would endorse Donald J. Trump!

Also, Trump and Sanders both agree on following key issues:
  • Electoral Reform
  • Wall Street Reform, support for Main Street, and concern for the well being of the Middle Class
  • Reinstatement of Glass-Stegall Act as Trump has personally included that in his platform
  • Stance against job-killing trade deal like NAFTA and TPP
  • Fighting against the rigged system
Bad news is for Bernie Sanders supporters is he endorsed Hillary Clinton, but not so happily. Good news is many of these disaffected Bernie supporters will either vote for Donald Trump, Jill Stein(Green Party), or not vote at all from the looks of it. 

Why would any Bernie supporter who supported Bernie Sanders in the primaries out of disgust for Crooked Hillary Rotten Clinton as well as being promised by Sanders that Wall Street, Special Interest money, and opposition to job-killing trade deals like TPP then support Hillary Clinton? If any Bernie Sanders supporter is going to support Hillary Clinton after what just happen with the election rigging by Democrat party bosses while also knowing about Hillary's Pro-Wall Street, Pro-Special Interests, and Pro-TPP, then what was the point of even supporting Sanders in the Democratic Primary anyway?
Hillary's political positions stand against everything most Bernie Sanders supporters stand for. Even the Far-Left supports despise Hillary for the corrupt demagogue she is!

As a matter of fact, it is predicted that Trump will receive far more popular votes than Barack Obama did in 2008. No matter how much the MSM tried to vindicate Crooked Hillary, Trump will have the overwhelming support from those who feel disaffected by what's been happening in this country.

In fact, a majority of Americans not only believe Hillary should have been indicted and don't even trust her, more than 70% believe America has been heading in the wrong direction. Normally any GOP cuck like Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, or Ted Cruz would have made generic speeches complaining about the state of America though never making as much of an effort to attract as much of the electorate as possible.

Donald Trump alone has sealed the imminent fate of the current(soon to be previous) party system that has betrayed America and resulted in a controlled system where change within the system seemed a distant dream. The mighty lion trumps the elephant in the room(GOP) and the donkey in the mud(Democrat).

There's more than enough proof to see the support that Trump enjoys from vs. the low support Hillary suffers from. The Mega Media Conglomerates like CNN(Clinton News Network), MSNBC, and even Fox News have concealed the real support each candidate either enjoys(Trump) or lacks thereof(Clinton), manufacturing Hillary's "lead" over Trump by 10-15 points!

In fact, Trump's opponents in the GOP primary such as John Kasich couldn't fill an entire pizza parlor, Jeb Bush had to bribe people to show manufactured support, and Ted Cruz was unable to reach full attendance with his campaign gatherings.

Not only does Trump have record attendance at his rallies, ranging from thousands and even 15,000 thousands more people are routinely unable to attend Trump rallies due solely to Trump Rallies exceeding capacity. Hillary certainly is "short circuiting" and as this election draws closer to November 8(election day),

With the support Trump gets at his rallies, I am confident Trump will win by landslide leads as much as 10-18 points. While enthusiasm, turnout, and excitement surrounds the Trump campaign, corruption, lies, and boredom surrounds the truly disastrous Clinton-Kaine campaign.

The mainstream media said Trump would lose in the GOP primaries but in truth he won 14 million popular votes, more than any other Republican candidate in the party's history, and win 45% of the GOP Primary vote, 20 points more than Lying Ted Cruz.