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I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Friday, September 28, 2012

A Totally Awesome Game Console To Invent

With the Wii U about to be released, I've been thinking of inventing my own console. I would call it the Azpen which would weigh less than a Wii U & also be a Personal computer as well as a home game console. It would include a gamepad controller, mouse, keyboard, miniature plasma screen monitor, cable to hook up, & the abilities of a PC & TV such as internet, cable & satillite TV. Let me explain some the standard equipment that it comes with the Azpen.

The Azpen gamepad controller would be based on the Wii U with it being it's own game controller. It would have buttons the same size as the Xbox 360 & Playstation 3. It would also have two joysticks on each side, a d-pad to the left, start/select buttons, home button, microphone/speakers, mini camera at the top, have two buttons on the top of it & two other buttons behind it, power button, & bluetooth.

The mouse & keyboard would also be included with an optional miniature plasma screen monitor. These devices would have a lithium battery in them that can last up to 15-20 hours so you can use a TV & sit further away from it while you can use your keyboard, gamepad, and/or mouse for controls.

I would include other accesories like the driving wheel & seat, treadmill & steering wheel for any GTA clone games, traditional style controllers modeled after Xbox 360 & Playstation 3 controllers or their successors.

The Azpen would have TV, internet, & communication services combined making it a home console, tv, home computer, & iphone all in one. The Azpen would also have it's own lithium battery so in case you want to use it as a portable console you can just take it on the go with a miniature plasma screen monitor like a laptop. The monitor can be proped using a flexible hook like a keyboard for an ipad has. The batteries can be charged using adaptors.

Unlike a PC, you don't need to go through the same trouble installing games for the Azpen. The Azpen would install games like Playstation 3 & 4 does.

The Azpen would carry far more memory than the latest Playstation 3 manufactured. Nanotechnology will come to the rescue as the Azpen will be able to carry more data & weigh less than the PS3 but just a little less or the same as a Wii U.

The Azpen can be hooked up to any TV and/or computer monitor that fits it. Azpen would be like Blu-Ray.

It wouldn't come out for several years from now but would be a great first console for Ninth Generation gaming, somewhere in 2018 or '19.

The Azpen will be the next Xbox 720, Playstation 4, Windows 8, & Wii U combined. A nickname for Azpen could be called Windows 9. With this astonishing & amazing technology, the Azpen could outsell the Playstation 2 as the best selling console of all time! Who knows, the Wii might make it to no. 2 or 3. Anyway, it'll take about a decade for Azpen to outsell historically the PS2 by a landslide but it can be done through the power of awesomness!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

What An Outrage! Obama Adds Injury to Insult in the recent Attack against Diplomats in Libya

The 11th anniversary of September 11th saw a deadly attack in Libya that killed U.S. Diplomat Christopher Stevens. The terrorists responsible for this horrific act of terror we're furious over an anti-Islam video on Youtube that is protected under Western Culture by free speech. This attack was not an isolated incident & one of thousands of deadly terror attacks motivated by Radical Islamic Jihad that existed since the 7th century.

That One Big Ass Mistake America president of ours has waited 15 hours to respond & first said that people should refrain from insulting other cultures under the guise of "tolerance" while just paying lip service to the victims of the terror attack against a US embassy in Libya. Many world leaders have condemned the attack but many in the Muslim World advocate making blasphemy against Islam a crime like under Sharia law.

This isn't the only reaction to the Anti-Islam film. Numerous Western Countries have dealt with violent Muslims protesting the Anti-Islam video & in Sydney, Australia, police were violently attacked by protestors demanding for the beheading of anyone who insults Islam. These protests remind me of the Mohammed cartoon controversey back in 2006 when radical muslims were threatening Danish cartoonists over Mohammed cartoons. Radical Muslims threatened South Park creators Trey Parker & Matt Stone over the episode with Mohammed in a bear suit.

Freedom of speech protects unpopular speech. This attack should not allow blasphemy laws to be passed since it would bring a terrible message to the radicals that their motives are sympathized. This is what Obama is trying to do. It's not enough merely to verbally condemn the attack since the Radicals have declared war on Western Civilization & it is jihad that must be destroyed!

The embassy requested more security measures to protect them from the violent muslims but the administration rejected that request. Had that request been granted, the attack could have been minimized or detered althogether.

A reminder here is that Jihad in Islam means holy war, not just self struggle. Make no mistake, the violent protests are a part of radical jihad, seeking to make Islam supreme & terrorize the ignorant into submitting to Sharia law. Islamic law is notorious for it's hostility to freedom & human rights considering women, children, homosexuals, & non-muslims are targets of violence & second class citizenship & slavery. Severe punishments for homosexuality, apostatism, insulting Islam, gambling, drinking alcohol, not fasting on Ramadan, & adultary are common & a way of life.

In visiting the Middle East, the only places I would set foot on are Israel & Dubai/Abu Dhabi with the latter being hot for tourism.

These protests are a Sharia insurrgency to bring socialism & social totalitarianism to the world. Many Islamic clerics in the Middle East preach hatred of Jews & Occidentials.

The radical muslims will use violence against anybody they are offended by.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

My Alternate History World: 1930-1940

The Bull Moose Progressive Party in Cascadia split due to disagreement over certain relief & recovery stimulus packages. This former party would form the Social Credit & Labor parties. Social Credit party favored grants to disadvantaged people for their own use while the Labor party favored stimulus packages to create jobs through spending. The Liberal Party dissolved shortly after the 1930 elections with many of the Liberals switching to the Progressive Conservative Party. The Social Credit & Labor Parties became the top two political parties after the 1933 midterm elections with Progressive Conservatives losing many seats. The Dole administration tries to implament numerous New Deal policies after the 1933 midterm elections but his approval rating are not successful as planned. Dole would lose the 1935 election to Social Credit Candidate Gary Filmon of Manitoba.

Filmon instituted numerous Social Credit reforms to stimulate the Cascadian economy. His plan rejected the proposals of the Labor Party to have massive bueracracy. Filmon's proposal instead included a social credit system while preserving a social conservative attitude. The 1938 elections saw the rise of a social democrat party called the New Democratic Party which gained seats at the expense of the other parties. The Social Credit Party remained the most seat party in Congress.

World War III breaks out in 1936 with Israel, the United Kingdom, & the United States fighting Islamic Iran, Libya, & the Korean Empire.

In the United States, George H.W. Bush's government has reached unpopularity in 1931 resulting in the Conservatives losing many seats in parliament. Jean Chretein takes over as Prime Minister in 1931 until 1945 under the Progressive Party banner & institutes numerous New Deal programs in hopes of stimulating the economy. He does fine after the 1934 elections but hits trouble in 1937 with a recession & World War III. Despite this, he was still able to retain his government until Conservatives retake parliament. A new social democratic party called Modern Democratic Party enters parliament after the 1937 elections which helped give Chretein a coalition.

My Alternate History World 1915-1930

The Tories controlled the Cascadian Congress from 1910 to 1920 & had a Tory in the presidential place during the 1910's. The Whigs were a centre-right political party, the Tories a centre-right Tory party, & the Liberals a right-wing reformist party. The Bull Moose Progressive Party was a centre-left to left-wing party that became the main opposition from 1910 to 1918. The Whig & Tory parties merged to form the Unionist Party in 1912 which was centre-right after the major loss of the Whig Party during the 1910 elections. World War II broke out in 1912 when Nazi Chancellor Adolf Hitler was causing militant trouble all over Europe. Herber Grant of Utah became Cascadian president from November 15, 1910 to July 11, 1920(when he resigned) as a Tory & Unionist.

The Qing Dynasty in China fell on November 14, 1912 with China falling into a Civil War between the Nationalists & Communists which lasted well until 1942. The Bolsheviks conquered the Russian Empire under the provisional government of the Russian Republic governed by the White Movement(anti-communists) in 1917. China from 1912 to 1927 was under a provisional government due to the dysfunctional nature of the Chinese Civil War. China was divided through the 32nd parallel with the North becoming a Communist State & the South becoming Nationalist China. This did not stop the Chinese Civil War as Maoist revolutionaries began to engage in a violent campaign against the Nationalists in the South with the Communist regime in the North supporting the revolutionaries.

In Russia, the Bolsheviks have taken control & history goes the same way in Russia as it is in the real work back in 1917. Vladimir Lenin rules Soviet Russia & after suffering a stroke in 1922, Josef Stalin takes his place, ruling the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics(created December 30, 1922) with an iron fist.

During the 1920 Cascadian Elections, the Liberals gained a 67% majority with Progressives obtaining a 23%. The Unionists lost most of their congressional seats & the presidency as well when the top two in the presidential election was between a Liberal & Bull Moose Progressive Party candidate.

The 1920's became a decade of prosperity for most of the Western World as most highest seats in legislatures were centre-right to right-wing parties. The State of Israel became a protectorate & commonwealth of the United Kingdom from 1920 to 1948, when it was declared a republic.

With the Unionists dissolved in the early 1920's, The two major parties were the Liberal & Bull Moose Progressive Parties. The Liberal Party was a Classical Liberal party which favored free markets & their policies of privatization, low taxation & spending, no federal regulations, low Congress & President salaries, low inflation, & sound money have made the 1920's the most prosperous decade in history with the average economic growth for North America & Europe being around 10.4% each year. The Bull Moose Progressive Party held contrary views to the Liberal with the former favoring socio-economic justice by taxing the rich's income, providing safety nets for the disabled & elderly, increased funding for education & healthcare, etc. The remaining 10% of congressional seats outside the major parties were mainly Prohibition & Socialist parties with a handful of independents.

In the United States, Progressives held parliament from 1910 to 1919 under prime minister Pierre Trudeau of Quebec. Some progressives were uncomfortable with Trudeau's Marxist policies & formed the National Progressive Party that was more centrist than the left-wing nature of Trudeau's Progressive Party. The United States experienced expansion of regulations, introduction of an income tax, World War II. Trudeau's government dissolved in 1919 after Progressives lost most seats in that election to the Conservatives & National Progressives. The Liberal Party in the U.S. was dissolved after the 1910 elections. James Buckley of New York became prime minister in 1919 with a coalition of Conservatives & National Progressives. Buckley was a Classical Liberal & Anti-Communist whose policies made the 1920's in the United States it's most prosperous decade. Buckley became very popular with the Yankee people & was prime minister until 1928 with his coalition government being weakened thanks to gains from Progressives resulting in his government being dissolved & him being replaced by Conservative George H.W. Bush of Maine after the 1929 parliament elections, just months before the stock market crash of 1929, effecting the economies of the world.

Liberals in Cascadia held a majority in Congress until the 1930 elections, months after the Stock Market Crash on October 29, 1929 in which voters favored relief packages promised by the Bull Moose Progressives. A new political party called the Progressive Conservatives was formed in the late 1920's as an alternative to the Liberals. Despite strong support for the Bull Moose Progressives, the Progressive Conservative party won both Congress & Presidency with Bob Dole elected as president. The president of the 1920's was Barry Goldwater Jr.(Liberal).

World War II would last from 1912 to April 15, 1921. Hitler's German Empire would be dissolved in 1919 along with the Ottoman, Austran-Hungarian, & Russian Empires. Korea on the other hand would become an ambitious imperial republic from the late 1910's until World War III.

Friday, September 14, 2012

My Alternate History World: 1890-1915

Cascadia has attracted immigrants from Europe, United States, Confederate States & Asia. Merchants have settled in Hawaii during the early 1890's which escalated conflict between the Japanese & Cascadians in 1892 until 1898 when Cascadia gained Hawaii as a territory. The Spanish American War was fought between the United States, Confederate States, Cascadia against Spain in the West Indies & the Pacific. The Yankees & Dixies fought on the West Indies front & Cascadia on the Pacific. By 1902, the Confederate States acquired Cuba, the United States acquired Puerto Rico, & Cascadia acquired the Phillippines.

Yukon territory was fromed from Northwest territories in 1898 & Alberta & Saskatchewan became Cascadian states in 1905. By 1905, Cascadia has 17 states & 6 territories. The capital of Cascadia was moved from Omaha, Nebraska to the newly created city of Columbia, State of Cascadia just little over 300 miles North of Vancouver. Columbia was starting to be built in 1908 & ended on July 26, 1915. California would be split along the 35.5 parallel in 1911.

The main industries of each of the three main American federations were:
United States: Automobiles, manufacturing, railroads, banking, etc.
Confederate States: Agriculture, oil
Cascadia: Lumberjack, oil

The mid 19th century to the early 20th century saw a major industrial revolution & the rise of Marxism despite the first communist state not existing until 1917(Soviet Russia). The progressive movement grew in the Western World as communist intellectuals were preaching socialism. Many socialist from Europe including Germany & England immigrated to North America, mostly the United States in New England which expanded the progressive movement.

Grover Cleveland became Prime Minister of the United States in 1887 & his term lasted from 1887-1890, 1893-1896 when the Liberal Party held majority. John A. MacDonald served as prime minister once again when Conservatives held parliament again from 1890-93 but MacDonald died in 1891 & Senator William McKinely of Ohio was appointed to fulfill the rest of MacDonald's term. Liberals won the majority in the 1893 election & was the first election to have the Progressive Party created by Theodore Roosevelt gain seats in parliament. Liberals lost the 1896 elections to the Conservative & Progressive Parties ending Cleveland's premiership due to the free silver issue. McKinely was elected president in 1898 & appointed Joseph Cannon as prime minister. Roosevelt won a senate seat in the 1899 elections which say the Progressives break the Conservative-Liberal coalition formed under Cannon. Parliament has to be dissolved months later by McKinely due to the inability of Roosevelt to form a parliament government. New parliament elections were held in May of 1900 with Progressives gaining more seats & Teddy Roosevelt becoming prime minister due to a thin coalition of a handful of indeoendents who agreed to join the Progressive government. McKinely was assassinated in September of 1901 & Roosevelt became the first prime minister to become president. This presidency brought a new crisis as the office of prime minister would not be easily decided since McKinely was a Conservative & Roosevelt a Progressive. Cannon agreed to form a Conservative-Progressive coalition to solve the problem which worked & Joseph Cannon would be prime minister once again from 1901-1910. The Progressive & Conservative parties remained the top two political parties during the turn of the 20th century with Liberals having just 10% of parliament. The Socialist Party led by Eugene Debs gained seats in the house & the only senator to be Socialist Party was Eugene Debs himself of Indiana in the 1903 elections. The Conservatives & Progressives would remain the two main political parties with Conservatives having the majority until the 1910 elections after parliament dissolved following the collapse of the Conservative-Progressive coalition under Cannon. The 1910 presidential election was going to take place & parliament elections took place the same time. Progressives won by a landslide & winning a majority for the first time when more than two parties had parliamentary representation. Progressives held 62% of seats & Conservatives 30%. The Liberals failed to retain more than 2% of parliamentary seats & collapsed due to disagreements between Liberals & Progressives which led to both ideologies going to the Conservative & Progressive Parties. Pierre Trudeau of Quebec, formerly a Liberal, formed a majority Progressive government continuing the numerous progressive policies enacted the decade before.

The Whigs in Cascadia dominated Cascadian Congress from 1885 to 1910 when the Tories won congress. The presidential term was set at 5 years with it being renewable once & Congress was set at 2 years 6 months. The 1910 elections were the first time a president of Cascadia was not part of the Whig Party. A new party called the Bull Moose Progressive party emerged & took numerous Whig seats by storm.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

My Alternate History World 1860-1890

I wish to share with you what alternate history would be like.

History before 1860 would be the same only it would be 92 years ago from now making this chronological year 1952. The Southern U.S. States secede to form the Confederate States of America which narrowly succeeds at repelling Yankee invaders on March 14, 1867 with the Treaty of London forcing the United States to recognize the Confederate States as a sovereign nation, refrain from using any non-defensive military force against them, & surrender Arizona & New Mexico territories to the Confederate States as well with what is today Clark County, Nevada going to the United States.

The GOP collapses in 1870 due to it's unpopularity after the Civil War & is replaced with the Liberal Republican Party which was identical ideologically but included opposition to the same corruption that occured under President Abraham Lincoln, who became the only U.S. head of government & state to be tried & executed for treason. The Liberal Republican party would dissolve in 1877 to become the Conservative & Liberal parties in which the Conservatives were more like the Republicans & Liberals like the Democrats. The United States became a semi-parlimentary republic in 1878 with the president being strictly elected by electors while being head of state & having some executive powers while the office of Vice-President is dissolved & replaced by office of Prime Minister which would have much of the executive powers as head of government. Prime minister would be selected based on support from Congressional Parliment like in parlimentary systems like the United Kingdom. The President would have the power to sign treaties, grant pardons & clemencies, sign bills into law, & primarily command the armed forces. The prime minister shares the commander in chief title as secondary Commander in Chief. The prime minister would have all other executive power the president does not have.

The Civil War scarred the United States emotionally as the country was shocked by what has happen for the past several years as they watched their constitutional republic become an authoritarian fascist regime without freedom of speech, the press, & due process. During the Civil War, the Dixies obtained state of the art weapons that were used to clear out entire fields of invading Union soldiers while the British join the Dixies side by breaking up the Yankee blockade in 1866.

The Canadian colonies of what is today Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, & Prince Edward Island became U.S. states as Ontario & Quebec on July 1, 1867 while Atlantic Canada remained autonomous regions of the United States & Newfoundland & Labrador remained a British colony.

On April 21, 1877, the constitution was successfully ratified to make the United States a parlimentary republic. During the early to mid 1870's, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, & Prince Edward Island became U.S. states. The parliment constitutional amendment also increased the presidential term to one six year term which would start after the 1880 election while the new parliment would be extended to three years after the 1878 elections. The president had the power to appoint the prime minister so long as the latter can form a government within parliment. The president could also dissolve parliment by calling for a vote of no confidence by electoral college referendum.

Western North America would make up mostly the new federal republic of Cascadia which future states/territories were occupied the the United States, United Kingdom, Japan, Mexico, & Russia. The states of California, Oregon, Nebraska, Nevada, Kansas, Colorado/territories of Washington Territory, Dakota Territory, Wyoming Territory, Idaho Territory, Montana Territory, Utah Territory were part of the United States; Northwest Territories(today Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Yukon Territory, & Northwest Territories) & British Columbia(today State of Cascadia) were United Kingdom colonies, Alaska Territory being part of Russia, Baja California being part of Mexico, Hawaii being a colony of Japan by 1877.

The Democratic party in the Confederate States dominated politics from 1861 until the 1951 elections when Confederalists won the presidency & the congress. There were numerous parties that had congressional representation like the Populist Party(1880's-1930), Prohibition Party(1869-), People's Union(1932-), Social Credit(1930-1941), & Southern Nationalist Party(future 1960's-).

Rutherford B. Hayes became the first U.S. president in history to select a prime minister with the first one being John A. Macdonald in 1879 as a Conservative Senator from Ontario.

In 1880, tensions grew in the Western United States when numerous rebellions were sparked with Cascadian nationalist sentiment. By 1882, calvaries under president Chester Arthur & prime minist John A. Macdonald were trying to help retain their territories from the Cascadian seperatists. World War I broke out on November 4, 1883 which intensified the Cascadian conflict against the United States, United Kingdom, Mexico, & Russia. On April 23, 1885, Cascadia was declared an independent nation with California, Oregon, Nevada, Colorado, British Columbia, & Kansas as Cascadian state & the Northwest Territories, Alaska, & Rocky Mountain territories along with any west of Minnesota & Iowa territories of Cascadia. The federal republic of Cascadia was recognized as an independent nation on April 25, 1889, just four months before the end of World War I.

From 1889 to 1896, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Idaho, Washington, Manitoba, & Utah became Cascadian states.

The second Mexican-American war broke out in 1886 resulting in Rio Grande, Chihuahua, & Sonora becoming Confederate territories & Baja California becoming a Cascadian territory.

The first president of Cascadia was Leland Stanford of California who served from November 15, 1885 to November 15, 1890. Stanford was elected on the Whig Party ticket with John H. Kyle as his vice president.

The main political parties in Cascadia during it's early years were the Whig, Liberal, & Tory parties.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

How to Kill Tyrannical Government

"A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his own government"-Edward Abbey

"It's not who votes that counts, it's who counts the votes"-Josef Stalin

"Doesn't matter who you vote for, the gov't always gets in"-Bill Hicks

"Whoever wishes peace among peoples must fight statism"-Ludwig von Mises

"A little rebellion now & then is a good thing"-Thomas Jefferson

"If tyranny & oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy"-James Madison

"When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is liberty."-Thomas Jefferson

Government uses fear to solicit obedience. That is tyranny. Tyranny means using fear to force people into compliance. That's exactly what government has done. So many criminal offenses without even knowing a handful outside common law crimes. Democratically you could vote to change that right? There's something called citizen's veto which might not be able to be used due to "legal" restrictions.

If you think this is merely armed insurrection, there's something else on a less violent scale that must be tried. Lord Acton wrote "Power corrupts & absolute power corrupts absolutely." & he was right. The level of corruption varies from public offical to public official. The government remains strong because of it's muscle power. Getting government employees & armed force members to defect & join the resistance would be more effective & reduce the need for violence by making the resistance stronger & the government weaker, providing an excellent defense.

Adolf Hitler & Benito Mussolini planned to invade Switzerland in Operation Tannenbaum which was cancelled thanks to the defense deterrence of Henri Guisan. The Swiss didn't need to fire a single shot against Nazi Germany & Fascist Italy. Thanks to Henri Guisan, the Swiss army & armed citizens were prepared to resist the Axis powers & thus Guisan became one of the greatest Swiss persons in Swiss history.

It's time for the militia movement to rise once again & follow in the footstep of Swiss General Henri Guisan. Offensive tactics may be needed but convincing government employees to quit their jobs & get new jobs with the resistance is ideal. There are probably many of dissatisfied or skeptical government workers who have the potential to swap jobs.

I've also heard about the sovereign citizen movement where individuals personally secede stating they do not serve the government & are free to be free in the world without obedience & submission to any artificial corporation known as "government". Does government have the right to claim property ownership within it's border's if it's not owned by someone? Corporations are not people since they are artificial & have no private property owner(s). Franchises are not automatically included but since government steals via taxation & does not have individualized consent, it should be considered a political corporation.

It's a mistake many have believed in that democracy can bring freedom when in fact democracy is majoritarian rule. America's founding fathers viewed democracy as an insult & tumor to a free society. If you want to know the difference between democracy & freedom, read Benjamin Franklin's quote "Democracy is two wolves & a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." This may sound extremist but it was true that American independence didn't come from democracy. It was created by intelligent individuals who declared themselves sovereign citizens & seceded from the British Empire while also declaring the colonies independent as well. All without any referendums, just individuals on behalf of all oppressed declaring their end to membership in the British Empire. John Locke was proud of these wonderful people even though Locke himself was dead for over 70 years.

The signators of the Declaration of Independence were not without assault from the British. Some were imprisoned. I expect the same risks to occur when the sovereign citizen movement grows. A great idea would be to form a federation of gun dealers as well as millions of others in declaring individual secession from government. Gun dealers are the key to providing the weapons of self-defense to resist tyrannical government.

Egypt was supposed to be a democracy but turned out to be handed over to the Muslim Brotherhood, the father of all islamic terror groups. BTW, democracy aint about having elections. Egypt might become an Islamic state like Iran & we can thank democracy for that, which is something that eventually kills itself.

Here's my point. My point is that government does not have the consent of the governed & that includes all individuals including myself & numerous sovereign citizens. Sovereign citizens & expatriates however are targets of persecution because of their more radical refusal to be subjugated to centralized government. You do not change your government by voting but rather you are consenting to be governed. Sovereign citizens have the same inalienable rights as any human being & should not face prohibitions on buying or owning firearms, bans on travel abroad or on a commercial airplane, feeling safe from gestapos while driving on the monopolized roads, possible deportations or indefinite detention(sort of like the Jews in Nazi Germany during World War II).

We need to understand that freedom is an individual pursuit, not a collective one & the founders understood this by declaring their individual independence from the British Crown. American patriots & the founders rejected democracy as collectivist.

If government is to get its powers from the consent of the governed, then people have a right not to obey frivolus sovereignty wrecking laws & people also have the right to refuse to consent to being governed.

The problem is not that we need a better government but a better assertion of individual sovereignty that could easily be accomplished by recognizing government only as a rogue corporation having NOTHING in it's own right since it has no known property owner(s).

Claiming government may subjugate anyone within it's borders sounds a lot like a Marxist land reform where all land is declared concentrated under the monopolized authority of "government" & any property "owned" by "government" & declared "public property". If it's public property, then why is government acting through force like it personally owns land & infrastructure. Public property is an oxymoron!

The only way to be free & to protect social contract is to physically & individually stand your ground against government henchmen & unite others in the movement to make the sovereign citizen movement a powerful one. Union brings strength & being strong means uniting all willing citizens.