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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Factions of Communism

As an Anti-Communist, I feel it's important to explain what factions are in Communism. Communism & Fascism both advocate government command of industry but differ on what body should own industry. Communists/Socialists favor state ownership of production & industry while Fascists favor private/corperate ownership. You could also call one form of communism that's the most common called Marxism.

Communism demands all form of soci-economic life be collectivized & owned by the state in order to have a completely equal society. In other words, Communism is totalitarianism & the Soviet Union's existence has proved that. Vladimir Lenin, a staunch Marxist, led a revolution of Red Bolsheviks against the White Republicans in the 1917-18 Russian Revolution that overthrew the Russian Czar Nicholas II. Due to US involvement in World War I against the German Empire, the only force that would have stopped the bolsheviks from seizing Moscow was crushed. Had the US remained neutral then Kaiser Wilhelm II would have prevailed & crushed the Bolshevik revolution, saving the White Republicans & thus making Russia a liberal republic.

When Lenin & his Bolshevik cronies seized Russia, he issued a decree declaring all land, water, forests, natural resources, & property state assets. For decades to come, especially in the early 1920's to mid 50's millions of Soviet Subjects starved to death due to collectivization of farming & agriculture. The famines started in 1921-1923 under Lenin & resumed in Ukraine from 1932-33 under Stalin. Lenin was a villianous man with a scary look, especially after his stroke but Josef Stalin although has a less scary face than Lenin became the second most brutal communist dictator after Mao Zedong, being responsible for around 20 million murders.

Mao Zedong overthrew the Kuomintang government of Chiang Kei-Shek in 1949 & established the People's Republic of China, which was a communist country. Under Mao's reign of terror, especially during the Great Leap Forward in 1958-59 & Cultural Revolution of 1966-76, around 60 million were killed. Although Chiang was a military dictator, Mao made Chiang look like a schoolyard bully.

Lenin, Stalin, & Mao have used terror & violence to steal private property & land from individuals using "land reform". Many other communist dictators would use this method in the future. Collectivization of agriculture is a method of control communist tyrants have used to control the population with deliberate starvation, amounting to genocide. This happened in the Great Famine of Ukraine in 1932-33. The forced confiscation of grains in the Early 1920's caused the first Soviet Famine.

More totalitarian communist regimes would follow in Stalin & Mao's footsteps such as Nicolae Ceasceau of Romania, Fidel Castro of Cuba, & Pol Pot of Cambodia who's policies have destroyed their economies & severely lowered the standards of living while the elites have lived the high life at the expense of the subjects.

Fascism is privatized communism where corperations & private property are allowed but the state and/or select corporations will have total control over economic activity. Adolf Hitler & Benito Mussolini were perfect examples of private communists who exercised absolute power. Nazi Germany & Fascist Italy were totalitarian right-wing communist regimes. Fascism is also called national socialism, private communism, & right-wing totalitarianism.

The only thing Communists & Fascists disagree on is what body should guard industry. Fascists favor command economies that have private property & private enterprise. Communists/Socialists favor command economies & state ownership of industry.

Communism is totalitarianism & communist regimes have been corrupt, elitist, & totalitarian. Communism & fascism create a ruling class which has more privilages than those in a capitalist society. Communism relies on the rule of man where the state is god & the subjects are resources.

Both communism & fascism rely on collectivism where all human beings are equally considered resources & servants of the state. Marxists pretend to act in the interests of the general public but have ended up serving their own interests at the expense of others. In order to have a socialist/communist utopia, human nature would have to be changed so that people can be subject to conformity. The Soviet Union proves that.

Social Democracy is different because it does not advocate a command economy but some regulations over private industry, usually for beneft of the public good, like the Third Way.

There have been some on the left who have rejected communism & the totalitarianism of Stalin's Soviet Regime. George Orwell was a democratic socialist & social liberal who made satires about the Soviet Union such as Animal Farm which is a story about farm animals who overthrow their farmer & establish a communist animal society that becomes exactly like the Soviet Union.  Orwell alsr wrote 1984 a novel that involves a totalitarian & communist society ruled by Stalinist Big Brother.

Of course, merely being a corporatist does not qualify as communism or fascism because it does not exactly advocate a command economy. There are only two truly communist states(North Korea & Cuba) in the world today.

Barack Obama is creating a communist America as we know it, becoming the American Adolf Hitler & Josef Stalin with Wall Street bailouts, socialized health care, stauch assault on civil liberties, high spending sprees, centralized banking, & executive orders nationalizing core industries.

Mitt Romney is just as guilty as Obama of being a communist, although Mitt Romney is more suited to be called a fascist & I feel that Marco Rubio is not a fascist because he does not advocate a command economy like Romney does.

Ron Paul however is truly a staunch anti-communist & libertarian whose movement of liberty has inspired millions.

A true anti-communist would reject anti-capitalism, socialism & fascism.

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