Note: This is Just a fictional Story
An 18 year old college freshamn Wendy Theyer has been accused of Minor In Possession of an Alcoholic Beverage & Carrying a Handgun under the age of 21 in Pima County, Arizona. Underage drinking & minor in possession are two misdeamenor counts while carrying of a handgun by person unauthorized to carry one is a low level felony when she was also in possession of an alcoholic beverage underage. When Theyer goes to court, her 31 year old lawyer, Samuel Redding with the assistance of law students from Florida & Minnesota, argues that the charges should all be dropped on account that it discriminates against youth & provides a harsher penalty for those under 21 & that the charges violate the right to keep & bear arms & the sovereignty of the body including consumption. Nobody was harmed by Theyer's actions & that she is very responsible as her grandfather taught her how to handle guns in a responsible manner & her grandmother taught her responsible use of alcoholic beverages & that these laws punish her because of the actions of a few her age or even above. Redding also cites Hernandez v. Texas, Griswold v. Connecticut, In Re Gault, In Re Winship, DC v. Heller, & McDonald v. Chicago. County Judge Irene George rejects Redding's motion for dismissal & invalidation of the laws Theyer is accused of violating. On top of that, most jurors are in their mid to late 30's with only one jury under 30. Redding's motion to have new jurors more age friendly to Theyer were also rejected.
Wendy Theyer was convicted on all counts & sentenced by Judge George to 3 years & 6 months in prison. Redding has filed an appeal to the court of appeals while he enlists some college students & some of Wendy's friends to appeal to the legislature in hopes of repealing these unjust laws & guarenteeing a fair trial. Theyer holds a deadly grudge against Judge George while in prison & believes that if peaceble solutions fail, she would resort to violence, citing Thomas Jefferson's statements.
Redding himself was a victim of discrimination & repression, being arrested at age 19 for Minor in Possession & Using a Fake ID to buy alcohol. Plea bargin allowed him to be convicted of just one count of minor in possession. After that, he left the United States for Canada, settling in South Manitoba. He held deep anti-American sentiment & spoke out again many Americans, calling them hypocrites & cowards in Bars. He would burn the American Flag on a regular basis to show his anger for the corrupt political system & loss in faith in the court system. He even held radical views that the only way to bring justice to America again would be a violent revolution in which the Federal Government of America would be violently overthrown and the Confederate States of America would rise from the ashes like a phoinex. He even thought of Islamic terrorists very favorably & called World Trade Center Bomber Ramzi Yousef & Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh heroes. His anger worsened after McVeigh's execution & even burned the American Flag in public during the summer of 2001 & was arrested twice for disorderly conduct by Winnepeg, Manitoba police with charges being dropped on grounds that he was within his free speech rights to burn the American Flag.
When terrorists hijacked planes & struck both the WTC towers & the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, Redding shamelessly & proudly yelled on the streets of Winnepeg in cheer yelling "Serves those hypocrites right! It's about time the federal government of America realized the error of their ways! Death to the American regime! Death to the Nazi US Military! Death to the Fuhrer in the White House & his F-ing cronies! I hope this sends a message that Thomas Jefferson & Patrick Henry were right!" His morale for terrorism against thec US Government was dangerously High & even lost his job because of his support for terrorism in wake of the 9/11 attacks. He replied "Fine! I don't need you ya Yankee prick! You're just as bad as many hypocritical American scum! I hope you die in a terrorist attack!" For the next eight years, Redding celebrated September 11 as a holiday, going out to the bar & having a great time, laughing the night away. He moved to Edmonton, Alberta after he lost his job in October of 2001, hitting the casino's, playing blackjack & winning enough income to support himself. He worked at nightclubs in Edmonton, but he became unstable to the point that he developed personalities like Ramzi Yousef & Timothy McVeigh's.
At the age of 28, he was pardoned for his so called "crime" & his criminal record was expunged. At that point, he started to realize that terrorism against civilians was wrong & that he couldn't run from his past any more. He studied law since he moved back to the United States, moving to Arizona & passing the bar exam. At that point, he felt reborn & ready to take his first case & oppertunity. He would still hold views that it is every person's right to alter or abolish government. Redding was angered by many Americans because they lack respect for the values the founders had in the foundation of America.
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- Myfreedom
- United States
- I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.
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