Following the Kavanaugh circus hearings in which Senate Democrats tried desperately to derail the confirmation of now Justice Brett Kavanaugh. This has cause a spike in voter enthusiasm from Republicans who lacked sufficient enthusiasm compared to Democrats. I base these predictions for competitive Senate races partially on my gut feeling as well as momentum, which is favoring Republicans all across the board, even in Solid Democrat states.
I don't blindly believe polls nowadays as they are the same pollsters who falsely predicted a Hillary Clinton victory back in 2016. After the Kavanaugh confirmation, the only Solid-GOP state Democrat that is in toss-up mode is Joe Manchin(West Virginia) as he is the only Democrat to have voted for Kavanaugh's appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court. As for the rest of the Solid-GOP Democrats running for re-election in states not only won by Trump in 2016 but won by Romney in 2012, these Democrats are likely to be unseated by GOP challengers. Also, four GOP held senate seats up for re-election will likely remain in GOP hands as momentum is on GOP side.
The Democratic party went into full Trump Derangement Syndrome mode & did things so desperately to try & derail Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation by coming out with such a retarded & non-credible sexual assault claim by leftist women acting as political operatives for the Democratic party. Also, Democrats will not stop calling for impeachment & aggressive investigations of both the Trump family as well as Brett Kavanaugh.
Also, record low unemployment especially among minority groups like Blacks & Hispanics with African-American approval for President Donald Trump at 30-40%. Key Democrat voting blocs are being waned away from Democrat enthusiasm and towards approval for President Trump. Even though polls have shown certain races safe for Democrats, many polls anticipate Republicans will be a mere 25% of those voting. Rasmussen has come out with a Generic Ballot poll having GOP +1 because this poll
Also, record low unemployment especially among minority groups like Blacks & Hispanics with African-American approval for President Donald Trump at 30-40%. Key Democrat voting blocs are being waned away from Democrat enthusiasm and towards approval for President Trump. Even though polls have shown certain races safe for Democrats, many polls anticipate Republicans will be a mere 25% of those voting. Rasmussen has come out with a Generic Ballot poll having GOP +1 because this poll
The chances of Democrats winning the U.S. Senate were very slim to virtually impossible a month ago but now the GOP is set to gain at least 5-6 Democrat held seats and could even gain enough to break the 60 vote threshold in the U.S. Senate though that maybe wishful thinking.
The following states I will be reviewing here include states viewed as competitive or have some degree of competitiveness.

Arizona has been considered one of the only two GOP held senate seats facing 2018 election that were considered battleground states during the 2016 U.S. Presidential election. Jeff Flake opted to retire given he was so unpopular. GOP Congresswoman Martha McSally(pictured left) has been rising in momentum against Democrat Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema(pictured right). Originally, McSally along with other GOP contenders have been trailing Sinema but since people start paying attention to elections around Mid-October, McSally has risen to overtake Sinema.
Kyrsten Sinema has such contempt for Arizona & it's values & has made very outrageous statements including excusing Antifa's destruction of property as well as turning a blind eye to militants joining the Taliban. Sinema's political positions are very left-wing as she favors abortion, gun control, obamacare, amnesty, illegal immigration, etc.
McSally on the other hand WILL support border wall funding, repeal & replace Obamacare, make America's world standing stronger, fund the military, support Constitutionalist Supreme Court Justices & lower court judges, support pro-growth economics such as cutting of tax rates & slashing regulations, etc. What I also must mention is Martha McSally is a former Air Force Pilot, making her image appealing to many veterans(at least compared to Crazy Kyrsten).
My final rating for Arizona is Likely GOP.

Nevada is the only U.S. state where Republicans are defending a U.S. Senate seat in a state where Hillary Clinton won in 2016. GOP incumbent Dean Heller(pictured left) is facing Democrat challenger & one term congresswoman Jacky Rosen(pictured right) in what appeared to be the best opportunity for Democrats to flip a GOP held seat in 2018. This chance however has been fading as Heller has been gaining momentum. Dean Heller was previously against Trump two years ago but has since improved his act in Congress & Republicans who previously wanted to skip voting for Heller now will be casting their votes for him. Nevada in my opinion will more likely have a Red Wave than a Blue Wave, with all statewide offices in Nevada, both of Nevada's legislative chambers, & all but one of Nevada's U.S. House seats being won by the GOP.
My final rating for Nevada is Lean/Tilt GOP

Heitkamp has on the surface tried to portray herself as a non-partisan Moderate Democrat but behind the scenes she will vote just as Democrat party bosses Chuck Schumer & Nancy Pelosi want her to. Heitkamp's voting record & political actions will be no different than some of the most left-wing Senate Democrats.

I can confidently say Representative Kevin Cramer WILL be Senator Kevin Cramer starting on January 3, 2019. Even some fake news polls are conceding Cramer is a likely favorite to flip North Dakota's U.S. Senate seat that has been held uninterrupted by Democrats for 60 years.
My rating for North Dakota is Likely GOP(flip).

During the last Indiana U.S. Senate debate held on October 30, Joe Donnelly insulted minority staffers during the debate, effectively lowering his chances of winning re-election even further as well as even taking some right-wing positions on immigration such as approving of military action on the border to stop the migrant caravan from penetrating the southern U.S. border. Despite that however, Donnelly has already done enough damage in one of the most conservatives states in the country, especially with his "no" vote against Justice Kavanaugh.
My final rating for Indiana is Tilt/Lean GOP(flip)

My final rating for Nevada is Lean/Tilt GOP

Texas being remotely competitive for statewide races is very rare but Beto O'Rourke(pictured right) never had a real chance of unseating Ted Cruz(pictured left). Basically, the Democratic Party has gone so far left that in my view they can't possibly gain ground in Texas unless they suddenly had million of illegal aliens be able to vote(which is very unlikely to happen). In fact, O'Rourke is slipping in support & he was supposed to be a rising star in the Democratic Party. Nice try, but Ted Cruz will easily win re-election no matter what polls say as long as the MAGA base turns out to vote.
My final rating for Texas is Likely GOP

Tennessee was originally speculated to be a tossup due to the factors of Bob Corker's retirement as well as Phil Brdesen(pictured right) candidacy for the Democrats. This however has been less & less of the case as Marsha Blackburn(pictured left) is likely to win Tennessee's U.S. Senate seat for the GOP & succeed outgoing U.S. Senator Bob Corker(who is also GOP).

Project Veritas led by James O'Keefe exposed the Bredesn campaign's lies. In fact, campaign workers for Phil Bredesen admit Bredesen should he god forbid get elected to the U.S. Senate that he will vote & govern just like any generic Senate Democrat, meaning exactly as Chuck Schumer & Nancy Pelosi want.
Phil Bredesen can claim he's centre to cener-right all he wants but fact of the matter is he will be indentured to Chuck Schumer & Nancy Pelosi, voting just as they want all Democrats to. BTW, Phil Bredesen will have virtually nothing to lose politically given he is nearly age 75 & will likely serve just one term. He might serve another term if given the opportunity but Bredesen will certainly have a left-wing voting record just as Jon Tester, Joe Donnelly, & Heidi Heitkamp have after claiming they would be independent centre to center-right votes. Bredesen may have claimed he would have supported Brett Kavanaugh but don't let that fool you as Senators Donnelly & Heitkamp would have said the same thing back in 2012 when they were first running for U.S. Senate yet voted against Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Marsha Blackburn can definitely be trusted to have a right-wing to far-right voting record & vote MAGA 110%!
My rating for Tennessee is Likely GOP

North Dakota is as Solid GOP conservative as it can get with Democrat incumbent Heidi Heitkamp(pictured left) facing imminent defeat at the hands of GOP congressman Kevin Cramer(pictured right). After voting against conforming Justice Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court, Senator Heitkamp has definitely destroyed all chances for re-election if she had any before.

Project Veritas went undercover & one of Heitkamp's campaign staffers admitted should Heitkamp get re-elected, she would be a left-wing senator. Other staffers for Heitkamp's campaign said if America were to trend left, Heitkamp would go left.

Heitkamp has on the surface tried to portray herself as a non-partisan Moderate Democrat but behind the scenes she will vote just as Democrat party bosses Chuck Schumer & Nancy Pelosi want her to. Heitkamp's voting record & political actions will be no different than some of the most left-wing Senate Democrats.
I can confidently say Representative Kevin Cramer WILL be Senator Kevin Cramer starting on January 3, 2019. Even some fake news polls are conceding Cramer is a likely favorite to flip North Dakota's U.S. Senate seat that has been held uninterrupted by Democrats for 60 years.
My rating for North Dakota is Likely GOP(flip).

Missouri was once considered a swing state but the past two presidential elections have proven Missouri to be a Red State. Claire McCaskill(pictured left) was first elected in 2006 by a narrow margain, unseating a GOP incumbent back when Missouri was still considered a tossup state. Despite Mitt Romney increasing his margain of victory in Missouri in 2012, McCaskill managed to win a double digit landslide victory over a controversial GOP challenger. McCaskill has neither the luck of a president with low approval ratings nor a GOP challenger who made crass & vulgar comments about pregnancy from rape as Missouri Attorney General Josh Hawley(pictured right) has gained enough momentum & support to be ahead of her even with left-leaning biased polls.
Based upon Senator McCaskill's liberal voting record given she voted against repealing Obamacare, opposes border wall funding, voted against tax rate cuts & economic growth, against Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominees Neil Gorsuch & Brett Kavanaugh,

Project Veritas uncovered behind the scenes how McCaskill's campaign staffers admit that while Planned Parenthood did not donate directly to Claire McCaskill's campaign, they donate through covert means so they don't risk alienating pro-life moderate Democrats.
Here are some quotes made by McCaskill campaign staffers regarding Planned Parenthood's covert means of indirectly donating to Claire McCaskill:
“Yeah I think it’s like a tactic that’s to like make them not too far left to try to get the moderate voters.”
“… even some moderate Dems are pro-life. And even those Republicans that are gonna vote for Claire, cause they’re pretty moderate, she could lose them if Planned Parenthood donated money [directly] to her.”
“It’s… to keep the Planned Parenthood name off the thing, but we still get the dough?” [Journalist] “Yup.” [Staffer]
“It’s f*cking beautiful” [to take money indirectly from Planned Parenthood].

That's not all as McCaskill herself admits to supporting harsh Anti-2A gun control measures.

McCaskill herself says if enough Democrats were elected there would be massive gun control measures passed to disarm law-abiding citizens.
As a Red State Democrat, Claire McCaskill is willing to deliberately lie about her true policy positions to get elected. However, she has done quite enough to be exposed as a loyal Democrat foot soldier for Chuck Schumer based on her Senate voting record. The people of Missouri are smart enough not to fall for her misleading campaign positions that claim she is a Moderate Democrat yet has a left-wing voting record that Chuck Schumer & Nancy Pelosi are proud of. She is even including campaign ads trying to distance herself from "Crazy" Democrats. What McCaskill fails to realize is she does not have the same lucky advantages she had when running for U.S. Senate back in 2006 & 2012.

Despite polls showing Josh Hawley slightly ahead, Hawley is a likely favorite to unseat Claire McCaskill given McCaskill's liberal voting record, Trump's high approval ratings, & the fallout from the Kavanaugh debacle & migrant caravans.
My final rating for Missouri is Likely GOP(flip)

Indiana is a reliably Republican state with the GOP losing Indiana just once since 1964. Joe Donnelly(pictured left) is fighting in a massively tough re-election bid to keep one of Indiana's U.S. Senate seats in Democrat hands. GOP challenger & businessman Mike Braun(pictured right) has been surging past Senator Donnelly & with this momentum is in my view expected to unseat just another Democrat vote soldier for Chuck Schumer.

Reports have surfaced where Joe Donnelly's family company shipped jobs to Mexico where workers there are paid slave wages.

Donnelly himself once said Mexico uses slave wage labor. However, Senator Donnelly himself is just fine outsourcing jobs from Indiana to Mexico. Not only that but he has been rated the least effective senator a number of times.
During the last Indiana U.S. Senate debate held on October 30, Joe Donnelly insulted minority staffers during the debate, effectively lowering his chances of winning re-election even further as well as even taking some right-wing positions on immigration such as approving of military action on the border to stop the migrant caravan from penetrating the southern U.S. border. Despite that however, Donnelly has already done enough damage in one of the most conservatives states in the country, especially with his "no" vote against Justice Kavanaugh.
My final rating for Indiana is Tilt/Lean GOP(flip)

Montana has mostly elected Democrats for statewide races despite Montana being a reliably conservative state for decades. Democrat incumbent Jon Tester(pictured left) is facing tough election challenge from GOP challenger & state auditor Matt Rosendale(pictured right). Many pundits have given Tester a more favorable rating of winning than Rosendale for some reason but most of these were the same pundits predicting a Hillary Clinton victory in 2016.
Tester has a centre-left to left-wing voting record & resembles more of a surplus vote for Chuck Schumer than a true independent voice representing Montana. Tester has voted against conservatives on many issues such as gun rights, healthcare(voted against repealing Obamacare), taxes & economic freedom(voted against 2017-18 tax cuts), immigration(supported 2013-14 amnesty bill, opposes wall funding), & judicial nominations(voted against confirming Supreme Court justices Neil Gorsuch & Brett Kavanaugh).

Red state Democrats have grown desperate to retain their Senate seats they will brazenly lie about their true records such as Jon Tester voting more with Liberal Democrats such as Chuck Schumer, Elizabeth Warren, & Bernie Sanders; rubber-stamping ALL of Obama's Judicial nominations while rejecting ALL of Trump's Judicial nomination; Being the top recepient of Lobbyist money; & not having a hunting license for more than 6 years.
I will be somewhat shocked if Two Faced Tester manages to win re-election. Jon Tester has also made vicious slanderous libel against Military Doctor Ronny Jackson in an effort to successfully derail his chance of confirmation for Secretary of Veterans Affairs.
My final rating for Montana is Tossup/Lean GOP(Flip)

Florida is the most populace battleground state for presidential elections as it contains 29 electoral votes, outnumbered only by New York, Texas, & California. Democrat incumbent Bill Nelson(pictured left) has been fighting an almost long-shot re-election battle against popular GOP Governor Rick Scott(pictured right). Rick Scott has achieved positive innovation for his management skills of Florida as well as managing natural disaster fallouts, including Hurricane Michael.
Rick Scott has an amazing record in presiding over record economic growth for Florida as well as having been in the medical profession for decades. Bill Nelson on the other hand may have started out as a Harry Truman style Moderate Democrat back in the late 1970's but has in recent years as a U.S. Senator towed the Democrat Party line as well as being one of the laziest Democrat Senators facing re-election 2018.
There have been poorly sampled polls claiming Democrats will win the Midterms in Florida with not just Bill Nelson but also Andrew Gillum(Governor) winning their elections(which is contradicted by Early Voting data). Early Voting data has shown Republicans ahead of Democrats and early voting is supposed to benefit Democrat turnout. Besides, many pollsters have left-leaning biases and Republicans are grossly under sampled, with pollsters claiming Republicans will be just 25% of those voting.
In fact, a rally held for Andrew Gillum featuring Bernie Sanders couldn't reach half of the venue's capacity. If you watched the video in the link below people cheered like they were bored or sedated.
My final rating for Florida is Lean GOP(flip).

West Virginia has Democrat incumbent Joe Manchin(pictured left) facing a competitive challenge from GOP WV Attorney General Patrick Morrisey(pictured right). Joe Manchin is the only Red State Democrat to have voted for the confirmation of Justice Brett Kavanaugh. However, Manchin held out on a yes vote for Kavanaugh until Senator Susan Collins(R) announced her yes vote for Kavanaugh.

For those in West Virginia considering voting for Joe Manchin, he has been a staunch supporter of Hillary Clinton, even after the 2016 election. Not only did Joe Manchin vote for & support Hillary Clinton but enthusiastically considers her warm & comforting as well as claims to have a great relationship with the Crooked Clintons.

In fact, Joe Manchin has been a reliable vote for the likes of former President Barack Obama & Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer on issues such as judicial nominees, gun control, & amnesty for illegal immigrants. Plus, Joe Manchin could have been the crucial swing vote to repeal Obamacare back in July of 2017 but chose instead to follow Chuck Schumer's marching orders like the loyal Democrat foot-soldier he is. While Joe Manchin may talk a good talk saying things favorable to conservatives, Manchin has never done anything substantial to stand up for West Virginia's coal industry when the Obama administration was waging war against it. Also, why would Joe Manchin endorse someone for president who has vowed to wage war on coal industries like Hillary Clinton has?

On issues such as abortion, Joe Manchin has voted to fund Planned Parenthood & will even vote against Amendment 1 in West Virginia which bars taxpayer funded abortions of any kind, though it will still allow abortions in cases of rape, incest, & maternal health.
Let's face it, Joe Manchin cannot be trusted by the MAGA crowd but the biggest challenge for Patrick Morrisey has been Manchin's a slick politician willing to make conservative votes more than average senate Democrats. However, Morrisey has been gaining momentum & thanks to President Trump Manchin has been given a run for his money.
My rating for West Virginia is Tossup/Tilt GOP(flip).

Ohio has been a must win state for Republicans during Presidential elections. Democrat incumbent Sherrod Brown(pictured left) is being challenged by GOP congressman Jim Renacci(pictured right). Though skewed polls have pictured an easy victory for Sherrod Brown, I beg to differ as early voting numbers don't show favorable conditions for Democrats. In fact, Democrat stronghold counties such as Cuyahoga have experienced a drought in returned ballots as well as early voting. Sources say Ohio has Republicans leading Democrats in early voting.
I expect this race to be very close but would not be surprised if Sherrod Brown narrowly wins re-election. However, Ohio will in my view elect GOP Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine as Governor of Ohio. Why does DeWine have a much better chance at becoming Governor of Ohio but Renacci has more of an uphill battle. Given Sherrod Brown's incumbency and Jim Renacci's lower name recognition, it has presented more of a challenge despite Trump winning Ohio by 8 points.
Fortunately for Ohio, President Trump has been there & has hosted a couple of rallies for the 2018 midterms, giving Renacci a fighting chance.
My rating for Ohio is Tossup/Lean Democrat

For those in West Virginia considering voting for Joe Manchin, he has been a staunch supporter of Hillary Clinton, even after the 2016 election. Not only did Joe Manchin vote for & support Hillary Clinton but enthusiastically considers her warm & comforting as well as claims to have a great relationship with the Crooked Clintons.

In fact, Joe Manchin has been a reliable vote for the likes of former President Barack Obama & Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer on issues such as judicial nominees, gun control, & amnesty for illegal immigrants. Plus, Joe Manchin could have been the crucial swing vote to repeal Obamacare back in July of 2017 but chose instead to follow Chuck Schumer's marching orders like the loyal Democrat foot-soldier he is. While Joe Manchin may talk a good talk saying things favorable to conservatives, Manchin has never done anything substantial to stand up for West Virginia's coal industry when the Obama administration was waging war against it. Also, why would Joe Manchin endorse someone for president who has vowed to wage war on coal industries like Hillary Clinton has?

On issues such as abortion, Joe Manchin has voted to fund Planned Parenthood & will even vote against Amendment 1 in West Virginia which bars taxpayer funded abortions of any kind, though it will still allow abortions in cases of rape, incest, & maternal health.
Let's face it, Joe Manchin cannot be trusted by the MAGA crowd but the biggest challenge for Patrick Morrisey has been Manchin's a slick politician willing to make conservative votes more than average senate Democrats. However, Morrisey has been gaining momentum & thanks to President Trump Manchin has been given a run for his money.
My rating for West Virginia is Tossup/Tilt GOP(flip).

I expect this race to be very close but would not be surprised if Sherrod Brown narrowly wins re-election. However, Ohio will in my view elect GOP Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine as Governor of Ohio. Why does DeWine have a much better chance at becoming Governor of Ohio but Renacci has more of an uphill battle. Given Sherrod Brown's incumbency and Jim Renacci's lower name recognition, it has presented more of a challenge despite Trump winning Ohio by 8 points.
Fortunately for Ohio, President Trump has been there & has hosted a couple of rallies for the 2018 midterms, giving Renacci a fighting chance.
My rating for Ohio is Tossup/Lean Democrat

Michigan has voted for Democrat presidential candidates consecutively from 1992 to 2012 by long margins. Donald Trump became the first Republican president to win Michigan since 1988 despite virtually every major pollster predicting a Hillary Clinton win of Michigan. Democrat incumbent Debbie Stabenow(pictured left) is facing a surging GOP challenge John James.

John James is a fighter pilot veteran who served in Operation Iraqi Freedom & has strengthened his family's business. Two months ago John James was considered a long shot but even the polls having him surging behind Stabenow to where she is just at single digit leads.
President Trump has made America's economy better & brought back manufacturing jobs. In fact, Stabenow herself was 14 points behind just two weeks before she was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2000. I can say that John James has more of a chance than Jim Renacci & Lou Barletta do at winning their senate races.
My rating for Michigan is Tossup.

Wisconsin has historically for much of the 20th century been the homeland of American Progressivism but has during the 2010's shifted to more Conservative rule under Scott Walker. Democrat incumbent Tammy Baldwin(pictured left) is being challenged by GOP State Senator Leah Vukmir(pictured right). While polls have pictured a Baldwin re-election, early voting stats have shown stronger turnout in GOP counties while Democrat strongholds such as Milwaukee & Dane Counties have seen remarkably lower turnouts.
Donald Trump according to pollsters was never supposed to win Wisconsin but became the first Republican President to win Wisconsin since 1984. In fact, Senator Ron Johnson(R) wasn't suppose to win re-election in 2016 either but defied the experts when Donald Trump help Ron Johnson win re-election.
Governor Scott Walker is running for re-election to a 3rd term(Wisconsin has NO term limits) in what I believe will be a likely victory for him. Walker has transformed Wisconsin from a lean Democrat state to a lean GOP state where big labor has been defeated. Walker & Vukmir are allies so if enough voters in Wisconsin vote straight GOP Vukmir should be able to pull off a victory against Tammy Baldwin but no guarantees are made here.
Tammy Baldwin has been terrible for veterans & favors the disastrous "Medicare for all" which will bankrupt government budgets & take away private insurance, forcing everyone into a failed government controlled healthcare system the the UK's National Health Service.
Like I've said for Ohio's Sherrod Brown, Tammy Baldwin is helped by her incumbency & Vukmir's lower name recognition(though being tied to Scott Walker may boost her chances better than Jim Renacci)
Like I've said for Ohio's Sherrod Brown, Tammy Baldwin is helped by her incumbency & Vukmir's lower name recognition(though being tied to Scott Walker may boost her chances better than Jim Renacci)
My rating for Wisconsin is Tossup/Lean Democrat

Minnesota has TWO senate elections due to the resignation of Al Franken in January of 2018. The one of Minnesota's 2 senate races I talk about here is the special election to fill the remainder of Al Franken's term. Democrat Lt. Governor Tina Smith(pictured left) was appointed by Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton to succeed Al Franken. GOP state senator Karin Housley(pictured right) is poised to have a shot at flipping this U.S. Senate seat.

Minnesota's political climate in 2018 has started shaping around Representative Keith Ellison(DFL) who has been found out to have abused his former girlfriend as well as his radical ties to anti-Semitic groups & personalities. Not only is Keith Ellison's race for Attorney General of Minnesota collapsing with his GOP rival Doug Wadlow likely to win but has also effected other statewide races such as Governor & one of Minnesota's senate seats.

The worst part about senators like Tina Smith is she failed to show up for an important debate.

Karin Housley will not let Minnesota down as one of it's U.S. Senators all while tax-hiking, pro-abortion extremist Tina Smith(who has even fully defended Keith Ellison despite evidence pointing to domestic abuse).
My rating for Minnesota(special) is Tossup.

New Jersey is the most unique as Hillary Clinton won NJ by 14 points. However, due to Democrat incumbent Bob Menedez(pictured left) being fully involved in receiving bribes & doing favors for Dr. Solomon Melgen(who was convicted of one of the worst Medicare frauds in U.S. history), this races has become competitive. GOP businessman & CEO of Celgene Bob Hugin(pictured right) has a shot at unseating Senator Menendez.
I wouldn't count on it fully going from Dem to GOP simply because New Jersey is a Likely Democrat state. Hugin has certain advantages such as self-financing through his wealth, centrist politics, & support from Democrat-leaning newspapers & organizations.
Democrats are even spending money to defend Bob Menendez, taking money away from other races. Bob Hugin has raised issues other than Menendez's corruption such as NJ's largest deficit in what investments by the federal government are given to NJ.
I live in New Jersey & I could tell Democrat Phil Murphy would likely win Governor of New Jersey last year due to GOP Gov. Chris Christie's abysmal approval ratings & Lt. Governor & GOP nominee for NJ governor Kim Guadagno's ties to Christie. For the 2018 midterms for U.S. House & Senate, New Jersey is experiencing a competitive race for U.S. Senate & I feel Hugin has a great chance of unseating failed Schumer lackey Bob Menendez.
My rating for New Jersey is Tossup

Pennsylvania has Democrat incumbent Bob Casey Jr.(pictured left) fighting for re-election against GOP congressman Lou Barletta(pictured right). Barletta is known to be a hardliner against illegal immigration. Bob Casey Jr. has tried to portray himself as a moderate as well as use the image of his late father Bob Casey Sr. as safety nets for his re-election. However Casey Jr. has been nothing more than a surplus vote for Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, voting left-wing over 90% of the time. Plus, Bob Casey Jr. has even gone so far to automatically oppose ANY nominee Donald Trump nominates for the Supreme Court before it's even announced.
Casey Jr. went so far in what is more like a desperate political stunt to claim in a negative ad that Lou Barletta would take away children's insurance. One of Barletta's grandchildren gets treatment for cancer & he immediately called out Bob Casey's disgusting attack.
Bob Casey Jr. claims to be pro-life but has voted numerous times to fund Planned Parenthood, an organization his father Bob Casey Sr. fought against as Governor of Pennsylvania in the early 1990's. Let's face it, there isn't a single Democrat in the U.S. senate in the mold of Harry S. Truman & John F. Kennedy anymore.
Even though Trump won Pennsylvania in 2016, it seems like just as Sherrod Brown & Tammy Baldwin have incumbency advantages as well as facing opponents with lower name ID's, Bob Casey Jr. has the same advantages plus Pennsylvania has a Democrat Governor(Tom Wolf) so Lou Barletta won't have the same advantage as Jim Renacci & especially Leah Vukmir have in their respective states.
My final rating for Pennsylvania is Lean Democrat/Tossup

Virginia was once a solid conservative state until the late 2000's due to the expansion of the DC suburban bureaucrat & lobbyist classes in Northern Virginia. Immigration has also played a role in Virginia's shift from likely GOP to Tilt Democrat as well. Democrat incumbent Time Kaine(pictured left) is presumed to have an easy re-election but behind the scenes GOP challenger & Prince William County Supervisor Corey Stewart(pictured right) has been giving Tim Kaine a challenge not reported by the media. Perhaps Tim Kaine is most well known for being Hillary Clinton's VP running mate.
Tim Kaine has some of the most left-wing voting record & is in my view so out of touch even with most of Virignia. Far-left positions Tim Kaine has taken including open borders, tax hikes, taxpayer funding of abortions, condoning ANTIFA(his son was arrested for ANTIFA related conduct in Minnesota back in mid 2017), & failing to secure enough highway construction funds for Virginia. I've been hearing Northern Virginia suffers from Traffic congestion like Los Angeles.

Corey Stewart has been Chairman of Prince William County's Board of Supervisors since 2006 & despite Prince William County's shift from a Likely Republican county to Safe Democrat Prince William County's Board of Supervisors is still predominantly Republican with Corey Stewart overwhelmingly winning his At-Large seat. He led one of America's toughest crackdown on criminal illegal aliens & has made Prince William County the best county in America to do business. What the heck has Tim Kaine ever accomplished?
In Virginia Democrats are targeting a few GOP held congressional seats such as ones held by Barbara Comstock & David Brat. Corey Stewart's senate candidacy could likely block Democrats from flipping a single GOP held U.S. House seat in Virginia regardless of the Senate race's outcome. I think Corey Stewart could pull off an upset against Tim Kaine but I'm not going to just assume such a result will happen.
My rating for Virginia is Lean Democrat/Tossup
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