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I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Friday, June 8, 2018

Why the RNC & other nationwide GOP organizations support making California GOP again

California has been viewed as a lost cause by many conservatives due to the declining GOP status & lack of party leadership in that state. Plus, the GOP at the national level has viewed California as merely a "donor" state despite California having 55 electoral votes favoring Democrats.

Also, Democrats rely heavily on flipping several GOP held seats in California(ones Hillary Clinton won) to win back control of the U.S. House of Representatives & since primary turnout has not been too kind in these GOP held districts for Democrats, the chances of a "Blue Wave" taking hold of Congress is looking more like a virtual impossibility. Not only that but there are also several Democrat held seats such as Districts 3(John Garamendi), 7(Ami Bera), 9(Jerry McNerney), 16(Jim Costa), 24(Salud Carbajal), 26(Julia Brownley), 31(Pete Aguilar), 36(Raul Ruiz), 41(Mark Takano)*, & 52(Scott Peters)* making a total sum of 10 potential pick-ups for GOP. Of course, I don't fully expect all of these seats to get flipped but all of them had all but 2 Democrat incumbents receiving under 55% of primary vote and given the momentum is favoring Republicans, that's not too good for Democrats. *=incumbent Democrats receiving more than 55% of primary vote. Plus a few of these seats have been targeted by the National Republican Congressional Committee.
Image result for diane harkeyImage result for darrell issa
Of course, the only GOP held seat in California to have Democrats outperforming Republicans was in 49th District currently represented by Darrell Issa(pictured right, retiring) but just by 52-48% margain. Diane Harkey(pictured right) has made it to Top Two & is a strong conservative candidate that should have no problem retaining this seat for the GOP due to her principles & positions.
Rocky Chávez.jpegImage result for rocky chavez rino
There was another well known GOP candidate who ran and lost badly to succeed Darrell Issa and his name is Rocky Chavez, California Assemblyman. Chavez is considered to be the WORST Republican in California's State Legislature, voting for Cap & Trade as well a flip-flopping between left & right wing causes. Had Chavez made the Top Two, Democrats would have had an easier time flipping California's 49th Congressional District simply because Rocky RINO Chavez is not just God awful but Satan awful for Republicans & Conservatives! If you click on the following link & read the article, this will send a strong, strict message for Republicans who try pandering to the left that it doesn't pay politically for GOP to pander to the rabid left!

I have to Congratulate John Cox for not just winning the Top Two primary as the GOP nominee but also taking positive stances in opposing high taxes & sanctuary state status.

John Cox may not be the sharpest tool in the shed but he at least is miles better than Meg Whitman & Neel Kashkari. Mr. Cox, you sir have a great chance to stop Gavin Newsom from becoming governor of California & save California for generations to come! Also, should you Mr. Cox become our next governor, Democrats will NEVER have the chance to take back the House of Representatives because with John Cox as governor, Republicans are gonna want to move back to California & that means further victories for Republicans in the near future.

I know you can win Mr. John H. Cox, you're far better than Meg Whitman & Neel Kashari, and I believe you can produce a massive blowout victory against Gavin Newsom come November! May God bless you!

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