October 15, 2017 marks a great victory for those opposed to multiculturalism, Islamification, mass non-White immigration, and cultural conservatism as two right-wing parties have gained a combined 58.6% of the vote and a combined 114 seats, 21 seats above the required 92 seats needed for a majority. This victory was so great that for the first time since before Hitler's rise to power that the Social Democratic Party of Austria place in 3rd. The Social Democrats in Austria received just 26.8% of votes and 52 seats, compared to the Freedom Party's 27.1% of votes and 53 seats, giving FPO a 0.3% vote & 1 seat advantage above the Social Democrats. The Austrian People's Party under Kurz received 31.5% of votes and 61 seats.

Austria's next government will most likely see Sebastian Kurz(OVP) as Chancellor and possibly Heinz-Christian Strache(FPO) as Vice Chancellor, making a National-Conservative-Populist dream team. Under Kurz's leadership since taking leadership command of the Austrian People's Party since May 15, 2017 the Austrian People's Party began to grow more conservative to a point where it has become the White Collar version of the Freedom Party.
The People's Party and Freedom Party are forming a Conservative, Nationalist, and Populist coalition aimed at making Austria politically, socially, and culturally closer to Hungary and Poland as examples.

Could Austria be headed towards possibly joining the Visegrad Group? Likely so but not guaranteed. Sebastian Kurz will be the most important Chancellor in Austria's post WWII history as Austria will face being attacked by the EU elites just as the EU Soviets have threatened Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, and Romania for openly refusing to resettle third-world Islamic and African invaders.

In fact, Austria will become m ore likely to join nations like Hungary and Poland in opposing George Soros, the most evil billionaire oligarch set on destroying White Europe with 3rd world Islamic and African invasion in the form of immigration.

The days of non-White and non-Christian migrants feeling emboldened to terrorize beautiful Austrian cities like Vienna will hopefully be non-existent and Wihte Women will be able to walk every street of every city in Austria without fear of kaffir migrant perpetrated attacks.
If you want to know what the other seats are held by:

A liberal, pro-EU party known as The New Austria and Liberal Forum(left logo) received 5% of votes and 9 seats while a Green splinter liberal, social democratic, Pro-EU, and animal rights party known as the Peter Pilz List won 4% of votes and 8 seats.

But the real defeat for the left in Austria was The Greens-Green Alternative failing to reach 4% threshold required to receive any representation, therefore losing all 21-24 seats they've had since the 2013 elections. Fortunately, left-wing, pro-migrant, anti-White politics will become such a superminority in Austria that chances of Austria becoming less White are getting slimmer.

Western civilization congratulates the brilliant leadership of Sebastian Kurz. Though Kurz is just 31 years old, he may very well be one of Europe's most brilliant leaders, even as much as U.S. President Donald Trump.
If I could compare the OVP-FPO coalition to Hungarian politcs, I would say that Sebastian Kurz is Austria's version of Victor Orban(Hungary). Kurz has the golden opportunity to make Austria as socially, politically, and culturally conservative as Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, and Slovakia for examples.
The surge against the de-Whitening of Europe has reached new heights and as long as Kurz successfully leads resistance to 3rd world invasions, Austria will be viewed as one of the bulwarks against de-Westernization of Europe.
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