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I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Why does the government always win & How can we change that?

Because they use taxation by force & have large militias. Militant resistance is weak & inferior & tyrannical governments take advantage of that.

Militant resistance is like guerilla warfare & armed resistance against government such as bombing government facilities, hijacking government vehicles, hostage taking of government employees as well as killing them, shooting law enforcement officers & soldiers, vehicular attacks on government buildings, arson attaCKS ON GOVT. BUILDINGS, BIOLOGICAL Warfare, assassinating public officials, espionage, sabotage, & even weapons of mass destruction such as nuclear bombs.

On April 19, 1995, a federal building in Oklahoma City was truck bombed killing 168 & injuring hundreds more. The regime was said to have first suspected radical islamic terrorists & mexican drug cartels. They pointed out that the culprit was sovereign citizen movement hero Timothy McVeigh & Terry Nichols. What was interesting was that there were bombs inside the building & ATF goons were told not to go in as well as bomb squads being told to wait outside. Conspiracy here is for the government to have a scapegoat in order to incite hatred by the public against patriots like Timothy McVeigh who feel the only way to achieve victory of liberty & justice is to take militant action. The regime & pro-regime media has used propaganda to keep the status quo. What I think here is the government lied to the people in order to prey on their emotions the same way Adolf Hitler did in order to gain power in Germany in 1933.

I'm not trying to justify the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing but I feel the government willfully decieved McVeigh through the CIA by misleading him into targeting the wrong building. People are being taught through public indoctrination, mainstream media, political prosecutions, police brutality, show trials, imprisonment, financial terrorism, & Russian-style elections to fear their government, which is what people have done, even in America & Canada. Not only is that the sad truth but people have looked up to government with divine grace, a theocratic demogogry America's founder's despised. The only way most Americans try to change their government is through voting in Russian & Iranian style elections which look somewhat democratic but are secretly distorted. Two major parties with legal advantage over the independents & third parties? Is that what you call democratic? I call it a sham & a justification for armed insurrection. The founders would be calling for the taking up arms against government as the last resort to change tyrannical government.

There are many differences between Jihadists, Drug Cartels, & Militiamen. Osama Bin Laden was a Jihad fighter who led Al-Qaeda until his demise on May 1-2, 2011 & one of the reasons he was able to have militant power strong enough to occupy a small & inferior country was because of his militant influence, skills, power, & wealth. Timothy McVeigh had the maximum potential to be the libertarian American Osama Bin Laden but unfortunetely McVeigh did not go to the same lengths as Osama Bin Laden to achieve liberation for America & restoration of social contract. Osama Bin Laden was able to hide in relative comfort until his death while McVeigh was arrested during a traffic stop moments after the bombing, never to be a freeman ever again.

Bottom line on this is Osama Bin Laden was able to achieve more of his goals because of the resources, strength & influence he possessed while McVeigh could have gradually took measures to have the same power & influence as Bin Laden only the goals are completely different.

An example of a violent Radical Islam terrorist organization named the Taliban was able to conquer most of Afghanistan for five years, establishing totalitarian rule, which is the opposite of what McVeigh would wish to establish. The Taliban, Al-Qaeda, Hamas, & Hezbollah possess militant like resources & power which has help maintain their strongholds against governments. I staunchly oppose islamic terror groups because of their goal to impose Islam through violence & deliberately target innocent civilians like in the September 11, 2001 attacks.

My position on threats is don't warn the enemy directly of any attacks. The enemy must be struck through the element of suprise as to make them fearful of random attack! The reason plots to halt government through direct action are foiled is because the planning is not secretive enough & informants are not being violently attacked drug cartel style(but in humane way). Resisting the current regime will be like resisting the Nazis. You never know when the enemy will strike & in return it's imperitive to never let the enemy know you're attacking them. One appalling example of a foiled plot to attack federal facilities was when four old men in Georgia were snitched by a f-ing FBI informant(who should be hacked to death drug cartel style) & the plan to save America from tyranny was halted by the cowardly FBI. This illustrates the fact that attacks against the federal government need to be deadlier than attacks done by islamic terror groups like Al-Qaeda while at the same time minimizing innocent civilian casualties when feasible.

America must wake up very soon, even if severe shock & awe terror attacks against government facilities must happen. McVeigh, Nichols, & Fortier are victims of despicable deception & tyranny. Mr. & Mrs. Fortier however are cowards for ratting out McVeigh & Nichols. The FBI is the worst of the federal scum law enforcement & are deserving of more deadly casualties towards employees.

I'm not plotting to attack any facilities but I am saying that I refuse to condemn violence against government due to my outrage at a nearly totalitarian government!

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