"Historically, religion always represented a threat to government because it competes for the loyalties of the people. In modern America, however, most religious institutions abandoned their independence long ago, and now serve as cheerleaders for state policies like social services, faith-based welfare, and military aggression in the name of democracy. Few American churches challenge state actions at all, provided their tax-exempt status is maintained. This is why Washington politicians ostensibly celebrate religion-- it no longer threatens their supremacy. Government has co-opted religion and family as the primary organizing principle of our society. The federal government is boss, and everybody knows it." - Dr. Ron Paul
As any Christian should know there are two lords, one of which is our creators and the other Jesus Christ Our Savior. It was Good Friday that Christ died for humanity's sin with his own blood, giving us eternal spiritual life to those who go with him. Going with christ requires admission of you as the sinner as you are human and to believe that he took humanity's place to be condemned to die.
But what does the Gospel of Christs messages tell us? It tells us that God, Our Creator loved and cared for humanity so much that he sent his only true spiritual son Jesus Christ to teach gods word to the people and show them that god is a caring and loving god despite being so wrathful. There is a rival force to god's power and that is Satan, who was cast down from heaven for rebelling against God. Satan's force is to pass himself onto godhood. It is only he who created the universe that is true God. Satan represents lies and wickedness through darkness and burning flames. Another name for Satan is Lucifer, who is a fallen angel due to his rebellion against God. Lucifer and his fallen angels can take any form for purpose of deception. The Bible refers to Lucifer as a snake.
What does the Gospel of Christ tell us about God vs. Satan? It should tell us that Lucifer is waging a perpetual state of war against God and that our creator sent Christ to Earth to save us from Luciferian domination. The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ served as a major defeat for evil as Christ's teaching helped influence society to become more enlightented and good. Luficer vowed to create an Anti-Christ to destroy this white light of joy shined on Earth by Lord Savior Jesus Christ.
How has christianity impacted Western civilization. Unlike Judism, Islam, Buddhism, Freemasonry, and Hinduism for examples, Christianity carries a simple message of good faith and truth, which tyrants like Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Idi Amin, Castro, and Pol Pot for examples feared and despised. Communism(Marxism-Leninism-Maoism) and Nazism follow the path of death, tyranny, and self-rightiousness in belief they can become gods. Vladimir Lenin's rulership in the Soviet Communist Party as one of the start of a more bloody reign of terror with peasants having crops confiscated and ended up starving in Lenin's effort to destroy people's faith in god. The Bible of God has been suppressed for civilizations because it symbolizes a threat to the power of mankind over other human beings. Only faith in Lord Savior Jesus christ will save us from doom and destruction of Luciferian Hell.
How has America gone from freedom loving patriots to hellbound noids of Amerikans? Many North Americans and Europeans have little to no faith in the savior Jesus Christ, also the Prince of Peace who shed his own blood so humanity could be saved from lucifer and this can only happen if people accept this in truth and spirit. People have lost faith in christ and as a result were swept away by the occultists of the Illuminati, Satanism, Freemasonry, and Big government thanks to the Big Mainstream Media of talentless pop stars, ritualistic movie stars, and propaganda news anchors. The sins of homosexuality, communism, immoral perversion of god's meaning of sex, black magic, pedophilia, substance abuse, immoral wars the U.S. has participated in the past 150 years, and distractions from the realities of what is happening to America. Not just America but also Europe. During the mid 1990's, South Africa experienced a rise in ultra progressive politics which included the rise in prostitution, AIDS, crime, socialism, drug abuse, and sexual perversion. South Africa today has become an Anti-Christ nation wheres just decades before it had strong Christian Morals. I'm not defending Apartheid but just making the point that Post-Apartheid did not bring equality to South Africa but empowered the Left-Wing and Far-Left politics in power as superior over the rest. The African National Congress which won majority in the 1994 South Africa Post Apartheid elections was an ultra Left Wing party with Nelson Mandela having ties to Communist Parties. Mandela was a staunch Marxist and has throughout his entire life carried out his Marxist views throughout the ANC.
Australia, a more moral country suffered a Nazi style gun buy back scheme in 1996, emulating Hitler's 1935 dream of an unarmed civilianry "This year will go down in history! For the first time a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead in the future!" This nightmare became a reality as nobody in 1994 would ever think Australia would have more draconian gun control at the federal level than the United States. I've read Australia's constitution and there is no source of authority for such draconian gun control at the federal level. It took just a few decades for most of the Western World to enact Hitler's utopian gun ban of 1935.
Vladimir Lenin best said "Youth devoid of morals make best revolutionaries." The Anti-Christ is amongst us in multiple forms, just like the form of possession and deception Satan creates. Bill Clinton, Marylin Manson, Adolf Hitler, Vladimir Lenin, Aleister Crowley, Anton LaVey, Barack Obama, Lady Gaga, and many more have led North America to the highway to hell.
Jesus christ came to Earth to save sinners and bring compassion and kindness to humanity as God truly loved humanity after thousands of years of rejecting it for being capable of sin. An important event in this is a woman was about to be stoned for adultury but Jesus intervened and forgave her, just as God does today. Many take this forgiveness and mercy for granted and instead of seeing the light, they look away from it and choose the horrors that are abortion, homosexuality, "free sex", communism, socialism, etc.
The North, South, and West United States and Canada are culturally alien and the South is actually more socially conservative. Had the Confederate States of America not have been buried by the fascist GOP in the 1860's and 1870's, the Southern states would still be more socially conservative on christian levels. Abortion was legalized by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1973 and yet states failed to even attempt nullification of this so called "Right to on demand abortion." It's not just powers of Congress that need to be limited but the judiciary in terms of what it can review. Dr. Ron Paul introduced a bill in Congress that would prohibit federal courts from legalizing or strengthening abortion, homosexuality, or most other social issues reserved for the states under the 10th amendment. Other issues must include crime, prositution, gambling, decency, etc.
I want to be clear that America was founded on Christian values and America today is run by new age occultists and that I don't favor making a law reacting to every immoral practice but want to make difference between bad vs. criminal choices. A bad choice is doing something that harms yourself and could indirectly affect others negatively. A criminal choice is disrupting natural order of life and looking back to state laws and federal laws of the early 19th century you will see patterns in how America was and how courts have embraced progressive judicial practices such as legalizing abortion, sodomy, more power for the federal government, burdonsome restrictions on victims rights, broader eminent domain, and now Gay Marriage.
Before the 1960's, there were laws in many states that encouraged marriage between a man and a woman and outlawed immoral sexual practices such as sodomy, fornication, adultury, and promiscuity. There are good reasons for doing so because our creator intended for sex to be an expression of love towards your soulmate, not a party game you can play without life altering consequences. Sex is a life altering experience that is meant for expression of love between a man and a woman. It is a method of bearing children. With abortion, countless women have foolishly decided to become whores and not consider consequences of their actions such as getting pregnant and leaving this beautiful unborn child god created to either be "aborted" at the hands of a cruel abortion doctor or grow up in a dysfunctional environment without the best form of family a child can have such as one with a mother and father. Divorce rates have skyrocketed since the late 60's thanks to so called "Sexual Liberation". What this sex party has done is create more pain and misery to people's lives and degraded them as wild animals. Humans have the ability to reason and people are taking God's gift of natural salvation for granted. There's already a pedophile organization dubbed NAMBLA advocating men have rights to have sex with young boys.
I also want to state that you can't automatically legislate morality but for me I like to allow laws of nature to guide us as our rights come from our creator. The Founding Fathers based America on christian principles because it was friendly twoards principles of liberty and justice while challenging how much power man can have. Liberals pretend to favor freedom but want a radical social revolution instead where people, especially youth start rejecting and forgeting the founding fathers Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, and Benjamin Franklin and instead worship far left terrorists like Che Gueverra.
Can good triumph over evil? God is the creator whereas Satan is the evil scum of the universe so good had the power to triumph over evil. Thomas Jefferson once said "Evil triumphs when good men do nothing." If good christians fail to do enough to stop the evil that triumphed in the 1960's, this evil such as Roe vs. Wade of 1973 will continue to grow. Satan triumphs where Christians stand back. Christians and patriots must not be neutral to these Anti-American and Pro-Socialist injustices that have plagued youth of the late 1960's to today. It's time for North America to repent allowing Lucifer's posessed demons to indoctrinate good people and hope the Western World will do enough to stand up to their own governments and indoctrinators.
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About Me
- Myfreedom
- United States
- I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.
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