The United States is a police state, serving political agendas instead of protecting the republic. What are we as sovereign citizens to do? Police will stampeed on unarmed protestors. I want to tell you about some important issues for resisting the police state that include the right to keep & bear arms, freedom of speech, right to petition for grievences, direct democracy, right to self-defense against any threat with no exceptions, free black markets, secret paper ballots, county conventions, secession, jury nullification, rule of law, & the state of democracy.
Right to Keep & Bear Arms: Despite the United States being the most civilian armed country in the world, there are over 20,000 gun control laws on the books. What's disgusting is that Americans must pass a background check & show ID for gun purchases, must be 21 years old or over to purchase handguns, cannot purchase firearms abroad from your home state, bar anyone with a felony conviction or misdeamenor in domestic violence no matter what the conviction is or severity of the crime committed, bar anyone who renounced citizenship to escape oppression, bar persons who were merely diagnosed with mental illness not endangering others, requiring licensing & registration for machine guns, explosives, & weapons other than rifles, shotguns, semi-automatic weapons & handguns not automatic, & require licensing of career gun dealers. What's even worse is that the agency enforcing these laws are jackbooted thugs known as the BATFE. The FBI also has a history of brutality. What also sucks is that although some states have concealed carry rights, you have to be 21 & pass tests. Vermont, Alaska, Arizona, Wyoming & possibly South Dakota recognize concealed carry as a right except those under 21 & without criminal conviction, though Vermont might be an exception on the age issue. What also disgusts me is that in most cases anyone awaiting trial for a serious crime is disarmed by court order.
Another civilian armed nation is Switzerland, which is more liberal on the gun control issue, with the age limit being 18 for semi-automatics & requiring 20-34 year old males to own semi-automatic guns. Civilians can also carry guns but must be licensed to own & carry firearms. People with criminal convictions are prohibited from owning firearms in Switzerland & most nations.
Somalia maybe a lawless country but I consider it the gun mecca of the world because government in Somalia is not strong enough to violate the right to keep & bear arms of anyone vigilant & intelligent like people of the Western World are supposed to be. Pirates in Somalia look more armed than Americans & it points out to the assumption that the easiest way to obtain any firearms is to risk your life & go to Somalia, going gun & ammo hunting.
Note that nuclear, biological, & chemical weapons do not count.
Freedom of Speech: Fredom of speech is meant to protect unpopular, controversial, & offensive speech. What's happening in the Western World is a move towards less freedom, flawed democracies, more socialized markets, fiat currency, & lack of free speech. In England, a young man named Liam Stacy was jailed for saying offensive insults about the medical tragedy of a black athlete. There was public outrage about this. Arizona's legislature proposed a law which will criminalized offensive speech. CISPA is a totalitarian law ready to block internet speech that warns & makes people aware of what's really happening. Free speech is a threat to tyrants because it exposes their cover & that's why the tyrants jail people critisizing their regime like in the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, & North Korea.
Liberal v. Flawed Democracy: It's often portrayed that the Western World has liberal democracies. With the exception of Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Hong Kong, Macau, & Norway, this could be further from the truth. one to two party systems, winner take all elections, fraudulant & rigged elections due to electronic voting machines that can easily be rigged, lack of direct democracy such as initiative that holds the legislature directly accountable for their laws, Partisan Politics, use of illegal immigrants for electoral purposes, & selection of voters for drawing electoral district lines are undemocractic. They're about as democratic as Iran's elections.
The United States has nearly all of the sins asociated with a flawed democracy. Some states have initiatives in which citizens could just collect a number of signatures for the ballot for voters to decide. The avenues to reform within the system are in the hands of those in need of reform. The United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, & Canada suffer from the same problems. They all have winner take all systems, two party systems, rigged & fraudulant elections due to electronic voting machines, partisan politics, & restricted or non-existant initiative.
I got news for the elites! Initiative is a natural right to petition for grievences. Without the power of initiative to override government laws, then the right to petition for grievences is null. Switzerland does recognize that right.
Switzerland & Leichtenstein are the only Western Democracies that are not flawed.
Self-Defense: The right to self-defense means the right to resist bodily harm, aggression, unlawful kidnapping & unlawful arrest, & unlawful taking. Sadly, prosecutions for self-defense are not uncommon as disturbing cases about a Colorado farmer was sentenced to 4 years in prison for defense against a police officer & a 68 year old New York man was killed by police. What's really ass is that last year the Indiana Supreme Court upheld the conviction of a man who resisted unlawful police action. The rule of law is endangered by rulings like these. George Zimmerman is being portrayed as a monster for shooting dead an aggressive Trayvon Martin in Florida. Zimmerman was bruised by Trayvon & yet the public is unaware of this. Zimmerman is hispanic but yet is being portrayed as white! WTF is wrong with the mainstream media & state!
Free Black Markets: It's easier to prosper under the black market than it is under government regulation. For disarmed victims, it's ideal to search for ammunition & firearms under the black market. Silk Road is a black market company that reveals illegal goods & is the key to resisting government tyranny. Senators Schmuck Schumer & Joe Muckchin want Silk Road sunk, blocking means for resistance. Bitcoin's also a useful tool for resisting inflation & tyranny. Silk Road could also have firearms not sold under regulated markets.
Secret Paper Ballots: Elections need to have paper ballots & away from regime commisars. The safest way to protect free elections & guarentee for a chance at secession is to have conventions. Many dissidents could be forced into exile & it's necessary for them to have a voice in issues concerning their homeland, like a government in exile. Defying the corrupted democratic process is the way to protect the right to alter or abolish government. County conventions I recommend the most because it will give the movement more of a chance to make reform.
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- Myfreedom
- United States
- I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.
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