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I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

Blog Archive

Monday, November 28, 2016

As Speculation Grows, Mitt Romney should NEVER come anywhere near becoming Secretary of State!

I have no idea why this clown is being considered at all for any cabinet position in a Trump Administration. Mittens Romney as I like to call him has been anti-Trump this entire election season.

Mitt Romney has viciously lied and attacked Donald Trump. Plus, Mitt Romney has been tied deep within the swamp of Globalist Neo-Cons.

There is nothing ANYONE can say to make me believe Mitt Romney is trustworthy with any cabinet position. Should Donald Trump nominate Mitt Romney as Secretary of State, the latter will start betraying Donald Trump and in return fired the S.O.B. aka Mittens Romney.
BTW, only 8.5% in the Breitbart poll voted Mitt Romney as good choice for Secretary of State.
 Image result for dana rohrabacher    Congressman Dana Rohrebacher would make one amazing Secretary of State in not just fighting for the foreign policy interests of the United States but also fighting for the preservation of Western Civilization from anti-white oppressive governments. That means the like of Angela Merkel would come face to face with the righteous justice of a Trump-Administration.

Friday, November 18, 2016

California Liberals Cry Out for Sessession in Reaction to Trump Victory & My Reaction

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 I've been hearing some crazy liberals mostly in the San Francisco and Los Angeles are calling for California to secede following Trump's presidential victory. However, I don't think it will have weight outside Los Angeles County and the Bay Area.

Honestly, if Los Angeles County and the Bay Area of California seceded and formed their own nations and/or states, the rest of California would either be a Tossup or Lean Republican. Seriously, nearly all of the liberalism in California comes straight out of the sewers of Los Angeles and San Francisco. Plus, the axing of federal funds to sanctuary cities(Wetback Harbors) alone will severely damage Democrat strongholds in major cities.
San Francisco Bay Area within CaliforniaLocation of the county in California
When crazy liberals in California talk about secession, they should be targeting the Bay Area of San Francisco(left) and Los Angeles County(right) as these two counties combined have a population of est. 18 million, almost half of California's population and possibly more than half of the state's electorate. Plus, San Francisco and Los Angeles are "Sanctuary Cities" meaning that a Trump presidency will see a massive decrease in the illegal alien population and a sharp decrease in the Solid Democrat electorate.

In fact, the Public Policy Institute of California has reported in 2008 that Los Angeles County was home to one-third of California's illegal alien population. Plus, Illegal Aliens could be around 7-10% of California's total population.

I have to blame California's liberalism in part on Illegal Aliens and non-citizens of third-world background voting in elections as well as Democrats emboldened to commit massive voter fraud. Seriously, if we had only U.S. Citizens voting and just even a fraction of the voter fraud committed, California would be a competitive battleground state.

I also think liberalism is in part caused by controlled media and left-wing academia at universities. A Trump presidency can start by using anti-trust laws to pursue giant media conglomerates that have controlled much of public opinion. Also, cutting off funding for left-wing anti-patriotic universities or universities catering to such degenerate academia.

California depends heavily on federal funding yet the state is fracking broke. Cutting federal taxes alone will lead to a lighter financial burden in all U.S. States, and due to the funding cuts for sanctuary cities, illegal aliens will be less likely to stay in the U.S., reducing the taxpayer burden and infrastructure ware.

California also has the power of ballot initiative where eligible voters in that state can petition for a new policy to be passed or repealed. Reducing the burden placed on businesses such as cutting needless regulations is a good step as Marxist style economics have caused conservative and moderate flight from California. However, a Trump presidency could encourage those same conservatives and moderates who left California to return.
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 I've been thinking about the idea of California partitioned in three with Southern and Upstate California becoming quite possibly the 51st and 52nd states, even though the current California State Legislature could disapprove for political reasons.

However, all that is needed for Southern California at least to be approved for statehood is a vote from Congress as well as a presidential signature(unless Congress overrides veto) approving statehood. What evidence do I have indicating that Southern and possibly Upstate California could be approved for statehood without a vote from California's State Legislature?

It was the Pico Act of 1859 that California's State Legislature approved to split California along the 36th parallel. It was passed by California's legislature, signed by then Governor John B. Weller, and approved by voters in Southern California(to be named Colorado). However, once the proposal was sent to Washington D.C. for Congressional approval, it was never voted on due to the secession crisis and American Civil War after 1860.

On the other hand, a newly inaugurated G.O.P. White House under Donald Trump as well as a Republican majority in BOTH chambers of Congress can use the Pico Act against California to influence California's State Legislature to comply with numerous reforms meant to return it to before illegal aliens helped Democrats destroy that beautiful state including measures cutting off taxpayer funded services and employment opportunities to illegal aliens as well as reducing burdens on business, commerce, and school choice. Should California try to stop this effort through the courts, the former will have to prove there was some kind of deadline that could stop the Pico Act from being used by Congress to approve of separate statehood for Southern California.

Even if California's legislature votes overwhelmingly to repeal the Pico Act, voters in Southern California will have to approve of such a measure just as voters in SoCal back in 1859-60 approved of the Pico Act.

Even though California's legislature is overwhelmingly Democrat, many Democrats from constituencies in Southern California are possibly open to approving Southern California statehood. If South California became it's own state, it would be competitive, giving Republicans a chance on at least one West Coast state. Plus, Congress can include conditions such as prohibiting illegal aliens from receiving taxpayer funded services, driver's licenses, voting rights, and employment opportunities as well as restricting voting rights to U.S. citizens and having English as the official language of elections.

The Republican Party would have an electoral landslide in Southern California should the following conditions I've proposed be applied as a condition of statehood. In fact, the Republican Party could make Southern California a Solid Republican state, increasing the G.O.P.'s chances for election victory in the future. 
Can Southern California be more like Ohio and Florida? With Donald J. Trump as President, that is more and more of a possibility. Plus, should Congress be stuck in a tie, Vice President Mike Pence being the President of the Senate provides the tie-breaker vote, most likely favoring Christian, Republican, and Conservative causes.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Ad Victorium! Donald Trump elected 45th President of the United States

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 Donald Trump has reached more than 270 electoral votes needed to win the U.S. Presidency. ALL of the results however have not been announced yet but it seems through some funny business Crooked Hillary managed to get slightly more popular votes than Trump.

I'm very excited about Trump becoming the next president but I'm disappointed it didn't show a landslide. It doesn't matter much however but the final results in some states do show Trump has to make election integrity and honest counting of votes a priority, so such voter fraud never happens again.

When Trump has been saying the system is rigged, he's right. Why is the popular vote this close you might wonder as a Trump supporter. Trump did however win every state Mitt Romney won in 2012 as well as Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida, Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, and possibly New Hampshire. 

I do however have to doubt the results of some states such as Colorado and Nevada as Democrats are known to commit voter fraud, especially handing in mail-in ballots with fictitious names. I assumes some mail-in ballots for Democrats were manufactured and stored in a warehouse somewhere. Seriously, why is Florida THAT close? I heard that Brownard, Pinella, and Miami-Date counties have engaged in election fraud.

Now Trump has to work on building not only his administration but also a Republican-majority Congress. So many issues to address, Congress needs NEW leadership. Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan have got to go! Seriously, they nearly destroyed the G.O.P.
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I would love to see Jeff Sessions as Senate Majority Leader! Yes, Jeff Sessions is not only one of the greatest Senators in the U.S. Senate, he is the closest to Trump in terms of policy and will be an even greater asset should Sessions become Senate Majority Leader. Though no Republican gains were made in the U.S. Senate, the re-election victories of Richard Burr(NC), Ron Johnson(WI), and Pat Toomey(PA) guaranteed the G.O.P. retains control of the U.S. Senate.

However, there are several moderate Democrats needed to negotiate with to create a Pro-Trump coalition so as not only to hinder leftist Democrat opposition but also to hinder a handful of establishment Republicans.

Plus, the 2018 Midterm elections provide an enormous opportunity to increase GOP senate control beyond 60 seats, giving Trump a greater base to work with. 7-10 of the vulnerable seats up for Grabs in 2018 are held by Democrats, providing a great opportunity to crush them, even in some states where there are slightly more Democrats. This depends on the success of a Trump presidency.
Steve King Official.jpgJason Chaffetz, official portrait, 111th Congress.jpg 
As for a new House Speaker, I really like Rep. Steve King(left) as he has the courage to speak out in favor of White people, something nobody in Congress has the nerve to do. Rep. Steve King would be a powerful voice in the U.S. House of Representatives, able to have most of Trump's policies passed. Whites in this country could finally have more unity should the next congress be a success for Middle America.

Of course should Steve King not be elected House Speaker, Rep. Jason Chaffetz(Utah) would be my second preference as he has investigated the Clintons very aggressively. Plus, Chaffetz has a more conservative record than Paul Ryan.

With Trump as president, America will fix the rigged system and give more power to the American people.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Real Swing States Donald Trump Can Win to Earn the U.S. Presidency.

 Trump's candidacy has shifted the map of Battleground states due to his unconventional candidacy. His positions on Trade alone have made it possible for a Republican candidate to gain Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Maine's 2nd Congressional District, etc.
2016 Presidential Election Interactive Map:  
As you can see from this map, the Clinton-Kaine ticket is just one state away from losing the U.S. Presidency. Trump on the other hand has to win just one of the unfilled battleground states to reach over 270 electoral votes. Even though Florida, Ohio, North Carolina, Iowa, and Nevada are considered competitive swing states, I think these states are already leaning in Trump's favor. There are now states that have been considered favorable to the Democrats but have now become "Toss-Ups". Here are the following states Trump should heavily campaign in:

1. New Hampshire: NH has voted Democrat before in presidential elections but is now one of Crooked Hillary's firewall states. Trump has either been leading or tied in many less than accurate polls. Drug addiction and Obamacare have become this state's major issues that Donald Trump has addressed and has solutions for. Closing the border to block off Drug Trafficking and Comprehensive treatment for drug addiction have become major solutions of Trump plus the pledge to repeal & replace Obamacare. 

2. Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania is in my opinion the crown jewel of a Trump victory and Democrats are nervous about losing states like Pennsylvania. 
In fact, it has been predicted in certain polls that Trump is leading 9+ & 12+ in Pittsburgh and Wilkes-Barre respectively, two regions of Pennsylvania that have usually voted Democrat. In my view, the only region in Pennsylvania where Hillary is seriously winning is the Philadelphia Metropolitan area and even there she'll receive less votes than Barack Obama received in 2012. Pennsylvania relies on Coal Mining and Steel Manufacturing, issues Donald Trump has addressed by opposing NAFTA, EPA regulations, and pledging to bring jobs back.

3.Colorado: Colorado was won by Barack Obama in both 2008 & 2012 but is now seen as a dead-heat. US Senate candidate Darryl Glenn(R) has a chance to unseat incumbent Senator Michael Bennett(D) but most polls have shown Bennett leading but within single digits.

4.Virginia: The reason for Virginia's swing to Democrats has relied on Northern Virginia's D.C. Metro areas.
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Fairfax County plus Arlington and Alexandria are populated primarily by Federal Government Workers relying on Big Government regulations to keep them employed. However, Donald Trump has attracted 15-25% of the Black vote, spelling trouble for Democrats. Plus Obama won Virginia by just under 4 points in 2012. Also, much of rural Virginia as well as Blue Collar Workers put Virginia in the 'Tossup" bin. Plus, one poll showed Trump winning Virginia by 3 points. Even Creepy Clown Kaine couldn't help Democrats in Virginia.

5.Michigan: Michigan has not just relied on Manufacturing throughout much of it's history but has been known as America's top Auto Manufacturer. American Auto Corporations such as Ford Motor Corp., General Motors, and Chrysler are headquartered in Michigan. However, manufacturing jobs have left due to NAFTA as well as ending of tariffs on foreign made goods. Trump has spoken out against the loss of jobs due to currency manipulation, product dumping, and no tariffs on foreign made goods. Trump has pledged to bring back manufacturing to Michigan, returning it to the Car Manufacturing State it once was. American cars will vastly outnumber European and Japanese automobiles should trump be president.

Bernie Sanders won Michigan despite trailing Crooked Hillary by 20 points on average in the phony polls.

6.Wisconsin: Wisconsin borders both Michigan and Minnesota. Wisconsin is also home to RNC Chairman Reince Priebus who has been in full unconditional support of Trump-Pence candidacy. Wisconsin's U.S. Senator Ron Johnson is running against his arch nemesis Russ Feingold(D). Please god, don't let Ron Johnson lose to Mr. Rat Face aka Russ Feingold. Trump has strong support in Wisconsin as even the Sheriff of Milwaukee County David Clarke Jr. has endorsed Donald Trump. Milwaukee County is predominantly Democrat and yes, Sheriff Clarke Jr. is Democrat but he supports conservative positions on Crime and the 2nd Amendment. Plus, Wisconsin's strict voter id law ensures one of the lowest chances of voter fraud in the United States. Plus, Obama didn't win a single state with voter id in 2012 and if Hillary is worse, Wisconsin should be labeled leaning Trump.

7. Minnesota: Minnesota's Democrat Governor Mark Dayton has announced Obamacare is NOT affordable. Healthcare premiums will rise over 50-80% in Minnesota. Also, Donald Trump is leading in Early Voting in Minnesota's 8th Congressional District by as much as 12 points. Minnesota's 8th Congressional District has voted Democrat the past several elections and has enjoyed a Democrat-Farmer-Labor hold from 1936 election until Chip Cravaack(R) narrowly defeated 36 year incumbent James Oberstar(D)* in 2010. *Oberstar's average electoral win hovered between 64-69%. However, Cravaack was defeated in 2012 re-election. 

If Trump can win a congressional district that has voted mostly Democrat since FDR, then Trump could be the first GOP candidate for president since 1972 to win the state of Minnesota. Plus, Minnesota is also a predominantly blue-collar state like much of the Rust-Belt.

8.New Mexico: Home to the highest concentration of Hispanic/Latinos in the U.S. at 46-48% of New Mexico's populations, Democrats now worry about losing the state of New Mexico. Even though the media tells us Hispanics tend to vote Democrat, Republicans are more likely to gain the Hispanic/Latino vote than they would the African-American vote. New Mexico does after all have a Republican governor(Susana Martinez)  and a Republican majority in it's Lower House. I do however believe New Mexico will be within 5-6 points victory should Trump win that state. If not, Crooked Hillary could only win that state by 2-3 points.

9.Oregon: Despite having a Non-Hispanic White demographic above 75%, the last time a Republican won Oregon was when President Ronald Reagan was re-elected in 1984. Plus, the most recent Republican Senator Gordon Smith was unseated by Democrat challenger Jeff Merkely in 2008. Bernie Sanders won the state of Oregon at 55%. Due to the anger expressed by Bernie supporters over Hillary's pro Wall-Street policies as well as having the nomination stolen from Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton faces weakness in states won predominantly by Bernie Sanders in the Democrat primaries such as Oregon, Washington, Michigan, Wisconsin, Maine, Minnesota, Vermont, and Hawaii. Though I wouldn't expect Trump to win Vermont and Hawaii, I do think he has a small but good enough chance to win Oregon and Washington state. Plus, not even Bernie Sanders campaigning for Crooked Hillary could draw the same crowds Bernie drew before endorsing Crooked Hillary.

Polls have even shown Trump within single digits of Crooked Hillary. Turnout alone will cause a massive disadvantage for Democrats this election year.

10. New Jersey: There are even polls showing Donald Trump trailing Hillary by just 4-6 points. Plus, Democrats had 3 more congressional seats from NJ than Republicans did in 2009 but since 2015, it had been even between the two major parties. Note, NJ's 13th congressional district has been abolished as a result of 2010 census, leaving NJ's number of congressional seats at 12. I see New Jersey as being one of the closest should Trump win this state. However should Hillary win NJ it would be much closer than when Barack Obama won this state in 2012.
On the other hand, should the election be based on social media activity, Trump would win 42 states, even states not on the mentioned list such as Washington, New York, Hawaii, and Maine. I don't see any chance of a Hillary victory at this point as even the Democrats have abandoned her and will be focusing on winning Down-Ballot races, fearing turnout could be so low that it could result in upsets favorable for Republicans.
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The Lying press has been saying for months that Trump can't possibly win this election. Tom Dewey(R) was supposed to win over 30 states in 1948 but Democrat incumbent Harry Truman won 28 states and 303 electoral votes as well as winning 49.1% of the vote, a 4.5% win over Tom Dewey. Also, Democrats won 75 House seats and 9 Senate seats, ending the one congress Republican majority.

Plus, Trump has the vast potential to win in landslides similar to Ronald Reagan in both 1980 & 1984, Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1952 & 1956, Herbert Hoover in 1928, Theodore Roosevelt in 1904, and even Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

End of the Line for Crooked Hillary! FBI Investigation destroys her!
 This is it for Crooked Hillary. As far as I'm concerned, any hopes for a Hillary presidency are all but gone. Even Democrats admit deep down this is the case as they are now more concerned about building up their opposition to an imminent Trump presidency in Congress.

In other words, most Democrats now feel as if having Trump win the U.S. Presidency now so they can build opposition to Trump in 2018 and 2020. I think at this point Democrats are more concerned about losing down-ballot races than a Trump victory.
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However, I can see a Trump presidency being the most successful in anyone's lifetime. Trump's policies of making America Great Again will see a huge boost for Republicans in 2018 and even achieve a GOP super-majority after 2020. It all depends however on the success and approval rating of a Donald Trump presidency.

Big donors, special interests, and powerful lobbyists vetoing the will of the American voter will be part of the bitter past. Given that no other presidential candidate of a major party has ever proposed what Trump has proposed will make Trump's presidency have the longest lasting impact of any U.S. presidential administration in modern U.S. history.

I don't think there will be a single time during Trump's presidency where he will be reviled and disapproved by more than 35-40% of the American people should he follow through with Making America Great, Safe, Wealthy, and Strong Again.

Let's face it, Democrats are no longer defending Crooked Hillary, seeing her as toxic to Democrat brand. The thought of having Hillary as president, indicted, and even impeached will utterly embarrass Democrats.

A Trump presidency has the untapped potential to open up new opportunities for fairer ballot access, multi-winner legislative districts, citizen empowerment, non-politicized justice, etc.
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An overwhelming 75% of Americans will fall in love with Trump's policies, returning to a Norman Rockwell style American Dream. We could see an American Dream resembling that of the 1950's.

On November 9, the Obama-Clinton brand will be no more and a President Trump will transition into the White House by January 20, 2017.