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United States
I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Saturday, March 31, 2012

Civil Liberties in the New Confederate States of America: Freedom of Speech & Religion

Free speech protects unpopular speech & any speech that does not direct harm against anyone such as harassment, bullying, conspiring to commit harm, etc. Free speech also includes freedom from censorship such as protecting art that may seem offensive but is not a message that directs or encourages people to harm others. For example, movies & video games that have intense violent and/or sexual content do not directly harm anyone against their will by force.

Freedom of religion includes the right to practice religion & have religious beliefs. Although the New Confederate States of America will be based on Christian values, establishment of religion will not be made by any government at any levels.

The issues concerned regarding free speech, free assembly & freedom of religion include SOPA, PIPA, contraceptive mandates, banning of school prayer, order to remove ten commandments from the Alabama Supreme Court Building, banning of the cross of Christ, forcing doctors to perform abortions regardless of religious beliefs under threat of losing profession, police attacks on non-violent protestors, compulsory indoctrination & schooling, violence against journalists as the United States ranks 47 in press freedom & the internet being monitored. The United States has all of these problems.

The New Confederate States will correct these problems by being smart about protecting intellectual property & fighting piracy without effecting simple events by rejecting SOPA & PIPA, the new CSA will protect the sovereignty of the people by cracking down on foreign governments who interfere with internet speech, make abortion a state issue & ban federal courts from ever hearing cases where the primary issue is the constitutionality of abortion, protect religious freedom & tolerance by applying the coercion test to cases concerning establishment of religion such as using taxpayer's money to fund religous services, condemn police violence against protestors by recognizing the right to carry firearms in a responsible manner & acknowleging the right to resist unlawful violence by police, abolishing compulsory education & respecting the right to parents to educate their children the way they wish to be educated, & protect journalists by passing press shield laws that prevent journalists from being punished for not revealing requested information such as Wikileaks, which exposes abuses committed by governments.

Civil Liberties in the New Confederate States of America: Procedural Due Process & Habeas Corpus

Habeas Corpus requires the state to present the arrestee to a magistrate & state legal cause for detention.

Due Process requires the accused to have a fair trial such as the right to present evidence claiming innocence, the right to be presumed not guilty until proven otherwise, a trial by jury of peers including the right of jurors to judge the law as well as facts, right to counsel, freedom from self-incrimination & double jeopardy, freedom from cruel & unusual punishment as well as excessive fines, freedom from penalty discrimination that is based on anything but the severity of the crime or offense committed as examples.

All three branches of government have violated due process with laws impairing defendants & unfairly empowering the state. A Nazi, fascist, & socialist society denies due process because it undermines the power of the regime to suppress political opponents & dissidents. Nazi societies protect government from their own citizens, wheres free societies protect citizens from their own governments.

The New Confederate States of America will protect due process rights & even specifically requires jurors to be notified of the right to judge the law as well as the facts with the defense having the right to make their case about why jurors should judge the law as unjust.

The United Soviet States of America disrespects due process. The National Defense Authorization Act passed in December gives the President the power to detain any person merely because the president thinks the target is a terrorist. There's no habeas corpus & what's even worse is the military can detain citizens & even send them to Guantanemo Bay in Cuba.

This is not the kind of dystopic society I would want to live in. I want to live in a free society & the New Confederate States of America is that free society that has yet to be created.

Civil Liberties in the New Confederate States of America: Slavery & Involuntary Servitude

All forms of slavery & involuntary servitude except as punishment for a crime the guilty party has been convicted of. Involuntary servitude shall include required participation in the government such as compulsory schooling & serving in the armed forces or any part of government.

The courts have sadly upheld conscription throughout much of America's history(Arvers v. United States in 1918 upheld conscription). Although the US Supreme Court struck chipped away at compulsory schooling (Pierce v. Society of Sisters, 1925)(Wisconsin v. Yoder, 1972) compulsory schooling remains strong as the anti-truancy enforcers continue to violate this principle in the name of making children more productive. The truth is the education system in America except for homeschooling & some private schools suck big time. Anti-Truancy laws make me sick & any homeschooling parent who supports them should support truancy in order to prevent abuses by the state against non-public school students.

Military conscription forces able bodied persons to serve in wars that they object to. Mohammed Ali rejected conscription & was convicted by the rogue federal courts for refusing to be conscripted in the Vietnam War. Ali was a famous boxer. Fortunetly in 1972, the US Supreme Court sided with him & reversed his conviction. Conscription is what neo-conservative warmongers use to support wars in which the United States is not iminently attacked. Consciencous objectors are in danger of being punished for draft dodging because they have to actively prove that they are conscious objectors & those already in the armed forces are forced under threat of court marshal to go to war against their will. This also counts as involuntary servitude regardless of if they enlisted in the first place.

ObamaCare requires you to buy healthcare insurence which can be expensive. This is privatized slavery, which is also prohibited, forcing you to contribute to private industry under threat of government sanction. No person should be punished for evading private slavery.

Even if it was said to benefit the public good, the new Confederate States of America is a free society & will be the freest society in the world when it's created so public good will not justify taking of individual life, liberty & property.

New Confederate States of America:Foreign Policy

US Foreign police has been a disaster, creating many enemies & hatred for America. Jihadists from the Middle East attack the United States government for their foreign policy actions of intervention & war. The sanctions on Iraq that killed over 500,000 children plus more than one million adults was just one of the reasons that Osama Bin Laden plotted the September 11, 2001 hijackings. Would you want a foreign government occupying your land & killing people? The United States is an imperial republic which seeks to impose it's reign on anyone it wants.
The foreign policy of the Confederate States of America will do the exact opposite. Intervention & over 135 military bases worldwide will be abolished & prohibited, hostilities without a formal declaration of war will be barred, troops will be at home in times of peace & will not be sent overseas unless congress has declared war. All hostilities after World War II have been undeclared wars. International treaties will not be used to abrogate the rule of law.

The new Confederate States of America will follow one simple policy: "Peace & Commerce with other nations, entangling alliences with none"

Entangling alliences include NATO, NAFTA, WTO, GAFT, & the United Nations which the Confederate States of America will be no part of.

New Confederate States of America:Judicial Branch

All Judicial power is vested in the Supreme Court & any lower courts created by congress. All judges are appointed by the president & confimed by the senate. Supreme Court justices upon confirmation will serve for no more than six years before standing for retention by popular vote. Afterwards, they will stand for no more than ten years before facing retention by popular vote. Inferior court judges may serve no more than two years before facing retention by popular vote. Afterwards, they serve no more than six years before retention by popular vote. No qualifications are required.
With the exception of certain cases, the judiciary's jurisdiction is controlled by congress such as which kinds of cases courts may hear & rule on.
When the founders drafted the US Constitution, they never intended for the judiciary to have full judicial review like the power seized by the Supreme Court of the United States in 1803(Madbury v. Madison). The greatest check on power was the individual states & never intended for the federal government to be the final arbitraitor of it's own power.
Congress can bar all federal courts including the Supreme Court from hearing cases on certain matters such as abortion & same-sex marriage as primary issues.
For appeals in all cases involving individual sovereign freeman in intrastate matters, the state courts should be the master courts of last resort. Federal courts in the United States have been corrupt & have seized powers delegated to the legislative branch by making policy(Roe v. Wade in 1973 legalized abortion, which no branch of government has the power to do.)
What also sucks is that judges help orchestrate the outcome of trials by being the ultimate guru in what evidence can be admitted regardless of if it will prove either guilt or innocence. The right to a jury trial has been stripped due to jurors being misinformed thanks to the judiciary silencing anyone who speaks about jury nullification. This has made people more dependent on the appealant courts for redress as reforming government has become more difficult.
The courts other main role is to protect the right of habeas corpus & safeguard procedural due process. Judges should not have the role of deciding for themselves what laws are constitutional or not. We have the states, initiative, jury box, & ammunition to check government.

New Confederate States of America:Executive Branch

All executive power is vested in the president of the Confederate States of America. This includes being the chief executive of the laws of the Confederacy, commander in chief of the armed forces, power to make treaties as chief diplomat subject to 2/3 approval by the senate, power to grant pardons, reprives, clemency, & commutations. The president however does NOT have the power to declare war(reserved for congress), reinterpret or make laws with executive orders(executive orders are mere directions for how laws shall be enforced, what a chief executive does).
The difference in terms between C.S. & U.S. presidents is the Confederates States president will have a six-year term that is not renewable whereas the president of the United States has a four-year term with a two term limit.
The State of the Confederacy address is the same as the State of the Union address where the president addresses Congress on goals he would like to set & to report the state of the Confederacy.
The president will have the power to appoint cabinet members, ambassadors, prime counsels, & judges with confirmation from the senate.
The president can be impeached & removed from office with 2/3 majority in both houses, where the chief justice of the Supreme Court will preside over the impeachment trial of the president in the senate.
The Vice President of the Confederate States will be the president of the senate(senate majority leaders will be legally unrecognizable) & act as a tie breaker when the senate reaches a dead tie. The vice president will also be the first in line to act as president when the president is incapacitated, impeached, resigned or deceased.

Friday, March 30, 2012

New Confederate States of America:Legislative Branch

The Confederate States of America follows the exact same model of Congress that the US Constitution contains such as creating two houses of congress(House of Representatives & Senate), term lengths(2yrs for representatives, 6yrs for senators),representatives based on population & two senators for each state, how they are to be elected(representatives elected by direct popular vote, senators elected according to the state legislature either by the legislature themselves,electoral college,or direct popular vote.),same qualifications, & the enumerated powers of Congress.
All legislative power is delegated to congress with few & defined powers. There are NO implied powers, only enumerated & delegated powers. All bills for raising revenue must originate in the House of Representatives. Congress has the power to override any legislation vetoed by the president by 2/3 majority.
Congress shall not delegate any of its authority to any other branch of government or private organization.

New Confederate States of America:Currency

I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.

Thomas Jefferson
New sound currency should be created when states secede in order to protect economic security. Currency should be backed by the Gold & Silver standards, to prevent monetary collapse. A former example would be the Liberty Dollar created by Bernard von Nothaus, which was shutdown by the Secret Service in 2009. The Liberty Dollar was backed by silver, providing a more stable alternative to the fiat US Dollar. The New Confederate States of America will adopt that former currency & make it the New Confederate States Dollar. The Hyperinflation that occured in Germany in 1923(Weimar Mark), Hungary in 1946(Hungarian Pengo), & Zimbabwe in 2009(Zimbabwe Dollar) are grim examples of what happens when central banks are put in charge of the economy & money supply.
No banking institution shall control currency in the New Confederacy of America! Only Gold & Silver are legitimate money & paper money is just credit.

The United States of America as the New Soviet Union & Nazi Germany

The United States is now reached the point of being identical to Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. The United States is the most extreme case of transforming from a free & prosperous society into a morally dystopic & fascist society. The United States government follows national socialist(Nazism) policies making the cost of living hell & the standard of living that of communist & fascist countries. Civil liberties have been casted to sea & unseen by millions of Amerikans indoctrinated by the mainstream fascist & socialist media & also in the disgraceful public education hoax. Shame is that some Amerikans will rush to Wal-Mart & Target like dumb-ass's for outrageously cheap items on Black Friday when they should have been waging hell on the Central Banking criminal enterprise led by Ben "Counterfeiter" Bernanke. Why do people hate him? Because he F-ed up the Dollar & has no problems about hyperinflation happening. The United Soviet States of Amerika may have the largest economy(GDP), but has the largest debt & ranks no higher than 13 in terms of PPP per capita.
Amerika has become a country of liars, butchers & hypocrites who fail to see that the only way to save America is for states to secede & new constitutions to be drafted, curbing the abuses that state governments commit as well as the federal regime.
We have lawless government in this now horrible nation & in many states the state can prosecute anyone who resists UNLAWFUL arrest or interference by law enforcement officers. The Indiana Supreme Cocksuckers ruled on May 12 of last year that you can be punished for resisting UNLAWFUL arrest by Gestapo. What kind of drugs were these justices taking when they came up with this disgrace for the rule of law? It was a 5-2 decision. Fortunetly, the Indiana legislature has a bill set up to overrule the five injustices who ruled in favor of the police state. It should be easier for reform to take place unless it gives government more power so that more people won't have to suffer what the victim of the state had to go through.
The court system is corrupt & Nazi-Soviet influenced, denying the right to a trial by jury of PEERS & the right for jurors to be notified of judging the law as well as the facts. Judges have taken a more activist role by denying this sacred right fought for by the founding fathers & forcing anyone harmed by laws to rely on higher courts for redress. What happens is the higher courts screw you over! Politically correct government lawyers don't give a damn about your liberty & about constitutional government. Neither will your representatives if the laws they enact are subject to citizens veto through initiative and/or if rogue representatives are removed with vote of no confidence before the end of their term.
I DON'T HATE AMERICA! I HATE WASHINGTON D.C. because of their lust for power & violation of our sovereignty! The only way America can be saved morally, economically & socially is for individual states to peacefully secede from the United States initiatives & county conventions drafting new pro-liberty & pro-independence constitutions with easier ways to repeal bad policies & check government without the help of the appellent courts.

New Confederate States of America: National Defense

What every seceding state should do first is prepare a national defense! Bar none! The reason is because that without defense, enemies will defeat us & it is highly if not imminent after secession that the nation the state seceded from will try to reclaim it by levying war. It's important that in the event of an attack, the legislature declares war against the aggressor nation, initiating hostilities. The seceding state should also arm itself with advanced weaponry such as nuclear weapons to protect itself against attack & the sovereign citizens of that state should have the absolute right to keep & bear arms. And note that it does not include the power to harm people aggressively. We want to be a peaceful society that can defend itself from aggression & we also want a population that defends itself individually, & to act as a check on extreme government tyranny, aggressive criminals, & foreign aggressors.
We must remember not to engage in any unprovoked hostilities & warfare against ANY nation for whatever reason it maybe. Engaging in hostilities with other nations is only appropriate if our land is attacked and/or threatened by a foreign power & approved by Congress through a declaration of war.
War is something no sane nation wants to go through but must in the event of an invasion in order to protect our freedoms from deadly enemies abroad.
For I see that a 68.3 sq mile federal district(Washington D.C.) has expanded it's territorial limitations to regulate all human conduct over the objections of the state & local governments as well as the people. It is nothing more than a foreign imperial entity seeking to consolidate even more power as it rejects all checks against it's power.
All law enforcement must be civilian forces & standing armies must have civilian roles in times of peace.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Save America's Future! Secede from the United States Empire!

Attention fellow patriots. A call to confederate is urgent as we face a grim future in North America. It will be one in which the mainstream political process at the federal level is corrupt & unreformable due to the corrupt elitists in power who wish not for their wealth & power to voluntarily dimish. For they in DC wish to maintain power at the expense of We the People! For they who will use force to keep the United Soviet States alive & prevent secession. For those who believe that it is better for the federal courts to safeguard liberty are sadly misguided, for they are part of the federal regime.

For that which is part of the problem can never be the solution.

It is our duty to make difference in our state & local government, to encourage seceding from the union & resurrecting the long lost Confederate States of America. I call for all southerners to reform the Confederacy & ratify the new Confederate Constitution. For the new constitution is based heavily on the old 1861 consitution which was based heavily on the US Constitution. This new constitution creates more safeguards, guarding against abuse of power. For it will be the people & constitutional conventions divorced from government who will decide whether to ratify the constitution. It shall be done at state & local levels & no area that does not wish to be part of the Confederacy shall be free to refuse.

Though I come from New Jersey, I share the same views on liberty & wish to divorce the new Confederacy from the imperial United States of Amerika.

The very politicians to where we look for leadership & accountability have turned against us & created a lawless federal government wheres the US Supreme Court has rejected the pleas to return stolen rights & bring back the rule of law. The presidency has become an imperial dictatorship in which a March 16 executive order has been signed creating plans for nationalization of American infrastructure & resources in what mein fuhrer will call "emergency". The order also calls for the reintroduction of military conscription, subjecting many to involuntary servitude.

For we too have an emergency. An emergency in which the federal regime will exercise more power & destroy America. One should not be fooled by the propaganda of the imperial regime & nor should anyone be fooled into joining the imperial army.

There was once a communist empire named the Soviet Union, the largest republic in the world that was once thought of as indissolvable. In 1990-91, the Soviet Soviet Republics began seceding from the Soviet Union, formally dissolving the USSR on December 25, 1991.

For I have predicted the future. We can have a more prosperous future should we secede from the American Empire or we can be reduced to living in an authoritarian third world country or even controlled by the new World Powers.

Ask yourselves, is the real threat in the sands of some far off land or right in the Capital of our country?

Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Future of the United States of America & Dominion of Canada

I predict that by 2025, the United States will cease to be a world superpower & could even collapse in the first half of the 2020's. The United States will collapse due to economic & political tensions. On November 16, 2012, Texas will be the first state to secede from the United States. Call me & other neo-confederates crazy but I assure you that many thought the Soviet Union would never dissolve & yet the first Soviet Socialist Republic to secede was Lithuania on March 11, 1990. It took only 289 days for the Soviet Union to dissolve after Lithuania seceded from the Soviet Union. Both the Soviet Union & the United States were considered indissolvable empires with the United States presently existing. The debt is predicted to be $23 trillion by 2020. The debt has increased more under the Obama regime in three years (2009-12), than under the Bush regime (2001-9). If this trend continues, then the United States Empire ruled by the DC elites will collapse just like the former Soviet Union. What will happen to the US territories will be a mystery. Ron Paul won the US Virgin Islands Caucus for Republican nomination for president. However, I hope to see a new constitution for America & to form the Confederate States of America, which will arise from the ashes of the United States like a phoinex.
I expect a grim future for America in which totalitarian government will rule the United States from Washington D.C. & I can expect that if either Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum or Mitt Romney become president, the United States will become an even more violent regime. We can expect the same thing with Obama, as already proven by his actions. Mitt Romney is unfortunetly likely to become the Republican nominee for president & he will rule the United States with an iron fist like Josef Stalin of the Soviet Union, increasing totalitarian control & maybe even a one party dicatorship where either Barack Obama or Mitt Romney develop a cult of personality & exercise unprecedented power.
However, the citizens of this once great nation will work hard to get their states to secede from the United States & form the Confederate States of America. We could have a second American Civil War but this time the new Confederacy will have more strength & as more individual states start defying DC, the United States will get weaker & eventually dissolve just like the Soviet Union.

New Confederate States of America:First Step after Secession

What every seceding state should do is form a strong national defense, because the empire they seceded from is likely to use force to prevent secession. A great way to prepare for security is for ANY law abiding citizen to own firearms. Switzerland's citizens own firearms & yet they have been one of the safest nations on Earth both from domestic & foreign enemies. It's best not to get involved with entangling alliences so as to not jeopardize the security of the country. It will take the consitutional conventions of three states to successfully ratify the new Confederate States constitution. Before that can be done, the provisional government of the Confederacy shall assume all responsibilities & debts created under it's establishment. In no way shall the new Confederate States of America assume any reaponsiblities & debts under the United States of America & Canada.
The next thing that should occur is a new currency. The U.S. dollar has been a fiat currency since 1970 & will continue to lose it's value, having already lost over 95% of it's value since 1913, when the Federal Reserve bank was created. The new currency must be based under the gold & silver standards.
The Soviet Union didn't dissolve overnight & certainly couldn't be overthorwn by force of arms. The United States is not any different from the Soviet Union in that matter.

New Confederate States of America: The States In my last blog, I stated that the United States is not going to heal due to corrupt partisan politics & horrible leadership. But the solution is in the website link I posted in this blog. It outlines the recreation of the Confederate States of America as well as a new constitution, providing more safeguards for liberty. New Confederacy isn't my website & neither is any of that content my work & all credit is given to whoever created that.
States are divided into three different catagories with catagory I being the original thirteen Confederate States as well as it's territories, colored in red on the New Confederacy website.
Catagory I States include Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia & West Virginia. These states are automatic members of the Confederate States of America when they ratify new constitution according to the new constitution, but no through force. Maryland is included because the Lincoln regime under the US government used military force to intimidate Maryland not to secede.
Catagory II are similar in the process of ratification as Catagory I states but are not automatic members of the Confederacy but do not also have to go through the 2/3 majority in both houses of Confederate Congress to be admitted as a state in the Confederacy. Catagory II states on the map are colored Caramel Gold. These states include the 1785 Northwest Ordinance(Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, & Wisconsin), California & Oregon, Western Provinces of Canada(Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, & Yukon), & any U.S. state not admitted as a US state before 1860 A.D.(Alaska ,Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, & Washington State). The Western Provinces of Canada listed share an ideological relationship with the Western United States.
Catagory III states must be admitted with 2/3 majority in the Confederate States Congress & go through the same process that Catagory I & II states go through when ratifying the new confederate constitution. These states & provinces in the United States & Canada are colored in either light or darker green. These states & provinces include Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Iowa, Minnesota(United States), Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland & Labrador, Northwest Territories, & Nunavut(Canada) & any territory in the World & any state formed from another state. No state can be formed from any other state or form any merger of two or more states without the consent of the state legislatures concerned. No state that does not have either more than 800,000 freeman or more than 4800 Sq. km in area cannot be admitted as a seperate state in the Confederate States of America. An exception to this would be the merging of Arizona-New Mexico & Virginia-West Virginia into the unified states of Arizona & Virginia.
All the targeted states in catagories I & II would total 42 states (18 for Catagory I)(24 for Catagory II) & the rest of the states & provinces in Canada total 20 (12 for the United States)(8 for Canada). Hawaii became a US State in 1959 but is not mentioned. However, it's open to interpretation on whether Hawaii is a Catagory II or III state. The status of the US territories will also be questioned.

The Dystopia of Panem in Hunger Games

Panem is a totalitarian Unitary Empire nation that is ruled by wealthy aristrocratic elites in the capital city of The Capitol. All it's districts except district one live low standards of living & the former district 13 was said to have been destroyed by the Capitol as retribution for the first rebellion 75 years before the events of Hunger Games.
Panem arose from the ashes of what was once known as the United States of America & possibly Canada. Penem is ruled by a tyrannical dictator President Coriolanus Snow(ruling for 25 years), who bears a striking resemblence in personality to Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, & Mao Zedong. I'll call Snow Fuhrer Snow. He looks alot like French Poet Victor Hugo.
Anyway, the first story of the Hunger Games trilogy in Hunger Games, 16 year old Katniss Everdeen, who lives with her Mother & younger 12 year old sister Primrose in District 12(Located in the Appalachian Mountains), volunteers for the 74th annual Hunger Games after her sister Primrose was originally selected as a tribute from District 12. Katniss is a tribute alongside 16 year old Peeta Mallark & compete for their lives in the Capitol's arena. I saw the movie on Saturday(March 24, 2012) & I have something to say about the state of the United States of America.
All empires fall & the empire of the United States is no exception. The United States government is a self-serving parasitic imperial regime which cannot be reformed through the traditional electoral process. I'm not talking about direct armed insurrection, I'm talking about secession & why it is urgent that the states save themselves from possible collapse of the US government. The US National Debt is over $15 trillion & if status quo remains, the debt will be $23 trillion. The debt has already exceeded the Union's GDP. America is moving closer towards the third world & China & India will be the new world powers. However, it's not too late to act now.
The Soviet Union collapsed due to it's republics seceding from the union in 1990-91, with Russia being the last Soviet Socialist Republic, succeeding the Soviet Union on December 25, 1991. After nearly 69 years(December 30, 1922-December 25, 1991), the Soviet Union dissolved without any direct violent overthrow of it's central government. The United States is becoming alot like the Soviet Union in many ways & it won't be suprising if the United States government dissolves like the Soviet Union if the individual US States start seceding. I've read that Wyoming's government is preparing for disaster should the US government explode.
My next blog will state what the successor of the United States should be for any state that seceded from the United "Soviet" States of America. It is very likely that the United Soviet States regime will use force to suppress any states seceding, so it's imparative for the seceding states & the people to be prepared like survivalists, with gold mines of food & ammunition.

The Best Policies Affect only the Real Criminals

The state in a free society is instituted amongst men to protect life & property. However, government has gone way too far, trying to justify preemptive measures in order to maintain peace & protect property. This is a bad idea because one, it punishes peaceful law-abiding citizens for conduct that does not directly harm anyone, two it steers away from the original goal of stopping crime by targeting the mere offenders who have done no direct harm, & three, it makes it less likely for police to apprehend dangerous criminals because more resources are being wasted on preemptive policies rather than investigating crime & apprehending criminals or persons who are conspiring to do harm.

                I want to share the example of handling terrorism. Since the September 11, 2001 hijackings, the Bush & Obama regimes have radicalized government police powers with legislation & policies which target innocent civilians. During World War II on February 19, 1942, Dictator President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed an executive order interning Japanese-Americans. This mostly harmed American citizens of Japanese descent who were not even judged fairly as spies & provocateurs of the enemies. Japanese Americans were punished for the actions of the Japanese forces that attacked Pearl Harbor & those who America was at war with. The United States regime failed to prove that these internees were working for the enemies. FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover opposed the internment of Japanese-Americans not because of constitutional reasons but because the spies have been identified. American citizen Fred Korematsu who was of Japanese descent was arrested for refusing internment & took the challenge to the US Supreme Court. The high court ruled by 6-3 majority the internment was constitutional & refused Korematsu’s pleas. The U.S. failed to prove he was disloyal to the American land. The federal regime would continue to maintain that the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II was the right thing to do during World War II until the 1980’s when in 1988; Congress passed a law condemning the internment, realizing it was a huge mistake based on hysteria, bad logic, & poor leadership. Fred Korematsu was vindicated by the courts five years earlier & continued to his dying day to condemn the hysteria launched by the federal regime in wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

                Preemptive laws serve as feel good measures which use pre-crime measures less extremely portrayed in Phillip Dick’s story Minority Report as well as the 2002 movie. Fears of “unfit” children being born is used as justification for eugenics or forced sterilization. This practice violates the right to life because if humans were once fetuses & were made from contraception, then life must begin at contraception.  The US Supreme Court rejected the definition of life in 1973 when it ruled in the infamous Roe v. Wade that a woman has the right to obtain an abortion in her first trimester, overruling 46 state laws that had some laws against some practices of abortion.

                Another preemptive law is gun control. This simpleton argument is that if access to guns is not restricted, there would be violence & criminals would be able to more easily commit crimes. Regardless of if that is true or not, the real concern should be apprehending criminals, making it more likely for them to be caught without any law-abiding citizens being legally harmed. The criminal justice system often convicts the innocent & acquits the guilty, making us less safe from crime. Criminals can buy illegal guns in the black market, despite guns being regulated more strictly than alcohol & being legal for some as well. Guns in the hands of any law abiding citizen deter criminals because it makes criminals less likely to target armed persons. Police have no duty to individually protect you & will not protect you. Unarmed law abiding people are more likely to be harmed by violent criminals & tyrannical police forces than someone who is armed & that’s why tyrants fear the right to keep & bear arms because it would undermine their power, making chance of a successful resistance slim. The real goal should be apprehending criminals & not wasting resources on mere gun control violators who have done no direct harm. Regardless, all guilty criminals should be brought to justice & need to pay restitution to their victim & all apprehension & court costs.

                The War on Drugs & Underage Drinking has also been considered preemptive. The problems concerning drug & alcohol abuse are crime & dangerous impaired driving but the goals have been changed to curb drunken driving, drug use, & underage drinking. Problem is they don’t directly address the problems of dangerous driving & crime itself. The drinking age of 21 has done nothing to stop crime & dangerous driving. Prohibition of 1920’s to 1933 was a failure made with increase of crime & substance abuse because it did not address crime & certainly could not stop substance abuse without totalitarian supervision of the populace 24/7 365 days a year. The War on Drugs & War on Underage Drinking equal prohibition. An effective way of stopping underage drinking would be to require 13 to 20 year olds to be fitted with electronic ankle bracelets tracking alcohol in their systems until their 21st birthday. However that would deprive youth of their due process rights putting them in the same status of criminals. The US Supreme Court ruled in 1967 (In Re Gault) that due process cannot be abridged on the basis of age, although it did make some distinctions between juvenile & adult courts, with juveniles having only some of the rights afforded in adult courts.

                Conclusion being is that all policies must have the compelling state interest of protecting life & property & all measure to maintain peace must be done in the most least restrictive matter.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

How to Strike Down Age-Based Status Offense: Brain Developement

For any of you who are for legal age 21 rely on the "brain developement" argument, which is the strongest argument applied. However, if even moderate & responsible consumption of alcohol under 21 really did cause brain damage & alcoholism, then most of Western Europe's population would be brain damaged alcoholics. Most baby boomers would be alcoholics too & nearly every US State & Canadian Province that didn't have prohibition before 1919 had absolutely no drinking age or war on drugs at all. Were New Yorkers more Alcoholic than North Dakotans throughout much of the 20th century? This is gonna shock the neo-prohibitionists when I tell them that North Dakota is the most alcoholic state in America, despite a legal drinking age of 21 since prohibition. Canada has less problems with alcoholism & drunk driving because laws against dangerous driving are actually enforced instead of harassing responsible drinkers who DONT drive after drinking. Does that make sense? I hope so, & what's awful is the legal drinking age of 21 was paraded as the best solution to curb drunk driving over every other common sense measure such as strict enforcement against dangerous driving & seeking justice for victims. America is a backwards country when it comes to this issue. Is it better for society to accept people damaging their brains with excessive alcohol abuse after they turn 21 while pretending to curb alcohol abuse by punishing 20 year olds and under for sipping beer regardless of how responsible they are; or is it best that the truth be heard, alcohol education teaching people the difference between the use & abuse of substances, & alcohol abuse & deadly driving at ALL ages be condemned as a social infidelity? Neo-prohibitionist scaremongers like D.A.R.E. have failed to prevent substance abuse by bombarding students with treachery & lies.

I Like this quote I dislike this quote“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”-Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Propaganda Minister

The Neo-Prohibitionist elitists such as M.A.D.D. use the majority to help promote their agenda & suppressing all dissent sounds like a wonderful thing for tyrants to accomplish!

How to Strike Down Age Based Status Offense: Types of Arguments to be used

Some of the arguments are either to win hearts & mines or make legal case:

  • Brain Developement
  • Responsible Habits
  • Drunk Driving & Blood Borders
  • Social Consequences of Bad Policy
  • Legality

How To Strike Down Age-based Status Offenses:scenario

Note: This is Just a fictional Story
An 18 year old college freshamn Wendy Theyer has been accused of Minor In Possession of an Alcoholic Beverage & Carrying a Handgun under the age of 21 in Pima County, Arizona. Underage drinking & minor in possession are two misdeamenor counts while carrying of a handgun by person unauthorized to carry one is a low level felony when she was also in possession of an alcoholic beverage underage. When Theyer goes to court, her 31 year old lawyer, Samuel Redding with the assistance of law students from Florida & Minnesota, argues that the charges should all be dropped on account that it discriminates against youth & provides a harsher penalty for those under 21 & that the charges violate the right to keep & bear arms & the sovereignty of the body including consumption. Nobody was harmed by Theyer's actions & that she is very responsible as her grandfather taught her how to handle guns in a responsible manner & her grandmother taught her responsible use of alcoholic beverages & that these laws punish her because of the actions of a few her age or even above. Redding also cites Hernandez v. Texas, Griswold v. Connecticut, In Re Gault, In Re Winship, DC v. Heller, & McDonald v. Chicago. County Judge Irene George rejects Redding's motion for dismissal & invalidation of the laws Theyer is accused of violating. On top of that, most jurors are in their mid to late 30's with only one jury under 30. Redding's motion to have new jurors more age friendly to Theyer were also rejected.
Wendy Theyer was convicted on all counts & sentenced by Judge George to 3 years & 6 months in prison. Redding has filed an appeal to the court of appeals while he enlists some college students & some of Wendy's friends to appeal to the legislature in hopes of repealing these unjust laws & guarenteeing a fair trial. Theyer holds a deadly grudge against Judge George while in prison & believes that if peaceble solutions fail, she would resort to violence, citing Thomas Jefferson's statements.
Redding himself was a victim of discrimination & repression, being arrested at age 19 for Minor in Possession & Using a Fake ID to buy alcohol. Plea bargin allowed him to be convicted of just one count of minor in possession. After that, he left the United States for Canada, settling in South Manitoba. He held deep anti-American sentiment & spoke out again many Americans, calling them hypocrites & cowards in Bars. He would burn the American Flag on a regular basis to show his anger for the corrupt political system & loss in faith in the court system. He even held radical views that the only way to bring justice to America again would be a violent revolution in which the Federal Government of America would be violently overthrown and the Confederate States of America would rise from the ashes like a phoinex. He even thought of Islamic terrorists very favorably & called World Trade Center Bomber Ramzi Yousef & Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh heroes. His anger worsened after McVeigh's execution & even burned the American Flag in public during the summer of 2001 & was arrested twice for disorderly conduct by Winnepeg, Manitoba police with charges being dropped on grounds that he was within his free speech rights to burn the American Flag.
When terrorists hijacked planes & struck both the WTC towers & the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, Redding shamelessly & proudly yelled on the streets of Winnepeg in cheer yelling "Serves those hypocrites right! It's about time the federal government of America realized the error of their ways! Death to the American regime! Death to the Nazi US Military! Death to the Fuhrer in the White House & his F-ing cronies! I hope this sends a message that Thomas Jefferson & Patrick Henry were right!" His morale for terrorism against thec US Government was dangerously High & even lost his job because of his support for terrorism in wake of the 9/11 attacks. He replied "Fine! I don't need you ya Yankee prick! You're just as bad as many hypocritical American scum! I hope you die in a terrorist attack!" For the next eight years, Redding celebrated September 11 as a holiday, going out to the bar & having a great time, laughing the night away. He moved to Edmonton, Alberta after he lost his job in October of 2001, hitting the casino's, playing blackjack & winning enough income to support himself. He worked at nightclubs in Edmonton, but he became unstable to the point that he developed personalities like Ramzi Yousef & Timothy McVeigh's.
At the age of 28, he was pardoned for his so called "crime" & his criminal record was expunged. At that point, he started to realize that terrorism against civilians was wrong & that he couldn't run from his past any more. He studied law since he moved back to the United States, moving to Arizona & passing the bar exam. At that point, he felt reborn & ready to take his first case & oppertunity. He would still hold views that it is every person's right to alter or abolish government. Redding was angered by many Americans because they lack respect for the values the founders had in the foundation of America.

How to Strike Down an Age-Based Status Offense: Introduction

Brave & fierce lawyers such as John W. Davis & Gus Garcia have argued before the US Supreme Court on a mission to recieve justice for their clients. Their legal arguments have been crafted masterpieces that have won the US Supreme Court's favor in creating landmark cases. Davis argued on behalf of the plaintiff in Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer, 343 U.S. 579 (1952) that the President had no authority to seize property without some enumeration under Article two or statutory authorization by congress. The US Supreme Court agreed with Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. by 6-3 majority.
In 1951, a hispanic farmer Pete Hernandez was accused of murder in a Texas town. Gus Garcia, a hispanic lawyer, was Hernandez's counsel who argued that the jury selection of all anglo-saxons was unconstitutional because no hispanics were even considered for jury duty. No hispanic in the county Hernandez was tried was able to serve on jury in over 25 years. The magistrate rejected Garcia's motion to have his client's jury reformed on the grounds that as a hispanic, Hernandez was classified as white & the jury selected was white was well. Hernandez was convicted of murder & sentenced to life in prison by the all anglo-saxon jury. All attempts to reverse Hernandez's conviction through litigation in the state courts have failed. The US Supreme Court granted certerari & held oral arguments in January of 1954. Garcia argued the "Black/White" composition of legal classification for hispanics breeded injustice & blanket discrimination as a way for anglos to oppress hispanics without making it look that way. On May 3, 1954, the US Supreme Court unanimously ruled that equal protection does not make exceptions for discrimination. Before Hernandez v. Texas, equal protection was mainly classified as protecting mostly African-Americans from discrimination. The Hernandez v. Texas decision opened a gate towards applying the same freedoms under English tradition to other suspect classes, not just persons of European & African descent.
Another case I wish to share is DC v. Heller in which libertarian attorney Alan Gura argued on behalf of Heller that the right to keep & bear arms is an individual right using masterpiece arguments. On June 26, 2008, the US Supreme Court ruled by 5-4 that right to keep & bear arms is an individual right. However, this fundemental right is still severly limited as lower courts hardly strike down gun control.
I Blame a corrupt & broken court system on spoil system style appointment for political reasons where judges are able to get away with making any ruling they want, regardless of what the framers intended. I'll post the arguments on my next blog.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

No Harm, No Foul v. Obey & Submit: Introduction

Free societies respect No Harm, No Foul more because this principle means that one has freedom & responsibility to do what he wishes so long as the rights others enjoy are not violated. If someone is harmed or something broken due to someone's reckless and/or deliberate actions, the perpetraitor is responsible for redeeming the damages done. Authoritarian societies rely on Obey & Submit to retain power & if someone disobeys the laws government makes, regardless of harm done to society or individual(s), that "criminal" is punished to a fixed term regardless of dmage done.
America, Canada, Australia, & New Zealand are supposed to be free societies. Canada, Australia, & New Zealand are more stable & freer countries than the United Soviet States but still suffer some difficulties such as repressive gun control laws in Canada & Australia, although New Zealand has gun laws more liberal than Canada & Australia, NZ still has some gun control laws that are damning to liberty. The United States is not much different & has some Gun Control laws stricter than New Zealand's such as age restrictions for purchase (16 in NZ, 21 for handguns in the US). Freedom of the press is endangered in the United States as protesters & reporters are harrassed & arrested by gestapo police like in the Soviet Union & Cuba & the US ranks 47 in press freedom. Australia ranks 30, New Zealand in 20's & Canada 10. Economic freedom has taken a hit in the US, AUS, NZ, & Can as self serving politicians have rejected the will of the people they are supposed to represent.
Terrorists don't attack America because of freedom & prosperity because if they did, then terrorists would attack Hong Kong & Switzerland, countries with more economic freedom & prosperity. America is actually less prosperous than Hong Kong, Switzerland, Lichtenstein, Monaco, Macau, & Chile for examples. Good people's lives are ruined because of Obey & Submit.
Countries that follow the Obey & Submit approach to lawbreakers are authoritarian-totalitarian regimes like North Korea, Cuba, & Venezuela where if you don't obey whatever law they have on books no matter how repressive & non-violative of anyone's rights, you will be imprisoned & harshly treated. North Korea is beyond any doubt the most tyrannical, repressive & restrictive regime in the world today where big brother is watching over the subjects 24/7, people get arrested for pretty much anything the regime dislikes such as even talking negatively of the Supreme Leader of North Korea, showing any signs of non-conformity or disobedience to the regimes laws. North Korean subjects can't own cars for private ownership nor is private property allowed. North Korea experienced a massive famine in the mid 1990's, devastating North Korea's people. The foreign aid that North Korea recieved from South Korea & the United Soviet States ended up being eaten by Kim Jong-il & his regime when the subjects were supposed to recieve it.
In the 1980's, Communist Romania was ruled a tyrannical & cowardly dictator Nicolae Ceasceau who lived a life of luxury while people suffered from lack of heat & electricity due to government rationing. In December of 1989, Romanians had enough & decided the only way to become free is to overthrow Ceasceau & Communist Romania for good! Anti-Communists became victors on Christmas Day of 1989.
Kim Jong-il has kept cowardly propaganda & cult of personality to an ultimate high so his subjects don't rise up & overthrow him just like the subjects of Romania did to Ceasceau in December of '89. What happened in Romania Christmas of 1989 is redeeming the social contract theory created by English Philosopher John Locke who argued that people have the right to alter or abolish any government as they wish & in extreme circumstances violently overthrow it.
It's not a smart idea to try & overthrow the United Soviet States government due to their nuclear weaponry, advanced military technology. Fighting the USSA military is like trying to fight the USSR Red Army. The USSR dissolved despite being a superpower. As many of the Soviet Union's satellite states fell & many of it's republics declared independence, the Soviet Union fell Christmas 1991 when Russia declared independence & as the USSR's successor state.
The United Soviet States is going to collapse like the Soviet Union by 2020 due to economic turmoil & bad foreign relations. It's very important that states start declaring independence from the USSA before another superpower takes them with the USSA. The New Country to be formed should be the New Confederate States of America proposed on it's website, I just found this website & it's not mine. It's proposed constitution is the greatest legal document I've ever seen that has yet to be ratified.