I was all shook up & disappointed Travis Allen lost. However, John Cox was endorsed by President Donald Trump & even with that endorsement, it showed that Anti-Trump sentiment in California is not as strong as people think. John Cox does talk a lot about how un-affordable California has become with high taxes, excessive regulations, housing crisis due to low supply, vicious litigation, mismanagement & waste of bureaucracy, special interests, corruption & cronyism, etc.
I watched his victory speech on Youtube Wednesday June 6 morning & made historic remarks rebuking Gavin Newsom & the California Democrats stating "Donald Trump didn't create our housing crisis. Donald Trump didn't make our schools 45th in the nation...
Donald Trump didn't make us the poverty capital and the homeless capital of the country, and the laughingstock of the country."
Cox also described his race against Gavin Newsom as the difference between Venezuela vs. California Dream. Bold statement right there. May not be charismatic but John Cox does take a lot of great policy positions & he does appear to have some skin in the game. My biggest concern about him was his ability to win in November & turn California around. With a unified GOP & a divided Democrat Party, I now feel John Cox has a shot. Teamwork is very important here as Travis Allen supporters must not only put aside differences but Travis Allen should be the one to collect signatures for the ballot initiatives that will make California prosperous again. After all, being Governor is a busy job & I sort of thought one man couldn't be both Governor & collect signatures at the same time.
Another thing here is State Senator Josh Newman(D) was successful recalled by a huge margin due to his vote for higher taxes & spending. Former assemblywoman Ling Ling Chang has won the recall election to replace Josh Newman in California's 29th State Senate District, ending the 2/3rds Democrat Supermajority in the Upper Chamber. That means no more tax increases can be passed without voter approval! Even if the composition of the California State Senate remains the same, Republicans are expected to flip several California Assembly seats(depriving Democrats of a veto-proof supermajority) & even Democrat held U.S. Congressional seats. In the event John Cox becomes Governor(if he does), the California State Legislature will be unable to override any vetoes without Republican votes.

While GOP was locked out of the Senate & Lt. Governor races, four Republicans have made the Top Two such as Judge Steve Bailey for Attorney General(top left), Mark Meuser for Secretary of State(top right), Konstantinos Roditis for State Controller(bottom left), & Steve Poizner for Insurance Commissioner(bottom right) however Poizner is running as an independent & was formerly a Republican.

Even though I was hoping for Travis Allen to win, I now think God has other intentions for Travis Allen such as being the next Chairman of the California GOP & collecting signatures for ballot initiatives. To the right is Carl DeMaio, the anti-gas tax activist & responsible for leading the effort to recall State Senator Josh Newman. Hopefully John Cox picks DeMaio as Chief of Staff.
There are some reasons making sense as to why Travis Allen did so poorly though:
Plus, Travis Allen started without the name recognition needed to run for Governor. John Cox had the sufficient name recognition & the connections to unify the GOP in California. Plus, California is centrist in nature & Trumpist style campaigning is insufficient. John Cox has also looked to Governor Larry Hogan of Maryland as an example & has also adopted Socially Conservative positions.
I also came across a tweet from someone by the name of Kambree Kahawine Koa(@KamVTV) explaining the strategy behind Cox's 2nd place victory:
How did John Cox win 2nd in Cali? He campaigned for 15 months. Went to cities & spoke directly to citizens when no one knew.
He didn’t say meet at the corner of 4th/ 5th.
He played a sly game and met with Dems/Rep and Ind before he became known.
That is strategy
This actually makes perfect sense & sounds like someone who cares enough about our state to put up effort. Could Cox have been playing some 4d chess to trick Gavin Newsom into boosting him by pretending to be a lame RINO who Gavin thought he could beat? Who knows? We'll understand more as the next 5 months roll by.
There are two polls listed with one showing Cox & Newsom tied while Newsom has 42% & Cox 32%, a mere 10 point difference. Of course, these polls were made back in March.
This is even more competitive than several U.S. Senate races in states Donald Trump won. If this was back in March & John Cox was playing some 4-D Chess, imagine what California's Gubernatorial race would look like in September-November. Plus, with Gavin Newsom possibly having a false sense of security, John Cox with the help of Californians wanting solutions to their problems could very well take the Governors mansion.
Given John Cox has been affected by problems such as traffic, broken roads, water shortages, and crippling regulations causing housing industry stagnation, I can fully expect Cox to put effort into the game and have the heart to change California for the better by becoming Governor, just as Larry Hogan did for Maryland in 2014. John Cox has also spoken very much as if he want to win because deep in his heart he understands California's problems will only get worse without him being elected Governor of California.
As for California, its time for the silent supermajority to unite behind John Cox with Travis Allen & Carl DeMaio leading grassroots efforts to collect signatures for ballot initiatives while John Cox calls for special elections on these issues.
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