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Thursday, December 29, 2016

Several Senate Democrats likely or unlikely to cooperate with Trump's Agenda

The 115th Congress is set to have 52 Senate Seats held by Republicans. However, Senate Democrats can in some instances filibuster legislation from making it to President Donald Trump's desk if such legislation does not reach 60 votes.

So many issues in need of solving whether it be healthcare, gun rights, appointees, the economy, taxes, immigration, culture(Yeah, I mean it!). Of course, the most left-wing of Democrats and even a handful of Republicans in the Senate are very likely to oppose some to most of Trump's agenda, but many seats held by Democrats are up for re-election in 2018 were in states where Donald Trump won. in fact, Democrats running for re-election in either 2018 or 2020 in Solid Red states are very likely to be swayed to support Trump's agenda on pain of facing electoral defeat at the hands of a Republican challenge.

Here are a list of Democrats in either Toss-up or Solid Red states running for re-election in 2018(whether they will support Trump's Agenda or not).
Joe Manchin official portrait 112th Congress.jpgFlag of West Virginia
Joe Manchin(West Virginia) is known for being one of the most Conservative Democrats in the U.S. Senate. Manchin sides more with Republicans on social issues and is very popular with the people of his home state. Manchin understands that not only has Trump won that state by more than 40 points but also owes it to his Conservative majority constituency to support Trump's Agenda.

Pro-Trump Probability: Very Likely

Joe Donnelly, official portrait, 113th Congress.jpgFlag of Indiana
Joe Donnelly(Indiana) represents another Solid Republican state and is up for re-election in 2018. Donnelly is a Moderate Democrat and can be persuaded to support Trump's Agenda so as to not upset Indiana's voters into supporting any Republican challenger seeking to unseat Donnelly.

Pro-Trump Probability: Very Likely

Jon Tester, official 110th Congress photo.jpgFlag of Montana
Jon Tester(Montana) hails from one of the most Conservative states in America. For Tester to betray the voters of Montana by opposing Trump's MAGA agenda would surely be political suicide on Tester's part as a Republican challenger would easily defeat Tester, depending on whether he supports or opposes Trump's agenda.

Pro Trump Probability: Very Likely

Bill Nelson.jpgFlag of Florida
Bill Nelson(Florida) has been considered a Moderate Democrat and is likely to vote opposite the Democrat leadership in certain issues. Though Donald Trump narrowly won the State of Florida, Bill Nelson could face a suitable challenger seeking to unseat Nelson should he oppose Trump's agenda.

Pro Trump Probability: Likely to Very Likely

Senator Bob Casey official photo 2010.jpgFlag of Pennsylvania
Bob Casey Jr.(Pennsylvania) has adopted some Conservative positions on certain issues and can be persuaded to support the Trump agenda considering that not only did Trump win the State of Pennsylvania but some Republican challengers could threaten Bob Casey for his senate seat.

Pro Trump Probability: Likely to Very Likely

Heidi Heitkamp official portrait 113th Congress.jpgFlag of North Dakota
Heidi Heitkamp(North Dakota) would look like the biggest loser on Earth if she opposed Trump's agenda, given the fact that North Dakota is one of the most Conservative state in the country. Any Republican challenger could easily defeat her should she be not supportive of Trump's agenda enough.

Pro Trump Probability: Very Likely

Angus King, official portrait, 113th Congress.jpgFlag of Maine
Angus King(Maine) caucuses with Democrats in a state that Donald Trump almost won(though Trump did win Maine's 2nd Congressional District). King is however a Moderate and can be persuaded to a certain degree to support some of Trump's agenda. Though any Republican challengers are less likely to defeat Democrat challengers in states Trump narrowly lost compared to states Trump won, it's safe to say that should King be supportive enough of Trump's Agenda, he'll be safe.

Pro Trump Probability: Likely

 Tim Kaine, official 113th Congress photo portrait.jpgNavy blue flag with the circular Seal of Virginia centered on it.
Tim Kaine(Virginia) has had the displeasure of being the Vice-Presidential candidate to the losing team! Despite Trump's loss in Virginia, Tim Kaine could face a hefty Republican challenger should he be too opposed to Trump's Agenda. In some instances, Tim Kaine can be persuaded to support parts of Trump's Agenda as to break any Senate Democrat filibusters. Perhaps some of Tim Kaine's policy positions in the past could come back to haunt him.

Pro Trump Probability: Unlikely

Sherrod Brown official photo 2009.jpgFlag of Ohio
Sherrod Brown(Ohio) would have to be a moron to not be supportive of even a fraction of Trump's agenda, especially in a state where Trump won by 8 points. Brown will most likely be in line most of the times with the left-wing Democrat leadership and is likely to oppose most of Trump's Agenda. Whether Brown will shift towards the center to fend off any possible GOP challengers is unknown at this time but from what I see here is that Sherrod Brown is set to be the second or third most vulnerable incumbent in 2018(behind Tammy Baldwin and Claire McCaskill).

Pro Trump Probability: unlikely to somewhat unlikely

Tammy Baldwin, official portrait, 113th Congress.jpgFlag of Wisconsin
Tammy Baldwin(Wisconsin) is one of the most liberal senators in the U.S. Senate and what makes it even worse is that fact Donald Trump won the State of Wisconsin. What also makes Tammy Baldwin a candidate for the most vulnerable incumbent of 2018 midterms is when her colleague in the Senate Ron Johnson(R) won re-election despite the odds being against him and another fact being that the Republican Party of Wisconsin is only growing stronger with no signs of stopping. Plenty of Republican challengers could easily defeat this ultra-liberal.

Pro Trump Probability: Very Unlikely

Image result for claire mccaskillFlag of Missouri
Claire McCaskill(Missouri) has been one of Crooked Hillary's most loyal supporters in the Senate throughout the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election in a state where Donald Trump won by a landslide. Not only will McCaskill's fierce and unapologetic support for Hillary Clinton(who lost Missouri by 15-18 points) make McCaskill the most vulnerable incumbent in 2018 but also her uncompromising liberal positions make her the most vulnerable of the 2018 incumbents in a Solid Republican state. I expect any well known Republican challenger to defeat her with almost no effort whatsoever. I don't expect McCaskill to be supportive of Trump's Agenda in the slightest(given the fact McCaskill has been one of the most pro-Hillary Clinton Senators running for re-election in 2018 in a Solid Republican state).

Pro Trump Probability: Very Unlikely

Debbie Stabenow, official portrait.jpgFlag of Michigan
Debbie Stabenow(Michigan) not only represents a state Trump won narrowly but will also be chairwoman of the Senate Democratic Policy Committee when the 115th Congress begins. This means Stabenow will be one of the Senate Democrats responsible for the policies of the Democratic Party in the U.S. Senate. I anticipate Stabenow to be one of the most liberal senators running for re-election in a state Donald Trump won. However, Stabenow will not be considered that vulnerable but a well known Republican challenger could easily threaten her chances for re-election should she go too far to the left and be too obstructive of the Trump Agenda.

Pro Trump Probability: Very Unlikely to Unlikely

Though at least one or two senators from states such as Virginia, New Mexico, & New Hampshire could be persuaded to break away from cooperation with the Democrat filibusters, even Solid Blue states could be shifted towards Toss-Up status should Trump deliver on many of his promises.

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