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I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Wednesday, August 17, 2016

How Ridiculous can these Media Conglomerates get?

Oh boy, when will the F-in press stop looking at the tiny anti hill and look up at the giant mountains. Hell, Native American Shamans could be more aware of what's going on compared to the likes of CNN(Clinton News Network).
How far will the Clinton News Network try to smear Trump? Don't they understand the Mainstream Media has failed to destroy Trump during the GOP primaries? Not only did Trump survive the media barrage against him and became the GOP nominee, he also achieved the highest number of popular votes in any GOP primary in history(14 Million).
Despite their negative attacks on Donald Trump, he has used their coverage of him to his campaign's advantage. The Big Media Conglomerates were attacking him and saying he wouldn't win ever since he announced his run for U.S. Presidency. No matter how much they make Hillary look like she will win, Trump's rallies have double digit times more attendees than Hillary Clinton.
Hillary the Naked Truth
Let's face it, Hillary has been known in the political spectrum for decades not just as First Lady but also as U.S. Senator and Secretary of State. People know what happened when she was secretary of state and people now know about her corruption in being beholden to special interest/Wall Street donors whether it be the Clinton Foundation, Benghazi, DNC Scandal, or the 30,000+ emails that were deleted.

Does anyone seriously expect her to have the same enthusiasm and chance of winning the presidency as Barack Obama in 2008?

Take a look at the below projected votes that either Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are projected to receive based on Primary turnout model.

  • Candidate – – – – – – –   Primary Votes – – –  GE Projected Lift – –  General Election Votes
  • Clinton ………………..  30,625,871   x  75%    = 22,969,403               53,595,274
  • Trump …………………  31,169,714    x  100%  = 31,169,714                 62,339.428
Another interesting fact is that for the first time in U.S. Presidential history that the Republican Party primaries received more votes than the Democrats. The GOP primaries carried 31.1 million vs. Dem primaries carrying 30.6 million. If you took California out of the equation(5.2 million for Democrats, 2.2 million for Republicans), you would have 28.9 million votes for Republicans and 25.4 million votes for Democrats.

In every primary battleground state with the exception of Pennsylvania, the Republicans received more primary votes than democrats so if the general election was to be based on primary results, Trump would win the general election if he also wins all states Mitt Romney won in 2012.

  • Virginia:  1,025,452 voted republican.  785,041 voted democrat.
  • Pennsylvania:  1,594,475 voted republican. 1,681, 427 voted democrat.
  • Ohio: 1,988,960 voted republican. 1,241,478 voted democrat.
  • Florida:  2,361,805 voted republican.  1,709,183 voted democrat.
  • Michigan:  1,323,589 voted republican.  1,205,552 voted democrat.
Media Bias Stains
I'm confident that if Trump stays on task and talks extensively about Hillary's record as well as issues everyday White blue-collar working Americans are concerned about, he will win Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida, and Michigan. Only one person made the GOP primary votes exceed that of the Democrats, and that's Donald Trump. Though if Trump loses Pennsylvania but wins either one of the following states: Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire; he will win enough electoral votes to be President of the United States.

As this election goes forward and the debates happen as well as the increased attention given to this election after Labor Day, Donald Trump will rise in popularity as the American people see Hillary as very untrustworthy.
trump clinton pa 2
Seriously, Trump should win Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Florida without question as Hillary is viewed as untrustworthy in all three of these states. Trump has far more rallies and attendance than Hillary does.

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