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United States
I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Thursday, May 31, 2012

How Many Countries are the U.S. & Canada

The United States has the Confederate States of America(South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee, Virginia, North Carolina, Missouri, Kentucky, West Virginia, Maryland, Southern Illinois, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona, & Southern California), The Western American States(Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, Northern California, Oregon, Washington State, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Alaska, Pennsylvania, Upstate New York, New Jersey, Delaware, & New Hampshire), New England America(Vermont, New York City & Long Island, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, & Maine) & Hawaii.

Canada has the Western Canadian States(British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Yukon, Northwest Territories, & Nunavut), Ontario, Quebec, & Atlantic Canada(Newfoundland, Labrador, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, & New Brunswick).

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Questions about the Free Exercise & Establishment Clauses

This is for Chapter 19, section 2 of my history assignment. I will state for each question if the scenerio is either constitutional or unconstitutional based on originalist grounds
Can student athletes lead teams in prayer before a game/contest?
Yes, because it does not interfere with the rights of others & is not imposing certain religious practice on others.

Can individuals pray if/when they choose during the school day?
Yes, since it is strictly voluntary so long as it is not in interference with class

Can students study the  Bible within a literary or historical context?

Can students receive religious instruction in a public facility as part of a “release time” program?

Can public funds be used to pay any part of the salaries of parochial school teachers?
Yes, so long as it does not directly promote any religion

Can the State(s) provide for direct cash payments (i.e. reimbursements) to parents for the tuition they paid to religious schools?
yes, so long as direct promotion of religion as absent

Can State(s) offer taxpayers deductions for the costs of tuition, textbooks, and transportation they paid to religious schools?

Can students receive religious instruction in a private facility as part of a “release time” program?

Can public officials be required to take an oath of office in the name of God prior to assuming elected office?
No, since it would violate free exercise

Can a State enact a law compelling parents to send their children to public schools?
No, it would violate the right to self-ownership by state ownership of child-rearing, violate parent's rights to rear their own children, condemn children to prisons, violate the equal protection of children as human beings, & subject children to be educated against their will as well as against the family's will.

Can public tax revenue be used to provide busing for students attending parochial schools?
Yes, if it is non coercive

Can the government compose official prayers for students to recite on a voluntarily basis as part of a religious school program?
Yes, since it's non-coercive

Can school officials require each school day begin with a moment of silence?

Can prayer be included as part of a public school graduation program?

Can the State(s) compel a person to obtain a license before soliciting money for a religious cause?
No, another issue here is the free market in which people have the right to start a business

Can Amish children be forced to attend public school beyond the primary grade level in violation of their religious beliefs?

Can school officials begin each school day with biblical readings and/or prayer recitations?

Can school officials mandate that the Ten Commandments be displayed in school classrooms?

Can the State tax a self-sufficient Amish community?
Yes, because the laws apply to everyone

Can religious groups (clubs/activities) meet in schools?

Can educators choose whether or not to teach either scientific evolution or “creation science”/”intelligent design”?

Can the State(s) provide textbooks to parochial schools?

Can the State(s) provide laboratory equipment to parochial schools?

Can the State(s) aid parochial schools in terms of offsetting the cost(s) of administering standardized tests?

Is religious property and/or religious contributions  free from federal, State, and/or local taxes?
Yes, if it's for charitable purposes

Can chaplains serve in our Armed Forces?

Can Congress begin each session with prayer led by a chaplain paid with public funds?
Congress can have prayer but cannot use public funds to conduct it

Can the State permit private companies to develop sacred Amerindian lands?
Property owners have the right to establish any type of lands they desire

Is an employee who was dismissed for violating a company’s drug policy entitled to unemployment benefits if/when they used said drugs during a religious rite/ceremony?
There's no right to receive unemployment benefits unless statutes say otherwise

Can the State(s) forbid ministers from holding elected offices?
No, since no religious test would be required & all can freely practice religion

Can the State(s) provide reimbursements (financial payments) to parochial schools to cover their costs for teachers’ salaries, textbooks, and other teaching materials (even if it’s for secular courses)?

Can the State(s) require religious tests as a prerequisite for holding office?
Absolutely not! The constitution prohibits religious tests

Can the State(s) outlaw animal sacrifices as part of a religious rite, ceremony, or service?
Yes, because of the compelling state interest to protect animals from cruelty & degrading of humanity.

Can the State(s) provide grants to agencies that provide counseling that coincides with certain religious views (e.g. adolescent sex and pregnancy)?

Can the State(s) pay for accommodations for special needs students attending parochial schools?

Can the State(s) loan office equipment to parochial schools?

Can a public holiday display include religious imagery, messages, and/or symbols?

Is polygamy (i.e. bigamy) protected under the Free Exercise Clause?
Yes, free association must also be honored when considering religious questions as well but there's no right to receive state benefits

Can a parent refuse to vaccinate their child in defiance of school requirements as a violation of their Free Exercise rights?
Yes, what also must be considered is the right to decide decisions regarding your personal health. Only under rare circumstances can the state overrule the parents in deciding the healthcare of the child such as if the certain treatment is actually endangering the child's health or if the vaccination is safe & absolutely necessary to save the child's health.

Can poisonous snakes be used in religious rites?

Can the State(s) compel businesses to close on the Sabbath?
No, because it would be imposing a religious like restriction that has no compelling interest to protect the life & property of the people

Can the State(s) require religious groups to have a permit to hold a parade on the public streets?
Depends if it would disrupt traffic but since the public roads are to be shared, then any group having a parade will need to have a permit to do so.

Can the State compel religious organizations that enlist children to sell religious literature to obey child labor laws?
To a certain degree, children have the right to voluntarily make a living of their choice

Can the State compel a person to serve in the military in opposition to his/her religious beliefs?
No, because conscription implies that you serve the state, which is contrary to the founding father's principles that established America

Can the State forbid its public service personnel (e.g. military, police, fire, emergency service, etc.) from wearing religious garb?
Can the State(s) compel someone to salute the flag if/when doing so violated his/her religious beliefs
No, because forcing patriotism down the throats of people is sinful & tyrannical, implying that you must agree with everything about America.

My bottom line is that the law applies to everyone equally, people do not serve the state, every individual is individually free,

The Problems with the Democratic Process

With the De Facto two-party system it's easy for me to say that the problem is not just the incumbents but the democratic process itself. It's partisan & broken. So broken that the only real avenue to reform is armed insurrection. The main problems with the democratic process include:
  • Non-Majority elections meaning that any candidate who wins a mere plurality of the vote wins the election, battering voters into voting for the two-party system.
  • Partisan elections which favor political parties & call for party primaries, meaning that voters don't voter for a candidate. They vote for a political party, battering candidates & voters to choose either of the two-major parties.
  • Electronic voting machines which make it easy for elections to be rigged & for voter fraud to occur.
  • Election laws & campaign finance norms that make it so only career politicians & wealthy candidates get elected because so much money is needed to gain recognition. Special interests & partisanship have made the political democratic process extremely flawed.
  • Major offices such as senators & governors & referendums being elected by popular vote as opposed to state legislatures(federal senators) & electoral colleges(governors/presidents/referendums)
  • representation & redistricting issues such as legislatures deciding districting lines for representation, spanning more than one county in state legislatures.
  • No easy initiative process in which bad laws can be repealed without the legislature
The solution to these issues include:

  • Requiring all candidates to gain more than 50% of the vote, if not then there will be a runoff between the top two
  • Requiring all elections to be conducted without regards to political parties
  • Paper ballots
  • Non-partisanship of campaign finance
  • electoral college system for political offices other than common representatives & local/county government elections & election of federal senators by state legislatures
  • All redistricting proposals must be approved through referendum
  • Right to initiative must be express & irrevocable

Sunday, May 27, 2012

E3 2012 Gamers Convention & Why I would be interested in Game Design

On June 5-7, Grand Theft Auto 5 along with many other games are set to be revealed. I found some interesting spoilers about who the main character could possibly be.

It takes place in Los Santos, South San Andreas in 2012 with our alleged protagonist Chico Vialpando, a 20 year old successful small business owner I assume who is the son of Cesar Vialpando & Kendall Johnson. He is the more fortunate one of the family, having a car, money, girls, charm, charisma. Chico's the recession proof guy, even when is parents are struggling to make ends meat.

Chico's cousin, Leo Johnson is the son of Carl Johnson & Denise Robinson. Leo is the same age as Chico & unlike the latter, Leo was left with nothing when his parents passed away when he was only an infant. CJ died in a fatal shooting months after the last events of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas in 1992 while Denise spent nearly all of Carl's money & died in a fatal car accident in 1995. Kendall & Cesar raised Leo as one of their own. Leo has no inheritance from his father since his mother spent all of CJ's multi-millionaire fortunes.

Chico is going through a family crisis. His father's business is failing & is considering moving to Vice City. All that's left of Carl Johnson's legacy is the Vialpando/Johnson family of four. It's unknown what happened to Sweet but it's still to early to decide whether Sweet Johnson is dead or alive.

Toni Cipriani, the main protagonist of Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories & head of the Leone Corporation arrives in Los Santos leaving a divorced wife & two children. Chico meets Toni in an effort to save the latters family but little does Chico know that Cipriani has plans of his own.

Chico must travel all over San Andreas to save his cousin Leo from destruction & save his family in this awful economic hells.

I predict the protagonist & main playable character will be Chico Vialpando. There might be some other playable characters such as Leo Johnson but that has yet to be confirmed. I also assume that Toni Cipriani will be the main antagonist or someone working for the secret main antagonist. The main antagonist could be a Sindacco Crime Boss. Cirpiani could instead be a father figure to Chico & Leo, guiding them throughout the story. Hell, Cipriani might also be a playable character.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

How Undermining the Right of Juries to be informed of Jury Nullification undermines Separation of Powers

Government has three branches of government. The legislative branch makes laws, the executive branch enforces the laws, & the judicial branch applies the laws. The right to a trial by jury of peers is one of the most sacred unalienable rights humanity enjoys. However, prosecutors & judges have undermined this right by interfering with the jury process by preventing jurors from being notified about the right to judge the law & even the real facts the judge secretly disapproves of. The judiciary trial courts have even interfered with jury deliberations & even overruled acquittals because the judge disapproved of juries acquitting based on anything other than the facts.

The framers of the constitution never intended for the judiciary to take an active part in policymaking.
Alexander Hamilton stated in the Federalist Papers that the judiciary is the weakest of the three branches not having the power of the sword. Thomas Jefferson feared that if judges were to be the sole interpreters of all legal & constitutional matters then the people would be living under despotic oligarchy. The judiciary has become a despotic oligarchy. This is true because trial judges overrule any proceding of informing the jury of their right to judge the law but even certain facts that the judge disapproves of. This leaves defendants vulnerable to miscarriages of justice because if their's evidence that points to their innocence or proves they used self-defense & the judges prohibits it from being shown to the jury, then not only will an innocent man go to jail or even be executed, this amounts to a closet bench trial.

Article III of the US Constitution makes it explicit & expressed that all trial must be tried before a jury. This means that the jury MUST have the power of tribunal over the trial case. This means that the jury is to be the judge of the law as well as the facts concerning the trial. Trial judges have violated Article III Section 2 by curbing the tribunal powers of the citizen jury, creating a closet bench trial. What I mean by "Closet Bench Trial" is judges undermining the tribunal powers of the jury such as deciding behind closed doors to influence the outcome of the case.

If judges are to be the sole interpreters of the law, then limited government & the rule of law will cease to exist. The original interpretation of the Constitution has been damned by progressives, socialists, marxists, fascists, & communists like Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sonia Sotomayor, & Elena Kagen of the U.S. Supreme Court as examples. What jeopordizes the rule of law even further is the use of foreign & international law being used in case law such as Sharia law.

Friday, May 25, 2012

How the Dissolution of the U.S. & Canada should end

I think now that the Confederate States of America should have only 20 states(South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, Kentucky, South Illinois, Tennessee, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona, & South California) while the Western non-Confederate States will form Cascadia(Alaska, Yukon, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Washington State, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Oregon, North California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, Minnesota, & Iowa) Republic of Ontario(Ontario, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, & New York) New England(Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, & Newfoundland & Labrador) & Quebec & Vermont will be independent nations.

The Confederate States of America, Cascadia, Federal Ontario, & New England will be federal/confederal republics while Vermont & Quebec will be unitary states. Of course, Ohio seems to be more aligned with the Confederate spirit & should join the confederacy.

South California will be named Confederate California & North California will be named Cascadian California.

Mapp v. Ohio case

Police in Shaker Heights, Ohio on May 23, 1957 went to Dollree Mapp's house in search for organized criminals Don King & Shondor Birns involved in a rackets scheme & bombing of Don King's home three days before. Sgt. Carl Delau along with two patrolmen came to Mapp's house & asked if they could come in. Delau wanted to talk to her about a matter relating to their civic business. Mapp wished to speak with her lawyers Alexander Kearns & Walter Greene, who has representated her in a lawsuit against Archie Moore. Mapp was advised not to let police in without a valid warrant. Delau refused to produce the warrant after Mapp demanded he do so. Police were searching for virgil Ogletree. For hours, numerous police officers were trying to get past a stubborn Dollree Mapp in search of the suspects Ogletree & Don King. After three hours, police found obscene material that was illegal & arrested Mapp. Her lawyer Greene was outside the house trying to help her but police had arrested her after finding unrelated contraband.

Mapp was charged with misdemeanor gambling, possession of betting slips, & felony obscenity charge of possessing obscene literature. She was tried & acquitted of the gambling misdemeanor one month after her arrest. Her felony obscenity trial began on September 3, 1958 in a Cuyahoga County Court in Cleveland. Before the trial, Judge Donald Lybarger ruled that the evidence against Mapp could be used against her regardless of the validity of the police's search warrant. The prosecution called sgt. Delau & patrolman Michael Haney who testified that while searching for Virgil Ogletree they found obscene material. Mapp's defense attorney Alexander Kearns cross examined Delau & called Greene as a defense witness who searched the house from outside. Unfortunetely for Mapp, the jury convicted her & Judge Lybarger sentenced her to seven years in the Ohio Reformatory for Women.

The issue of the Exclusionary Rule dates back to Weeks v. United States in 1914 in which the court ruled unanimously with Justice William Day writing the opinion that the exclusionary rule applied to federal law enforcement. Justice Benjamin Cardozo criticized the exclusionary rule stating "Why should the criminal go free just because the constable blundered?" In 1928, Justice Louis Brandeis stated
"If the government becomes a lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. To declare that in the administration of the criminal law the end justifies the meansto declare that the government may commit crimes in order to secure the conviction of a private criminalwould bring terrible retribution."
Regardless, two-thirds of all states believed they had the authority to ignore the exclusionary rule.
Mapp's lawyer Alexander Kearns appealed the case & Judge Lybarger granted Mapp $2,500 bond while she was appealing. The Ohio Supreme Court ruled against Mapp but she was released again on $8,000 bond after her lawyer filed a petition to the U.S. Supreme Court. Kearns based his arguements on the Fourth, Fifth, & Fourteenth amendments stating that Cleveland Police disregarded her human rights.
Oral arguments were heard in Mapp v. Ohio on March 29, 1961 with Chief Justice Earl Warren & Associate Justices by seniority Hugo Black, Felix Frankfurter, William O. Douglas, Tom Clark, John Harlan II, William Brennan, Charles Whittaker, & Potter Stewart. Arguing for the plaintiff Dollree Mapp was Alexander Kearns with Bernard Berkman arguing on behalf of the American Civil Liberties Union an an amici curiae appellant. Gertrude Bauer Mahon argued on behalf of the appellee the State of Ohio. The case Mapp sought to overturn was Wolf v. Colorado which rule in 1949 that the exclusionary rule did not apply to the states. That decision was written by Justice Felix Frankfurter.
On June 19, 1961, the US Supreme Court ruled by 6-3 vote that the exclusionary rule did apply to the states & that Dollree Mapp's conviction was null & void. Justice Tom C. Clark, writing for the opinion of the court stated "Nothing can destroy a government more quickly than its failure to observe its own laws, or worse, its disregard of the charter of its own existence." Clark was joined by Chief Justice Earl Warren & Associate Justices Hugo Black, William O. Douglas, & William Brennan. Justice Potter Stewart wrote a seperate opinion stating that Ohio's obscenity laws were unconstitutional, violating the first amendment. Justices John Harlan II wrote the dissenting opinion joined by justices Felix Frankfurter & Charles Whittaker stating that the majority overstepped their boundries by overturning Wolf v. Colorado without lega justification since Kearns stated that Wolf v. Colorado was not an issue.

Mapp v. Ohio stated that prosecutions could not use evidence seized illegally. However, the exclusionary rule would be narrowed down such as United States v. Leon in 1984 which ruled that the exclusionary rule does not apply when police acted in good faith. Law enforcement & prosecutors view Mapp v. Ohio in a negative view, seeing it as a handicapp & burdon on the criminal justice system.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Could Hong Kong & Macau be headed for full assimilation with Communist China?

In the late 1990's, the United Kingdom & Portugal surrendered their colony of both Hong Kong & Macau to the People's Republic of China under the Special Administrative Region provision. Hong Kong and Macau are prosperous city-states who will by the late 2040's be integrated with the rest of the Chinese Provinces. There have been anti-communism protests in Hong Kong with memorials being held annually for victims of the 1989 Tiement Square protests massacre by the Communist regime.

I believe that the UK & Protugal made a huge mistake by surrendering Hong Kong & Macau to the People's Republic of China. It's only a matter of time before the Chinese Army tries to use military force to destroy the sovereignty of Hong Kong & Macau. Military presence in Macau has increased since Portugal's surrender of Macau in 1999. There's more military presence in Macau today than there was under the far-right Estado Nuevo & 1974-99.

What should occur is making Hong Kong & Macau either self-sufficent in terms of national security & foreign policy or should the Confederate States of America emerge be C.S. states.

Dreams of Making America Self-Sufficient in Energy & Automobiles the Free-Enterprise Way

Communist China is waging economic warfare against America by sucking America's Oil & Natural Gas, sucking jobs from America, Allowing the Obama regime to borrow more money, & creating a 200 acre "China City" in Milan, Michigan. America is being slapped in the face by China & America is not fighting back. Detroit, the auto capital of the world has become the most bankrupt city in America & General Motors appears to be nationalized. Many automakers are going towards Sinoization.

I have a solution to this problem that will surely reverse this economic warfare & help America win this war waged by China. I'm talking about starting an oil & natural gas industry with resources being produced & sold in America. I want to establish oil reserves in Alberta & refine them in America. Alberta is the Qatar of the West. I'm not a fan of fossil fuels but I do believe in energy independence & what better way to do that than with entrepeneurship. Plus, I can also make an upper class living(over $100,000-$350,000 annually). I can hopefully help lower gas prices by domesticating oil production.

I also want to make automobiles like Tesla & Fisker by making plug-in hybrids, battery electric cars & Hydrogen fuel cells vehicles. I'll call my automaker Hahnsmobile, modeled culturally after late General Motors brand Oldsmobile. My automaker will be like Tesla & Fisker. I'll make manufacturing plants in Shreveport, Louisiana, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Fremont, North California, Saskachewan, Michigan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Elizabethtown, South Australia, Western Australia, & New Jersey. I want Oil, Natural, Gas, Automobiles, & other industries to be China free. I'll resist any attempts for jobs to be shipped overseas.

I hope to make this dream a reality & hope to do so without having to go through the establishment.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

The United Nations is a Communist Organization

Born on October 24, 1945 in New York City, the United Nations was formed with the false goal to maintain world peace but in reality it was a stepping stone for world government. The United Nations was in the process of development before Oct 24, 1945. On January 1, 1942 it was a military alliance of countries fighting the axis powers during World War II. On April 25, 1945 a conference in San Francisco was held on the creation of an international organization. Alger Hiss, a Communist Spy for the Soviet Union was the American representative for the United Nations was a key player in the help to create the United Nations. The UN charter was signed June 26, 1945 & ratified two months later.

What the United Nations truly is is it's for marxism & their support for communist causes. Here's the communist agenda of the United Nations:

1.Create an all power armed force: The United Nations ever since it's birth has advocated having its own armed forces & to this day insists that the US military is UN asset. Most notably UN peacekeeping operations were used to prevent the Anti-Communist African State of Katanga from seceding from the Soviet Puppet Congo in the early 1960's. The UN advocates a monopoly on all armed forces. Once this becomes a reality, the people will be powerless to resist UN tyranny.

2.Agenda 21: Agenda 21 is one of the most Marxist agendas in human history. What Agenda 21 actually does is severely lower the standards of living to that of a communist country. Most of America is wildlife habitat & Agenda 21 advocates relocating Americans to centralized areas like cities. The same thing happened in Khmer Rouge Cambodia in 1975-79 when Khmer Rouge forces deported urban residents like in Phnom Penh to the countrysides & it's likely police forces serving UN Agenda 21 will follow in the same footsteps as the Khmer Rouge in order to enforce such orders. Private property & all core industries would be banned & nationalized respectively. Agenda 21 is about anything but protecting the environment as it's a plot for world government.

3.International Judicial System: What's scary about this is that should your country be subject to international courts, you could find yourself a victim to this tyranny should you be accused of some "crime" the regime claims you committed. Statutes would be so broad that they would be open to arbitrary interpretation by judges who mostly come from authoritarian regimes like North Korea, Venezuela, & Cuba. The Soviet Union had broad statutes in which people were regularly accused of non-existent crimes. What's even worse is that since the UN charter does not guarentee any human rights will be protected from arbitrary parliment laws making the criticism of UN a crime, then people could find themself imprisoned. The regime wouldn't even need a law expressively criminalizing criticism because they could just try to arbitrarily detain you or use some undefined law to jail you. The Soviet Union did the same thing.

4.Centralization of Education: Communist regimes use education as a weapon for indoctrination & for support of the masses. Under UN control, private education & homeschooling would be abolished so that children could be indoctrinated with socialist values. Compulsory education makes this possible.

5.Disarm all civilian populations: Tyrants are afraid of gun owning citizens because it poses a threat to their elitist power. The United Nations will need disarment in order to gain & retain power.

6.Destroy Capitalism: Command economies are about controlling the population. Collectivization of agriculture was horrible not only because of the failure of communism but because starvation was used as a deliberate tool of the elite communists. Socialized healthcare is also a failure of communism in which it's quality sucked balls.

7.Population control with forced sterilizations & abortions: It's happening in developing third world countries such as in Africa & Central Asia. The UN also supports China's one child policy which has created a rapidly aging population with less workers per elder.

The Marxist, Eco-Fascist, Tyrannical, & Communist United Nations should be sunk & abandoned by any freedom loving democratic nation. Dictators like Fidel Castro of Cuba, Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, Muammar Gadhafi of Libya, Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, & Mao Zedong of China have been praised as members in good standing while Anti-Communist countries like South Africa & Rhodesia have been punished with UN Sanctions, ruining their economies. The United Nations is a dangerous totalitarian marxist terrorist organization advocating violent overthrow of Anti-Communist governments with the goal of replacing them with Marxist regimes.

Factions of Communism

As an Anti-Communist, I feel it's important to explain what factions are in Communism. Communism & Fascism both advocate government command of industry but differ on what body should own industry. Communists/Socialists favor state ownership of production & industry while Fascists favor private/corperate ownership. You could also call one form of communism that's the most common called Marxism.

Communism demands all form of soci-economic life be collectivized & owned by the state in order to have a completely equal society. In other words, Communism is totalitarianism & the Soviet Union's existence has proved that. Vladimir Lenin, a staunch Marxist, led a revolution of Red Bolsheviks against the White Republicans in the 1917-18 Russian Revolution that overthrew the Russian Czar Nicholas II. Due to US involvement in World War I against the German Empire, the only force that would have stopped the bolsheviks from seizing Moscow was crushed. Had the US remained neutral then Kaiser Wilhelm II would have prevailed & crushed the Bolshevik revolution, saving the White Republicans & thus making Russia a liberal republic.

When Lenin & his Bolshevik cronies seized Russia, he issued a decree declaring all land, water, forests, natural resources, & property state assets. For decades to come, especially in the early 1920's to mid 50's millions of Soviet Subjects starved to death due to collectivization of farming & agriculture. The famines started in 1921-1923 under Lenin & resumed in Ukraine from 1932-33 under Stalin. Lenin was a villianous man with a scary look, especially after his stroke but Josef Stalin although has a less scary face than Lenin became the second most brutal communist dictator after Mao Zedong, being responsible for around 20 million murders.

Mao Zedong overthrew the Kuomintang government of Chiang Kei-Shek in 1949 & established the People's Republic of China, which was a communist country. Under Mao's reign of terror, especially during the Great Leap Forward in 1958-59 & Cultural Revolution of 1966-76, around 60 million were killed. Although Chiang was a military dictator, Mao made Chiang look like a schoolyard bully.

Lenin, Stalin, & Mao have used terror & violence to steal private property & land from individuals using "land reform". Many other communist dictators would use this method in the future. Collectivization of agriculture is a method of control communist tyrants have used to control the population with deliberate starvation, amounting to genocide. This happened in the Great Famine of Ukraine in 1932-33. The forced confiscation of grains in the Early 1920's caused the first Soviet Famine.

More totalitarian communist regimes would follow in Stalin & Mao's footsteps such as Nicolae Ceasceau of Romania, Fidel Castro of Cuba, & Pol Pot of Cambodia who's policies have destroyed their economies & severely lowered the standards of living while the elites have lived the high life at the expense of the subjects.

Fascism is privatized communism where corperations & private property are allowed but the state and/or select corporations will have total control over economic activity. Adolf Hitler & Benito Mussolini were perfect examples of private communists who exercised absolute power. Nazi Germany & Fascist Italy were totalitarian right-wing communist regimes. Fascism is also called national socialism, private communism, & right-wing totalitarianism.

The only thing Communists & Fascists disagree on is what body should guard industry. Fascists favor command economies that have private property & private enterprise. Communists/Socialists favor command economies & state ownership of industry.

Communism is totalitarianism & communist regimes have been corrupt, elitist, & totalitarian. Communism & fascism create a ruling class which has more privilages than those in a capitalist society. Communism relies on the rule of man where the state is god & the subjects are resources.

Both communism & fascism rely on collectivism where all human beings are equally considered resources & servants of the state. Marxists pretend to act in the interests of the general public but have ended up serving their own interests at the expense of others. In order to have a socialist/communist utopia, human nature would have to be changed so that people can be subject to conformity. The Soviet Union proves that.

Social Democracy is different because it does not advocate a command economy but some regulations over private industry, usually for beneft of the public good, like the Third Way.

There have been some on the left who have rejected communism & the totalitarianism of Stalin's Soviet Regime. George Orwell was a democratic socialist & social liberal who made satires about the Soviet Union such as Animal Farm which is a story about farm animals who overthrow their farmer & establish a communist animal society that becomes exactly like the Soviet Union.  Orwell alsr wrote 1984 a novel that involves a totalitarian & communist society ruled by Stalinist Big Brother.

Of course, merely being a corporatist does not qualify as communism or fascism because it does not exactly advocate a command economy. There are only two truly communist states(North Korea & Cuba) in the world today.

Barack Obama is creating a communist America as we know it, becoming the American Adolf Hitler & Josef Stalin with Wall Street bailouts, socialized health care, stauch assault on civil liberties, high spending sprees, centralized banking, & executive orders nationalizing core industries.

Mitt Romney is just as guilty as Obama of being a communist, although Mitt Romney is more suited to be called a fascist & I feel that Marco Rubio is not a fascist because he does not advocate a command economy like Romney does.

Ron Paul however is truly a staunch anti-communist & libertarian whose movement of liberty has inspired millions.

A true anti-communist would reject anti-capitalism, socialism & fascism.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Fascist Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Natanyahu suspends elections

Israel is becoming more like a fascist dictatorship than a liberal democracy. Prime Minister or Dictator Benjamin Netanyah has cancelled the Knesset elections scheduled for September 4. When the hell are the next elections going to be Mr. Netanyahu? To say that Israel is a true democracy is like saying that Barack Obamba is a peace president. Israel is more like an authoritarian fascist dictatorship with Netanyahu as dictator.

What's even worse is that U.S. taxpayers must pay for Israel's holocaust of Palestinians funded by the USSA. If this does not change, Netanyahu will become an authoritarian fascist dictator destroying the jewish homeland of Israel from the ills of war with the Palestinians. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict will have no winners unless a peace treaty with Israel & Palestine can be signed setting the West Bank & Gaza Strip as the Palestinian State with the rest of Israel belonging to Israel. The U.N. Paritition Plan of 1947 has a map consisting of the proposed Jewish & Arab states with Jeruselum being the capital territory. What should be accomplished is an Israeli-Palastinian Confederation in which there would be seperate jewish & arab states that manage their own affairs with Jeruselum being the capital & having it's own district. Unfortunately, the neoconservative Israeli regime is unwilling to make peace with Palestine & insists on holocaust against the Palastinians.

Israel has blockaded the Gaza Strip in the war against Palestine, making Gaza a prison camp. Islamic terrorists attack the U.S.S.A. & Israel because of their military intervention against the Middle East. The Israeli regime has been waging wars of aggression. I believe that the Jewish people have the right to a homeland in Palestine but the Palestine paritition should have followed the U.N. plan in 1947 outlining Jewish & Arab states creating a federal republic with Jeruselum as the federal capital district.

Hopefully the Western World & Israel can unplug from the fascist matrix

Thursday, May 10, 2012

As California goes, so does America

California was once known as the most Golden State in America. The state is dominated by social welfare democrats that attract illegal immigrants collecting welfare. Welfare is the evil socialist backbone for the socialist elite's agenda. I have a solution. California needs new constitutions & be divided North & South.

South California will be a liberal conservative, nationalist, paleoconservative, & possibly third position state. It's capital will be situated in Riverside & have a population of 22 million with Los Angeles being the largest city.

North California will be a social liberal, social democratic, green, centrist, & third way state. It's capital will be Sacremento & have a population of 14 million with San Francisco being the largest city.

The North-South border counties will be South: San Luis Obispo, Kern, & San Bernardino & North: Monterey, Kings, Tulare, & Inyo. This border is a straight line & won't be difficult to set territory for California's North-South seperation.

What both the North & South Californias should have is paper ballots, direct democracy, & regionalism. Regionalism will mean that social welfare benefits & government services will be conducted at county & local levels.

North California will most likely be centre to centre-left while South California will be centre-right to far-right.

My goal for South California is to make it a capitalist libertarian society like Hong Kong, Liechtenstein, & the yet-to-be created Texas under the proposed anarcho-capitalist 2000 constitution.

California is too golden in spirit to be abandoned. What if we had the same approach to America. Defying the establishment through private paper ballot elections that have a quorum of 50% of voters & are citizens that immigrated legally.

My Self-Determination & Objectivist Movement

I must explain what my plans are for true reform if there is going to be any real progress towards freedom & independence. I hope to create a domestic & international coalition of independent Conservative & Libertarian parties in joining the movement to alter or abolish our governments without red tape or flawed fraudulant democracy. Being sovereign doesn't just mean electing politicians every two to six years but also means having direct means of controlling government such as jury nullification & direct democracy(initiative). Nearly all Western democracies have major political parties that are mainstream establishments expanding government. However, I have real reforms that will help collapse the establishment non-violently.

1.Abandon legal tender & adopt free market solutions to currency & means of exchange(gold, silver, barter, etc.)
2.Eliminate bureaucracy from the marketplace & adopt anarcho-capitalism as a state
3.Privatize nearly all government services gradually such as police, firefighters, hospitals, roads, schools, civil courts, justice, armed services, state & national parks, etc.
4.Make most government revenue non-taxes with immigration tariffs used for revenue for non-discretionary spending such as paying off debts.
5.Increase protections for civil liberties & adopt a zero-tolerace for infringement on civil liberties(meaning that infringements are unjustified).
6.Simplify the judicial system by seperating the functions of each type of court such as Civil Courts being private, Criminal Courts being state-owned but with Grand Juries acting as pre-trial magistrates & petit juries acting as tribunals with the jury foreman presiding requiring a unanimous ruling to convict in criminal court & sentencing being by majority vote from jurors & unanimous vote for the death penalty. Appeal courts for defendants appealing lower criminal court decisions such as the outcome of the trial & conviction will be handled by private jurors who will be reviewing the case. The types of courts will be catagorized by Civil, Criminal, Consitutional, & ethics courts & their appeal courts.
7.Elimination of laws requiring licenses & certification for any activity or occupation including but not limited to practicing medicine & law, driving on roads, owning property, operating a business, building a house.
8.Use revenue collected from passports for government expenditures.
9.Adopt a civic nationalist immigration policy charging immigrants a fee to obtain permanent residence & freemanship after meeting other requirements.
10.Eject terrorists, biologically dangerous persons, parasites, illiterates, & habitual criminals from the homeland.
11.Require paper ballots for elections, majority elections regardless of political parties, direct democracy, & referendum approval before bills can become law.
12.No special privilages to any civil servant, individual, corperation, organization as the law will apply to everyone, including those who passed it.
13.End Social & Corperate welfare & privatize entitlement programs gradually while paying obligations made to seniors.
14.Auction off all government property under the management of the Treasury Department.
15.Guarentee that no individual has an obligation to serve the state.

I describe this movement as Paleoconservative, libertarian, nationalist, populist, anti-corperatist, anti-communist, capitalist, & liberally democratic.

Monday, May 7, 2012

How the 2010's will end & the 2020's will start

Socialist Francois Hollande defeated incumbent Nicolas Sarkozy in the French Presidential Election. I believe both candidates are establishment phonies but Hollande is far worse on the economic record. He wants to impose a 75% tax on those earning over one million euros. Problem is that the rich will be closer to being equally poor as the middle & lower class, who are harmed more by inflation & complicated tax systems. Plus, the rich will try to hide their money overseas, making enforcing tax laws even more frustrating. The problem is spending & Hollande wants to hire over 60,000 more teachers & increase spending to Obama levels. Hollande's regime will turn France into a socialist second world economy like Soviet Eastern Bloc countries. By 2017, France's political & economic tensions will be so severe that France will split into two republics that differ on the Eurozone, spliting into North & South France. North France will be pro-european union, retain Paris as it's capital, & retain it's status in the eurozone while South France will be the New Vichy France that's not associated with Hitler's Nazism, adopt Vichy as Its capital, reintroduce the French Franc as its currency, & adopt nationalist policies rejecting the European Union. On December 29, 2014, Old Vichy France territories of France will form New Vichy France to escape the failing Fifth Republic. Marine Le Pen will become the first president of the New Vichy France, leading the fight for independence against the European Union elites.

The Southern & Western United States will secede from the United States & Canada from 2012-17 in which the targeted territory will include 44 states. When the United States & Canada fall by 2020, Vermont, Quebec, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Delaware, & New York will form the Second Vermont Republic, Newfoundland & Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, & Prince Edward Island will form Atlantic Canadian Confederation, Puerto Rico & Hawaii will become independent republics, while the Northeast Territories, Nunavut, Ontario, New Hampshire, Maine, Pennsylvania, West New York , Iowa, & Minnesota join the Confederate States of America. In 2018, Cuba's communist regime will fall & a new liberal democratic republic with free elections will be declared, cutting the United States off from Guantanemo.

The Italian Regions Veneto, South Tyrol, Trentino, Lombardy, & Sardinia secede from Italy & form the Venetian Confederation with a federalist system modeled after Switzerland.

Scotland declares its independence from the United Kingdom in 2014 & two years after the UK Independence party wins UK parliment seats, leading for the fight to end UK's involvement in the European Union. The UK Independence Party will enact numerous reforms from most of their entire platform, the head of the party will become prime minister while the Scotland wing leader will be first minister of Scotland.

The European Union is defeated by the resistance & becomes the United States of Europe, North France & Italy who will be member states of the USE will cede all overseas territories to South France & Italy will recognize the Veneto Confederation as an independent country.

The new nations of Puerto Rico, Atlantic Canada, & the Second Vermont Republic will join NATO in being a world superpower alongside the Confederate States of America & Brazil against the United States of Europe, Russia, China, & India. Japan will rise as a superpower in the late 21st century joining the populists.

America's Justice System is a Racket!

How sick & politically correct are most magistrates presiding over criminal trials? On a scale of 1 to 10 on the legitimacy & quality of the justice system I give it a 3. It's worse than most legal systems in developing countries. The higher courts have no incentive to overturn miscarriages of justice. The reason victims of the injustice system recieve justice is because the magistrate or judge presiding is benevolent enough to grant motions for justice. As despotic & politically correct as our judicial system maybe, there are some countries that have it way worse & they're often countries that have no independent judiciary like China, Cuba, & North Korea. Most judges seem interested in defending political agendas than upholding the rule of law. "Law is the law" is a totalitarian statement used by the elites to command complete obedience to the law, like North Korea. Most developing countries on earth like Somalia have far more freedom than most people in the western world. If I could identify the best judicial system in the world I would choose the Xeer system in Somalia. It's a private form of justice that focuses on being an advocate for the rights of the victim instead of being the monopoly that enforces political correctness.

Simplifying the judicial system & making it an advocate for victim's rights is the key to bring justice to America once again.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Resisting the Police State

The United States is a police state, serving political agendas instead of protecting the republic. What are we as sovereign citizens to do? Police will stampeed on unarmed protestors. I want to tell you about some important issues for resisting the police state that include the right to keep & bear arms, freedom of speech, right to petition for grievences, direct democracy, right to self-defense against any threat with no exceptions, free black markets, secret paper ballots, county conventions, secession, jury nullification, rule of law, & the state of democracy.

Right to Keep & Bear Arms: Despite the United States being the most civilian armed country in the world, there are over 20,000 gun control laws on the books. What's disgusting is that Americans must pass a background check & show ID for gun purchases, must be 21 years old or over to purchase handguns, cannot purchase firearms abroad from your home state, bar anyone with a felony conviction or misdeamenor in domestic violence no matter what the conviction is or severity of the crime committed, bar anyone who renounced citizenship to escape oppression, bar persons who were merely diagnosed with mental illness not endangering others, requiring licensing & registration for machine guns, explosives, & weapons other than rifles, shotguns, semi-automatic weapons & handguns not automatic, & require licensing of career gun dealers. What's even worse is that the agency enforcing these laws are jackbooted thugs known as the BATFE. The FBI also has a history of brutality. What also sucks is that although some states have concealed carry rights, you have to be 21 & pass tests. Vermont, Alaska, Arizona, Wyoming & possibly South Dakota recognize concealed carry as a right except those under 21 & without criminal conviction, though Vermont might be an exception on the age issue. What also disgusts me is that in most cases anyone awaiting trial for a serious crime is disarmed by court order.

Another civilian armed nation is Switzerland, which is more liberal on the gun control issue, with the age limit being 18 for semi-automatics & requiring 20-34 year old males to own semi-automatic guns. Civilians can also carry guns but must be licensed to own & carry firearms. People with criminal convictions are prohibited from owning firearms in Switzerland & most nations.

Somalia maybe a lawless country but I consider it the gun mecca of the world because government in Somalia is not strong enough to violate the right to keep & bear arms of anyone vigilant & intelligent like people of the Western World are supposed to be. Pirates in Somalia look more armed than Americans & it points out to the assumption that the easiest way to obtain any firearms is to risk your life & go to Somalia, going gun & ammo hunting.

Note that nuclear, biological, & chemical weapons do not count.

Freedom of Speech: Fredom of speech is meant to protect unpopular, controversial, & offensive speech. What's happening in the Western World is a move towards less freedom, flawed democracies, more socialized markets, fiat currency, & lack of free speech. In England, a young man named Liam Stacy was jailed for saying offensive insults about the medical tragedy of a black athlete. There was public outrage about this. Arizona's legislature proposed a law which will criminalized offensive speech. CISPA is a totalitarian law ready to block internet speech that warns & makes people aware of what's really happening. Free speech is a threat to tyrants because it exposes their cover & that's why the tyrants jail people critisizing their regime like in the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, & North Korea.

Liberal v. Flawed Democracy: It's often portrayed that the Western World has liberal democracies. With the exception of Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Hong Kong, Macau, & Norway, this could be further from the truth. one to two party systems, winner take all elections, fraudulant & rigged elections due to electronic voting machines that can easily be rigged, lack of direct democracy such as initiative that holds the legislature directly accountable for their laws, Partisan Politics, use of illegal immigrants for electoral purposes, & selection of voters for drawing electoral district lines are undemocractic. They're about as democratic as Iran's elections.

The United States has nearly all of the sins asociated with a flawed democracy. Some states have initiatives in which citizens could just collect a number of signatures for the ballot for voters to decide. The avenues to reform within the system are in the hands of those in need of reform. The United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, & Canada suffer from the same problems. They all have winner take all systems, two party systems, rigged & fraudulant elections due to electronic voting machines, partisan politics, & restricted or non-existant initiative.

I got news for the elites! Initiative is a natural right to petition for grievences. Without the power of initiative to override government laws, then the right to petition for grievences is null. Switzerland does recognize that right.

Switzerland & Leichtenstein are the only Western Democracies that are not flawed.

Self-Defense: The right to self-defense means the right to resist bodily harm, aggression, unlawful kidnapping & unlawful arrest, & unlawful taking. Sadly, prosecutions for self-defense are not uncommon as disturbing cases about a Colorado farmer was sentenced to 4 years in prison for defense against a police officer & a 68 year old New York man was killed by police. What's really ass is that last year the Indiana Supreme Court upheld the conviction of a man who resisted unlawful police action. The rule of law is endangered by rulings like these. George Zimmerman is being portrayed as a monster for shooting dead an aggressive Trayvon Martin in Florida. Zimmerman was bruised by Trayvon & yet the public is unaware of this. Zimmerman is hispanic but yet is being portrayed as white! WTF is wrong with the mainstream media & state!

Free Black Markets: It's easier to prosper under the black market than it is under government regulation. For disarmed victims, it's ideal to search for ammunition & firearms under the black market. Silk Road is a black market company that reveals illegal goods & is the key to resisting government tyranny. Senators Schmuck Schumer & Joe Muckchin want Silk Road sunk, blocking means for resistance. Bitcoin's also a useful tool for resisting inflation & tyranny. Silk Road could also have firearms not sold under regulated markets.

Secret Paper Ballots: Elections need to have paper ballots & away from regime commisars. The safest way to protect free elections & guarentee for a chance at secession is to have conventions. Many dissidents could be forced into exile & it's necessary for them to have a voice in issues concerning their homeland, like a government in exile. Defying the corrupted democratic process is the way to protect the right to alter or abolish government. County conventions I recommend the most because it will give the movement more of a chance to make reform.

Friday, May 4, 2012

World Superpowers in the 21st & 22nd Centuries: Populists v. Elitists

After World War III in 2019 in which the resistance has triumphed over the coalition, the World developed several new superpowers.

The European Union is dissolved & splits into the Nationalist Alliance of Europe(France, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Czech Republic, Republic of Veneto, Malta, & the United Kingdom) & the Fourth Reich United States of Europe(Germany, Belgium, Ireland, Italy, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Luxembourg, Slovenia, Turkey, Poland, Lithuania, Finland, Estonia, Denmark, Sweden, Denmark, & Cyprus). The National Alliance is a semi-confederation where members join for foreign policy matters but there is no federal government. The United States of Europe is the new Eastern Bloc that's a federal republic like the United States of America.

Russia & China, who were members of the Resistance during World War III form non-war rivalries with the populist factions. China surpassed the failing United States of America in 2016 as the world's largest economy while the new Confederate States of America was still accumulating more states. The New World Order & Corperatism issues sparked some conflict. While some populist superpowers are non hostile towards China, the latter's leadership has proposed some forms of world government. Russia is a close ally to China & the United States of Europe, supplying weapons for the USE. China & the Confederate States of America are in the race for economic sovereignty with China, United States of Europe & Confederate States of America waging currency wars for which currency becomes the reserve of the world; Renminbi(China), Dollar(CSA), New Euro(USE).

Brazil becomes a superpower after World War III, having major influence along with the Confederate States of America over Latin & South America. The Confederate States of America, Brazil, & the Nationalist Alliance of Europe are the populists against Russia, China, & the United States of Europe as the elitists.

India & Japan become superpowers that are neutral, acting as arbitraitors between the populists & elitists, solving conflicts & preventing future wars without United Nations style intervention.

The United States of Europe becomes the Fascist Soviet Union, which had been part of the coalition during World War III, with financial dictatorship while retaining a liberal conservative base in certain cases.

The Nationalist Alliance of Europe will have no currency, no federal government, & is just an informal alliance of Nationalist nations opposing the elites.

This will be like the new economic Cold War from 2019-2161.

The New Confederate States of America will reject government ID's

Government ID's include Driver's Licenses, Identification Cards, Passports, Birth Certificates, Medical Records, & even electronic microchips. If people are microchipped, then the government could impose surveillence on you 24/7, making it as oppressive as North Korea. Government identification has been required for driving a car on roads & highways, buying firearms & ammunitions, buying alcoholic beverages, board a plane, work, vote, etc. What government issued ID's do is control the population. In fact, without a passport, you are imprisoned in the United Soviet States.

Totalitarian dictatorships like the USSR & Cuba have required people obtain exit visas in order to leave. A proposed law in the USSA would strip anyone alleged to owe the IRS more than $50,000 of their passport. Government ID's are so soviet! Before the early 20th century, government ID's were nearly non-existent & yet society was well off without government Identification documents. The last states to have birth certificates(mostly the South) didn't have them until the 1910's.

States other than Catagories I & II likely to join the CSA

As of July 2017, 41-44 states make up the new Confederate States of America, even though not all of them have ratified the new consitution.

There are also possible contenders for statehood, most of which are in the West Indies. It's likely that the Dominican Republic, Cuba, Haiti, St. Kitts & Nevis, Dominica, New Hampshire, Iowa, & Minnesota will be approved for statehood. Cuba will be considered only if the Communist regime falls. The U.S. Virgin Islands is too underpopulated & small to be considered for statehood, so I propose Either annexing it with Florida, Cuba, Haiti, or the Dominican Republic or allowing it to be a territory.

Representation in the New Confederate States of America

If all of the targeted states join the Confederacy, the Congress House of Representatives will have 1436 members in original delegation. The US Congress has 435 members which is 3/10 of the New Confederacy's House size. The following states will have a certain number of representatives upon admission until the next census is performed:

1.Virginia 49
2.Texas 130
3.Wyoming 3
4.Alaska 4
5.Montana 6
6.South Carolina 27
7.Louisiana 30
8.Alabama 30
9.Missouri 38
10.Oklahoma 23
11.Ohio 76
12.North Dakota 2
13.Arizona 38
14.Alberta 21
15.California 195
16.Utah 15
17.Illinois 84
18.Colorado 30
19.Tennessee 39
20.Kentucky 27
21.Saskatchewan 6
22.Manitoba 7
23.British Columbia 27
24.South Dakota 5
25.West Virginia 12
26.Idaho 9
27.Mississippi 19
28.New Mexico 12
29.Florida 87
30.Georgia 58
31.North Carolina 56
32.Oregon 23
33.Washington State 41
34.Arkansas 18
35.Nevada 15
36.Kansas 18
37.Nebraska 11
38.Wisconsin 36
39.Michigan 67
40.Indiana 41
41.Yukon 1

Every state is guarenteed one representative, regardless of population. Origina configurations for Virginia & West Virginia equal 61 reps. & Arizona & New Mexico equal 50 Reps.

All representative are to be elected by popular majority vote regardless of party. In order for other states to be admitted, 2/3 majority is required in congress & no state shall be formed from another state without the consent of the originial state. 800,000 sovereign freemen or territory of 4800 square miles is required for admission as a state.

Potential Capitals for New Confederate States of America

A proposed city in Hudsbeth County, Texas named Paulville could possibly be the capital of the New Confederacy. It's proposed as an exclusive community for Libertarians & Ron Paul supporters. Of course, other candidates for a Confederate Capital could include cities in Wyoming, Montana, Arizona, Idaho, or South Dakota, should any of these states join the new Confederacy. Paulville & surrounding areas within 23 miles would be the Confederate Capital District, which will be granted home rule like the Federal District of Mexico City in Mexico. I would probably include other capital cities based on certain function for the New CSA. Paulville would be the main federal capital where the Congress convenes & the President resides. For military Capitols, I recommend the point in which Wyoming, Idaho & Montana meet as a capitol for the Army & Warrenton, Oregon for the Navy & Air Force. A Confederate States Pentagon would be placed in Huntsville, Alabama.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

The New World Order Horror Movement in America & Europe

The European Union & United Nations are powerhouses for the road towards a new world order. The pro-euro elitists are using the economic crisis to try gaining more power. These pro-euro elitists include German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, President of the European Commission Jose Barraso as leading examples. Greece, France, & the United Kingdom are experiencing rises in euroscepticism & nationalism which are a threat to the new world order.

Bilderberg elitist Angela Merkel stated “To Have A Real WORLD ORDER You Must Surrender Sovereignty & Rights” This is a very scary situation to be in since world government is actually slavery. A world government would be the most powerful nation state on earth that seeks to enslave the non-ruling class. Merkel is the most dangerous & most powerful person in Western Europe who seeks a fourth reich bringing a new world order & making the European Union the United States of Europe.

The 2012 Presidential election in France is now between Socialist Party nominee Francois Hollande & Union for Popular Movement incumbent Nicolas Sarkozy. Both candidates represent the establishment with Sarkozy trying to gain support of France's far-right on the issue of immigration. Sarkozy is just as much a friend of the new world order as Merkel. The EU summit concluded Thursday with European leaders vowing to work with other nations “toward a reform of the international financial system
Sarkozy has said around October 17, 2008. Sarkozy is the Richard Nixon/George W. Bush of France & I highly doubt he will abandon the European Union under any circumstances. Luckily, National Front nominee Marine Le Pen won 17.9% (6,421,426) of the vote in the first round which is just 9.28% (3,332,203) behind Sarkozy. Hollande won the most plurality of the votes. The National Front advocates divorce from the European Union & the euro, zero tolerance approach on law & order issues, strict limits on immigration, & isolationism.

Francois Hollande is no more promising than Sarkozy. The former still favors the European Union but is not as extreme as Sarkozy on this issue. Another candidate in the 2012 French Presidential election who was the Left Front's nominee Jean-Luc Melenchon placed in fourth receiving 11.1% of the vote. He too along with the Left Front advocates divorce from the European Union & the euro by abandoning the treaty of Lisbon. The Left Front is a far-left communist party.

As the European economic crisis worsens, France will have a huge nationalist sentiment rising & I predict that if the crisis gets really bad, Marine Le Pen will be elected president of France in 2017 where the only way to liberate France from the Eurocrisis is to abandon the Euro & the Eurozone, & reintroduce the French Franc as France's currency. A vote for Le Pen is a vote for rejecting the New World Order & the European Union.

What's really scary about the New World Order is militarized peacekeeping & UN's Agenda 21.

Agenda 21 is a trojan horse plan to deprive people of private property & right to travel freely as well as raise a family in lovely neighborhoods. Agenda 21 is a plot for world government. Although it starts at the local level, it will make its way to the world, creating a weapon for new world order.

What even scarier is that Agenda 21 creates forced relocations & the genocide of millions, around 80% of the population.

The three evil points of Agenda 21 are:

1. Abolition of private property, which was what Karl Marx advocated in his Communist Manifesto
2. Global Citizenship education program, another plank in Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto(the complete control over education.)
3. Control over & massive reduction of the population. Humans would be relocated from wildlife areas to smart growth communities, which will be like dystopian cities like in the former Soviet Union.

World Government is the Democrat & Republican's plans. George Bush Sr. made a speech about how wonderful the new world order would be where law is concentrated into the hands of elites.

The fiat money system makes people poorer. I suggest taking the following steps to transition away from fiat money:

1. Use alternative currency such as bartering & using gold & silver if possible. Trade all those greenbacks for gold & silver
2. Have access to  food & water. The revolution's coming to America & it won't be pretty.
3. Be debt-free. Being in debt subjigates you to new world order.
4. Renounce all government identification documents & go underground.
5. Seek & support the black market for outlawed necessities such as in certain cases firearms.

There's also a rising far-right political party in Greece called the Golden Dawn which could make it's way towards parliment by the endo f the decade. It has a flag similar to the nazi-swastika. The Golden Dawn is also opposed to the European Union & euro. The Golden Dawn is a Greek Ultra-Nationalist movement. Both the National Front(France) & the Golden Dawn(Greece) are political parties opposed to the new world order & are credible allies to those opposing the new world order & world government.

Another movement that seeks to secede from New Fascist Italy is Veneto State, which seeks to recreate the former Republic of Venice from the province of Veneto & Northeast Italy. This movement is mostly libertarian & represents a block to new world order including the defiance of Rome's fascist fiscal policies. It's unknown if Veneto state is pro-european union or eurosceptic but what is for sure is that Veneto State represents Venetian Seperatism & Libertarianism.

It's also speculated that Spain & Portugal seek to abandon the euro but that is not yet confirmed. What I do know is that National Front France & Golden Dawn Greece will resist the European Union & be hotbeds for ultra-nationalism.