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I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Thursday, December 14, 2017

Roy Moore, Political Martyr after Doug Jones Upset?

By a very small but upsetting move, Doug Jones has won Alabama's 2017 special election by less than 1%. I was rattled by this upset as I felt there was almost no way for Doug Jones to win.
To me this reminds me of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Roy Moore would have been the most honorable and favorite Senator of mine had he won. Christ's followers never envisioned Jesus being killed at the hands of the Romans & Pharisees. The GOPe are the pharisees of our time and I can understand why Roy Moore became a political martyr.

While Roy Moore's loss can be seen as a grave tragedy for the causes of Christian Nationalism and Trumpism. I ask myself, could Roy Moore's loss turn into massive wins for MAGA Republicans?

Given that Roy Moore lost because of the GOPe, the MAGA base will only be more angry and enraged at the GOPe and liberal Democrats that they will fight even harder to wipe out GOPe and Democrat senators running for re-election 2018. I also can see there being calls for a purge of the RNC of establishment neo-cons as well as using Roy Moore as a political martyr.

There are so many opportunities to wipe out incumbent Democrats in 2018 to compensate for Roy Moore's loss as well as bolster chances to make double-digit gains for the GOP in the U.S. Senate.

I've also heard about Felons being registered to vote, possibly leading to the election being stolen in favor of Doug Jones, after all, this election was decided within 1-2%. I've also heard reports of Blacks from Mississippi being recruited to vote in this special election.

If Roy Moore decides not to challenge the results for a recount, seeking out possibly felon and out-of-state votes, this election will be the poster event for stricter voter registration measures such as stricter vetting of criminal records and residency. The Urban areas helped Doug Jones win this race and you'd think Alabama would ensure voter fraud would be non-existent.

I also suspect voting machines in urban areas swayed the election in favor of Doug Jones. Hopefully, GOP legislatures and the DOJ under Jeff Sessions will do something to cut down on voter fraud.
Roy Moore's loss could result in over a dozen GOP victories in the 2018 U.S. Senate elections. With tax reform reconcilled and passing at rapid rate, judicial confirmations made at record rates, an even more despised GOPe, and a strained DNC will make 2018 even more favorable for American Patriots and the Trump Train given the threat the left poses with Doug Jones headed for the U.S. Senate come January 2018.

I can also anticipate GOPe figures up for re-election in either 2018 or 2020 surrendering(like Jeff Flake and Bob Corker have) such as Dean Heller(Nevada), Mitch McConnell(Kentucky), and Thad Cochran(Mississippi), being replaced by MAGA potentials such as Danny Tarkanian(Nevada), Thomas Massie(Kentucky), and Chris McDaniel(Mississippi) for examples.
Image result for mo brooks
Looking back, I see Mo Brooks would have been the best candidate to replace Jeff Sessions as Brooks has established an amazing record on National Conservative issues and had he been the nominee would have won by 20 points. However, had the special election been held the same day as the midterms(November 6, 2018), White conservative voters would have been more compelled to vote since the fear of having a Democrat majority in the U.S. Senate would remind them.

I've also heard Mo Brooks has prostate cancer but has detected it early enough for it not to spread to a terminal rate. Should Mo Brooks decide to run for U.S. Senate in 2020 with no GOP opposition in the primaries, he will have virtually won that seat given Doug Jones' liberal record. May God bless Mo Brooks going into 2020 and may Mo Brooks win U.S. Senate seat in 2020 and live a longer life.

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