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I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Monday, May 28, 2018

Memorial Day: Sacrifice & Courage

Memorial Day is to commemorate those who sacrificed for freedom such as fighting in the armed forces. However, fighting for freedom & courage is more than merely serving in the armed forces, storming the beaches of Normandy when odds seemed against you. It's about recognizing challenges to the freedom, culture, & way of life of your homeland when attacked from within.

America is in a Civil War right now, but not with bullet or bombs but through elections & politics. There are two major parties fighting in this political civil war. The Democrats are obviously fighting for neo-marxist, anti-American, centralized medicine, anti-White post-America. MAGA Republicans are fighting to restore America's prosperity, cohesion, strength, and freedom. Never mind the RINOs who unofficially caucus with Democrats to undermine Making America Great Again, I'm talking about Republicans who share Trump's vision for a more glorious America as well as having that passion in their hearts.

Even though America has had it's wide differences, there has never been such partisan balkanization & racial tension(worsened under the 8 years of Barack H. Obama). Irreconcilable differences have been realized & bold decisions are needed to be made.

British patriot Tommy Robinson has been automatically without trial sentenced to 13 months gulag for filming a particular Muslim "Grooming" gang trial, which is considered by the UK Stasi state to be "Contempt of Court". Of course, this charge would not happen with such extremity in the United States. Also, reporters of any kind are prohibited from not just reporting on the Muslim Grooming Gang trials but also from reporting on Tommy Robinson's arrest & imprisonment.

If you think censorship from tech giants is unacceptable, UK censorship has exceeded what East Germany's Stasi did. The UK is a perfect example of what happens when "Right-Wing" parties like the UK Conservatives fail to stand up for their most loyal electorate(White British) by restricting and even banning 3rd world immigration. Politicians in Britain regardless of political party mostly pander to Muslims & 3rd World minorities because they are most likely to vote as a community. Instead of Conservatives in Britain being bold and urging British people to vote as a community just as Winston Churchill united the British people during World War II, Conservatives have cowered before the (((media))) and as a result, Theresa May's Tories have become Trotskyites!

This is what will happen to the GOP if it cowers before the (((media))) and is taken over by Trotskyite Neoconservatives. This almost happened but Donald Trump has delayed this for now, but this fate is not inevitable. There needs to be enough Republicans willing to stand their ground, not caring about labels such as racist or bigot thrown at them.

Just as victory in wars have depended on soldiers & commanders willing to sacrifice life & limb, victory for Whites, Conservatives, Based minorities, Republicans, and Patriots depends on risking being labeled racist, bigot, white supremacist, nazi, etc. by instead focusing on winning over the forgotten American patriots disaffected by Democrat & GOPe politics. Victory is non-negotiable, Republicans are either willing to make bold sacrifices like Donald Trump when he ran for U.S. President & won in 2016 or will find themselves dispossessed by the Democrats.

If Republicans do not fight for a decades long vision for America and seek the unconditional surrender of the Radical Anti-White left, the United States of America will seek to be the Western World's final hope of survival.

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