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United States
I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

We need a constitutional revolution

The US Constitution is supposedly a classical liberal document tugged by Federalists which created the federal government. However, this document is broad & interpreted to FAVOR the federal government. The checks & balances have failed & amending the constitution is long. The problem with the US Constitution for one is there's no direct way constitutionally to repeal policy without Congress & the president(without 2/3 majority veto override). The only way for any policy to be changed without any action from any of the three branches of government whatsoever is for 2/3 of states to call for a constitutional convention or constitutional amendment.

The 2/3 states majority could be the key to securing the right of recall, referendum, & initiative in a constitutional amendment. States should keep nullifying unconstitutional & despotic federal laws but the federal government will come down with a hard-line hand, fueling higher morale for militant action against federal law enforcement. Amending the constitution to secure recall, referendum, & intitiative will NOT grant those right but rather REINFORCE making clear that these are in fact unalienable rights. Hopefully I could start a movement to speed up the process by uniting the state legislatures for emergency meetings on the question of calling for a constitutional amendment to be passed, calling for direct democracy & the threat of eliminating elected officials from office at any time & even making the process of amending the constitution shorter & simpler.

The following constitutional amendments should have:
  • Recall of ALL elected officials & judges(if good reason can be established such as breach of powers)
  • Right to initiative, modeled after Switzerland
  • Referendum
  • Only require 3-6 states propose constitutional amendment & require 2/3 of states, unanimous for increase in federal power
  • Alternate run off voting
  • Tax increase requires 2/3 majority
A new & direct check & balance alongside nullification is needed. We could replace Congress impeaching bad officials with direct initiative.

I'm considering going back in time to help the Confederacy win the American Civil War by influencing the outcome of victory. If I am successful, we would have Two Americas, the Yankees & Dixies. The United States would be larger.

With initiatives, we can repeal bad policy that is long overdue for repeal without the dysfunctional congress. We won't be battered by congress, the president & the courts to reform our government.

Come to think of it, the right to petition for grievences could be the right to override laws through initiative. What is an absolute disgrace is that in 2009-10, the New Jersey Supreme Court overruled this right by ruling there is no right to recall federal senators(ruling it was unconstitutional despite the constitution mentioning nothing about prohibitions on recall.)

The state department will present barriers too & it would be tempting to pull out a gun & shoot. But we can't rely on the courts to do justice & we must apply pressure to the state departments to call for fair initiative, even if we have to violently fight the police.

America's founding fathers changed their government by defying Great Britain. British law made by parliment would not allow for change in government, which is what the founders did & were successful.

What America needs is to be re-organized. It's like filing for bankrupcy only we are not completely replacing the U.S. Constitution but recognizing that the federal government has become illigitemate & a new government is needed. The limited government principles go unchanged but numerous flaws are fixed. This event would be very similar to the U.S. Constitution replacing the Articles of Confederation. We are simply declaring our federal government illigitimate in it's current form.

We should divide the US into several other countries such as former Confederate territory being the Confederate Sates of America, Vermont being an independent republic if it chooses to do so, & the rest being the United Democratic States of America.

We cannot rely upon Congress to reform government since it is in need of reform itself. We have a constitutional crisis here & it must be addressed now more than ever.
There are over 20,000 gun control laws on the books & pro gun states need to secede in order to supply weapons in case there's a need for armed defense against tyrannical government. Montana is one of those states. There are plenty of pro-gun states but we need to ensure that there are enough guns & ammunition to protect ourselves from tyranny & take back the guns stolen by the federal regime.

I expect there to be civil unrest that will demand reform of government which will be a revolution.

We have a god given right to alter or abolish our government whether the government itself likes it or not. Only alter our government the way it's law says is like only being able to speak freely in a way that does not violate government law whatsoever, implying that it's a mere privilage.

The 1st amendment makes clear that government may NEVER impose any law which restricts free worship, free speech, peaceful assembly, free press, & right to petition for grievences. People take the right of petition for granted because they feel petitions are nothing more than symbolic or are the same as free speech. If that were true, it would NOT make that clear & would not have a point. Petition is a statement of signatures demanding a certain democratic action be taken such as a referendum. The courts should not rule initiatives unconstitutional, making the judiciary despotic.

Let's send a message that we'll reform government the Patriotic 1776 way!

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