Violent insurrection is an issue that has arised when government becomes too tyrannical for democratic process to handle. Most have looked to voting for change which has failed miserably. There's something seriously wrong with the democratic process & it's undemocratic to have major party laws which protect major parties(democrats, GOP) & alienate or discourage all others. The U.S. Constitution has many flaws that could take years to correct through constitutional amendments as the only way to bypass congress constitutionally would be if 2/3 of state legisltures demanded a constitutional amendment be ratified. There are 50 states & 33 state legislatures would be required to call for constitutional change. Then 3/4 state(36 states) would be required for ratification.
Traditional methods of redress have included voting in elections & appealing to courts which have failed. Representatives have been rewarded against individual's will with six-seven figure salaries & have exploited flaws in democracy to evade being held accountable. Judges have become unaccountable & now have top notch protection from Gestapo. After the murders of Federal Judge Joan Lefkow's Mother & Husband on February 28, 2005 in her Chicago Home, Congress held Hearings on May 18, 2005 about judicial security which would make it easier for judges to elude being held accountable. Lefkow's mother & husband were killed by an angry litigant in a medical malpractice suit which the former had no jurisdiction over so justifying these murders would be unacceptable. It was January 7, 2008 when the judicial security bill became law & judges would feel more confident about their despotness. Many judges in 2005 felt vulnerable to attacks due to their unaccountable, despotic & tyrannical actions.
Legislators have also felt the heat of fury from battered & disgruntled victims. The theocratic actions of legislators who think they can legislate how they see fit with little or no consequence could only be effectively dealt with through retalitory attacks. That asshole senator from Nevada Harry Reid defeated Sharon Angle & it seems our founding fathers would see the only way to dethrone Reid would be through ammunition bucks. John Boehner must be a shmuck for condemning ALL threats against legislators no matter how despotic & tyrannical the threatened legislators are. I bet even if former senator Ted Kennedy were killed mafia style, Boehner would still be asking for the prosecution of the heroic patriot who eliminated that bitch Ted Kennedy. The threat of tyranny is a non-partisan issue & no matter who's in power, tyranny must be killed, even if the streets of DC must run red with the blood of the tyrants!
There were threats & even attacks on scumbag legislators like Tom Perriello & Michael Bennett. I think that whoever threatened these assholes are heroes. In March of 2010 after the health care bill was passed, angry patriots violently attacked socialist democratic party offices & any assholes who voted in favor of the health care bill. I say way to go for the patriots! This should send some kind of message that if you vote for a bill like Obamacare, you will face the godly fury of Columbia, the lady of America! Why the hell should we wait for these asshole legislators to be held accountable on election day when they exploit the democratic process?! So long as no direct action can be taken against these scum until election day, then they'll continue to act like theocratic tyrants! LEgislators are more like career politcians who act like kings!
Let me tell ya bout judges. Thomas Jefferson warned that allowing judges or any branch of government to be the final judge on law is despotic & tyrannical, which could lead to rule of man. That's exactly what the judiciary has been doing. Many judges have ruled as if the laws & constitution are living documents that can only be adequately interpreted by judges. Judges have become commissars for big government & rule of man. With Obamacare upheld, it is truly constitutional. Although having courts strike down laws seems convenient, they are rarely to be trusted. Judges have recieved death threats & not only have federal law enforcement catered to the despotism of the threatened judges but also ignorant non-federal police have protected the tyrannical judiciary as well. Have they no shame? What's the point of having a constitution if judges can freely interpret for themselves what it shall be? Would the rule of law be better protected by giving judges absolute authority to interpret laws or would the rule of law be protected better if individuals were empowered to take direct action against the threat of the rule of man?
Bureaucrats & executives are considered the worst because of their power to take direct enforcement. What happens when the judiciary & legislature are absent & the executive has monopoly on force? We get a military style dictatorship that shows little to no restraint on power. Many places now have people arrested for resisting even the deadliest of police brutality, even if completely illegal. There are plenty of law enforcement types that should be targets of terrorist violence such as BATFE, IRS, DEA, EPA, & many other parasites who do more harm than good. What's even worse is law enforcement is trained to lie & FEMA has been indoctrinating it's terror recruits with anti-seperatist propaganda by claiming Thomas Jefferson & George Washington were evil terrorists. This is false & blasphemous & it's shameful that people must pay for such evil terror training.
FEMA is a terrorist organization & people have a right to use terrorist style attacks against FEMA facilities including bombings, kidnappings of officials & mafia style cut throat executions of superiors. A patriotic hero named Joe Stack flew a plane through an IRS Building in Austin, Texas on February 18, 2010 killing one scumbag employee. The police state grows because serious opposition lacks power. The Nazis were defeated in 1945 because there was militant resistance to them. Winston Churchill became prime minister of UK in 1940 & led the Western Front during World War II for five years against Nazi Germany & Fascist Italy. It is the duty of patriots to take militant action against the current despotic & tyrannical police state government by taking up arms against law enforcement officers & armed force members who are loyal to the regime. Patriots must also encourage armed force members to defect from their oppressive superiors & even mutiny against them, liberating themselves from tyranny & joining the patriotic rebellion. We must honor all who have fallen fighting for liberation against the Leviathan as martyrs. We must send a message that the fallen patriots have not died in vain & that retaliation against tyranny will be more powerful than the crimes committed by the oppressors. The oppressors must be ferociously attacked while at the same time innocent lives shall be preserved to the fullest extend & aide must be handed to all innocents.
But patriots cannot do it alone. They must train those willing to fight against the regime & recruit those who are experts in combat to train new recruits. Gun dealers must personally secede & join the seceding nation, liberating them from BATFE tyranny. Only then will they feel able to supply rebels with arms & ammunition.
Armed insurrection alone cannot bring complete liberation as the media & schools have hijacked hearts & minds of people, making them obedient to the regime & unwilling to support armed liberation. Patriots must also encourage law enforcement officers & armed force members to defect & shoot their superior officers. Patriots must also breach prisons to free political prisoners & recruit violent ones to serve in the rebellion. The lord forgives those who murder as well & if people like Terry Nichols & Eric Randolph who are currently imprisoned in ADX Supermax in Florence, Colorado can change & assist the rebellion with their skills, then they can be forgiven for their "horrible crimes".
The sovereign citizen movement also plays a role in this by asserting individual sovereignty but is not strong enough to oppose tyrannical government as attacks on government facilities are rarely successful. That's why more militant extremism is needed, modeled much after the Jihadist movements. The Chechan seperatist movement is mostly militant & militia movements in America & Canada should follow in the Chechan's footsteps.
What would be awesome is if armed patriots were to raid government armories so as to weaken the regime & strengthen the liberation movement.
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- Myfreedom
- United States
- I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.
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- How to Hereby Secede
- Should True Americans Condone Violence Against Tyr...
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