Given that President-elect Donald J. Trump has nominated Senator Jeff Sessions to be Attorney General and will likely be confirmed once Trump takes office after January 20, 2017; Sessions will have to resign as Senator as soon as he becomes Attorney General. This means as Governor you will have the duty of nominating an interim replacement until a special election can take place(in this case 2018 midterm elections), I recommend Congressman Mo Brooks.
Why you might ask? For one, since Mo Brooks appreciates Whites, the G.O.P's strongest and most supportive electoral base, he would be one of the most powerful assets to Senate Republicans as they rely on a strong and united White electorate(which is declining).
Had it not have been for a stronger and more awakened White Blue-Collar working class voting surge in battleground states like Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, Florida, and Pennsylvania(states Obama won in 2008 & 2012), Hillary Clinton would be the next President of the United States.
Why would any Republican not want to not only keep Whites as the majority but also increase their birthrates so their majority is not only retained but also boosted to being roughly 85% of the U.S. population at the very most?
The Democrats rely primarily on not just minority voters but also a divided White electorate. Since the Democratic Party is collapsing with no signs of regaining a majority of not only Congressional seats both House & Senate but also most state legislatures. The Democratic Party has become that of communists, social justice warriors, illegal aliens, welfare parasites, anti-whites, feminists, and people who hate what America stands for.

BTW, I can predict the future of the Democratic Party by the fact Nancy Pelosi(former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives;2007-11) was re-elected the leader of the House Democrats. The average age of the top three House Democrats is 76(making Donald Trump 6 years younger than that despite being the oldest person elected to the U.S. Presidency).
Plus, with Keith Ellison as the only well known candidate left for DNC Chairman, the Democratic Party is sure to go as so far left that Republicans will have a better shot at attracting Moderate voters, who are almost 50% of the national electorate. Ellison is a Bernie Sanders style far-leftist Muslim who opposes everything most of White America stands for.
Keith Ellison is the poster boy for why over 70% of White Americans should vote Republican in EVERY state. The way things are going for Democrats now shows that Republicans are headed for super-majority status in Congress following the 2018 and possibly 2020 elections.
However, if Whites are suffering from net loss population as well as being outnumbered and outvoted by non-Whites, Republicans chances of winning elections declines to a point where they become a super-minority, like in California.
Also, Brooks has been hardcore and consistent, recognizing the negative impacts illegal immigration has brought to America, especially California. If Whites are not fighting for their interests as a group, those who hate Whites will feel emboldened to commit harm against White people and authorities in corrupt cities and states will feel less obligated to investigate crimes against Whites.
Having Mo Brooks in the U.S. Senate is a near must to solve the problem of illegal immigration more strongly as well as make Republicans the dominant party in U.S. federal politics by unifying and strengthening the White electorate.
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