I know I said John Cox was my first pick but come to think of it, Travis Allen seems to be more able to be elected Governor of California than John Cox given that Allen has made a name for himself as a State Assemblyman who not only can communicate and turnout the Trump/GOP base but also authored the ballot initiative to repeal the 2017 gas tax. Travis Allen even sued Attorney General Xavier Beccara for putting misleading titles on the gas tax repeal initiative and won.
Travis Allen is not just someone in it for attention but in it to win it as he even paid the $2,000 fee out of his own pocket to have the Gas Tax Repeal Initiative on the 2018 ballot as well as suing the hell out of the Snakeocrat AG of California Xavier Beccara over the dishonest labeling of the Gas Tax Repeal Initiative. Allen doesn't just talk a good talk but also establishes a hardcore record of opposition to tax increases, illegal immigration, as well as openly having supported Donald Trump.
Given Travis Allen's record and personality, he appears as someone who genuinely wants to save California from it's final economic demise being perpetrated by the Democrats. Though I like John Cox's positions, Travis Allen has better qualities suited for getting out disaffected voters such as charisma, party connections, social media following, and statewide media attention.
To all the nay Sayers who believe a Republican will NEVER win a statewide race in California and even fail to make it to the Top-Two, I say to these nay sayers that they can just frack off cause there's still two months left until the filing deadline and five months left until the June primary.

As of early November 2017, Travis Allen has polled at 15% with just 6% undecided. You might think immediately that the GOP is doomed to never reclaim the Governor's office in California but if John Cox were to drop out of the Governor's race for example and run for either State Treasurer of State Comptroller for examples, Travis Allen would be the obvious GOP choice for Governor as GOP and Independent Republicans would no longer be confused and fearful of Two Democrats being in the Top Two due to vote splitting(what happened in 2016 Senate Race California).
However, polls are becoming less accurate as turnout is one of the biggest deciding factors in U.S. elections with polls being used more to influence public opinion and voting patterns rather than accurately projecting voting patterns.

Though the California GOP has failed to gain traction in trying to win a statewide election, I believe the effect of the Gas Tax Increase as well as the High Cost of Living in California gives the GOP a major advantage and a compelling reason for voters to elect a Republican governor. This doesn't make GOP chances of Governorship an easy task but it increases the chances of Republicans winning statewide offices in California.
CaGOP has lacked a plan for victory on how to truly take back California from the Democrats, given the 2014 California Gubernatorial election's GOP candidate Neal Kashkari was unappealing, uncompelling, had no message, and was known for embarrassing events.
Now with grassroots pressure and endorsements for Travis Allen from fellow GOP officeholders, the CaGOP could very soon be compelled to endorse Travis Allen for Governor and even help him financially given he has a better chance of winning due to his message of resisting tax increases and fighting to lower the cost of living as well as expand highway lanes to relieve traffic congestion.
Here's my list of strategies to virtually guarantee Travis Allen can make it to the Top Two:
Unite and Consolidate the GOP base by having a clear frontrunner:
While the Democrats have 4 major candidates, Republicans have just two but don't breathe a sigh of relief as Democrats have much greater strength in numbers despite not being politically invincible. The 2014 California Gubernatorial election, the two major GOP candidates(Neal Kashkari & Tim Donnelly) netted a combined 34.23% of primary vote, excluding the extra 5.7% wasted on minor GOP candidates. 34.23+5.7=39.93%. 39.93% of all primary votes when to GOP candidates both major and minor.
From what I've heard, GOP figures in California were divided on whether to support Tim Donnelly or Neal Kashkari with many GOP figures giving attention and assistance to Kashkari over Donnelly. Kashkari's 2nd place virtually guaranteed Jerry Brown's re-election. Had the GOP been more principled and united behind Tim Donnelly back in 2014, Donnelly could have unseated Governor Jerry Brown just by turning out many angry and disaffected Republicans, Indpendents, and even Democrats to vote Donnelly.
I don't see the CAGOP trying to stop Travis Allen from making the Top Two given that there are too many in the CAGOP leadership(including Chairman Jim Brutle) who want to see a stronger and more prosperous party.
I remember back this summer reading about former one term Assemblyman David Headley running for Governor but dropped out after just 2-3 weeks. The controlled opposition sect of Los Angeles County's GOP supported and funded part of Headley's campaign in an effort to split the GOP vote and make the nightmare of Two Democrats making top-two more possible.
I don't live in California but I remember flip-flopping between John Cox and Travis Allen and have until recently favored Cox, believing that he had a better chance of winning but now that I've taken the time to learn more and more about Travis Allen and his accomplishments and record, I can see a favorable pattern leading to Travis Allen being the GOP front-runner.
Also, I believe John Cox can be successfully persuaded to drop out of the Governor's race and instead run for either Comptroller, Treasurer, or U.S. Senate just as former Congressman Tom Campbell dropped out of the 2010 Governor's race, opting instead to run for U.S. Senate. Plus, Campbell dropped out in January 2010, and it's still 4-5 weeks until the end of January 2018 from the date of this blog post.
Use of "Slate Mailing" and Social Media such as Landslide Communications
You may be asking, What is Slate Mailing and What is Landslide Communications? Slate Mailing is a form of campaigning where likely voters are given convincing guides to inform voters of certain ballot measures and candidates.
Landslide Communications has had a proven success of swaying the outcomes of elections as well as using cost efficient slate mailing campaign methods. Not only does Landslide Communications targets voters likely to vote for anti-tax, conservative measures and candidates, but also has the most reliable and most cost effective slate mail campaigning tools in California.
Pop culture and the Mainstream Media would have you believe California is as liberal as can be but in fact, Landslide Communications has found that 65% of likely voters in California identify as either Conservative or Moderate. That means that just barely one-third of likely voters in California are stereotypical leftists.
In fact, Jerry Brown back in 2010 ran as a Fiscal Moderate and even promised not to raise taxes without a public vote. Brown broke that promise in April of 2017, passing the dreaded Gas Tax hike with California's legislature passing it across party lines with a couple GOP votes. In fact, not only do 58% of Californians oppose the 2017 Gas Tax Hike but also feel taxation in California is too oppressive.
If the Democrats in California haven't broke the last straw with California's less fortunate, the 2017 Gas Tax will surely put the heat on politics of California and help insurgent Republican Travis Allen in 2018.
Discredit Democrats and exploit Democrat weaknesses
This strategy's very important as California's Democrat machine is starting to crumble. As revelations of sexual misconduct hits Democrat legislators and party leaders combined with cover ups by even female Democrat figures to retain political power, Democrats will no longer be able to use the "War on Women" card given they will look like hypocrites(embarrassing). These sexual misconduct scandals coming from the Democratic Party as well as cover ups from other Democrats will make the Democrats look not only elitist but also hypocritical.
Democrats in California have had their 2/3 Super-majority in both chambers hanging by a thread and are projected to lose their 2/3rds majority in 2018 and may have already done so with the resignation of two assemblymen. Plus, the potential recall of State Senator Josh Newman could definitely eliminate the 2/3rds majority in the State Senate and given the way both parties in that chamber vote, that could complicate Democrat efforts to raise taxes.
Also, the rising cost of living, recent gas tax hike, and $10,000 cap on SALT(State and Local Taxes) deductions could further balkanize and neutralize the usual Democrat voting base in California, giving anti-tax conservatives an opportunity to take back the Governor's office and Make California Affordable Again. Also, the sexual misconduct revelations with CaDems could cause many Democrat voting women to not vote based out of distrust and heartbreak from a party they once trusted.
Antonio Villaraigosa represents the biggest obstacle to Travis Allen making it to the Top Two but given Allen's record of fighting for a ballot initiative to repeal the gas tax, this challenges Villaraigosa's stance on economic issues. Villaraigosa's stronghold is Los Angeles County, what I will call the "Bleeding Kansas" of the 2018 CA Governor race round one.
Los Angeles has the worst traffic problem in the U.S.A. and many people in Southern California are growing frustrated about it. Travis Allen has proposed opening up and expanding California's highways to provide more room for traffic and reduce congestion, something Villaraigosa should be addressing given Los Angeles is his home city.
In my opinion, I don't believe most taxpaying wealthy liberals in California are so insane they would simply vote Democrat no matter what but vote Democrat because they are selfish, nihilistic, and spoiled. Capping the SALT at $10,000 will hit them where it hurts the most and change their voting behavior.
Jerry Brown ran as a fiscal moderate in 2010 and 2014 and even "Moonbeam" himself knows what he can't get away with. For example, Governor Jerry Brown has repeatedly threatened to veto any attempts to establish a Single-Payer Healthcare system in California due to the $400 billion required to fund it. Brown obviously understands when he can and cannot fund programs.
The capping of SALT deductions at $10,000, gas tax hike, and high cost of living could spell meltdown for California Democrats as they will be divided over taxation as California will no longer be virtually subsidized for it's bad government and high taxes. If there's anything that changes the behavior of selfish, nihilistic, and spoiled liberals it's no longer rewarding them for their bad behavior and capping SALT at $10,000 will put pressure on wealthy Democrat voters to re-examine their voting patterns and demand taxation & spending be brought to reasonable and affordable levels.
Cite more liberal states that have elected Moderate and Conservative GOP Governors and Senators
When naysayers will tell you that a Republican has no chance of winning a statewide office in California again, tell them about more liberal and more Democratic states that have elected GOP governors like Larry Hogan(Maryland, 2014), Charlie Baker(Massachusetts, 2014), and Phil Scott(Vermont, 2016).
In Maryland, Democrats not only have a 30 point advantage over Republicans but are also comprise the majority of registered voters. Yet Larry Hogan won the 2014 Maryland Gubernatorial Race by almost 4 points simply by addressing high taxation, high cost of living, and out of control regulations. In fact, Larry Hogan's governorship has been so successful in a state with 55% Democrat registration that he has an approval rate of 65-70% and is likely to win re-election.
Massachusetts is much more liberal statewide than California yet elected a fiscally conservative GOP governor in 2014. Republicans only comprise 10% of Massachusetts registered voters and Democrats have a 25 point advantage over Republicans. Charlie Baker won by just 2 points in 2014 yet he has the highest approval rating of any Governor in America, no less than 70% approval. Baker's even openly opposed any attempts to make Massachusetts a "Sanctuary State" despite Massachusetts being the second most liberal state in America.
Vermont is as liberal as it gets for any U.S. state yet Phil Scott won the 2016 Gubernatorial election by 8-9 points. Phil Scott is socially liberal yet he's a fiscal conservative fighting out of control spending and higher taxes, giving him praise even from some liberals.
As for U.S. Senate races, the most notable and prime example of how a Republican has gone from being a long shot 4 months before election to being ahead and predicted to win within just 2 weeks of election is the 2010 U.S. Senate special election for Massachusetts where Scott Brown won by almost 5 points. Scott Brown ran as a fiscal conservative vowing to vote against Obamacare(a bill in it's form which caused concern among Massachusetts voters), hold Washington accountable, and make "Kennedy's Seat" the People's Seat(a populist line from Andrew Jackson). Scott Brown didn't even get help from national Republicans at all(believing it was Solid Democrat) and had to rely on Conservative bloggers, Conservative activists, and online moneybombs.
Elections can have turning points that defy previous predictions such as Scott Brown's December 30, 2009 "JFK" ad that gave Scott Brown statewide and national attention. This ad stated lower taxes give more incentives to create jobs and for consumers to spend more. Travis Allen has already gained some statewide attention for filing the ballot initiative to repeal the 2017 gas tax hike and can do a whole lot better by arguing tax cuts=more incentives for companies and businesses to create more jobs, consumers to spend more, and revenues to increase due to higher economic growth.
When Scott Brown said during one debate about the 2009-10 Healthcare bill being bad for Massachusetts and arguing for better alternatives as well as arguing he'll be an independent voice for Massachusetts, Brown immediately boosted his chances of winning about his Democrat opponent Martha Coakley.
Understand Americanized Latinos economic concerns
The Mainstream Media will have you believe that Latinos are most concerned about granting amnesty to illegal aliens and that opposition to illegal immigration is Hispaniphobic. Hog wash! One of the strongest points of Hispanic/Latino identity is the family unit. The amount of dedication, love, and importance Latinos have for their families outmatches any other ethnic or racial group in America.
Latinos no matter what state they live in care deeply about their families and want their families to be successful, have food to eat, have a decent and safe place to live, send their children to decent and safe schools, and for their children to be raised with a decent quality of live and good morals.
It's easier for Republicans to win over Hispanic voters than Blacks. I do realize Hispanics comprise roughly 25-30% of California's electorate while Non-Hispanic Whites are just 50-60% of California's electorate. However, New Mexico has the highest percentage of Hispanics at 48% and has had a Republican governor ever since 2011.
Some nay sayers will point to the low percentage of Trump's vote in 2016, including Hispanics. Keep in mind, John McCain received 1.1 Million votes in Massachusetts with 36% of the vote while Scott Brown received almost 1.17 million votes with 51.9% of the vote in the 2010 special election for Massachusetts U.S. Senate seat.
Fact of the matter is Hispanics have high rates of Small Business ownership and prefer small businesses due to the ability of them to be operated primarily by family. Also, most Latinos oppose the 2017 gas tax hike given they are affected by higher gas prices as they use gas automobiles much more than the Bay Area liberals.
Travis Allen needs to present himself as a better alternative than Antonio Villaraigosa to the Latino community by talking about economic issues such as the gas tax increase, small business development, regulations, and the high cost of living.
Debunking Trump concerns
The Mainstream Media wants Americans to believe California is the epitome of Resistance to Donald Trump's presidency but keep in mind California's 2018 Gubernatorial election won't be about Trump but about the economic issues affecting everyday Californians. Just because Travis Allen voted for and supports Donald Trump doesn't mean he approves of everything Trump's presidency does.
Travis Allen is concerned about making California more affordable, business friendly, and once against the greatest state of live in once again. Don't forget the economic opportunities California can bring not just to Californian's but also to the rest of America by unleashing energy extraction in oil and gas which California has more of than Saudi Arabia.
As the State and Local Tax deductions are capped at $10,000; what is Jerry Brown's gang of Democrats to do about funding their bloated pensions, welfare of illegal aliens, and useless pet projects? Jerry Brown knows the gravy train is running dry as SALT is capped at $10,000 and might have to make sacrifices to stem the tide of anti-tax outrage.
Wealthy liberal Californians have merely tolerated high taxation cause they could deduct unlimited amounts of State & Local taxes and felt no pressure to vote tax & spend Democrats out of office. Now these wealthy liberals in California will have to make sacrifices to reduce their tax burden either by leaving California, voting these tax hiking Democrats out of office, or by simply not voting for Democrats plain & simple.
It wouldn't surprise me that if Travis Allen makes such a surge as to pose a threat to Democrat rule in California, Jerry Brown would call upon the State Legislature to reduce some of the excess taxes and for Jerry Brown himself to exercise some fiscal responsibility by cutting some unneeded regulations and reducing unneeded spending. If Jerry Brown can threaten to veto Single-Payer Healthcare, Brown could possibly be open to making some fiscal sacrifices given he'll no longer be able to get away with overtaxing Californians.
Jerry "Moonbeam" Brown isn't too stupid, just nihilistic and immoral, doing what he can get away with. The SALT deduction limit set at $10,000 could pressure Gov. Brown to exercise some restraint.

Travis Allen has fought for lower taxes, safer communities, better roads, better schools, and a higher quality of life, fighting to make California more affordable. With California's economic and taxation problems getting worse, Travis Allen has a great opportunity to win the CA Governor's race just by campaigning on his main issues of cutting taxes, getting tough on crime, fixing roads and reducing traffic congestion, improving public education, and finishing the state water storage project. While California Democrats provide excuses, Travis Allen provides solutions and is un-afriad to blame the Democrats in California for causing California's problems in the first place.
Come Spring of 2018, the same pundits and political scientists who predicted no Republican would make the top two in California's Gubernatorial race will change their predictions and talk about Travis Allen's possible place in the top two. 2018 will be a change election in California and the change candidate has a massive advantage to win.
California has everything to gain from electing Travis Allen as Governor while voting for Democrats means voting for the status quo of higher taxes, less affordability, higher crime, crappy infrastructure, cover-ups of sexual misconduct for the sake of maintaining absolute power, etc.
If the Democrats in California haven't broke the last straw with California's less fortunate, the 2017 Gas Tax will surely put the heat on politics of California and help insurgent Republican Travis Allen in 2018.
Discredit Democrats and exploit Democrat weaknesses
This strategy's very important as California's Democrat machine is starting to crumble. As revelations of sexual misconduct hits Democrat legislators and party leaders combined with cover ups by even female Democrat figures to retain political power, Democrats will no longer be able to use the "War on Women" card given they will look like hypocrites(embarrassing). These sexual misconduct scandals coming from the Democratic Party as well as cover ups from other Democrats will make the Democrats look not only elitist but also hypocritical.
Democrats in California have had their 2/3 Super-majority in both chambers hanging by a thread and are projected to lose their 2/3rds majority in 2018 and may have already done so with the resignation of two assemblymen. Plus, the potential recall of State Senator Josh Newman could definitely eliminate the 2/3rds majority in the State Senate and given the way both parties in that chamber vote, that could complicate Democrat efforts to raise taxes.
Also, the rising cost of living, recent gas tax hike, and $10,000 cap on SALT(State and Local Taxes) deductions could further balkanize and neutralize the usual Democrat voting base in California, giving anti-tax conservatives an opportunity to take back the Governor's office and Make California Affordable Again. Also, the sexual misconduct revelations with CaDems could cause many Democrat voting women to not vote based out of distrust and heartbreak from a party they once trusted.
Antonio Villaraigosa represents the biggest obstacle to Travis Allen making it to the Top Two but given Allen's record of fighting for a ballot initiative to repeal the gas tax, this challenges Villaraigosa's stance on economic issues. Villaraigosa's stronghold is Los Angeles County, what I will call the "Bleeding Kansas" of the 2018 CA Governor race round one.
Los Angeles has the worst traffic problem in the U.S.A. and many people in Southern California are growing frustrated about it. Travis Allen has proposed opening up and expanding California's highways to provide more room for traffic and reduce congestion, something Villaraigosa should be addressing given Los Angeles is his home city.
In my opinion, I don't believe most taxpaying wealthy liberals in California are so insane they would simply vote Democrat no matter what but vote Democrat because they are selfish, nihilistic, and spoiled. Capping the SALT at $10,000 will hit them where it hurts the most and change their voting behavior.
Jerry Brown ran as a fiscal moderate in 2010 and 2014 and even "Moonbeam" himself knows what he can't get away with. For example, Governor Jerry Brown has repeatedly threatened to veto any attempts to establish a Single-Payer Healthcare system in California due to the $400 billion required to fund it. Brown obviously understands when he can and cannot fund programs.
The capping of SALT deductions at $10,000, gas tax hike, and high cost of living could spell meltdown for California Democrats as they will be divided over taxation as California will no longer be virtually subsidized for it's bad government and high taxes. If there's anything that changes the behavior of selfish, nihilistic, and spoiled liberals it's no longer rewarding them for their bad behavior and capping SALT at $10,000 will put pressure on wealthy Democrat voters to re-examine their voting patterns and demand taxation & spending be brought to reasonable and affordable levels.
Cite more liberal states that have elected Moderate and Conservative GOP Governors and Senators
When naysayers will tell you that a Republican has no chance of winning a statewide office in California again, tell them about more liberal and more Democratic states that have elected GOP governors like Larry Hogan(Maryland, 2014), Charlie Baker(Massachusetts, 2014), and Phil Scott(Vermont, 2016).
In Maryland, Democrats not only have a 30 point advantage over Republicans but are also comprise the majority of registered voters. Yet Larry Hogan won the 2014 Maryland Gubernatorial Race by almost 4 points simply by addressing high taxation, high cost of living, and out of control regulations. In fact, Larry Hogan's governorship has been so successful in a state with 55% Democrat registration that he has an approval rate of 65-70% and is likely to win re-election.
Massachusetts is much more liberal statewide than California yet elected a fiscally conservative GOP governor in 2014. Republicans only comprise 10% of Massachusetts registered voters and Democrats have a 25 point advantage over Republicans. Charlie Baker won by just 2 points in 2014 yet he has the highest approval rating of any Governor in America, no less than 70% approval. Baker's even openly opposed any attempts to make Massachusetts a "Sanctuary State" despite Massachusetts being the second most liberal state in America.
Vermont is as liberal as it gets for any U.S. state yet Phil Scott won the 2016 Gubernatorial election by 8-9 points. Phil Scott is socially liberal yet he's a fiscal conservative fighting out of control spending and higher taxes, giving him praise even from some liberals.
As for U.S. Senate races, the most notable and prime example of how a Republican has gone from being a long shot 4 months before election to being ahead and predicted to win within just 2 weeks of election is the 2010 U.S. Senate special election for Massachusetts where Scott Brown won by almost 5 points. Scott Brown ran as a fiscal conservative vowing to vote against Obamacare(a bill in it's form which caused concern among Massachusetts voters), hold Washington accountable, and make "Kennedy's Seat" the People's Seat(a populist line from Andrew Jackson). Scott Brown didn't even get help from national Republicans at all(believing it was Solid Democrat) and had to rely on Conservative bloggers, Conservative activists, and online moneybombs.
Elections can have turning points that defy previous predictions such as Scott Brown's December 30, 2009 "JFK" ad that gave Scott Brown statewide and national attention. This ad stated lower taxes give more incentives to create jobs and for consumers to spend more. Travis Allen has already gained some statewide attention for filing the ballot initiative to repeal the 2017 gas tax hike and can do a whole lot better by arguing tax cuts=more incentives for companies and businesses to create more jobs, consumers to spend more, and revenues to increase due to higher economic growth.
When Scott Brown said during one debate about the 2009-10 Healthcare bill being bad for Massachusetts and arguing for better alternatives as well as arguing he'll be an independent voice for Massachusetts, Brown immediately boosted his chances of winning about his Democrat opponent Martha Coakley.
Understand Americanized Latinos economic concerns
The Mainstream Media will have you believe that Latinos are most concerned about granting amnesty to illegal aliens and that opposition to illegal immigration is Hispaniphobic. Hog wash! One of the strongest points of Hispanic/Latino identity is the family unit. The amount of dedication, love, and importance Latinos have for their families outmatches any other ethnic or racial group in America.
Latinos no matter what state they live in care deeply about their families and want their families to be successful, have food to eat, have a decent and safe place to live, send their children to decent and safe schools, and for their children to be raised with a decent quality of live and good morals.
It's easier for Republicans to win over Hispanic voters than Blacks. I do realize Hispanics comprise roughly 25-30% of California's electorate while Non-Hispanic Whites are just 50-60% of California's electorate. However, New Mexico has the highest percentage of Hispanics at 48% and has had a Republican governor ever since 2011.
Some nay sayers will point to the low percentage of Trump's vote in 2016, including Hispanics. Keep in mind, John McCain received 1.1 Million votes in Massachusetts with 36% of the vote while Scott Brown received almost 1.17 million votes with 51.9% of the vote in the 2010 special election for Massachusetts U.S. Senate seat.
Fact of the matter is Hispanics have high rates of Small Business ownership and prefer small businesses due to the ability of them to be operated primarily by family. Also, most Latinos oppose the 2017 gas tax hike given they are affected by higher gas prices as they use gas automobiles much more than the Bay Area liberals.
Travis Allen needs to present himself as a better alternative than Antonio Villaraigosa to the Latino community by talking about economic issues such as the gas tax increase, small business development, regulations, and the high cost of living.
Debunking Trump concerns
The Mainstream Media wants Americans to believe California is the epitome of Resistance to Donald Trump's presidency but keep in mind California's 2018 Gubernatorial election won't be about Trump but about the economic issues affecting everyday Californians. Just because Travis Allen voted for and supports Donald Trump doesn't mean he approves of everything Trump's presidency does.
Travis Allen is concerned about making California more affordable, business friendly, and once against the greatest state of live in once again. Don't forget the economic opportunities California can bring not just to Californian's but also to the rest of America by unleashing energy extraction in oil and gas which California has more of than Saudi Arabia.
As the State and Local Tax deductions are capped at $10,000; what is Jerry Brown's gang of Democrats to do about funding their bloated pensions, welfare of illegal aliens, and useless pet projects? Jerry Brown knows the gravy train is running dry as SALT is capped at $10,000 and might have to make sacrifices to stem the tide of anti-tax outrage.
Wealthy liberal Californians have merely tolerated high taxation cause they could deduct unlimited amounts of State & Local taxes and felt no pressure to vote tax & spend Democrats out of office. Now these wealthy liberals in California will have to make sacrifices to reduce their tax burden either by leaving California, voting these tax hiking Democrats out of office, or by simply not voting for Democrats plain & simple.
It wouldn't surprise me that if Travis Allen makes such a surge as to pose a threat to Democrat rule in California, Jerry Brown would call upon the State Legislature to reduce some of the excess taxes and for Jerry Brown himself to exercise some fiscal responsibility by cutting some unneeded regulations and reducing unneeded spending. If Jerry Brown can threaten to veto Single-Payer Healthcare, Brown could possibly be open to making some fiscal sacrifices given he'll no longer be able to get away with overtaxing Californians.
Jerry "Moonbeam" Brown isn't too stupid, just nihilistic and immoral, doing what he can get away with. The SALT deduction limit set at $10,000 could pressure Gov. Brown to exercise some restraint.

Travis Allen has fought for lower taxes, safer communities, better roads, better schools, and a higher quality of life, fighting to make California more affordable. With California's economic and taxation problems getting worse, Travis Allen has a great opportunity to win the CA Governor's race just by campaigning on his main issues of cutting taxes, getting tough on crime, fixing roads and reducing traffic congestion, improving public education, and finishing the state water storage project. While California Democrats provide excuses, Travis Allen provides solutions and is un-afriad to blame the Democrats in California for causing California's problems in the first place.
Come Spring of 2018, the same pundits and political scientists who predicted no Republican would make the top two in California's Gubernatorial race will change their predictions and talk about Travis Allen's possible place in the top two. 2018 will be a change election in California and the change candidate has a massive advantage to win.
California has everything to gain from electing Travis Allen as Governor while voting for Democrats means voting for the status quo of higher taxes, less affordability, higher crime, crappy infrastructure, cover-ups of sexual misconduct for the sake of maintaining absolute power, etc.
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