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I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Largest Tax-Reform Package since 1986 passed the U.S. Senate, 51-49

The final vote comes down to 51 votes yes vs. 49 votes no. This was strictly among party lines with the exception of the lone GOP senator voting no on the tax reform bill, that being lame-duck Bob Corker of Tennessee. Not a single Democrat voted for this tax-reform bill, not even some of the Democrats that are not only running for re-election 2018 in states Donald Trump won but also states Mitt Romney won in 2012.

To be honest, I thought the Obamacare mandate would have to be left as law as well as thought it would come to a tie with Vice President Mike Pence voting yes to break a potential tie but it turns out Jeff Flake voted "yes" despite siding with Bob Corker on deficit issues.

I was surprised the Obamacare Mandate repeal was included in the Senate version of Tax-Reform package and the tax-reform bill has passed with the Obamacare Mandate repeal. Plus, the three senators(Collins, Murkowski, McCain) that voted against a skinny repeal of Obamacare back in July 2017 managed to feel fine about voting for this tax reform bill that has the Obamacare Mandate Repeal.

However, reconciliation will be the next step before a final version is made ready to be signed by President Donald Trump. I think a victory for the American working class on tax reform is imminent even if certain parts I like about tax reform are not included in the final bill. Even though that individual tax cuts are "temporary", the next congress can pass to make these tax cuts permanent given the Democrats have killed the remaining credibility they've had with the American middle-class.

Should tax reform not only pass but have a massively positive economic effect in 2018. the Democrats will pose no threat to GOP majorities in both the House and Senate. In fact, several Democrats in GOP leaning states(ones Trump won) with Democrat incumbents will only see the possibility of strong Republican candidates flipping those seats, giving the GOP more seats than the filibuster rule vote count(60).

Though not much of the Trump MAGA agenda can get passed in the U.S. Senate, the fact that every senate Democrat voted "no" on tax reform demonstrates their failure to connect with the most hardworking Americans. In fact, no true hardworking American outside of the lobbyist/bureaucratic careers should ever vote for a Democrat, since Democrats all want to raise your taxes substantially. Even with the elimination of numerous deductions the wealthiest of Americans have been using to massively lower their tax obligation, not one single Democrat vote was cast in favor of tax reform.

Despite the flaws tax reform will have, simplifying the tax code, eliminating SALT(state & local tax deductions), increasing economic growth and wages, and repealing the Obamacare tax/mandate are worth fully supporting the bill's passage.

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