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United States
I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

Blog Archive

Friday, December 25, 2015

Tis the Season Message

You see Donald Trump in a Santa suit above here. Donald Trump is a special case as he doesn't need Jewish money to run his presidential campaign. It's fucking bullshit that Western Liberal Democracies require multi-million to billion dollar campaigns, coming mostly from billionaires such as Sheldon Abelson(Casino Mogul). Democracy is of the Devil as leaders will be bound by fear of losing elections and most often, even in some countries where intelligent Whites are a super-majority, candidates who address important issues will often be swept away by cheap political tricks the system bitch slaps you with.
Please excuse my thoughts on democracy but liberal democracy has established a valueless, godless leadership caring most about appeasing the finances of their campaign rather than promote unity and brotherhood among their kin.

Monday, September 28, 2015

The Ugly Mantra

Guess what the only "White" country is that doesn't have to accept multiculturalism?
None other than Israel. Jews are generally accepted as "White Europeans" despite not having any concern for the White European race. Don't get me wrong there are Jews who stand against Jewish supremacy and the Jewish Supremacist drive to make Ashkenazim Jewry the only people left on Earth with White skin and Caucasian faces.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Oh the Cruel Irony of Beautiful on the outside yet heartless on the inside Charlize Theron

What the HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL?! How could such a beautiful Aryan Girl of Boer Blood have degraded her dignity and self-respect so low as to support such a catastrophe of ass that is destroying her home country? Just for the record, I do not hate Charlize Theron but I am very mad with her and think she's a dishonarable disgrace to her Paternal Family, a family who only loved her but she gave the cold shoulder.
Why does she condone the Genocide of her own people? Why hasn't she spoken out about the racist nature among the ANC regime and it's criminal followers? Or better yet, why has she donated to this criminal organization when it is engaged in Acts of Genocide against the Afrikaner people? Afrikaans singer Sunette Bridges has even cried out to Charlize Theron to help in the struggle for South Africa. No fucking response!

Theron must have it damn good living in Beverly Hills, thinking not of what the hell is happening in her home country. In fact, her Africa Outreach Project is a mutherfucking joke as Charlize doesn't have the courage to address the true problems facing South Africa, pretending everything is better after 1994. Does Charlize even understand that Apartheid was really about protecting the European peoples from an inferior, savage African population hell bent on making life for civilized Europeans and Asians cancerous? Would Charlize have had a better childhood growing up 15 years later?

Charlize Theron grew up during the last two decades of Apartheid, when it was being reformed. I wonder if Charlize ever looks back on her childhood and thinks "Was life better for me back then than if I grew up 10 or 20 years after?" Official stories have you believe her father Charles Jacobus Theron was a drunken alcoholic abusive monster. Charlize's paternal aunt Elsa Malan disagrees and said that Charles was doing what was best for his golden offspring. But that mother Gerda just had to turn Charlize into a heartless, lying, promiscuous, irresponsible, materialistic, greedy, whorish, sociopath, etc.

Charlize these promotional trips that you make to South Africa all sound so good clean and fresh, and helps you so much with your International career. Yet you come here and you say nothing about ordinary white South African who will never be able to leave South Africa like you have to make a new life for themselves, because they either do not have the money or have already been being murdered because of the color of their skin. It is not that we expect you to do anything about it, but do you not realize that by saying nothing, to the people you are rubbing shoulders with, that they believe they can let the murders continue unabated and still have the audacity to call it house robberies gone bad. Yet your people, if I may call them that, still seem to support you, while you seem to not care if they are featured on the latest Genocide list in the morning or not. That’s why I say the dead cannot be fooled, and you Charlize can help but you choose to turn a blind eye as almost every other South African who leaves the South African shores. It seems to me that you don’t care at all. I will be so surprised, if you ever go on National or InternationalTV and say, what we all hope that you would say, yet dont , I Charlize Theron, do not approve of the senseless murders of white farmers, in South Africa, and believe in my heart that Genocide is the ultimate goal of the murderers”  That would be a cause that will earn you the respect of your Homeland forever and ever.
If there's any character Ms. Theron has played that she most relates to in real life, it's got to be from Young Adult(2011). I'm not fucking around here! I really mean it lady! You really are a terrible person inside and I am very ashamed with the way your mother raised you!
I can also compare Charlize Theron to Ebeneezer Scrooge from Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol

May the ghost of Boer Warrior Daniel Theron visit you on Christmas Eve and may you Charlize be visited by the Ghosts of Afrikaner Christmas Past, present, and Future. If you know the Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol, then I prey to God you will have a change of heart this Christmas and may December 25, 2015 be they day your heart grow three times and you view Daniel Theron as your greatest role model.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Save the Afrikaners with an EU like Federal system in South Africa!

I know what them damn neoliberals(to distinguish from classical liberals) will tell you. They'll say Apartheid could be reintroduced. If you look at the map above Black Africans will get an even greater deal in territory than even enlarged Bantus-tans. Westernized South Africa would include territory West of the Burgundy line as well as possibly territory within the Purple and Tan lines. Major cities would include Cape Town, Johannesburg, Pretoria, Bloemfontein, and Durban. The Westernized South Africa shall include not just White South Africans but also Coloreds, Indians, Asians, and Jews. Only narrow exceptions will be granted to certain Bantu individuals. Non-Bantus will be evacuated from areas not claimed by the Boer Republic of South Africa. I would like to extend the border to include what is considered to be Adam Kok's Land and Tiffundell Ski Resort.

Kruger National Park is on the right within the Purple lines. Of course, existing non-Bantu populations will be evacuated to the retained areas. The above map was a potential plan by the apartheid government in the event a separate states solution was needed(which it was and should have been). South Africa was built by the Afrikaner people who are now marginalized and made foreigners in cities their ancestors have built. Similar plight was faced by the Palestinians who fought back with armed resistance.
Front Nasionaal logo.png
Front National has also petitioned to have Afrikaners be the governing ethnic group of the land since they purchased the land as an ethnic group and argue the hand over of power to non-Afrikaners in 1994 was illegal. However, there are militant groups that are prepared to take up arms and violently overthrow the ANC regime if necessary. The purpose should be to create instability that will force all parties involved to agree to a partition plan(like India-Pakistan in the 1940's).

These are maps of South Africa and Namibia with larger Bantustans. The flaw with the OTL bantustans was that they lacked contiguity and made dependence upon a higher power more possible. Plus, the issue of population plays into here as looking at the Bantustans the population count is also considered. Zulus(pop. est 10 million) have the highest population of Bantus while South Ndebele(1.1 million) have the lowest population. A majority of Bantus in South Africa are either Zulu or Xhosa. Only Sotho and Swazi tribes have states dedicated to their group.

How do you like that! The reason South Africa's Afrikaner population have no self-determination and right to the land their ancestors built is not only the Jewish Supremacists who destroy the solidarity of European peoples not only with consumerism, materialism, and secularism, but also through European Guilt(Holocaust promotion).

Viewing yourself as a victim empowers you to fight back but guilt for something you didn't do hold you back as well as people in your group. What if the Nazi's made Jews hate and feel guilty about themselves for condoning the plight of the non-Jews they lived among by not allowing solidarity to be expressed among people of a nation?

If making Europeans hate themselves for the supposed "evils" they personally did not commit is moral and acceptable, then Hitler was justified in treating the Jews as sub-human due to their history of subverting, dividing, and conquering civilizations as well as bringing human suffering through usury and greed. However, the Jews who suffered persecution had no involvement in the Zionist Conspiracy to further Jewish Supremacy and establish a World Government.

Afrikaners have so much in common with the Irish and Ukrainian people. Both have suffered vicious human rights abuses at the hands of governments who not only were responsible for starving them but also were able to get away with it without consequence. The perpetrators of the Irish and Ukrainian Genocides by starvation were never punished for their crimes with such ghastly events being forgotten for decades.

Afrikaners are in the process of suffering the same fate as the Irish and Ukrainians. Over 1 million Irish people left Ireland during the famine as nearly 1 million Whites have left South Africa. Jews however lived privileged lives.

Never Again has not only failed to live up to it's meaning but has also led to condonation of suffering of certain peoples due to a Jewish owned media that cares only about Jewish tribalism but not the rights of all nations. The Armenians, Greeks, Palestinians, and Germans have lost land their ancestors worked on and made achievements on only to lose them to Genocidal terrorists that have gotten away with stealing their land. Afrikaners face the same fate as the Armenians, Greeks, Palestinians, and Germans as Johannesburg could suffer the same fate as Constantinople, Konigsberg, and Jaffa if there is not enough solidarity and will to stand up and fight the terrorists.

The civilized world can still prevent Afrikaners from suffering the same fate the Greeks, Palestinians, Armenians, and Germans have suffered. The rise of Nationalism in Europe will help bring solidarity among European peoples who will then cry out for their Boer brothers, demanding military action against the Kaffir regime in South Africa.

There are people who do care and would do anything to prevent White Genocide in South Africa if they were made aware. While Genocide Watch has put South Africa at Stage 6, not a single power will encourage the victims to genocide to fight back and overthrow the genocidal regime occupying Pretoria, a once White Afrikaner majority city undergoing ethnic cleansing.

If the Afrikaner people decided to take up arms against the ANC regime and fight the way their ancestors did, they could retake their homeland in a matter of months or even weeks.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

What is the best hope for White Liberation?

As this world seems more concerned with accepting more Mud People who will damage the superior European ways of life, Argentina has become a safe haven for Europeans seeking a better economic future. Brazil and Australia have stricter immigration policies unlike last century.
Ukraine is also a White friendly nation that overthrew the pro-Russian Semi-Asiatic regime in Kiev. Should the fight for Ukraine be about more than just Ukraine or about a fight for the revival of White population risings? While the Kirchner regime in Buenos Aries has lacked the concern to fight for fellow oppressed White Europeans, Argentina does have great potential, given that disgruntled White nationalists could simply move to Argentina temporarily and protest the government's non pro-White actions, demanding greater pro-white policies.
Possible partition could include a Pro-Russian Eastern Ukraine, a Nationalist Ukraine in the Far-East ruled under a one part Svoboda-Right Sector coalition, and the current Ukrainian regime. The real question is should the yet to be established White Nationalist regime of West Ukraine try to incite White nationalists in Baltic States to cause their governments to resign and their Judeo-Democratic systems will collapse. Nationalist leaders will emerge like Napoleon and begin a process of National Reconstruction, expelling the Jewish Colonial era non-White immigrants and reserving the Heartland of the master race for White people.

What does Right Sector in Ukraine stand for?

The Great Ukrainian Reconquista: What is the Right Sector fighting for?

We, the warriors and commanders of the Right Sector are actively fighting the regime, remembering the heroism of King Svyatoslav the Courageous of Kyiv, King Danylo of Galicia, of Bohdan Khmelnytsky and the warriors of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army; implementing the right of a people to rise against injustice; and aware of our responsibilities before the dead and injured heroes of the Maidan.

For the right of every Ukrainian to human dignity...

For a fair criminal trial of Berkut and other dogs of the occupational system...

Against the humiliation and impoverishment of the Ukrainian people...

Against the war of the government with its own people...

For responsible voters and politicians...

For the election of judges...

Against corrupt and marginal democracy...

Against degeneracy and totalitarian liberalism...

For traditional folk morality and family values...

For Ukrainian families having many children...

For a spiritually and physically healthy youth...

Against a culture of consumerism and eroticism...

Against any form of "integration" on terms dictated from outside of Ukraine...

For unity and worldwide greatness of the Ukrainian nation...

For a great Ukrainian and European Reconquista... Everything is only beginning! From our Maidan, the rebirth of Kyivan-Rus/Ukraine commences, the rebirth of Europe commences.

Glory to Ukraine!

Glory to our heroes!

My kind of organization, fighting for the Glory of the European Master Race. Right Sector must increase it's base and spread it's wings not just to Europe but also South Africa, Australia, and America. Right Sector revolution will tear down the cancers of liberalism and Marxism that are destroying our once dominant White race.
Oleh Tyahnybok September 2014.jpg
Will we see Oleh Tyahnybok and Dmytro Yarosh emerge as the Napoleon Bonaparte of the White Race?
Ukrainian Nationalists are dismantling Soviet Idols and fighting to purge Ukraine and eventually Europe of this Marxist Cancer.
I really like Right Sector's paramilitary style! Parties with paramilitary groups get taken more seriously. Glad to see some Nordic like beauties in Ukraine fighting for freedom.
Embedded image permalink
The labels of "Democracy" and "Dictatorship" mean nothing of substance. In fact, Assad's dictatorship is much more preferable than Obama's democracy. Above chart makes the point. Assad is more a legitimate ruler than Obama will ever be. It's not just majority of votes either but how much support leaders have. Plus, Syria doesn't have a Zionist controlled press as the Syrian people are the strongest nationality I have ever seen.
Right Sector during a march on the 72nd anniversary of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army in Kiev.(RIA Novosti / Alexandr Maksimenko)
Could we finally see total liberation from Zionist control over Ukraine?
Ruptly video still
It appears over the past year Right Sector has grown into an anti-communist terror machine, avenging the humiliating defeat of the Aryan Race. Ukrainians shall liberate Germany by 2019 just as Germany liberated Ukraine in 1941.

Question is, will Ukraine make Aryans the master elite of Ukraine and Europe through Revolutionary Nationalism or will it be defeated by the Zio-Imperial European Union and NATO?

Thursday, February 5, 2015

How to Resolve the Ukraine conflict for a White Western future?

Flag of Right Sector.svgLogo of the All-Ukrainian Union "Svoboda"
Two far-right groups known as Right Sector and Svoboda advocate an ultra-nationalist Ukraine. Following last year's Euro-maiden, a pro-EU and pro-NATO government was established in Kiev. What troubles me here is why aren't Right Sector and Svoboda advocating a Single-Party State ruled by fascist parties? Also, why hasn't Right Sector and Svoboda denounced liberal democracy and NATO? Why are these groups fighting for a puppet government of a Zionist Empire company known as the European Union?

Are Right-Sector and Svoboda just stunt parties intended to deceive and trap White Nationalists or do they truly want a free and independent Ukraine? Countries not part of the European Union have more sovereignty than countries under EU rule. Ukraine is among the best battlegrounds for White nationalism. The conflict with the less politically correct Russia however is creating diplomatic problems.
Both Russia and Ukraine's far-right in some way have conflicts with the European Union either politically or ideologically. The problem here is the Jewish Empire's secret influence over Europe as well as their golden opportunity to expand their evil empire with Ukraine. The above cartoon is a battle of Union vs. non-Union Workers while the Billionaires hold imperial power over the middle class. That is exactly what democracy is, divide and conquer. There is only one dominant elite that gives the illusion of competition and opposition.

Democracy, Mass rule, and Politics; a perfect divide and conquer strategy. The rich and powerful not only get more rich and powerful but also more greedy as they expect impunity for their crimes against the White middle class. Democracy does not bring unity, peace, and the rule of law, it gives politicians, robber baron bankers, and foreign subversives excuses to commit their crimes of stealth.
Petro Poroshenko's pro-EU Pro-Zionist West sect is in control in Ukraine but real power is vested with Marxist Jewry. Dmytro Yarosh and Oleh Tyahnybok are part of the Far-Right Nationalist sect. Unlike Poroshenko, Yarosh and Tyahnybok oppose Judeo-Marxist-Stalinist imperialism.

While many european and American countries have accepted Cultural marxism, Political Correctness, and unknowingly accepted Jewish Imperialism, Ukraine's Far-Right appears to be fighting back and wants a free and independent Ukraine, without any control by the Judeo-Communist Imperialists.

Olel Tuahnybok is a role model for any civil minded peoples fighting for freedom and independence against marxist imperialism. Quotes here prove it:
"[You are the ones] that the Moscow-Jewish mafia ruling Ukraine fears most"[13]
"They were not afraid and we should not be afraid. They took their automatic guns on their necks and went into the woods, and fought against the MuscovitesGermansJews and other scum who wanted to take away our Ukrainian state."
Tyahnybok considers not just Russian loyalists and Germans to be foreigners but also Jews. Tyahnybok has also advocated re-arming Ukraine with nuclear weapons, despite such action being a violation of so called "international law". International Law is used to deny the sovereignty of nations international Jewish imperialists disapprove of. One such victim was South Africa's Afrikaner Nationalist Apartheid regime. Would the inferior African Civilization have triumphed over the superior Western Civilization if colonial powers viewed the inferior mud race civilizations as biological and political enemies?

Tyahnybok was even investigated one decade ago for the zio-imperialist invented crime of "inciting ethnic hatred" but fortunately he was never prosecuted. Tyahnybok was however destroyed morally by the malicious Jewish Owned media's slander but Tyahnybok was vindicated and even more motivated to fight for national sovereignty.

Why am I showing support for the Ukrainian side over Russia? I consider both the Ukrainian and Russian people to be victims of Jewish Bolshevism yet Putin reveres Svoiet history too positively and has failed to work in making Russians the dominant ethnic group while excluding untrustworthy foreigners from participating in changing Russian society. Ukraine's far-right is angry that Russia hasn't owned up to it's horrible past(Holodomor) and has refused to denounce KGB war crimes.

Putin however is at war with the cultural marxist forces of the supposed "west" while Ukraine's far-right is fighting the Stalinist revering Russia. But what Right Sector and Svoboda want is an independent Ukraine, free of foreign influence. The White Aryan Christian people of Ukraine will be the master people under Ukraine's far-right world(should such be a reality) .

Who is my favorite character in the Ukraine-Russia conflict? I have to give hats off to Oleh Tyahnybok. Unfortunately, Poroshenko will betray Ukraine's far-right eventually when it becomes pragmatic for him to do so by potentially passing more laws calling for stricter measures against "inciting ethnic hatred" which is nothing more than a suppression of expressing nationalism and concern for the White Christian race.

However, many Ukrainians don't share the far-right views Tyahnybok and Yarosh share. The Right Sector however is paramilitary and a Svoboda-Right Sector merger can be constructed to form an alliance in overthrowing the Jewish Democratic System of Ukraine and install a Fascist but Organic Democratic Ukrainian State,
Royal Standard of the Hetman of Ukraine (1918).svg
Ukraine's best political hope is a nationalist single-party authoritarian dictatorship under the Ukrainian State with a dictator. The reason "inciting ethnic hatred" and "hate crime" legislation is used is not to prosecute acts but to eliminate political opposition. The Ukrainian State should not be just Ukrainian nationalist but also White nationalist, sharing a bond of brotherhood with fellow White Slavs and creating a force dedicated to defeating international Jewish imperialism and White Genocide.

A union with Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Kalinigrad should be established to counter anti-white imperialism. The official ideology of this Balto-Slavic Union should be White Nationalism, Anti-Communism, Anti-Marxism, Pro-Independence, Pro-Gun, and Anti-Zionist. Jews should be viewed as a hostile foreign elite as well as depriving hostile foreigners from obtaining access to strategic positions of influence over Ukrainian society. Only White Christians should have positions of influence over Balto-Slavic society.
Euromaidan collage.jpg
I know this goes against previous beliefs I held on Ukraine but the Ukrainian Revolution brought unity through strength, disregarding political wings in favor of demanding accountability, justice, and resistance to Russian Imperialism. The best hope for a Whiter future is the victory of Ukraine's Far-Right and to unite Belarus, Baltic States, Kalinigrad, and Ukraine into a superstate with White Brotherhood as it's national ideology.