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I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Monday, October 16, 2017

Steve Bannon announces primary challengers to Several GOP incumbents in U.S. Senate plus against some Democrats

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Steve Bannon want's to change Congress in response to the lack of progress especially in the Senate in getting the MAGA agenda done. Fortunately, he has announced primary and general election challenges in seats held by either establishment GOPs or Democrats. Even though Bannon is a brilliant strategist that has left the White House so he can be far more efficient than he was in the WH, I would do some races differently. I agree that GOP incumbents Jeff Flake(Arizona), Dean Heller(Nevada), Orrin Hatch(Utah), and Bob Corker(Tennessee)* need to be replaced by potential MAGA candidates such as Kelli Ward(Arizona), Danny Tarkanian(Nevada), Boyd Matheson(Utah), and Marsha Blackburn(Tennessee); I would rather make those four GOP incumbent primary challenges priorities rather than also challenging John Barrasso(Wyoming), Deb Fischer(Nebraska), and Roger Wicker(Mississippi). I would put races in Wyoming, Nebraska, and Mississippi as secondary since some GOP incumbents are worse than others. Plus, I would save some of the energy for 2020 as there are several GOP incumbents in need of being primaried such as Ben Sasse(Nebraska), Thad Cochran(Mississippi), Thom Tillis(North Carolina), Lindsey Graham(South Carolina), Susan Collins(Maine) as some examples. Plus, several Democrat held seats in Oregon, Michigan, Minnesota, Virginia, and New Hampshire for examples could be flipped in 2020 depending on how Trump's presidency plus 2018 election goes.

Plus, there are already senate seats held by Democrats(especially in states won by Trump) that already have Bannonite candidates ready to challenge not only the GOP establishment but also obstructionist Democrats. Senate seats in West Virginia, Montana, North Dakota, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, Missouri, Florida, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Maine, and Minnesota have serious GOP contenders able to make these races competitive and even give Republicans a larger Senate majority. I know these may sound crazy but I believe there's a small possibility that the Dem held Senate seats in Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey, and even California can be flipped Red with the right candidates as I will explain why & how in another blog.

As for non-Senate races, I would have Bannon focus on primary challenges to GOP leadership figures in the House of Representatives to House Speaker Paul Ryan(WI-01), House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy(CA-23) as examples so Steve Scalise(LA-01) and Mark Meadows(NC-11) can potentially be elevated to Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. House Majority Leader respectively.
Image result for mitch mcconnell clown
Paul Ryan needs to be ousted as House Speaker, given his attitudes in undermining President Trump every opportunity Ryan has. The photos above are Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell with Photo-shopped clown makeup, given they are clowns. McConnell's an embarrassment to the image of the GOP, as McConnell would rather support bankrupt, loser establishment hacks than thriving, victorious MAGA ones. An example includes McConnell's support for RINO congressman Evan Jenkins in West Virginia's GOP Primary against Bannonite Conservative Patrick Morrissey.

Plus, McConnell's gang spend over $30 Million trying to save Luther Strange form losing the run-off primary against Roy Moore.

Paul Ryan is more dangerous and far worse than McConnell, as Ryan has made more cunning and deceitful moves to undermine America First policies. In fact, if Paul Ryan had the opportunity, he would rather see the Democrats retake the House of Representatives than see a stronger, more MAGA GOP majority in either chamber of the U.S. Congress.

My next blogs will point out which races Bannon should be supporting.

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