California, Illinois, New York, Connecticut, and now Colorado are experiencing tyranny of gun confiscation as the only way to combat this is if bombs went off at government facilities engaging in gun confiscation. Thanks to registration deception, California Democrats were able to successfully impliment gun confiscation. Why else are they able to do so? What resistance could possibly defeat them?
What if someone were to plant bombs in government facilities and they were to explode, killing government employees, would the perpetraitor be able to successfully use the defense against tyrannical government defense? Depends on their purpose, targets, and whether these government bureaucrats were a threat to people's freedom.
I want to first tell you about the judicial system in this country and many others. Do you know that the judicial system is funded entirely by government money and the judiciary is 100% on government side. It doesn't matter if the judge presiding is benevolent since the legislator acts like god over the laws it makes by creating reprisals for officers and judges who refuse to swear alligence to the legislature laws instead of the constitution. Who's going to hold the tyrannical judiciary accountable?
It's certainly not going to be Congress since they thrive on statist rulings. Have you ever heard of Volksgerichtshof? It was the judicial system of Nazi Germany which conducted show trials and where defense attorneys couldn't stand a fighting chance because it was the presiding judges who held god like power to decide guilt or innocence regardless of the fairness of the trial. Much of the judicial system here acts in a way that gives them god like power over anyone in the courtroom. in some Western countries court officers can be legally reprimanded should they fail to swear blind obedience to the magistrate their serving. When one branch of government reprimands another for failing to obey it's edicts, then the system of checks and balances dissolves and this is what is happening in Colorado. America's judicial system has failed to stay independent because many judges are more concerned with getting rewarded for keeping the statist quo than upholding their oath. No wonder judges refuse to allow jury nullification mentionings in courtrooms.
Ever noticed how numerous government agencies are becoming as feared as Gestapo? This is how bad the situation involving government agencies such as the IRS, BATFE, TSA, and DHS. If people cannot live without fearing their own government, then government is tyrannical an dpeople do have god given right to defend themselves against tyrannical government agencies. Not just these organizations but the Secret Service, FBI, CIA, and even the U.S. Marshals are guilty of instilling the same kind of fear that Gestapo and KGB instilled in their subjects.
Would gun control be dissolved had the gun industry have fought using militant means and using the government's energy against them? Nazi Germany was dissolved in only 12 years due to Allied Powers victory during World War II. defeating a military industrial complex from the outside is difficult but creating a plan for victory is important as using the strongest weapons is important, especially when facing an army with weapons of mass destruction and air force of drones.
Be sure to look at nullification such as going to state and county legislatures. The thing about human nature is action alone decides most of policy and even if one county in California were to resist gun control and other socialist policies, then they could overcome any tyranny headed their way. It's very easy to pressure your city or county council since they are close to the area! A supermajority of Counties in New York have expressed outrage and resistance to New York's Anti-Civil Liberties gun control SAFE Act.
But seriously, will individual armed force members truly have the heart to rival American citizens? the cold blooded commanders like Barack Obama are weak without loyalists. The agents are the enablers of agendas. If we pay these thugs the same respect they pay others we can overcome this "Law is the law." syndrome and break free of the tyrannies ahead. Giving the thugs at BATFE, IRS, Judiciaries, TSA, FEMA, DHS, and Secret Service the same respect you would give Gestapo and KGB agents is important for ending monopolies on force and taking a stand.
I seriously favor non-violent declarations of no unless it is necessary to use armed force to say "NO". Influencing city/county councils and state legislators is more efficient but the regime will use deadly force to stop civil disobedience. Sometimes you just have to shoot a bunch of law enforcement thugs to protect your inalienable rights.
Any government agency or NGO that uses the law to abuse their power and kill your liberty is an appealing target for a terror attack whether people accept this or not. The Patriots did not care about public opinion and neither should you. I wouldn't feel any sadness if IRS or BATFE headquarters for example went up in flames and undermined their operations following the deaths or incapacitations of numerous agents. Such attacks would be the equvilent of bombing KGB and Gestapo headquarters.
In fact, a judge suppressing fully informed juries would be as appealing target for attack as Volksgerichtshof Judge President Roland Freisler's fate in 1945.
Please understand I don't support or won't engage in any acts of violence against non-hostile people and the use of violence should be only for acts of defense of life, liberty, and property. Which is why hundreds of thousands of lives are saved by responsible gun use.
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- Myfreedom
- United States
- I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.
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