Despite the passage of historic tax relief, much more of the MAGA agenda is in need of enacting as well as making policies securing a White majority for future generations and defeating cultural marxism. It's far more difficult to get MAGA agenda passed in the U.S. Senate due to the tools of obstruction that Senate Democrats use such as filibuster(60 votes needed to dismiss), stonewalling, prolonging of debates, blue slips, etc.
Though Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has used the nuclear option to get Neil Gorsuch confirmed to the U.S. Supreme Court with less than 60 votes(only 3 Democrats voted yay), McConnell still has yet to ensure the GOP will have a filibuster proof majority following the 2018 midterms. Instead, McConnell would through his Senate Leadership Fund superPAC endorse lame establishment hacks unlikely to connect with the Trump base and thus be likely to lose to Democrats.
McConnell has had a history of not only betraying true conservative GOP candidates for U.S. Senate with examples ranging from failing to support Daryl Glenn of Colorado's race against incumbent U.S. Senator Michael Bennett back in 2016 as well as neglecting to have Harry Reid unseated in Nevada back in 2010. McConnell undermining Roy Moore's efforts to win is only the most recent example and a sign of McConnell trying to dodge MAGA GOP efforts to establish a filibuster proof majority in the U.S. Senate.
I will admit that Roy Moore was too naive to the attacks waged against him by the GOPe and left-wing media as well as woefully assuming victory. I myself never thought Roy Moore would lose but he did and I'm thinking there's a positive advantage to this. The MAGA GOP base should take Roy Moore's loss as a warning never to assume victory and campaign hard against the obstructionist Democrats.
Although I have disdain and contempt for the McConnell/Ryan wing of the GOP, it's not wise to fight against the GOPe during the General Election after the primaries. One of the reasons I feel Roy Moore lost was the Bannonite wing didn't fight hard enough against the Democrats and instead focused too much on the GOPe. In fact, the GOPe spent time and effort undermining Roy Moore's campaign.
GOP Senate leadership should be seeking and supporting strong candidates in it to win it against the Democrats but instead Mitch McConnell it taking a "my way or the highway" approach to endorsement and support of GOP candidates, supporting lame and unappealing establishment hacks.
It's fine Mitch McConnell should have a say in what candidates to support but he is neglecting whether or not such candidate can compel the conservative base to vote and defeat Democrats. McConnell's past actions have shown he is more willing to defeat true national conservative candidates than defeat liberal marxist Democrats. McConnell would rather Democrats have supermajority control of the U.S. Senate and be able to obstruct MAGA than have a strong 60+ GOP Senate majority.
Americans don't just need anti-establishment Republicans but serious and victorious ones sharing the MAGA agenda. The GOPe is likely to pull out all stops necessary to prevent a filibuster proof majority for the GOP but unlike having just one target in December 2017(Roy Moore), the Dems and GOPe will have to go after 10+ MAGA candidates in 2018 and thus have a more difficult time achieving the same success as 2017 Alabama.
Had Doug Jones not have defeated Roy Moore, the MAGA GOP base would not be more fearful, aware, and knowing of the threat the Democratic Party and GOPe pose to Trump's MAGA agenda. Any seat could be flipped depending on the circumstances and in this war for control of America's destiny, Patriotic Americans must not assume respective victory.

In Texas for example, you'd think Ted Cruz will automatically win re-election in November but there's a small but possible chance Democrat Congressman Beto O'Rourke(likely Democrat nominee) could unseat Ted Cruz if the GOP base is not active in securing a permanent solid GOP future.

Another example of a previously thought to be Safe Republican seat is in Tennessee. If Phil Bredesen(pictured right) stays in the U.S. Senate race in Tennessee, this seat vacated by Bob Croker's retirement could be flipped by Democrats if Republicans fail to get behind strong conservative candidates like Marsha Blackburn(pictured left).

There are also two other major GOP contenders in the race to replace Bob Corker with these two gentlemen being Stephen Fincher(pictured left) and Rolando Toyos(pictured right). Fincher will likely be the establishment favorite given his liberal voting record for a former Republican member of congress as well as being the milquetoast RINO type . I don't know much about Toyos but he could be used as a spoiler by GOPe to split the vote with Blackburn and get Fincher the nomination. However, I think this is unlikely as Marsha Blackburn has polled at 58% compared to Stephen Fincher's 11% and Toyos' 3-4%.
Marsha Blackburn's massive lead over Stephen Fincher as well as Fincher's weak showing should not automatically mean Marsha Blackburn will be the GOP nominee to replace Bob Corker. Mtich McConnell with his Senate Leadership Fund will be very tempted and brazen to give as much support to Fincher as possible, just to stop a true national conservative iron lady like Marsha Blackburn from reaching the U.S. Senate.
Why wouldn't GOP leadership favor the strongest candidate in any U.S. Senate race, for Tennessee as an example being Marsha Blackburn, who has polled 9 points ahead of Phil Bredesen at 43%-34% while Fincher has been trailing Bredesen by 8-12 points.
Don't expect McConnell to support the strongest GOP candidate regardless of establishment or anti-establishment status.
As for Democrat held seats up for re-election in 2018(especially states Trump won) the GOPe has already began establishing their gang of establishment RINO hacks to block pro-Trump candidates from challenging vulnerable Democrats.
If the loss of Roy Moore has taught MAGA anything is that there can be assumption of victory and that all threats against MAGA whether by leftist Democrats or GOPe must be taken seriously.
MAGA GOP has certain advantages going into 2018 with a strong economy, unpopular and bad ideas coming from the Democratic Party(including constant calls to impeach President Trump). Americans must also be reminded of what's at stake in 2018 as the outcome of the 2018 U.S. Senate elections will determine how much of Trump's MAGA agenda can pass.
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