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I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Friday, November 30, 2018

To New California State: My Idea for Splitting California

Dear New California,

I'm writing here to tell you about what I think to be a possible bi-partisan way of getting California's State legislature & Democrat-controlled House to accept a multi-state solution to California's mismanagement problems. California has become so ungovernable that the only way to save California from itself is to accept deals which include paying off & splitting debt burdens, pension liabilities, State & Local Tax Deductions, & many other forgiveness deals California Democrats can't refuse.

I'm saying here that Democrats will want somethings in return & I know exactly how to entice Democrats in Congress to accept. While I like the idea of splitting California into West(Los Angeles, Central Coast, Bay Area, Greater Sacramento) vs. East(Orange-San Diego Coast, Inland Empire, Central Valley, Sierra Nevada, Far North), I think a better idea would be to split California into 5 states that would entice Democrats with a handful more U.S. Senators(while GOP gets a couple more as well).
This is just one example of a partition California map I've found. This is not merely a Democrat vs. Republican issue given that many Democrats from outside the San Francisco-Sacramento areas would be attracted to this proposal as long as they have their solid Democrat state. Of course, the proposal would be to establish two Safe Democrat states, one or two Safe GOP states, & one or two swing states. I realize it use to be if you were to form a state from the counties of San Diego, Orange, Imperial, Riverside, San Bernardino, Inyo, & Mono counties you would have a strong GOP state but due to the exodus of conservatives as well as illegal immigration & massive voter fraud aggressively sanctioned by the California Democrat elites, this proposed state would be a swing state but closer to Arizona than Nevada politically though.

Today's California no longer reflects the numerous economic, social, & political differences it suffers from. As a result, most of California suffers from bad policies of San Francisco-Sacramento Democrats. Even Democrats from outside the Bay area would reject certain bad policies like environmental regulations & certain taxes but feel compelled to vote in lockstep with Democrat leadership. Partitioning California is not about dividing people in California but giving the regions a greater voice whether they be Republican, Democrat, or unaffiliated. Even Democrats outside the Bay Area would benefit from partitioning California in 5 as their political figures will be able to win & compete in statewide elections without having to compete or be influenced by Bay Area Democrat machine.

Here are the proposed new states to be established from California:

Image result for mojave flag

Counties to be included: San Diego, Imperial, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, Inyo, Mono

Capital: Riverside

I chose the name Mojave as it is named after the Mojave Desert. These include counties where until the late 2000's GOP presidential candidates would sweep a supermajority of these counties & even win a supermajority of elections there. Due to the exodus of GOP leaning voters & the importation of illegal aliens as well as rampant voter fraud & centralized political mismanagement by the California Democrat supermajority, this has no longer become the case. If these mentioned counties formed their own state, GOP candidates would find it massively easier to campaign there & if these counties formed their own state, GOP candidates for statewide office would only have to focus on these areas rather than be outspent & outvoted by the population powerhouses of the SF Bay Area as well as Los Angeles County.

Wouldn't Democrats reject having these historically conservative counties form their own state? Not if Los Angeles area Democrats are enticed with having their own Blue state that includes the following counties of Los Angeles, Ventura, & Santa Barbara. Plus, with all the goodies & debt forgiveness deals Democrats will benefit from, Democrats will view this as the best deal they can accept. After all, if Democrats can be somewhat competitive in Arizona, Democrats can be as competitive in Mojave. Mojave/Reagan would be politically similar to Arizona, Georgia, Ohio, & Iowa.

I put in Reagan as a potential name for this new state as it could be named after former U.S. President Ronald Reagan.

Image result for los angeles flag
Greater Los Angeles/San Andreas/San Gabriel

Counties to be included: Los Angeles, Ventura, Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo*, Monterey*, San Benito*. *=to be determined

Capital: Los Angeles

Los Angeles has developed a distinct sub-identity from the San Francisco-Sacramento areas that currently dominate California's statewide politics. Though Democrats are the dominant party in California, there are divisions within the California Democratic Party that can be exploited & used to garner certain Democrat support for partitioning California. While it has been assumed that California Democrats will mostly vote in lockstep in the California State Legislature, I believe that if given the choice, Los Angeles area Democrats would accept the idea of having their own state in exchange for accepting the creation two GOP leaning states & one swing state. With a reduced debt burden, Los Angeles could also be enjoying a special no State & Local Tax deduction cap if they accepted the 5 state solution deal.

There are Los Angeles Democrats who have developed distinct identities from their northern counterparts including Antonio Villaraigosa, Loretta Sanchez, Kevin De Leon, Marshall Tuck, John Chiang, etc. & two of these ran for California Governor in 2018 but lost the June 2018 top-two primary(talk about ungovernable). While Los Angeles would be a Safe Democrat state, it would be more governable & Los Angeles Democrats would not have to compete with San Francisco Bay area & Greater Sacramento Democrats. Greater Los Angeles would be similar politically to Illinois, Oregon, & Washington state.
Image result for central valley flag
San Joaquin/Sierra/Reagan

Counties to be included: Kern, Kings, Tulare, Fresno, Madera, Merced, Mariposa, Stanislaus, Tuolumne, Alpine, Calaveras, Amador, El Dorado*, San Joaquin*, San Luis Obispo*, Monterey*. *=to be determined

Capital: Fresno

This new proposed state would mainly include the Central Valley region of California. Central Valley is the agricultural wonder of the world. Much of North America's food comes from the fertile San Joaquin Valley. Artificial droughts & crippling regulations have cause water supplies to run dry. Special interests that influence the San Francisco-Sacramento dominated Democratic legislature have cause California to have insane environmental regulatory disasters.

This new state would likely be a swing state politically similar to that of Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, New Mexico, & Colorado. If only the core counties were included the Central Valley state would be landlocked, though this new swing state could include coastal counties such as Monterey & San Luis Obispo. The counties of Monterey, San Luis Obispo, & San Benito could be included to make this new Central Valley state very competitive for Democrats.

Also, this new state would not experience as much of an exodus as it would if not for centralized tyranny of Sacramento Democrats. Some Central Valley Democrats could get behind the idea of a new state comprised of the Central Valley counties. I also see this new state that's comprised of California's Central Valley being named after late President Ronald Reagan.

File:Flag of California.svg
California/Yerba Buena

Counties to be included: Santa Cruz, Santa Clara, San Mateo, Alameda, San Francisco, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, Solano, Yolo, Sacramento, San Joaquin*. *=to be determined

Capital: Sacramento

California under this proposal would become a rump state. As part of the deal, California would be reduced geographically to the San Francisco & Greater Sacramento areas but would have it's state debt significantly slashed given this rump successor state would have a reduced population & gdp though would have a higher per capita.

San Francisco-Sacramento axis would no longer drag the rest of California down as California would only include Bay & Greater Sacramento area counties. As part of the 5 state deal California would enjoy having no State & Local Tax Deduction caps as well as having much of it's debt & pension liabilities paid off.

Most of California's statewide Democrat politicians have come from the Bay Area including Governors Jerry Brown & Gavin Newsom, U.S. Senators Dianne Feinstein & Kamala Harris with these Democrats ruling the roost of California politics. The Bay area has the highest cost of living & the worst quality of life due to San Francisco having feces & drug needles littered on it's streets along with homelessness running rampant.

The San Francisco Bay area has the highest housing costs to the point where some people live in their cars and some have to live 2-3 hours away from their jobs to find cheaper housing. Most of California's problems are because of San Francisco-Sacramento Democrat establishment.

If California were partitioned into 5 states, even California if it just included the Bay & Greater Sacramento areas would be able to have better political management as it would be easier to campaign & while the membership of California's state legislature would remain the same(80 Assembly, 40 Senate) each Assembly member & State Senator would be representing far less people due to the fact the rump state of California would have a dramatically lower population count.

California would be politically similar to Massachusetts, Maryland, Vermont, & Hawaii. The rest of what was once California would be free from the environmentalist special interest pressure as most special interest groups would find it more difficult to influence the state legislatures of a partitioned California. The reduced rump California would however inherit many of the bad laws & high taxes it passed over the years.
Image result for state of jefferson flag

Counties to be included: Placer, Nevada, Sierra, Yuba, Sutter, Colusa, Clear, Mendocino, Glenn, Butte, Plumas, Tehama, Trinity, Humboldt, Shasta, Lassen, Modoc, Siskiyou, Del Norte, El Dorado*, Curry**, Coos**, Douglas**, Josephine**, Jackson**, Klamath**, Lake**. *=to be determined; **=counties part of Oregon.

Capital: Redding

Jefferson would if it became it's own state the most Solid GOP state out of the 5 successor states. Jefferson is also the only proposed state out of the successor states to also potentially include counties from a neighboring state(in this case Oregon). Jefferson can be portrayed as the most neglected & most conservative of the regions of California.

While Jefferson has a lot of California's water, Jefferson could lease some of it's water supply to successor states once belonging to California as a condition of being granted statehood.

Jefferson would be politically similar to Idaho, Montana, the Dakotas, Nebraska, Iowa, Ohio, etc. Jefferson would also the the only Safe GOP state out of the states to be established as a result of partitioning California. Jefferson would be the least populated & as a result would have the fewest electoral votes.

While I'm attracted to the idea of partitioning the ungovernable California, a better solution would be to establish 5 states so it would be easier for statewide candidates to campaign as well as to gain support from Los Angeles area Democrats with the promise of forming their own state.

Organic Acts & provisional constitutions should be established upon each of California's breakaway states form.

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