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I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Thursday, August 11, 2016

Real Support VS. the Lying Media

From the looks of this poll, I can rightfully say the possibility of a Trump landslide is looking more evident as this election goes on. In fact, popular internet polls done by NBC I believe show not just Donald Trump to be beating Hillary by double digits but also shows Green Party candidate Jill Stein catching up to and even outnumbering Crooked-Hillary.

Why is it that Hillary could quite possibly suffer a massive loss at due in part to Jill Stein? Have you seen how angry Bernie Sanders supporters were when they found out the system was rigged against Bernie?

The reason people would vote for Bernie in the Democratic primaries is to stop Hillary. Even though typical Bernie supporters are left-wing to far-left and I don't share those views, even they can understand that Hillary stands for nothing more than corruption, special interests, and crony capitalism. Hillary isn't fooling most Bernie Sanders people as even they at least stand for some principles that Hillary is against such as anger towards corporations and big banks.

Hillary Clinton is the ultimate face/poster bitch for the establishment. The number of Bernie Sanders supporters support for either Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, or third party will vary depending on issues they were attracted to.

Far-Left ideological Bernie Sanders supporters are most likely to vote Third Party, with Jill Stein(Green) being their most likely choice.

Those who supported Bernie Sanders due to their anger with the establishment as well as concerns over job killing trade deals such as TPP(Trans-Pacific Partnership) and opposition to numerous foreign wars will most likely vote for Donald Trump, though a small minority will either vote third party or not vote at all.

I will say that there are some Bernie supporters whose only issue they care about is stopping Trump that they will vote for Hillary no matter what, but fortunately for Trump this group fails to exceed 20%.

In fact, the only reasons people would vote for Hillary is if they had a vested interest in or would gain something materially in a Hillary Clinton presidency. For example, government jobs would be increased under Hillary but not under Trump(who plans to increase private sector manufacturing jobs and eliminate burdensome regulations).

Honestly, I don't see too many Hillary supporters(unless they have a stake in this election) bothering to waste time voting. The enthusiasm has been most concentrated around Trump's campaign, followed by Bernie Sanders.

I'm not saying the above polls I posted will be likely the final election results but I will say this, DON'T trust the Mainstream Media polls that clearly favor Crooked Hillary. What else I'm saying is that this election could shock and surprise many Americans not just at the possibility of a Trump landslide but at the possibility Hillary could lose badly not just in terms of attaining less than 30% of popular vote but also lose states that are said to be Safe D.

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