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I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Can California be split by the 36th parallel just by Congressional Approval in 2017?

California, the Pacific Jewel of the United States, has gone to trash thanks to not only the Democrats AND the labor unions but also due to California's massive size and illegal alien population that votes Democrat. Republicans are stronger in Southern California and should California split North-South, Southern California could be as competitive as Ohio and Florida, freeing the GOP from having to deal with the heavily left-wing North.

New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new States shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.
Article Four, Section One

The most successful effort to partition California was in 1859 when Assemblyman Andreas Pico authorized to split California along the 36th parallel. Believe it or not, this proposal has already passed the "Consent of Legislature" stage but Congress failed to approve of separate statehood due to the American Civil War.

Should Congress pass separate statehood for Southern California, it could likely be challenged by CA Democrats though a Trump Administration could pressure California's state government to allow partition of states. Plus, a barrage of new Trump administration policies such as combating voter/electoral fraud, fair labor union practices as well as national right-to-work protections, religious freedom restoration initiatives, de-funding of sanctuary cities and crackdowns on illegal immigration, and expansion of school choice and defense of charter schools could eventually put Democrats on the defensive as their support bases dry up.

If a legal challenge is mounted against any Congressional action to establish separating California by the 36th parallel without consent of current state legislature, just remember what the Pico Act established in 1859 and unless those challenging California's 36th parallel partition have any proof a deadline was established for how long the Pico Act could remain effective, then Southern California needs no approval from the California State Legislature to move forward with new statehood. However, adding additional counties would need approval from CA State Legislature or could simply have enough signatures to propose a ballot initiative.

However, if the CA State Legislature tries to repeal the Pico Act(which is not unlikely), it will have to go before the voters again and BTW, voters back in 1859 or 1860 voted 75% in favor of partition.

Not only can a Trump administration pressure CA Democrats to back-down by convincing them they would have more power if Southern California seceded(most Republican legislators and Congressman are in Southern California), but also impose new conditions for Southern California statehood such as strict voter id, English only elections as well as proof of citizenship for voter registration, no welfare benefits and/or jobs to illegal aliens, provisions in constitution providing right to keep and bear arms as well as freedom from regulatory and government imposed financial burdens, etc.
Congressman Darrell Issa.jpgKevin McCarthy2.jpg
Who could possibly propose a bill allowing for Southern California statehood? Republicans like Darrell Issa and Kevin McCarthy would have some interest in establishing a state for their constituents that is safe from the wrath of California Democrat's supermajority. Plus, why would any California Republican not support South California statehood? If SoCal became it's own state, SoCal Republicans would not have to worry about the ultra liberal San Francisco Bay Area/San Jose-San Francisco-Oakland combined statistical area with a population of 8.7 million.

Though Los Angeles County has a population of approx. 10 million and Democrats outnumber Republicans by almost 30%, taking non-citizens off rolls as well as encouraging diaspora Californians to move back to Southern California will balance out the Democratic stronghold in Southern California, giving Republicans a greater chance. Plus, Republicans could work on regaining their lead back from Democrats in San Diego, San Bernardino, Ventura, and Santa Barbara counties as well as strengthen Republican leads in San Luis Obispo, Riverside, Orange, and Kern Counties.

This would leave just Los Angeles and Imperial counties with a Democrat lead over Republicans in just a few short years. These two counties have significant Hispanic population though Los Angeles has some significant Asian populations as well.

Strengthening Conservative/Republican holds can be done by encouraging more White Europeans to settle in unsettled lands in SoCal and by encouraging illegal aliens to leave SoCal. Plus, should Southern California ever become a state in either 2018 or 2020, depending on whether such statehood can make it through a Senate filibuster by the Democrat minority. In the meantime, county governments should rebel against the CA state government, making most SoCal counties de facto separate from Sacramento's rule. The only counties in SoCal that would side with the CA state government would be Los Angeles and Imperial counties, both with Democrat leads over 25-30%.

Though six counties in SoCal have more Democrats than Republicans, with the exception of Los Angeles, Imperial, and Santa Barbera, the Democrat leads in Ventura, San Diego, and San Bernardino are just 2-5%, meaning these counties are competitive battlegrounds for Republicans to challenge Democrats. Plus, seven out of ten of SoCal's counties have Republican majorities in their Board of Supervisors, so most of Southern California landmass-wise could 

Also, California's 8th, 23rd, 25th, 39th, 42nd, 45th, 48th, 49th, and 50th congressional districts held by Republicans have their representatives living in California south of the 36th parallel. This makes 8 congressional districts held by Republicans in Southern California vs. 23 held by Democrats in SoCal. However, if Republicans play their cards right and set sights for districts with 24th, 26th, 31st, 36th, and 52nd congressional districts, Republicans would have opportunity to gain 5 seats before the 2020 census is completed. That would make the number of Democrats-Republicans ratio in SoCal to be 18-13, or a 58%-42% ratio. Who knows, with non-citizens(both legal & illegal) off the voter rolls as well as English the only election language, republicans could gain even more congressional seats.

Plus, illegal aliens are counted in the census for Congressional Representation, which should be stopped and a law needs to be passed by Congress that only allows U.S. citizens to be counted for U.S. House Representation. This would starting with the 2022 elections reduce the number of "Safe Democrat" districts, giving Republicans greater opportunities to outnumber Democrats with respects to Congressional Districts.

Maybe a bargain could be laid out allowing Los Angeles County to become it's own state, granting even greater Republican power over the rest of Southern California. Though Los Angeles becoming it's own state would create two new Democrat senators, the rest of Southern California would likely have at least one Republican as Senator from Southern California.
Honestly, should America surrender California to the pits of hell just because Democrats have destroyed it so much? With a Trump presidency, a Republican Controlled Congress, a Conservative U.S. Supreme Court, and a robust administration, Southern California could become the North Carolina of the Pacific in just a few years if things go according to plan.

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