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I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Worst US Presidents in History, Part 1

I have not written a blog for quite some time but I am here to tell you that Ron Paul is rising in the polls in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina & Florida. The media keeps ignoring this presidential figure however it still does not stop Dr. Ron Paul. Newt Gingrich on the other hand is a colossal embarrassment to conservatives. Gingrich even wants' the constitution to 'die' and be replaced. I'm not going to explain the rest because I want to continue with listing the worst presidents in American History. These top losers have gained disgrace for dictator like power exercises, warmongering & mass murder, violating the US constitution & limitations on power & have dramatically changed American history for worse.

John Adams (March 4, 1797-March 4, 1801)(Federalist)
                I'm starting off with Adams first 'cause to be fair, he did do some great things for America's founding but had much anti-liberty blood in his veins. I will start off with the first major anti-liberty legislation enacted by Congress called the Alien & Sedition acts of 1798 making it a crime to make any strong criticism or speech against the government. These laws were unpopular & some ended up getting arrested & punished with a fine and/or jail time however, the longest sentence lasted until 1801. In 1800, Thomas Jefferson & Democratic Republicans dominated the White House & both houses of congress defeating John Adams & Federalists. Jefferson unconditionally pardoned all violators of the 1798 acts & congress repealed the Alien & sedition acts of 1798 in 1801 & president Thomas Jefferson signed the repeal of the unconstitutional sedition acts.

Lyndon Baines Johnson (November 22, 1963-January 20, 1969)(Democratic)
                A lifelong career politician, Franklin Roosevelt Democrat & New Dealer, Lyndon Johnson was responsible for creating his "great Society" of welfare & two monstrosities called Medicaid & Medicare which are almost bankrupt today & was also responsible for the escalation of the Vietnam War, one of the most embarrassing events in US history & resulted in needless deaths of thousands of US troops. First, I want to clarify the civil rights record first. Lyndon Johnson was against civil rights legislation before he was for them & only wanted to receive the credit for civil rights. It was Dwight D. Eisenhower & John F. Kennedy who advocated hard for civil rights in the mid 1950's & early 60's. It wasn't until after John F. Kennedy's assassination in 1963 that Johnson fully supported the civil rights movement upon signing the Civil Rights act of 1964. I do have doubts about the constitutionality of the civil rights act of '64 being the expansion of the commerce clause.  In 1964, Johnson signed into law student loan programs that would eventually drive up tuition costs, in 1965, Medicare & Medicaid would be created and within decades time, it would nearly go bankrupt, socio-economic welfare programs such as food stamps making the poor more dependent & still in poverty. The War on Poverty is a catastrophic failure keeping poverty the same & not reducing it. Only free markets can correct the problem. The Vietnam War was a humiliating experience for America and ruined many lives. In fact, Johnson declined a re-election bid in '68 because of his unpopularity. Another action I cannot forgive him for is signing into law the Gun Control Act of 1968, which destroyed the meaning of the second amendment's right to keep & bear arms.

Richard M. Nixon (January 20, 1969-August 9, 1974)(Republican)
                "I am not a crook" said Nixon. He's wrong. He's a dishonest, corrupt power grabber who abused executive authority. His policy atrocities included escalating the Vietnam War as LBJ did, severing the US dollar from gold standard, freezing prices & wages, war on drugs, more bureaucracies such as the EPA, & watergate scandal. Nixon even said "When the president does it, it is not illegal." Nixon was a dishonest defacto dictator who abused executive power & expanded big government & bureaucracy that goes with it.

Bill Clinton (January 20, 1993-January 20, 2001)(Democratic)
                Clinton's regime is not one to be forgotten by crusaders of liberty. Oh yes, I'm talking about strong enforcement of the war on drugs, aggressive & violent military intervention in Iraq for example, support for gun control, prosecutions of political opponents for "political" offenses, attempts to centralize juvenile "justice", & abuse of executive power. I will explain the bombings over the Middle East in which Clinton's administration ordered sanctions & bombings over Iraq that crippled the country. People in Iraq including innocent children were impoverished & ill due to starvation, war & poor healthcare due to sanctions prohibiting importations of essentials such as food & medicine. A private charity was even fined for trying to bring medicine to the dying victims of war in Iraq. More children in Iraq under Clinton's regime of unprovoked warfare against Iraq than children killed in the 1945 bombings of Hiroshima & Nagasaki by the US government. The Clinton administration's lack of accountability in the aftermath of the 1993 Waco siege operation involving the DoJ, ATF & other federal agents in what appeared to be militarized assault on innocent victims on the Waco ranch compound in an attempt to arrest David Koresh on automatic/sawed off shotgun weapons possession charges under the NFA of 1934, despite fact that Koresh was never in violation of any natural rights enjoyed by others. I have a feeling that Attorney General under Clinton Janet Reno was primary responsible for the attacks & civil rights violations occurred at Koresh's ranch in Waco, Texas. It seems the left is not antiwar but pro-empire & Clinton is no exception.

That's all for part 1 of this article trilogy.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

United States of America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, & Switzerland Governments on Criminal Records & Federalism

I’m wondering if you are convicted of underage drinking in a US State & you move to Canada, will Canada still consider you a criminal if you committed the “offense” at 18 or 19 or 20? Canada’s drinking age is 19 except for Quebec, Manitoba & Alberta which have drinking ages of 18. Australia has a drinking age of 18 in all states & New Zealand has a drinking age of 18 as well. I’m guessing Switzerland has drinking age lower than 18. It seems that nowhere in the world can I be completely satisfied with my government. Canadian federalism is weak & makes the provinces municipalities & counties with the Federal government having most of the power. One of the federal government’s powers in Canada includes legislating matters on public safety. This means that unless it’s ruled that gun control violates the charter of freedoms, the federal government has the power to legislate on that matter, even at its originalist interpretations. Provinces of Canada are not respected in the same fashion as states in the United States were in our founding father’s views. Provinces in Canada are not seen as those who made up the federal government, they are seen as creations of the federal government. It’s semi-unitary, where the federal government is more powerful than the lower leveled governments & although state/local governments cannot be completely abolished, it is still possible for the provinces to become mere puppets of the parliament. The founders of Canada in 1867 should have taken more lessons from America’s founding fathers of the 1770’s and 1780’s on enacting a constitution so the federal government does not become too powerful. The provinces of Canada should act as a check on federal power & violations of rights and Canada should adopt a new constitution that is identical to the US Constitution, where provinces are not mere municipalities & counties but free & independent states that have more powers than the federal government & federal government has less powers. If only Canada had founding fathers like Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, George Mason, James Wilson & Patrick Henry. Unlike the United States who divorced itself from any monarch or federation above the federal government of the United States, Canada still is part of a federation called Commonwealth of Nations where monarchy plays a role in government. A monarchy is a form of government America’s founding fathers of the late 18th century despised and wished for a representative democratic-republic with a federal government that is sovereign with limited, enumerated powers and where states have sovereignty as well with a few restrictions.

                Australia has a system of federalism identical to the United States of America. Australia became a federal republic in 1901 & its federal government had powers that were limited & enumerated. A bill of rights was not included & the bill of rights in Australia’s constitution is still lacking. Australia was once a land of individualism & adventure until its federal government became too powerful starting I believe in the 1940’s. What really makes me mad as hell is a national gun ban enacted in 1996 after the Port Arthur Massacre on April 28 of the same year. Before late 1996, the states had jurisdiction over firearms & the federal government was barred from regulating civilian ownership of them. Federal governments must have control over customs & militaries, but that doesn’t mean the right to keep and bear arms is reserved for troops of the military because the theory of collective rights are non-existent. Only individuals have rights which come from god & our creator, whatever you want to call it. Just don’t tell me that rights come from the state! Ownership of your OWN life is absolute. It does not extend to injuring another human being because it is inflicting interference on the victim’s life. Australia was the last country on Earth that I know to have a federal government that in any way outside of its federal district regulate firearms & in 1996, the federal government of Australia passed a national gun ban. Only 5% of Australians own firearms for hunting & sporting purposes. Self-defense & keeping a check on tyranny are out of the question. Switzerland is a federal republic, however, its central government has regulated firearms for a while but I don’t know when federal gun regulations first started in Switzerland. I definitely know Australia’s federal government did not regulate firearms in any way outside of its federal district until 1996.

                New Zealand has a unitary parliamentary government but gun control laws are more relaxed in New Zealand, even though a license is required for ownership of firearms. New Zealand’s government repealed registration of guns requirement in 1983 because of its ineffectiveness. I sure hope NZ doesn’t make the same mistake again. Neither should any other country or state.

                The United States is supposed to have the most restricted federal government in the world as our founding fathers in America viewed it. The states are a check & balance on federal power & the states are truly the ones who have the final say on the federal constitution of the United States. If this is considered a lie, then there can be no such thing as a true federal republic or confederation. In a federal or confederal system, the states delegate some of their sovereignty to a central government by choice & the federal government can only operate within the confines of the constitutionally limited & enumerated powers delegated to them by the states & the people of those states. If states became mere puppets of the federal government & were not considered sovereign at all, then it would be a unitary government. Unitary governments have complete control over local governments & can abolish them at will & if the federal constitution will allow it. I also believe it’s time to abolish every U.S. Court of Appeals courts except for the D.C. Circuit, Federal Circuit, tax & military courts. The Supreme Court will always stay the highest court in the nation as the constitution establishes it. However, the Supreme Court of the United States is not the absolute arbitrator of the laws of the land. There are jurisdictional restrictions on what cases the federal courts & Supreme Court can hear. The state courts will replace the U.S. court of appeals & that way the federal government will have no choice but to fear the state governments & the people who live in them. However, the people do not need to get permission from their state government to have federal power restricted. If the federal government is sued by someone harmed by the actions of the feds, the state courts can strike down federal laws that conflict with the constitution regardless of state laws.

                I won’t write too much here on this blog but I will say that the goals Tenthers should have are repealing the 16th & 17th amendments allowing for income tax & requiring senators be elected by popular vote as well as modify the 14th amendment to restrict the federal government only in terms of citizenship & equal protection of the law as well as to prevent the federal government from assisting states in enforcing tyrannical laws such as stripping the federal court’s power to force a non-compliant state to extradite a fugitive should the fugitive return to the state he/she fled from that the fugitive’s constitutional rights will be harmed should he/she be returned. Humans have the ability to reason according to John Locke, a libertarian English philosopher whom our founding fathers in America followed to the fullest. If government becomes too tyrannical, Thomas Jefferson said it is the right of the people to take up arms against the government harming their unalienable rights & this also applies to state & local governments. The Federal Government has become more tyrannical than all but 4 state governments. Only California, New York, Massachusetts, & Rhode Island are as tyrannical as the federal government.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Gadhafi Dead! What does this mean for gas prices? Are Alternative Fuel Cars Practical? True Capitalism Does Work!

That former terrorist supporting scumbag dictator Muammar Gadhafi was killed when rebel forces seized his hometown of Sirte. What about gas prices? Will the United States, China & the rest of the world make more energy domestically? I sure hope oil can be domestically produced in the United States as well as Canada. Canada looks like it produces just under a little as much oil as Saudi Arabia. I also heard there is more natural gas in the United States of America than there is oil in Saudi Arabia. I also favor free market environmentalism to create jobs & produce domestic and renewable energy such as hydrogen fuel cells. I sure hope that dependence on petroleum is decreased in decades to come, because petroleum is a fossil fuel that is not renewable & hydrogen & electricity are promising alternative fuels that are renewable. I’ve heard some criticism about electric cars and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles but the same level of criticism would be used 110 years ago with automobiles. I respond to comments about electric cars being a joke. However, technology will evolve over the years & well should we continue dependence on petroleum or even foreign oil? 120 years ago, horse drawn vehicles were becoming less popular due to problems concerning horses pooping & going ape *&*%! When spooked. By that I mean horses could not be controlled when in fight or flight mode. Oldsmobile was four years old when they created the first mass produced automobile in history in 1901. Just seven years later in 1908, Henry Ford introduced the Ford Model T which would make automobiles more affordable & popular amongst the average lower to middle class American worker. The 1900’s decade marked a race for improving automobiles and promising their practability. I credit Oldsmobile as much as Ford for making automobiles practical. Ransom Olds, Oldsmobile’s founder was the first automaker to use assembly lines for automobile production. Henry Ford came second & was credited for making the automobile more common, affordable, and a popular alternative to horse drawn vehicles that have been used for centuries. Although automobiles have been experimented with since the late 18th to mid-19th centuries, it was Ransom Olds who made the automobile a market product but only as a luxury where Henry Ford made his Model T the first economy car in history. Before the 1900’s, automobiles were merely prototypes, concepts & experiments of science & technology.

                Karl Benz made the internal combustion engine practical, but Ransom Olds & Henry Ford would forever change transportation forever. The United States had the highest production of automobiles & highest ownership of automobiles. In fact, most of the world’s automobiles were owned by American & Canadian citizens in the USA & Canada in the early & mid-20th century.

                The same stories of success happened when Milton Hershey created a formula to make milk chocolate from an expensive luxury to a good the lower class can enjoy. After numerous trials & errors, it was finally made a reality in 1900.

                Another great wonder that made these success stories a reality was there were no government grants given to make these successes reality. This proves true capitalism works & that government cannot create innovation. The rise of communism in the early to mid-20th century begged to differ. However, capitalism works & government can only destroy jobs. Taxation is the power to destroy & low taxation, less government & more freedom have helped increase the standard of life which can only be lowered in communist countries like the former Soviet Union, which had heavy taxation, poor quality products & services produced by the government, lack of freedom, especially under the totalitarian regime of Josef Stalin.

                The United States of America went from a land of self-managing farmers in 1800 to an industrial powerhouse in 1899 with new technologies & products introduced to the market such as telephones, electricity & running water in homes, modern medicine as examples which were not available in 1800. From the late 19th century until 1933, America was a free as it ever was with slavery being abolished; woman having the right to vote, foreign intervention being strictly limited to the Panama Canal, limited taxation, spending by congress was limited as examples. The progressive era sought to destroy the prosperity free-markets produced in the late 19th century & early 20 century with labor laws & regulations crippling business, a nightmare which would become a reality starting in 1933 with the “New Deal” of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, whom I consider one of the worst presidents in US history.

                No inventor that was known to man in the United States of America ever received any government subsidy in the 18th to mid-20th centuries & became successful in advancing technology while increasing the standard of life without government to play other than being a referee. I will list Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Edison, Nikola Tesla & Karl Benz as examples of inventors who have changed the World and it’s standard of living. Karl Benz was a German citizen and invented the first petrol powered automobile.

                Karl Benz’s wife Bertha in 1888 was the first person in the world to complete an entire road trip by automobile & Horatio Nelson Jackson becoming the first person to drive across the United States from California to New York in 1903, when paved roads were non-existent except in major cities. Jackson successfully proved the automobile was not just a mere toy for the rich to drive around in the cities. There were also many privately financed roads in the 19th century.

                Enough about cars, I’ll talk about the victory the Libyan rebels enjoy. Qaddafi was injured & bloodied moments before he was about to be sucked into the fiery depths of hell. Qaddafi was a murdering scumbag terrorist aiding prick who was officially overthrown by Libyan rebels. October 20 is likely to become a national holiday for Libya, the day the 2011 Libyan civil war ended, or at least Qaddafi’s reign of terror ended. The United States of America has had its fair share of tyrannical regimes. I reject the idea that government can always be controlled democratically & that it is absolutely unacceptable to overthrow a government that is very tyrannical. There are two types of overthrowing a government. One is a Coup, where the administrations of the government are deposed but the structure & certain laws of government remain active, such as a constitution. A Coup de at is where the entire structure of government along with its administrations are deposed. It can have some elements of both such as the overthrow of some administrators & certain laws through force. I believed that the US Constitution should be protected in all aspects including its foundations, originalist & textualist interpretations, & it’s preservation as the highest law of the land just below the laws of nature.

                Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely & those in power tend to become bullies with power. The former Soviet Union was everything the United States in our founder’s view was not. The state in the Soviet Union was considered to be god on earth, answering to nobody but themselves. The United States of America was founded on principles of popular sovereignty, individual liberty, privacy of the individual citizen, & rights of the states & the people with a federal government of limited & enumerated powers. In the Soviet Union, there was no such thing as natural & inalienable rights & states’ rights. In the Soviet Union, rights came from the benevolence of the state, including rights that are services that must be provided such as health care. If rights were to come from the state, then the state has total control over its subjects like a dictatorship, regardless of if there are democratic elections or no elections whatsoever.

                The death of Qaddafi is not the end for the Libyan rebels. Libya after Qaddafi must hold a constitutional convention and open up their history books and learn about how the Founding Fathers of America established their Constitution. The new constitution of Libya should be identical to the US Constitution in the late 19th century. It would be a tragedy for Libya to have their new country after Qaddafi has a revolution like the violent French Revolution of 1789 & for another tyrant to rule Libya or any other country trying to overthrow their tyrannical dictators. I’m also glad that the rebels overthrew Gadhafi without US military intervention. President Barack Obama’s proposal to use military intervention in Libya was blocked by the House of Representatives, most of whom voted against Obama were Republicans. I really don’t appreciate US foreign aid to Israel. If Israel wants US help, it should join the United States as a US State & pay taxes like all the other citizens of America. The federal government’s main role is to protect against foreign enemies & protect states from invasion & domestic violence. That means national security.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

NJ Governor Chris Christie’s Endorsement of Mitt Romney Should Disturb Fiscal Conservatives

Well, Chris Christie has endorsed Mitt Romney, former governor of Taxachussetts, I mean Massachusetts, which had the highest taxes of any state during Romney’s reign. Christie was elected in 2009 and defeated incumbent Democratic governor Jon Corzine on a fiscal conservative platform & seen as a fiscal hero. I guess Christie is either ignorant or actually as moderate progressive as Mitt Romney. Mitt Romney is a Rockefeller Republican in every way from being pro-abortion, anti-gun rights, pro-amnesty, fiscally irresponsible, and finally in 2006 signed socialized health care named after him. RomneyCare is a predecessor to ObamaCare only Romney Care was signed by a Republican governor at the state level & ObamaCare was signed by the incumbent Democratic president just a year and a half ago at federal level.

                Currently in the 2012 presidential race, Mitt Romney & Ron Paul are the two most major competitors and they are almost polar opposites with Romney being a big government liberal progressive & Ron Paul being a Libertarian Constitutional Conservative. If you don’t know about Christie he endorsed staunch progressive Republican Mike Castle running for US Senate in Delaware over constitutional conservative Christine O’Donnell last year. What is Christie thinking? Either he’s ignorant of the candidates he endorses or he’s not a true conservative & is a Schwarzenegger Republican. Christie should be best described as a moderate. He along with nearly all politicians in the US and the World are reluctant to abolish public education and steer it towards a free market, anarcho-capitalist status. Public schools have sucked bad & No Child Left Behind act passed in 2002, signed by George W. Bush has really been pulled by the very depths of hell. Even Satan wouldn’t accept the reckless spending in Washington DC & 14.5 trillion dollar debt!

                And do you know which so called “conservative” is a joke? Rick Santorum! Yes, rubber stamps for George Bush along with Arlen Spector. In 2004, Santorum claimed Spector was no progressive! Are you kidding me sir?! Were you saying that Pat Toomey was less fit to lead Pennsylvania in the US Senate than Bush Republican Arlen Spector? Arlen Spector & Rick Santorum were perfect stupid dick brained neoconservative progressive Bush Republicans and they were proud of it! Any true conservative would have supported Pat Toomey over Arlen Spector in 2004 & Christine O’Donnell over Mike Castle & Chris Coons in Delaware in 2010. The Barry Goldwater Republican Party has lain dead since 1989-90. Hell, George W. Bush made Bill Clinton look fiscally conservative. At least there were budget surpluses when Republicans dominated congress and Bill Clinton was president. The budget surpluses quickly turned to deficits when Bush Jr. took office in 2001. The Republican Party is close to going to Barry Goldwater days once again! Vote Ron Paul-Gary Johnson ticket 2012!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Steve Jobs Eulogy & Proof Capitalism Works with P.S. on 2012 Presidential Election

Steve Jobs, founder of Apple Inc. and computer scientist plus inventor died on Wednesday, October 5, 2011 at age 56 from pancreatic cancer. Jobs created Apple Inc. and created the Apple computer Macintosh which was introduced in the 1984 TV commercial “1984”. Today, Apple computers are like state of the art for making & editing movies. What makes Steve Jobs great is he never used politics & lobbying to help with his business.  Steve Jobs is proof as well as Ford Motor Co. that capitalism works and government grants are unnecessary. Without government grants any business that fails goes out of business. With government grants any business that fails still keeps on going because as long as the grants are still active and can always be paid with tax money, that business doesn’t have to care about the quality of their products.

                Steve Jobs is an old school entrepreneur and by old school I mean one who separates the state from business entirely. When Chrysler Corperation and General Motors received bailout packages from the federal government, Ford Motor Company refused bailout money. As a result, Chrysler Corp. was saved by Fiat, General Motors filed for bankruptcy and Ford Motor Co. was successful and the business was unaffected negatively. These are proofs that government grants only send a message that it doesn’t matter if you fail because the government can bail you out which is a form of paternalism. US President Grover Cleveland vetoed hundreds of bills passed by Congress. He championed limited government and is quoted: “I can find no warrant for such an appropriation in the Constitution, and I do not believe that the power and duty of the general government ought to be extended to the relief of individual suffering which is in no manner properly related to the public service or benefit. A prevalent tendency to disregard the limited mission of this power and duty should, I think, be steadfastly resisted, to the end that the lesson should be constantly enforced that, though the people support the government, the government should not support the people. The friendliness and charity of our countrymen can always be relied upon to relieve their fellow-citizens in misfortune. This has been repeatedly and quite lately demonstrated. Federal aid in such cases encourages the expectation of paternal care on the part of the government and weakens the sturdiness of our national character, while it prevents the indulgence among our people of that kindly sentiment and conduct which strengthens the bonds of a common brotherhood.” Grover Cleveland is tied with Thomas Jefferson as the greatest presidents in American history for following the Constitution and limited government. Many politicians think on the contrary to the constitution’s original meaning today. With the recent murder of American citizen Anwar al-Awlaki by President Barack Obama’s order, the president has shown not only contempt for the US Constitution, but for criminal laws that bound ALL citizens, regardless of if they govern or not. Obama is not only a horrible president but a criminal! This murder of an American citizen is an impeachable offense and Obama’s lawyers are willing to fight to the legal death to defend Obama’s actions. The reason is al-Awlaki is a suspected terrorist. The 5th amendment guarantees that life, liberty & property cannot be deprived without due process of law. I think this guy might be a bearded scumbag but I would have liked to see al-Awlaki arrested & tried for his actions and if convicted face capital punishment. The assassination of al-Awlaki sent a horrible message that the president can have anyone, regardless of US citizenship assassinated without due process merely because he thinks the target is a terrorist.

                BTW, Obama WILL get re-elected unless Ron Paul wins the Republican nomination for president. With Rick Perry and Mitt Romney tearing at each other over programs like social security, Ron Paul is not one to resort to mudslinging like Perry and Romney. With Rick Perry losing support because the truth is spreading throughout the campaign, Ron Paul; gains momentum and will send a message to the media that we don’t need your help! Romney is Ron Paul’s most powerful rival in the Republican nomination campaign for president in 2012. However, with Ron Paul gaining momentum and support, Romney will soon see a decline in support for his campaign while Ron Paul speeds to first place. Paul’s message of limited government, competing currencies, non-interventionism & peace, and prosperity.


Thursday, September 29, 2011

Who Learns From History Better? The Auto Industry or the Government?

Automobile safety, fuel efficiency, style and reliability have increased since the early days of the automobile. The United States federal government went from one of limiting itself to its limited, enumerated powers delegated to it by the US Constitution in the late 18th century to early 20th century to a government acting with unlimited and broad powers which are mostly unconstitutional which was intensified by the American progressive movement of the early 20th century. The automobile industry has learned from their mistakes and improving newer vehicles as to ensure that the newer vehicles don’t end up like the older lemons. Safety has been a concern since the automobile was a mere prototype invention. In fact, some of the worst vehicles in history have served as examples of what automakers should avoid when making cars. A notorious example of a dangerous car was the 1973-1980 Ford Pinto. Although the Ford Pinto was advertised as being an affordable compact car with 27mpg city/39mpg highway, what made the Pinto so unsafe was the design of its gas tank which would explode in the event of a rear-end collision where the Pinto was rear-ended. Despite Ford Motor Corporations knowledge and awareness of the dangerous gas tank design of its monstrosity and how many casualties the Pinto would create, Ford decided it would be better for people riding in the Ford Pintos to die of fire than to spend a few more dollars per vehicle it sold. This did not come without consequences for Ford Motor Company. Ford was pictured as a psychopathic company with disregard for human life and eventually recalled all Pinto models 1976 or earlier. Ford also paid for all damages people suffered from the defective and dangerous product.

                1973 saw an oil crisis where gasoline & diesel fuel had to be rationed for the first time since World War II. This was due to the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries consisting of the Arab members of OPEC, plus Egypt, Syria and Tunisia imposing an oil embargo with the United States in response to US resupplying Israel with fuel during the Yom Kippur war. Every US president since Richard Nixon argued that the US must end its dependence on foreign oil. Neither Nixon nor his successors lived up to that promise. US dependence on foreign oil is still a primary to secondary problem and a threat to our national security since 1973. 37 years have passed since this economic horror ended in March of 1974 after seven months. The 1973 oil crisis started in October of 1973. Since then, the US government has failed to eliminate dependence on foreign oil from the Middle-East and Venezuela and instead have blamed energy and auto companies solely for polluting the environment. The auto & oil companies have countless times failed to learn from their past mistakes and instead look for a way around those realities. In the 1960’s, Chevrolet released its rear-wheel drive and rear engine Corvair. The Corvair was given a bad reputation most notably by Ralph Nader in his 1965 book Unsafe at Any Speed. The Corvair was the poster car for more auto safety. Corvair riders were furious with General Motors and started suing for damages and what made the Corvair dangerous was the disastrous handling and flammable gas tank. It was easy to lose control of that car and crash. There was no mass produced car which had airbags before the mid 1970’s and side airbags weren’t manufactured until the mid 90’s. The first car to have airbags was the 1974 Oldsmobile Toronado and first with side airbags was the 1995 Volvo 850. The first car to come with seat-belts was the 1958 Saab GT 750. The Chevrolet Corvair’s rear axle suspension was crap and anyone driving/riding in this hell of a safety hazard was more vulnerable to serious injury or even death in a car crash. Its steering column could impale the driver in a head-collision. Its heating system would pump toxic fumes into its cabin and oil leaked like hell. This was before the Ford Pinto. Although the US government has regulated the automobile industry since LBJ’s Great Society in the late 1960’s and demanded better quality cars, the automobile industry in some senses have included new safety features even without the force of the government. Indeed, the recession of 1958 saw a fierce battle for the auto industry and people wanted more fuel efficient vehicles and Ford’s Edsel brand failed after three years in business (1957-1960). Fuel efficiency standards weren’t mandated by California under low emission requirements until the 1990’s.

                Ford repeated the same mistake made in the 1970’s with the Pinto model when making the Crown Victoria (1992-2011). When the Crown Vic was rear-ended in a rear-collision, it would set on fire or even explode! Some law enforcement officers driving Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptors were even killed by exploding gas tank due to high speed rear end collisions. In 2005, Ford introduced a fire suppressor option to all new Crown Victoria’s but was optional. 1973-1987 General Motors pickup trucks suffered the same problems as the Ford Pinto. GM Pickup trucks had side saddle gas tanks and were prone to truck fires. By 1992, the total cost of GM truck fire injuries were $2 Billion. Medical technology has advanced and automakers have done little to reduce these safety horrors. It’s not normal for safe cars to just set on fire after a crash! The last thing you want after a car crash is for the car to set on fire!

                Prohibition was known as the “Noble Experiment” that started in the US in 1920 and ended in 1933. Before the start of Prohibition, it was not uncommon for many states to have no drinking age at all. A school-aged child at the early turn of the 20th century could walk into a drug store and buy narcotics that were legal over 100 years ago. Drug & alcohol abuse were not seen as much of a problem 100 years ago as inhumane child labor conditions were. Prohibition was a great fiasco that resulted in organized crime from bootlegged alcohol sales underground, wild partying & alcohol abuse, adulterated liquor that killed people who drank it(set by mad prohibitionists) and wide contempt for the law. The 18th amendment banning alcohol was lifted in 1933 but was not completely abandoned. Most states set their drinking ages at 21, but a handful set the drinking age at 18-20, most notably in New York. In the late 1960’s and early 70’s saw the demand for a lower voting age to 18 which was achieved in 1971 and 29-35 states by 1975 have had a drinking age of either 18 or 19. Something never before in the history of this nation besides Prohibition of the 1920’s to early 30’s would be passed on Capitol Hill in Washington DC. The MLDA act of 1984 required states to adapt a drinking age of 21 or lose 10% of highway funds that were gained through taxes paid by the people of the US states. In 1987 in South Dakota v. Dole the mandate was upheld and Wyoming became the last state to raise the drinking age to 21 in 1988. By 1990 for the first time in US history, no state had a drinking age below 21 and it had to be strictly enforced. US Senator from New Hampshire Gordon Humphrey despised the legal drinking age of 21 arguing it was discriminatory and unnecessary to fight drunk driving. Instead, he argued that money should have been appropriated to fight drunk driving instead which is more effective and logical because it targets drunk drivers! Mothers Against Drunk Driving was the monster behind this new Jim Crow/Dred Scott of a law! In order to control impaired driving, you have to target the impaired drivers, not responsible social drinkers regardless of age. Canada has a drinking age of 19 (18 in Alberta, Manitoba, Quebec) and yet problems with alcohol abuse & drunk driving are minimal to non-existent compared to the United States because drunk driving is treated way more harshly than the United States. Quebec has the toughest drunk driving laws in Canada and has a drinking age of 18 and less alcohol abuse problems and alcohol abuse & drunk driving at any age are considered taboo. Although there are more drinking occasions in European cultures, there are less problems with alcohol abuse because of drinking in moderation. Perhaps the United States can learn from Canada and “wet” European countries on drunk driving & alcohol. Automakers should try to make a car that would drive itself. I predict Lexus will be the first automakers to accomplish making the first mass production driverless car. Driverless cars can solve the problem of dangerous driving and yet Ford and GM still couldn’t fix the exploding gas tank problem to as late as the late 1990’s since the 1960’s and 70’s. Both the auto industry and the government have had a fair share of repeating the same mistakes over and over again.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Arguments in Favor of Drinking Age 21 Rebutted: It helps youth make responsible decisions and Saves Lives/9/11 tribute included

Women must not depend upon the protection of

man, but must be taught to

protect herself.

- Susan B. Anthony, July 1871

“Any Society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both”- Benjamin Franklin

“Do not fear mistakes. You will know failure. Continue to reach out.”-Benjamin Franklin

“I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences of attending too much liberty than those attending too small a degree of it.”- Thomas Jefferson

“If the people let the government decide which foods they eat and which medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.”- Thomas Jefferson

“Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves”- Ronald Reagan

“What is right and what is practical are two different things”- James Buchanan

“Poverty is uncomfortable; but 9 times out of 10 the best thing that be done to a young man is to be tossed overboard and compelled to sink or swim”- James A. Garfield

“The lesson should be constantly enforced that though the people support the government, the government should not support the people”- Grover Cleveland

“It is just as important that business keep out of government just as government should keep out of business”- Herbert Hoover

“If you want total security, go to prison. There you are fed, clothed and given medical care and so on. The only thing lacking is freedom”- Dwight D. Eisenhower

“Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country”- John F. Kennedy

Enough with Quotes now! Let’s just start with this. I’ve read about how the legal drinking age of 21 has “saved lives” and “helped” youth make responsible decisions about alcoholic beverages which by the way are a total piece of donkey! First of all, the “help” the pro-21ers are trying to push down the throats of youth through gun toting SWAT like law enforcement officers. This sounds a lot like what an oppressive regime would do to suppress peaceful political protest that’s protected by the rights of free speech and peaceful assembly. They’ve tried to make underage drinking look like a “crime worse than theft or even manslaughter”. I know for a fact that what is supposed to be the freest country on earth does not have an underage drinking problem but an excessive alcohol use problem for all ages. I will address why this fact is being ignored and why the pro-21 cowards are scapegoating youth in another blog. Anyway, the “help” argument is protecting you for your own good. But it is rational to commit an act of initiating force against someone in order to “help” them into forced treatment when they are neither incompetent nor dangerous? I just want to quote Justice Louis Brandeis’ dissent in Olmstead v. United States in 1928:

"if the government becomes a lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. To declare that in the administration of the criminal law the end justifies the means—to declare that the government may commit crimes in order to secure the conviction of a private criminal—would bring terrible retribution. Against that pernicious doctrine this court should resolutely set its face."

Does a civilized society legalize assault, theft, kidnapping, rape and/or murder? That’s anarchy and it’s happening in Somalia! For the people who say “The Law is the Law” maybe it’s misunderstood as believing that any law the legislator makes should be enforced no matter how unconstitutional some of the laws mean and regardless if the law or laws are an assault on our inalienable rights. Is life worth anything if we are safe & NOT free? Did our founding fathers and all who fight their own government which was back in the American Revolution the British Empire to achieve independence in order to be healthy & safe?! Did Patrick Henry say “Give me health & safety, or give me death”?! no!

P.S. My 9/11 Tribute

A decade has gone by since the twin towers collapsed at the hands of hijacked planes. This tragedy united this country like never before. The bearded scumbags who committed this horrible most gruesome crime can go to hell! What’s a bigger concern is remembering the victims and heroes who made rescue efforts on that dark day. Al-Qaeda’s motive for the crime was retaliation against the US for its actions on Muslim lands, bringing into discussion the interventionalist foreign policy. US policing the world has cost more lives and money than saved. Does any preemptive or retaliatory war really save lives? The 1970 single “War” by Edwin Starr calls out war as horrible in the form of musical lyrics. War should only be declared when a country is threatened by another country. Al-Qaeda doesn’t have an industrial complex and proper characteristics to be a state. Letters of marques should be issued so as to capture and bring to justice those who have harmed others like going on a mission to hunt down 9/11 mastermind Osama bin Laden who was taken care of for good on May 1-2, 2011 in Pakistan. War is an enemy to all man kind and takes lives which is why war should be strictly limited to defending the country against true threats from other nations and the last time in American history that US military involvement in terms of sending troops was during World War II in order to defeat Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and Imperial Japan who strived to conquer the world. No other nation on Earth since 1945 has ever strived to use military force to conquer the United States or the world for that matter.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Arguments in Favor of Drinking Age 21 Rebutted Series: Introduction

Hello everyone. I have decided to make my case against the unified drinking age of 21 in what is supposed to be the freest country in the world. I am about to work on a project in my video class and the theme is In My Opinion. I also have to have sponsors. I can name the following contenders for sponsors: Choose Responsibility, National Youth Rights Association, Coors Beer, Libertarian Party, International Police Chiefs Association, a few very very famous and beloved celebrities and public figures. I will rebut and debunk the horrible, disgraceful, false and embarrassing law that extorts states into enacting a legal drinking age of 21 with strict authoritarian enforcement under threat of losing 10% of transportation funds that the states themselves paid through taxes. I will argue against the highway funds “incentive” in one of my blogs in this series later on. I will also make non-rebuttal arguments and common-sense and well thought out alternatives and solution that does not infringe on popular sovereignty and people young and old’s ability to become more responsible. MADD which is abbreviation of Mothers Against Drunk Driving is the primary tyrannical, powerful and self-centered lobbying group with six-figure paid lobbyists. I will use my sponsors and friends to put twice to thrice more pressure than MADD on public officials and the courts to repeal and strike down the legal drinking age and hand the issue over to the parents! With Congress, I will intensly lobby Congress with the brave help of concerned citizens and allies to pass a law prohibiting conditional funding when it requires restricting individual behavior. Hopefully, bribing the states and people with their own money will be repealed entirely. History speaks for itself that prohibition did not work and the lessons of prohibition are not yet learned today.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Ron Paul Gains Momentum, Pawlenty leaves race and Rick Perry Throws Hat Into the Ring in 2012 Presidential Race

Ron Paul placed 2nd in Iowa straw poll just less than 1%(<200) of votes behind Michele Bachmann with Tim Pawlenty placing in third. Rick Santorum and Herman Cain placed in 4th & 5th. Pawlenty left the race last week and Rick Perry entered just hours before Pawlenty’s withdraw from the presidential race. I say good riddance to Tim Pawlenty. I hope the same goes for all others. Texans actually prefer Ron Paul over Gov. Perry and despite media neglect, Ron Paul is gaining momentum and if this keeps up, Paul will eventually win the Republican nomination for presidency. The three major candidates as I see it now are Ron Paul, Michele Bachmann, and Rick Perry. Ron Paul actually did better this year than Mitt Romney did in 2007. Mitt Romney is starting to become a lost cause in the race and is being ignored more and more by the media and public every day. It’s likely that if Romney keeps being ignored like a lost cause, then Romney will drop out of the race like Tim Pawlenty, which would be awesome considering the fact that the last thing we need is a pretender like all of the major candidates in the race except for Ron Paul. There are other neglected candidates like former Gov. of New Mexico Gary Johnson. But I’d like to expose the “anti-establishment” candidate Michele Bachmann. Bachmann in the past has supported bailouts and reckless spending and neoconservative causes like Bush-Era foreign policy. Bachmann has improved since the Tea Party movement started and even wrote a bill to repeal Obamacare the same month after it was signed into law. The only candidate I can trust is Ron Paul because he has ALWAYS truly kept his word and is the most honest well known politician I have ever known. Smooth talking pretender politicians are the last thing we need. Debt is $14.5 trillion, the debt ceiling was raised and America’s credit rating was crapped down, despite what Obama claimed would happen should default happen. Printing of money devalued the dollar to the point of raising prices 22.5 times in the past century. TSA engages in molestation and degrading searches at airports which were unjustly upheld by the US Court of Appeals for the D.C. circuit. WTF! Troops are being sent to fight in undeclared and unjust wars which are unconstitutional. About one third of the US military are 18-20 year olds who are treated like children but punished like adults in terms of alcohol and firearms other than rifles and shotguns. The US military’s favorite presidential candidate is Ron Paul due to the fact that Paul’s views on non-interventionalist foreign policy is very popular with the military of the US. Most US military personel are 2nd amendment supporters and crusaders of the US constitution. The 2nd amendment protects the individual right to keep and bear arms. Ron Paul and Michele Bachmann fully support the 2nd amendment but Ron Paul also supports the ninth and tenth amendments which limits the federal government to enumerated powers. Bottom line is Ron Paul is the only trusted candidate who can do the job right. For a running mate, I believe Gary Johnson is the best running mate Ron Paul can have. I hope to see the Ron Paul-Gary Johnson ticket win Republican nomination and defeat the Barack Obama-Joe Biden regime ticket next year so that America and the World will not have to end after 2012. This is the last chance for voting to actually work. I hope to see the other candidates drop out of the race and support Ron Paul, the strongest candidate against Obama!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Medical freedom and the Constitution

"If people let government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will be in as sorry a state as are the souls who live under tyranny"

 -Thomas Jefferson

Prohibition...goes beyond the bounds of reason in that it attempts to control mans' appetite through legislation and makes a crime out of things that are not even crimes... A prohibition law strikes a blow at the very principles upon which our Government was founded."- Abraham Lincoln

            What do the War on Drugs, 18th amendment (prohibition of alcoholic beverages), Drinking age of 21(or any drinking age for that matter), and Obamacare and the individual mandate to purchase healthcare insurance or face financial and even criminal sanctions for civil disobedience of these laws have in common? They all restrict your constitutional right to control your own body and make medical and even non-medical decisions over your health so long as it does not come at the expense of someone’s life, liberty and property, including financial property. For anyone concerned about children the parents are responsible for their so called “minor” children and parents have a right to decide what medical care their children receive and what are children eat & drink unless the actions of the parent(s) are actually harming the child or will imminently harm the child. The following constitutional amendments protect our right to do with our bodies what we want to do:

 Fifth Amendment

“No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation. ”

Eighth Amendment

Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

 Tenth Amendment

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

Thirteenth Amendment

Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

Fourteenth Amendment

Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Twenty-Sixth Amendment

The right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of age.

The 5th and 14th amendments require due process before life, liberty and property can be taken away. Prohibition strips you of your right to eat & drink as you please and your body is your ultimate priceless property. Without self-ownership, you have no identity and no life of your own. The right to life means not only the right to be alive and free from unwanted harm, but to pursue one’s life as he/she pleases even if the lifestyle the individual chooses is unpopular. Our creator has given us life and man cannot control the creator who is also Mother Nature.

          Another authoritarian approach to socialized healthcare is forced vaccinations. Massachusetts once had them under the Devil Patrick regime where children would be vaccinated against the will of the parents and the children themselves. That’s Stalinist totalitarianism there for you. Governor Rick Perry or should I call him Prick Perry of Texas currently seeking nomination for Republican candidacy for US president created an executive order forcing young school girls against the will of parents and children themselves. Prick Perry’s dictator decree was overruled by the legislator of course.

          Anti-Drug crowds would say that drugs and underage drinking are a public health issue and the authoritarians believe it is their right to regulate the health of people and develop healthy lifestyles throughout the land. This sounds like Obamacare ideology where government controls your health and healthcare through one size fits all and bureaucracy and there is no rational basis for forcing someone to abide by a certain lifestyle. Government justifies legal drinking age of 21 on the grounds of curbing drunk driving and alcohol abuse. The best way to deal with drunk driving is to go after drunk drivers, not social responsible drinkers under 21 because drunk driving and underage drinking are two different things. Using the legal drinking age of 21 to combat drunk driving is like putting Muslim-Americans in internment camps to combat terrorism. To combat terrorism, go after the terrorists or conspirators of terrorist attacks, not Muslim-Americans who have done nothing wrong. Imposing a legal drinking age against someone’s will is not the best way and certainly not the least restrictive way to solve the problem of drunk driving and is preemptive and presumes Mr. and Mrs. Twenty and under guilty and irresponsible because they COULD POTENTIALLY drive drunk and abuse alcohol. Even water can be abuse by drinking too much of it and you can even die from water intoxication and our civil liberties might as well be thrown into the grave in order to fight crime like in North Korea where people are parented by a tyrannical nanny-state regime where people suffer from famines due to extreme government regulation of agriculture. Government is a necessary evil that should only secure the blessings of life and liberty. The preamble of the constitution endorses this.

“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

General welfare does not mean individual welfare like entitlement programs and government funded projects. Domestic tranquility does not mean legislating the health of the people and assuming the role of the traditional parents. Using the state to interfere with the lifestyle choices of the people and the parents is an act of violence against the people. Our US troops have been fighting for our freedoms oversees and are getting killed and hundreds of under 21 year old troops have been killed in Iraq and Afghanistan and never had the chance to legally drink alcohol and buy handguns from FFL dealers. These troops were treated as children in terms of alcoholic beverages and handguns as well as carrying concealed firearms but punished as adults in war and were considered adults and responsible under criminal law. Treating someone as a child and punishing them as an adult violates the principle of justice that our founders established and it violates due process because if someone is considered an adult in a court of law and can be either charged as an adult for most or all violations of criminal law and/or be sued in court, that person is responsible to make adult decisions. Any decisions made on the behalf of the child are made by the parent or guardian. Brain development is a very complex study and everyone’s brain develops at different paces and does not magically develop fully at the age of 21 or any other fixed chronological age, so all efforts to use brain development to justify age based limits.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Why Using Science, Statistics and Studies to Justify Government Policies and Laws Is Disasterous

“Oh, it is sad, very sad, that once more, for the umpteenth time, the old truth is confirmed: What one Christian does is his own responsibility; what one Jew does is thrown back at all Jews.” --Diary of Anne Frank, 22 May 1944.

            Throughout the history of civilization, politicians and special interests have often deceived the targeted public into supporting an agenda using manipulation of fear, propaganda, false or misinterpreted junk science, statistics and studies, and stereotypes of grouped people. Jews have been most notably targets of anti-Semitism throughout most of the 2nd millennium, which lasted possibly since the crucification of Jesus Christ in 33 A.D. and some people claimed that Jews were responsible for Christ’s death and used fear-mongering tactics to rally people into supporting anti-semitism. The Nazi’s used junk science and fear to rally Germans into hatred of Jews, Gypsies, Homosexuals, the Disabled and other “undesirables”.  Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s second in command as I call him, rallied the German people to boycott Jewish businesses and Nazi Germany enacted laws up to the late 1930’s making Jews second class citizens with no rights and completely at the mercy of the Nazi government, and the German people of “master” race agreed with Hitler, though mostly through fear and state terrorism. The Nazis forcibly relocated Jews into overcrowded, disgusting, and barricaded ghettos on grounds that they along with others considers by Nazis to be “undesirables”. Nazi propaganda claimed Jews were disease carrying parasites who needed to be walled up in order to protect the public from the alleged deadly diseases. The “final solution” came in 1942 when Nazis planned to deport Jews from ghettos to extermination camps where the Jews along with targeted groups were to be exterminated. Over 6 million Jews (2/3 of Jewish population in Europe.) as well as some other “undesirables” were killed by numerous methods of genocide by 1945, the end of World War II.

Governments have always been the no. 1 killers of all time because they have power and armies stronger than all the gangs and organized crime families combined, and usually the victims of genocide were disarmed through being tricked into giving up their right to keep and bear arms under condition that police will protect them. Usually non-compliant gun owners would be disarmed through force, forcing dependence in terms of safety and unable to protect themselves from outside harm. Most notably this happened in Rwanda in the mid 1990’s under the Hutu regime where their first step was to disarm the people and deceive them into thinking they don’t need to own firearms because the police would be able to protect them.  You can’t rely police to protect you from criminals in an emergency situation. In Washington DC, USA, each police officer would have to protect 17,000 people if police had the duty to protect individuals in a similar fashion as bodyguards. Is the government always right in deciding who needs what? Individuals and caregivers of disabled persons are best at deciding their needs. Government deciding what people’s needs are is a nanny state. Big Brother babysits the subjects of the government and is in control like a parent and dictator. An example of paternalistic societies comes from George Orwell’s famous novel 1984 in which Big Brother rules with an iron fist as an absolute dictator and guardian and is accountable to nobody but himself, therefore giving him the “authority” to do whatever he desires, including genocide of undesired persons and erosion of freedom. Winston Smith is a character who has his freedom stripped and is forced to accept that 2+2=5. This constitutes a dictatorship where government serves itself and people must obey the government without question or face bloody consequences. Under United States of America principles that our founding fathers laid out, government always serves the people. The US constitution’s first three words say “we the people”. It does not mean the majority but means the people, minority and majority alike. Majority rule leads to a disastrous result as there has never been in the history of civilization a democracy that has not committed suicide. Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding on what to have for lunch. The sheep is defeated and eaten by the two wolves by two votes out of three. The majority could easily be used as a weapon for political and special interest agendas. When tragic events occur, emotion can run powerfully and to the extent that human freedom is injured. Most notably in American history, this happened after Pearl Harbor bombing of December 7, 1941 during World War II. Americans across the nation supported US military involvement in World War II at the drop of a hat. The US declared war on Japan within hours of the attack on Pearl Harbor. In February of 1942, three months after the attack on Pearl Harbor, Executive Order 9066 was signed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt ordering Americans of Japanese descent in pacific states in the western united states to be relocated to US internment camps. A young man named Fred Korematsu defied that unconstitutional order and was arrested for refusing to be interned. He was tried and convicted and sentenced to five years of exile from pacific states. In Korematsu v. United States, the US Supreme Court ruled that the internment order was constitutional by a 6-3 vote. Truthfully, it was unconstitutional on these grounds:

·        Congress has the power to suspend Habeas Corpus and the president simply can’t do this on his own. Abraham suspended habeas corpus during the Civil War just like a dictator would. Even in times of crisis, military dictatorship is never justifiable because it states congress has the power to suspend habeas corpus in times of extreme crisis. In no way is military dictatorship in America justifiable. By that I mean in terms of presidential powers.

·        Frank Murphy’s dissent: I dissent, therefore, from this legalization of racism. Racial discrimination in any form and in any degree has no justifiable part whatever in our democratic way of life. It is unattractive in any setting, but it is utterly revolting among a free people who have embraced the principles set forth in the Constitution of the United States. All residents of this nation are kin in some way by blood or culture to a foreign land. Yet they are primarily and necessarily a part of the new and distinct civilization of the United States. They must, accordingly, be treated at all times as the heirs of the American experiment, and as entitled to all the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution.

·        Robert Jackson’s dissent: A military order, however unconstitutional, is not apt to last longer than the military emergency. Even during that period, a succeeding commander may revoke it all. But once a judicial opinion rationalizes such an order to show that it conforms to the Constitution, or rather rationalizes the Constitution to show that the Constitution sanctions such an order, the Court for all time has validated the principle of racial discrimination in criminal procedure and of transplanting American citizens. The principle then lies about like a loaded weapon, ready for the hand of any authority that can bring forward a plausible claim of an urgent need. Every repetition imbeds that principle more deeply in our law and thinking and expands it to new purposes. Korematsu was born on our soil, of parents born in Japan. The Constitution makes him a citizen of the United States by nativity and a citizen of California by residence. No claim is made that he is not loyal to this country. There is no suggestion that apart from the matter involved here he is not law abiding and well disposed. Korematsu, however, has been convicted of an act not commonly a crime. It consists merely of being present in the state whereof he is a citizen, near the place where he was born, and where all his life he has lived. [...] [H]is crime would result, not from anything he did, said, or thought, different than they, but only in that he was born of different racial stock. Now, if any fundamental assumption underlies our system, it is that guilt is personal and not inheritable. Even if all of one's antecedents had been convicted of treason, the Constitution forbids its penalties to be visited upon him. But here is an attempt to make an otherwise innocent act a crime merely because this prisoner is the son of parents as to whom he had no choice, and belongs to a race from which there is no way to resign. If Congress in peace-time legislation should enact such a criminal law, I should suppose this Court would refuse to enforce it.

The government could not prove Korematsu was unloyal to America. The US Supreme Court ruled the very same day unanimously in Ex Parte Endo that anyone loyal to America could not be interned. He was being punished along with more than 100,000 Japanese-Americans for something the Empire of Japan did at Pearl Harbor, which as Robert Jackson pointed out is unconstitutional to group punish people belonging to the group of a person who committed a crime and happened to be of a certain group. People cannot be punished because someone in their family committed a crime or treason.

            I’d like to point out the most oppressed group of citizens in America. America’s youth. Incarcerated felons have twice more rights than youth do. People can’t help being young and can’t be deterred from it as well. The role of parents in raising their children and instilling values in them has been slowly shifting towards centralized government control in the past more than a century, since as early as the late 19th century to early 20th century. Our founding fathers intended for children to be raised by parents, free from state interference except in cases where children are actually being abused in certain ways. Our founding fathers recognized children as human beings who needed guidance in life to become independent and function, contributing members of society. Children are not property of anybody but parents are simply mentors who do a better job at guiding children to the path of success and contribution to society. Children are society’s most vulnerable and should be treated with love, compassion and respect and this creates healthier and happier families. Limiting the freedoms of young Americans instead of education on responsibility and real world life skills damages their ability to be responsible for themselves and forces dependence on someone else, something the founding fathers feared would happen and feared that government would make the people dependent on them for support. Judging individuals by skills and abilities they have makes better employees and produce more responsible individuals financially and socially. Government can only create an ineffective one size fits all approach when it comes to trying to create a healthy society through centralized planning, something our founding fathers feared would happen. History has proven government has failed all attempts to create economic and social prosperity through spending and centralized planning. Government cannot effectively legislate good health because it uses one-size-fits all approaches to all of its issues. Even if government could try to legislate the health of the people individually, bureaucrats would be in charge of what care certain people should receive and puts the government in total control of what healthcare people should receive and makes government the master, contrary to what our founding fathers believed. Obamacare supports bureaucratic red tape healthcare and centralized planning that puts the government first. The patient comes first because they are being served. Socialized medicine is funded through borrowed and taxed money, often in high amounts. Healthcare is best left to individuals and free markets where competition and incentives for great quality prevail. Free enterprise is what made the United States the Freest country on Earth. FDR’s New Deal imposed burdensome regulations, wasteful spending and high taxes like in Marxist Communist countries like the former Soviet Union, North Korea and Cuba.

            Obama is a big spending corporatist, communist traitor to American values and principles this country was founded on in the late 18th century. He is using the fear of higher interest rates if default on the debt were to prevail. The progressive-liberal media is promoting the socialist approach to debt issues and will use fear to get people to support their agendas. Extreme and dramatic spending cuts alone are the only way to solve the debt problem. Solving debt with debt makes no sense logically. Obama might invoke the 14th amendment and abuse executive power. The debt ceiling was recently raised and no serious spending cuts will be made under this sad compromise.

            I also like to say that correlation is not the same as causation. Correlation can only suggest and speculate causation but cannot point out actual causation. Example would be ice cream sales and shark attacks being correlated. But, this is illogical and are associated with warm weather. Our founding fathers favored logic over correlation and stated that government’s only legitimate purpose is to protect the life, liberty and property of the people, popular or not. We don’t need to use science to justify making murder a capital crime. Murder is the deliberate taking of someone else’s life against the will of the victim being murdered. The only legitimate crimes are crimes of violence, against property and disturbing the peace and posing an imminent threat to the public. In order to protect the principles our founding fathers fought for, we must reject all attempts to justify science and statistics for making government laws and use logical reasons instead that protect liberty & justice for all.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Serious Government Reform & Downsizing as an Alternative to Raising Debt Ceiling

Congress debates raising the debt ceiling and president Obama says that if this debt ceiling is not raised or a deal is not made, interest rates will rise and credit rates will rise as well and also claims a rise in taxes for everybody. However, something more serious and alternative needs to be done and that is dramatically reduce the size and scope of the federal government to less than 1/10 of its current size or even more than that. Article I Section 8 outlines enumerated congressional powers that the federal government can exercise. Almost everything the federal government does is unconstitutional. Spending cuts need to be made and must be legitimate. The rising debt ceiling will make things worse and could destroy the economy and even instigate riots and revolutions like the riots in Greece over their debt over 110% of their GDP. The American Revolution and independence from the British Empire had to be gained through the use of taking up arms against their own government back in the 1770’s and 1780’s. I wouldn’t accept the fact that the USA will become a debt slave to other authoritarian-leaning countries and if other foreign countries try to take over the USA then the US military must be vigilant and fight the threat of losing America. If debt keeps growing and it’s not being paid off, the possibility of a debt war could arise and the United States of America as the countries that America owes money to could possibly try to enslave America. Would this be a World War III, possibly, but hopefully there will not be a nuclear attack so long as the national security of the United States is strong and that no foreign entanglements and nation building are engaged. US foreign policy most of the time has been focused on nation building and military entanglements with interests that do not truly threaten the security and sovereignty of what is supposed to be a great nation. The only time that the United States should go to war is to protect the nation from foreign threats and domination. The last war that the United States was legitimately involved in was World War II which US involvement was from December 8, 1941-September 2, 1945 after Japanese air forces bombed Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on December 7, 1941.  Nazi Germany along with Empire of Japan aspired to conquer the world and their actions proved their words to be true. If it weren’t for vigilant allied troops and the factory workers who manufactured weapons, vehicles, armor, food, clothes, etc. then Germany and Japan would have possibly have conquered the world and Adolf Hitler would have become the most powerful dictator in world history. War is the very last option to protect national security. “People don’t start wars, governments do”-Ronald Reagan. Peace through strength is a great foreign policy where it involves diplomacy in cases of hostile disagreement and forbids nation building and intrusive foreign policy. The constitution requires congress to declare war. It is best to avoid war and every government policy should involve the least-restrictive and least expensive solution. War should be the final option when a nation is in danger.
            Now I’m going to what should be reformed in the government and my solution to this financial crisis. This is very simple and easy to understand despite some people’s objections. First of all, most government bureaus, agencies and departments are expensive, ineffective and some even unconstitutional. Here is a list of US departments, agencies and bureaus that should be retained:
·        State-bureaus and agencies those are important to foreign policy, national security, immigration & citizenship, a few domestic affairs to be determined later on.
·        Treasury-In charge of government finances and revenue collection. It’s also in charge of currency that is approved and coined by congressional approval.
·        Defense-In charge of national security and raising a military including army, navy and air force military departments. Veterans affairs should be handled by this department with very little bureaucracy.
·        Justice-In charge of legal affairs. US Marshals, Secret Service, CIA, FBI should be retained only. In charge of judicial matters.
·        Budget Management office
·        Executive office of president
·        Council of economic advisors
·        Interior department duties and powers should be moved to the Department of State under domestic affairs.
·        A new bureau should be created under a shared partnership between the state & treasury departments to address debt payments and payments of debt interest as well as a gradual plan to phase out all entitlement programs such as Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid and eliminate other entitlements. Liabilities should be paid off and promises to senior citizens should be met. Youth should be able to leave entitlement programs and the private sector should take care of retirement.
I would like to tell you that Senator Rand Paul’s proposal for a balanced budget is way better than establishment loser Paul Ryan’s proposal and double loser Barack Obama’s disastrous budget. The constitution should be restored to it’s fullest and federal activities should be reduced to protecting the borders and strengthening defense while keeping a pro-peace and non-interventionalist approach, payment of debts & interest, make sure that social security & medicare programs are paid off, sound money is installed in US currency and should include competing currencies. Bankruptcy laws, postal services, laws against counterfeiting, treason, piracy, settling disputes between states, enforcing prohibitions on states imposing discriminatory tariffs on out of state goods, all matters in District of Columbia(federal district) and non-self-governing territories, copyright protections, maintaining federal buildings that have agencies and departments with constitutional purposes, maintaining a military and military bases, arsenals, armories, institute a military code of justice and set rules for disciplining the military, set rules for naturalization and citizenship and any actions and spending to enforce the above proposed operations of what the federal government should be doing.